Evening Blues Preview 2-9-15
This evening's music features early Memphis bluesman Frank Stokes and Mississippi delta bluesman Ishmon Bracey.
Frank Stokes - I Got Mine
Ishmon Bracey - Leavin' Town Blues
Here are some stories from tonight's diary:
Are You Ready To Fight Putin’s Russia?
As if Iraq, Syria, ISIS, Iran, Cuba, Yemen, Obama’s anti-China "pivot to Asia," and the Republican train wreckers who now control Congress aren’t enough, there’s a permanent taste for war among the Imperial City’s hawks, now ready to fight with your kids (never theirs) to teach that bastard Vladimir Putin a lesson and show him who’s boss. We did it to Grenada and Panama and we can do it again.
According to the think tankers, "The West has the capacity to stop Russia. The question is whether it has the will," sounding exactly like the blind and arrogant men who took us into Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Aside from the fact that, given Russia’s military backing, sending in weapons cannot defeat the Eastern Ukrainian separatists, and that we’ve never had any vital interest in Crimea or the Donbass region, what then? Our think tankers are banking on the delusion that Putin, no bargain he, but no Hitler – as Hillary Clinton once mindlessly blurted out, thereby cementing her hawkish credentials for the 2016 run – will cravenly commit to a settlement because of "defensive" weapons. If that doesn’t tame the feral Putin maybe our "Indispensable Nation’s" volunteer military, National Guard, Reserves, even conscripts? ...
The truth is US and NATO instigated the Ukrainian civil war by brazenly drawing ever closer to the Russian border. Unanswered is why Obama has exerted no control over Joe Biden, John Brennan and John Kerry’s alleged State department subordinate Victoria Nuland, all of whom spent time in secret negotiations with Kiev.
Mikhail Gorbachev, no friend of Putin, is adamantly opposed to shipping weapons to Ukraine. He has repeatedly said that in 1990 Bush senior promised him (never put into writing but never denied by the US) that, in return for allowing German unification to proceed and the former satellite states to go their own way, NATO would never approach Russia’s borders. A nation that had lost some 20 million civilians and soldiers after yet another western invasion, remains understandably sensitive about foreign armies camped on their doorstep. Those who dare to speak of this today are often smeared as Putin-lovers and worse.
Chris Hedges: The Terror We Give Is the Terror We Get
We fire missiles from the sky that incinerate families huddled in their houses. They incinerate a pilot cowering in a cage. We torture hostages in our black sites and choke them to death by stuffing rags down their throats. They torture hostages in squalid hovels and behead them. We organize Shiite death squads to kill Sunnis. They organize Sunni death squads to kill Shiites. We produce high-budget films such as “American Sniper” to glorify our war crimes. They produce inspirational videos to glorify their twisted version of jihad.
The barbarism we condemn is the barbarism we commit. The line that separates us from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is technological, not moral. We are those we fight.
“From violence, only violence is born,” Primo Levi wrote, “following a pendular action that, as time goes by, rather than dying down, becomes more frenzied.”
The burning of the pilot, Jordanian Lt. Muath Al-Kaseasbeh, by ISIS militants after his F-16 crashed near Raqqa, Syria, was as gruesome as anything devised for the Roman amphitheater. And it was meant to be. Death is the primary spectacle of war. If ISIS had fighter jets, missiles, drones and heavy artillery to bomb American cities there would be no need to light a captured pilot on fire; ISIS would be able to burn human beings, as we do, from several thousand feet up. But since ISIS is limited in its capacity for war it must broadcast to the world a miniature version of what we do to people in the Middle East. The ISIS process is cruder. The result is the same.
Terror is choreographed. Remember “Shock and Awe”? Terror must be seen and felt to be effective. Terror demands gruesome images. Terror must instill a paralyzing fear. Terror requires the agony of families. It requires mutilated corpses. It requires anguished appeals from helpless hostages and prisoners. Terror is a message sent back and forth in the twisted dialogue of war. Terror creates a whirlwind of rage, horror, shame, pain, disgust, pity, frustration and impotence. It consumes civilians and combatants. It elevates violence as the highest virtue, justified in the name of noble ideals. It unleashes a carnival of death and plunges a society into blood-drenched madness.
