Please, Bernie Supporters...
Submitted by magicsister on Tue, 06/21/2016 - 12:35pm
I'm begging you to watch this video.
There are too many here perpetuating the untruth that Bernie has lost. It isn't so.
THe democratic party has stolen the primary from the man we wanted, the man who won.
This is far from a long shot for Bernie.
Please watch this video. I have work to do, but I wanted to get this here for us all. I can't wait to talk about this with anyone interested, but I will not be convinced that this is over. Please join me.

Bernie Needs to Stay in There
A Hillary Clinton presidency is a national security risk. Due to her disregard for the intelligence community and national secrets by intentionally exposing national secrets on her hacked, personal e-mail server, there's no telling how much damage she did to our intelligence gathering abilities and assets, or how many officials are subject to coercion. Hillary damaged our intelligence gathering abilities while she was supporting actions around the globe that increased our need for intelligence assets.
Potentially, Hillary used her hacked, personal e-mail server as a virtual, global Lincoln Bedroom to solicit funds for the Clinton Foundation while she was SoS. It's not the major issue about Hillary's hacked, personal e-mail server.
A mea culpa should be directly proportional to the transgression. In this regard, Hillary's apology for her hacked, personal e-mail server on which she intentionally stored sensitive state secrets has been totally inadequate. Hillary's apology did not recognize the potential damage she has done. She did not evolve. She has learned nothing. She'll be running another personal, e-mail server if she is president. A Hillary presidency will be a national security risk and send a chill through the intelligence community.
While I'm not sure how things will transpire, Bernie needs to stay in there. When it dawns on people that this wasn't just a harmless e-mail server she was using to receive yoga class schedules or sloppy conformity with FOIA, I think it'll catch on in the media. It's about the damage she did to our current and future intelligence capabilities.
I know, BitterHarvest,
It's like finally getting to the top of the mountain and seeing endless other mountains between us
and the truth.
I like seeing that there are lots of different people coming from all different directions, and their own expertise, guiding us all toward an even larger truth. It looks like the truth that's getting ready drop is going to more than yuge!
Thank you, so much, for adding to the conversation.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Thank you, I am really, seriously
getting tired of the "no we can't, and it's over" motif. To me, "revolution" is not about second guessing what comes next for Sanders, specifically , and it's not about holding out some kind of false hope of any sort. What it is about is all of us continuing to WORK IT.
Work this revolution. Sitting around, pissing and moaning about what he might have meant when he said Thus and So is ridiculous when it only serves as a way to beat down someone else's resolve to keep fighting. I don't think some of you really realize how awful and self-defeating that generally comes across as. In my eyes, it is seriously something we don't need, things are Downer ENOUGH. If you do realize it and want to call it "reality", well, look, it seems to me that anyone who is really paying attention gets that. It's a given. It can go without repeating every thirty seconds. Can we just step back and understand the bigger picture is not all about Us and What We Think About Something He Said Yesterday or Whenever? We have to stay positive, or we are going to lose everything.
Dammit, this is not rocket science. Let me repeat:
And we have to stop letting others lead us there. And for FSM's sake, please don't sit around and bemoan some poor you, who ME?? and you feel like you need to watch what you say now. That's a false assumption to make, it absolutely, most assuredly does not apply here. It is very simple. Surely we all know what it means to BE POSITIVE, right? Just be that. Seriously, it's catchy.
What's the national security risk?
I guess I need to know so I can be scared.
To me, she's a national security risk because she might turn WWIII into a nuke war. In that way she's a global security risk. But I'm not sure what risk she poses me with her emails.
Do you know what a hacker is?
Someone that shouldn't have seen all the sensitive shit that was no doubt smack in the middle of the woman's emails when she left her goddamn homemade server WIDE OPEN to anyone who wanted to take a look.
The operative emotion shouldn't be fear, it should be anger. We've been over this lots of times now, how risky that was. I'm sorry you don't even begin to understand what the problem is there, even after having had it repeated. It's rather befuddling that you still, really don't see that.
You are just an abrasive person aren't you.
My point is the war OF terror is a fraud, all wars are a racket, the enemies are created. The ruling elite have worked their asses off making Russia into an enemy, again. That's what they do. So the supposition is that Clinton endangered our security from who? Who exactly did Hillary Clinton expose "secrets" to that could result in my ass getting nuked, bombed or shot during a terrorist action? Russia? Terrorists? Venezuela? A hacker?
As I've said many times, most of the secrets are secrets because they don't want the citizens to see what they're doing and/or because they don't want other countries to see what they're up to, it's not for my safety or our national security. It's not for the national security of this country, its for the security of the financial and corporate oligarchy.
It's not about me, but
since you want to get personal, why not explain to the general audience your reasoning behind remarks like this one?
And you're saying a lot, but....
I'm not sure why it wouldn't occur to you that this is actually detrimental to your safety as well? I can't even believe someone as smart as you could ask this?
We know of at least one hacker, if not two. Why the actual fuck do you think that's not a threat? Because YOU don't know who did it? SMH, dude. I'm as abrasive as I need to be, because I don't suffer fools lightly and I don't take everything at face value, here or anywhere else. If that bothers people, perhaps they will also think about it a little more.
I didn't come here expecting sunshine, lollipops and rainbows and neither did you. If you think I'm abrasive now, you should see how I get around people who trip my Bad Actor triggers....
OK then I'll ask one more time. Do not reply to my
comments. If you were in front of me you'd see how abrasive I can be also. I'll forego my initial reaction which was just to tell you to fuck off.
I could have just as easily told you to do the same. I'm sorry if you don't like being pushed back on. That initial comment of yours was not necessary. You want to know about some thing you don't believe, so you can be scared like all the people that are dumber than you or something? Is that the way others were supposed to take that? If it wasn't, then please enlighten us.
