HuffPo bitching about Sanders' Secret Service coverage.

Huffington Post has not exactly been subtle about printing items derogatory about Bernie Sanders, including passing along tidbits from Jeff Bezos' Washington Post, a well-known Sanders hate rag. Here's one of the latest POS mentions about Bernie from Adrianna's intellectual yellow sheet:

Sanders retains one of the trappings of a top-notch candidate: A team of agents still guards him at his home, where they’ve constructed a small watch station on the property. They travel with him on commercial and charter flights and use a motorcade to whisk him through cities he visits. And they marched alongside him during a gay-pride event here in his hometown after the Orlando shootings. Such round-the-clock protection can cost taxpayers more than $38,000 a day. And with the potential for the Secret Service to be watching over Sanders through the Democratic convention in Philadelphia in five weeks, taxpayers may get stuck with a big security bill long after his campaign receded from the daily cable-news cycle.” [WaPo]

Here is the parent link, from Washington Post: Bernie's Secret Service coverage

Gee, thanks for the information. I didn't know Hillary was already the Democratic presidential nominee; isn't there a thing called the Democratic National Convention in July? Did Hillary actually get 2238 pledged delegates? Should we let any crackpot (or covert Clintonite) assassinate Bernie--that would be one certain method of dispatching him from the contest? Didn't a British M.P. candidate named Jo Cox just get murdered during her campaign? Is Washington Post and Huffington Post so eager to economize on U.S. government spending as to throw away protection of what I consider America's most valuable asset--Bernie Sanders?

How about building one less F-26? That would certainly save major bucks. How about not building the next Supercarrier on the drawing board, with estimated cost in excess of $1,300,000,000?

Angry? You are goddam right I am angry. Enough of this shit! Hillary for Jail! Bernie in the White House! And, for good measure, a pox on the houses of HuffPo and WaPo.

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I read something that put this in perspective.

The notion that somehow we the taxpayers are paying an "extra" $38,000 per day is nonsense - those agents are getting paid no matter whether they are guarding Bernie or not.

From the article:

The sleight-of-hand comes from taking a specific budget item and assuming that if it wasn’t there, the costs associated with it would disappear rather than be displaced. Wagner does this by saying “protection can cost taxpayers more than $38,000 a day,” which gives the reader the impression that if Sanders dropped out, “taxpayers” would magically get back $38,000.

Does anyone think the Secret Service is going to fire the exact number of agents assigned to Sanders the day he drops out? Does anyone think the additional vehicles and equipment needed will quickly be pawned off and the money transferred over to Johnny Taxpayer? Does anyone repeating this talking point think that if the Sanders campaign had ended one week ago the US federal government would somehow be $166,000 richer?

The whole article is worth a read - it completely debunks this "story."

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Beat in the USA.

riverlover's picture

What passes for press appears to not think. Sounds like Brock again.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

elenacarlena's picture

the federal budget, here's a thought: Cancel inaugural pomp and circumstance. That "costs" taxpayers about $1.2 million (again, a significant part of that is security, and no one is being temporarily hired for that). Why do we make such a big deal out of swearing in the President? Maybe at one time it needed to be done publicly. But we have this amazing thing called video now. Let him take the oath of office privately in the Office, no need for extra guests; and stick a video on YouTube for any who want to watch.

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snoopydawg's picture

I first saw it written about on LOF, then other websites during this week.
It's costing $40,000/day for him to have protection.
The US spends much more than that in less than a minute of their war of terror according to this site
Look how fast the counter is moving and then imagine how that money could benefit people here in this country.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Hillbilly Dem's picture

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

elenacarlena's picture

They've been throwing them ever since he announced. I can't remember another candidate being treated with such disrespect. I don't think even the Trump monster told all the other Repub candidates to drop out early, they would not stand a chance.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

There's been some pushback on this meme

Dear Media: Stop Your Petty Trolling About Bernie Sanders’ Secret Service Protection

U. S. Uncut

Sanders still receives protection from a Secret Service detail, which he’s had since February after splitting delegates with Hillary Clinton in the Iowa caucus. Now that the primaries and caucuses are over, the media has attempted to paint the senator and presidential candidate as selfish for continuing to receive Secret Service protection at the cost of $38,000 a day.


As lawyer Esha Krishnaswamy explained in a series of tweets, presidential candidates have no say in when they get their Secret Service detail or how long they keep it during the course of a campaign.


In feigning outrage over a Secret Service cost that Sanders doesn’t even control, the media is also being incredibly hypocritical in its supposed stewardship over tax dollars. None of the articles demanding Sen. Sanders drop out to save $38,000 mention the daily cost of the Fed buying up $3.5 trillion in toxic assets from big banks between 2008 and 2015, amounting to $1.3 billion per day. They also neglect to mention the cost of $100 billion in lost annual revenue due to offshore corporate tax loopholes, which amounts to approximately $274 million per day. Also missing from the media outrage is the daily $212 million cost of the Afghanistan war.


Sanders, who has won over 45 percent of pledged delegates, has every right to continue his campaign to the Democratic National Convention in July. The media’s latest attack on his campaign is both dishonest and misleading.

And then there's this from FAIR (Fairness in Accuracy and Reporting: (Bolding Mine)

No, Sanders’ Secret Service Detail Isn’t Costing ‘Taxpayers’ $38,000 a Day

The sleight-of-hand comes from taking a specific budget item and assuming that if it wasn’t there, the costs associated with it would disappear rather than be displaced. Wagner does this by saying “protection can cost taxpayers more than $38,000 a day,” which gives the reader the impression that if Sanders dropped out, “taxpayers” would magically get back $38,000.