Barbara Mikulski deserves some sort of award for catapulting the propaganda. What a sad caricature she has become.
DHS Leader Warns Budget Shutdown a Threat to National Security
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief Jeh Johnson is predicting a national security calamity by the end of the month if Congress doesn’t push through funding for the DHS, claiming 30,000 workers will be furloughed. ...
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D – MD) is predicting attacks by “ghoulish, grim predators” if the DHS doesn’t get its funding by month’s end, and also predicted ports along the eastern seaboard could be shut down.
Tar Sands Activists Are Getting Visits From The FBI
Unexpected visitors have been dropping in on anti-oil activists in the United States — knocking on doors, calling, texting, contacting family members.
The visitors are federal agents.
Opponents of Canadian oil say they’ve been contacted by FBI investigators in several states following their involvement in protests that delayed northbound shipments of equipment to Canada’s oilsands.
A lawyer working with the protesters says he’s personally aware of a dozen people having been contacted in the northwestern U.S. and says the actual number is probably higher.
Larry Hildes says it’s been happening the last few months in Washington State, Oregon and Idaho. He says one person got a visit at work, after having already refused to answer questions.
“They appear to be interested in actions around the tarsands and the Keystone XL pipeline,” Hildes said in an interview.
“It’s always the same line: ‘We’re not doing criminal investigations, you’re not accused of any crime. But we’re trying to learn more about the movement.“’
He’s advised activists not to talk — and they mostly haven’t. That lack of communication has made it a little complicated to figure out what, exactly, the FBI is looking for.

Here's an article I found on the CFR website while
writing my thing. From the Hudson Institute.
It's amazing how they do this, all the think tanks and organizations. These people are nuts, they're
in a totally different world, thinking in a way they don't even recognize as evil. Most of them are
True Believers, they believe in what they're doing.
This line from James Risen's "Pay Any Price" sums it up
"Today, a permanent national security elite rotates among senior government posts, contractors, think tanks, and television commentators. These jobs would vanish if the country went off a war footing."
True and not just war footing,
Imperialism. We have to back off imperialism. This insane agenda to remain the world's sole superpower.
Stop the CIA from doing their thing in practically every country on earth,
Stop the special forces operations in over 130 countries. Stop the NGO's from funding oppositions to governments, stop
the coups and regime changes and abolish Full Spectrum Dominance.
True, if we succeeded in ending the War OF Terror and got out of the Middle East, it would change things greatly, but not
unless there was also some kind of Come to Jesus moment (figuratively) in this country.
Imperialism - Bingo!
Which is exactly why I chose to use my current avatar of me holding a sign at our weekly Peace vigil. The sign reads Democracy or Empire We Can't Have Both
Like all empires, this one is going to collapse under its own weight and corruption. I think we are in the midst of that collapse.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
That's the message gulfgal
We can't have both.
Relative to a collapse, hard to say, but it wouldn't surprise. I mean if you think about it, there's only so much
farther they can go in this Great Game of theirs. We're in the end stages of something and the "moment of truth"
is going to come. I just would hate to see millions, billions hurt from an all out economic collapse or war or both
caused by these psychopaths.
There are more warnings than ever that 2015/2016 is going to bring another great crash.
Great comment
This comment is an example of one of the reasons I am glad you are here at caucus.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks and I'm glad you're here too,
and all of us.
I know it's been tried before with varying degrees of success, but we need to get ALL of us (you know what I mean) together at one place
and see what happens.
Oh, I have to: (it's how my mind works)
Also stop the IMF from imposing
A austerity on any country it wants. There's a great diary on KOS on Bernie Sanders talking about what Greece is doing and wants the IMF to leave them alone.
That was a great article from the 1st link.
Congress just loves to send other people's kids to fight and die for the corporations b
But ask them to allot funds here in the US so people don't starve? Hell no. There's no money for that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My Peace vigil group
Emphasizes this among other things when we talk to people. Most of the time, people are shocked when I tell them that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are estimated to cost us between $4.5 and$5 Trillion when the long term costs are figured in. Then we tell the people we talk to "Just think what we could have done with all that money here at home." Even conservatives that we talk to suddenly get an understanding of the scope of the waste of these wars. There is no money left for people and jobs here at home.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
All the debt is rich people's debt. Take it out of their accounts and be done with it.
Congress just loves to send
How true and how damn sad.
I just plain don't understand how people can watch little children go without medical care, food, a decent education and a roof over thier heads. They wash their hands and think "those kids should have picked better parents." I alternate between anger and tears.
"Never separate the life you live from the words you speak." --Paul Wellstone
I'm in Utah which is ran by the LDS church
And they say it's all about the family. Our governor gets his marching orders from the church and didn't expand Medicaid. He's trying to do it thru a 3rd party, which will make it more expensive for people. Plus, able bodied people will have a work requirement.
Huntsman was an excellent governor until Obama appointed him to China and left us with dimwit who dropped out of high school.
That 3rd party insurance companies head is a friend of his.
Our government doesn't care if people die in their wars or in our streets. I'm with you. How can these people live with themselves when they have so many deaths on their hands? And for what? Power and money.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Family when it's their family and their business interests. They talk out of both sides of their mouths.
"Never separate the life you live from the words you speak." --Paul Wellstone
Yep, business too
How the hell is it legal for a church to build a street sized mall? The Mormon church spent years building City Creek mall in SLC. I wonder who paid for all the street construction that took over 2 years to do?
I'm not sure which church is more criminal. The catholic or Mormon?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My university's alumni mailing list was recently used to promote
… a campaign of athletic publicity and benefit events for this organization:
"Special Operations Warriors" … ah hahaha … exactly what is it that these people whom we are supposed to support do in all those countries? Are we even allowed to ask?
Ongoing war and warrior propaganda campaign, full throttle.
Maybe we should have a budget shutdown
just so we can see what we saw when the NY Pigs Association did their work slowdown.
Which is we don't need nearly as many of them as they think.
"Warning, warning, all hell will break loose if we can no longer fake pretend to care about your safety".
what, you're not worried about the ghoulish, grim predators?
my dog, man! can't you hear the fearleaders howling?
outside of a shooting war, i don't think that the federal government has ever pissed away so much money for such a worthless reason as most of the work of the dhs.
Not the first time the NYPD has pulled that stunt
In 1976, the boys in blue--who were having a snit with the mayor over pay and working conditions--decided to literally look the other way when criminals robbed fight fans leaving the Ali-Foreman fight at Yankee Stadium.
One fellow had a creative idea.
If firemen and EMTs have to wait until they are called instead of prowling the streets, cops should too. I kind of like the idea - a lot. If they're on the streets, they're looking for trouble in order to generate revenue.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I got my first pitch for $$$ from a candidate today!
It came from a member of the Michigan House who just announced that she's a candidate for Congress in MI-7.
Unfortunately, it looks like the consultants have already gotten their hooks into her campaign. From her email (empty platitudes are in bold):
If she talks like this to actual voters, she's going to get clobbered.
that's beyond lame and well into limp.
that looks like the basis of a good mad libs template. B)
Leading the way?
The only thing Michigan leads the way in anymore is an exodus across the border to friendlier states.
"Never separate the life you live from the words you speak." --Paul Wellstone
Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii)'s latest mailing
'Electronic Intifada' Reporter Rattles the PC Police
khalek is a pretty good writer...
i've run across a lot of her work over time on various websites and i've been pretty impressed with the quality of her reporting. she's certainly right about the nation. they're also apologists for the democratic party whenever it gets close to an election. we dropped our subscription when the nation dissed nader and told him not to run against that idiot, john kerry.
Katrina Vanden Heuvel/Stephen Cohen are CFRers--links below.
Katrina vanden Heuvel (/ˈvændənhuːvəl/; born October 7, 1959) is the editor, publisher, and part-owner of the magazine The Nation. She has been the magazine's editor since 1995. She is a frequent guest on numerous television programs. Vanden Heuvel is a self-described liberal and progressive. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.[1]
Stephen Frand Cohen (born 1938) is an American scholar of Russian studies at Princeton University and New York University. His academic work concentrates on modern Russian history since the Bolshevik Revolution and the country's relationship with the United States. . . .
Since 1998, Cohen has been professor of Russian Studies and History at New York University, where he teaches a course titled "Russia Since 1917." He previously taught at Princeton University. He has written several books including those listed below. He is also a CBS News consultant, as well as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_F._Cohen
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.