Does anyone think the Secret Service is going to fire the exact number of agents assigned to Sanders the day he drops out? Does anyone think the additional vehicles and equipment needed will quickly be pawned off and the money transferred over to Johnny Taxpayer? Does anyone repeating this talking point think that if the Sanders campaign had ended one week ago the US federal government would somehow be $166,000 richer?

Of course not, because anyone with a passing understanding of how federal budgets work knows that budgets are based on approximates, not line items picked on an as-needed basis. So, even if the claim is true as such—even if the $38,000 is in reference to monies needed beyond the Secret Service’s normal course of operation—it still doesn’t make any sense. Until the Secret Services asks Congress for additional funds, there is no money being added or taken from their actual budget, and thus no money being added or taken away from “the taxpayer.”


This messaging trick has been used against Clinton, too, with stories such as “Investigating Hillary Clinton’s Emails Costs As Much As $13,000 A Day” (Vocativ, 3/29/16). In this case as well, a price tag is presented as though the FBI agents working her case would otherwise be fired if they weren’t kept busy with the email probe. But the FBI, like the Secret Service, doesn’t have 100 percent labor liquidity, rendering these type of cartoon breakdowns at best misleading and at worst demagogic.

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This whole story smells Brockian. The new DNC emails exposed by Guccifer2.0 pretty much outlined the DNC/Clinton/media collusion in spreading this kind of muck. For all the news outlets to be marching in lockstep with such an idiotic and illogical story is far more than coincidence, imo, and it's not the first time this has happened.

The AP Hillary "clinched the nomination" stories are another case in point.

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Beat in the USA.

I think we were typing at the same time. (I'm slower.)

And yes - it sounds like a page out of Brock's playbook.

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OLinda's picture

There was the most slanted, spun reporting on this on Denver area NBC local news this afternoon. Said it could add up to 1 point something million dollars. Also mentioned it was ironic because Sanders campaign was about government waste. (It was?) (Calling him a hypocrite in other words.) Sentences like "even though", emphasized, the campaign has ended... or words to that effect, Sanders still...

I can't recall exactly what all was said, but every sentence was negative and spun in the worst way. It was exactly as if Hillary's campaign or the DNC emailed a report to the news station and they read it verbatim.

I know the media is bad, but this was so seriously slanted it shocked even me.

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coming directly from Hillary's campaign. Depending on the study, it's been found that roughly 40-60% of all news stories derive from press releases. It's not uncommon for "journalists" to copy lines from them verbatim and incorporate them into news stories (or they fill up the paper/air time with wire service stories). Even PR textbooks talk about this high percentage, although they avoid discussing the implications for the quality and independence of the news media. This is especially true for local media outlets, which usually don't have the resources to do much else, although many national networks are probably just as guilty.

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Alligator Ed's picture

In my essay, I said that the Gerald R. Ford Supercarrier cost $1.3B. I am sorry to mislead anyone, especially any Republicans (ha, ha) that might be reading c99 postings. According to Wikipedia, cost of the Ford Supercarrier was $8,000,000,000.

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Ever since this primary started, it's been 24/7 Trump coverage over there. The fearmongering from them is out of control. I think they might actually have more Trump articles than TOP has Hillary ones. They've certainly made out like bandits this election season by churning out endless clickbait to scare the partisan rabble.

Not to mention the fact that Bernie gets endlessly sandbagged there. They have a couple of decent guys writing editorials about him but that's about it. Then again, what else should we expect from a news aggregator/tabloid that seems borderline schizophrenic in its coverage, hyping celebrity nudity and misbehavior on the one hand while promoting stories about body image, feminism, and social justice on the other. That place is all kinds of messed up.

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because I have learned at 12 ways to achieve multiple orgasm and at least 200 ways to get enough sleep I hadn't known before.
Huffpo means a lot to my multiple orgasamic world.
And, I sleep and am rested, also too!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

about having multiple orgasms, please? I must have missed that one.
And the sleep one too, since I had a doctors appointment today and she's worried about my sleep patterns.
Thanks ever so much!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

and they probably won't call again. Something about funding their research on language that can incite hatred.
I told them to contact the SPLC for an education about dog whistling, and when they said they wanted to push against Trump. I asked them if they had ever travelled outside the US. (no)That abroad, Hillary is known as "Hillarity" and absolutely despised.
They were floored, given my Move On contributions, that I did not consider a vote against evil Trump to be the end game.
I laid it out to them that Hillarity was not qualified to hold the office of POS and nobody scares me, but of the two front runners, she will kill me faster.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Alison Wunderland's picture

They both stopped reporting the news a long time ago when they decided to make up the news instead. I haven't clicked on HP since it decided to put horoscopes on the drop-down banner and removed the science link. Not that the science was much more than Science Daily regurgitations anyway, but still horoscopes? And Arianna, from her lofty perch, is obsessed with sleep deprivation?

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I engaged in a back and forth (pissing contest) with Bill Maher.
Got banned.
I read it for the tips on the benefits of yoga and what Kim Kardishian is doing to show her ass to it's best advantage.
And, of course, multiple orgasms and sleep, perchance to dream.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

Maybe HRC could get her Goldman Sachs pals to pitch in some cash to cover the costs. She calls Sanders a friend, right? One would think she wouldn't want a friend of hers to be vulnerable to assassinations, yeah?

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I can't wait for the WaPo to figure out how much the Iraq war cost.

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tourniquet's picture

i haven't read huffpo since they were bought out by AOL. didn't realize they still existed, they've got to be costing someone some $$.

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riverlover's picture

for that tabloid, too. Look under Entertainment expenses.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.