And FYI--I don't always look at the name of the persona I'm replying to. This is a BLOG. How is it that someone replying to you is so damned threatening that you insist that they avoid you? How about taking your own responsibility? Nobody makes you reply. You can just ignore it and not say ANYTHING.
time to stop, please.
Al has a point about your abrasiveness, dial it back please.
Al and Luna have fun with dangerous hacking
JtC is watchdogging you...
This is not the knife I want to fall on
…but I must point out that the argument between Al and Luna, above, is the most precise distillation and crystallization of the very specific forces that are about to rip the American people to shreds that I have seen here.
There has never been a more-to-the-point discussion at C99; never one so stripped bare of artifice; never one with the potential to Blind with its Light. The only hope that Americans have to regain clarity and harness their awareness lies in the outcome of this essential argument that miraculously emerged between Al and Luna — if it is carried to its conclusion.
This is the very fight, dear Readers, that you are poised to either win or lose — and you have just ONE shot at it. The time is now.
I will not restate here what the fight is about because it already clear to those capable of leading. They will know what needs to be done.
I will only state that C99 is likely not the place where this pivotal discussion can be had. It's a white hot, bloody discussion because its only a matter of life and death. Yours and your family's.
So pick up this crystallization of the turning point that will determine your future and put in your heart. Fight for the righteous side with every breath you take from here forward. Never postpone the fight and don't compromise now — and you will never need to live with the anguish of compromise again.
Sure glad I'm not a mod, as wonderful and noble as they are. It would have transformed me utterly.
What's at stake in this election?
“Great Danger”: US-NATO Missiles Threatening Russia. Putin: “We Know and they Know that we Know…People do not Understand how Dangerous the Situation Really Is”
so much at stake
and so many already affected due to the uncertainity of the upcoming "election".
Company after company are tightening up, meaning firing or not hiring. That affects so many. We just went through a "tightening" up in our own home, spouse works for a huge company. That affected us but the entire area we live in held it's breath.
People are so scared of the future. Either way, Trump or Clinton, things are going to be very bleak and on many levels for many reasons.
Just being the victim of racism and hate is on the rise.
People are prepping for different things. People are talking of leaving. People are talking about how much harder things are going to be. Some are stocking heirloom seeds, learning new trades but that is the positive aspect, the others.. too scary to think what they are hoarding and prepping for. Lots of fear to go around.
Much at stake. So damn much.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Unless Clinton can be somehow derailed --
she's going to win. The only credible opposition she's got is Sanders, and Sanders' chances at this point seem to depend upon things outside our control. Perhaps Stein could win but it would take a lot of crazy things happening in short order. As for Trump:
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
We have the power to blow her up right now.
A nationwide exit from the Democratic Party. All money and resources focused here right now.
More people than you can possibly imagine want to do something big with their anger over their disenfranchisement. It's a really big number of souls across the United States.
Exit the Party is the best way to nip this in the bud and get the press boiling something other than propaganda.
The Democratic dead-enders. like the most of the People's Summit, are standing in the way of meaningful change.
One question --
Is there an exit the party movement just yet? Surprise me in a happy way...
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Not yet. But...
…you're the kind of leader I'm talking about.
Tonight --
I'm voting for Thom Yorke as leader:
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Hi again, Cassiodorus
It's hard for me to fathom that Jill could win this and not Bernie. It is even less fathomable that hillary could win. This whole thing is so crazy.
It isn't only wishful thinking on my part, though there is some there, that causes me to believe Sanders has this.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
I sm not concerned about that because
…Russia and China will never live in a world ruled by the United States and all of its evil selfish tyranny. Russia has four times as many nukes as the US. They are constantly in motion in the vast forests of Russia, and cannot be targeted. They are far, far more advanced than the meager few the US possesses. All Russians are given country homes with food for a good reason. The morally bankrupt US will hit civilian targets, as usual, like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It was meaningless last time and it will be meaningless this time. China will handle the flank side and it will be done and the imperialist evil finally finished for the benefit of the entire world.
That issue is already over. The world already knows the outcome.
I'm concerned about the little things. For instance, the fact that progressives cannot figure out that the vast majority of documents are classified to hide from them the evil done in their names and hide from them their very real, well-planned enslavement. Hillary's private server is the only heroic gesture she's ever made.
Progressives currently stew in the hypocrisy that somehow punishing Hillary for a presumed crime that might have happened, without intention, will give them back the Democratic Party, which has betrayed them and always will, is just intellectually disgraceful. They would betray Ed Snowden if they could and forever ignore Chelsea Manning rotting away in solitary confinement for life — to remain true to their hypocrisy.
That's just one tiny example of the "little things." They are the authors of the crushing trap they are in just because of their flawed defaults like this one. Little wonder they cannot recognize the pivotal issues that would actually save them. Like the fact that change cannot be done from inside the current system — it's a law of human physics — yet this is where they blow all their energy, helplessly clinging to a past that is long dead because of their neglect.
I know there are leaders here that are aware of these realities. They must step forward.
Are all progressives that unable to figure it out
or is it just some of us?
So, Progressives are Now the Enemy
No one was concerned that Bernie would cause WWIII. It's a mixed bag for the other candidates.
Hillary's unsecured, personal server was an act of self-importance. There was nothing heroic about it. It had to be discovered. She then tried to destroy evidence. She misrepresented the nature of the FBI investigation and feigned cooperation. She called it a mistake. How much evil there must be in those 30,000 emails for her to engage in a cover-up all the while using the classification system to cover-up more evil. What evil drove Hillary to intentionally destroy evidence?
Oh, and they don't want to enslave us. We're already enslaved. Debtor prisons are transitional and will be a growth sector until AI and robotics have sufficiently matured to replace human labor. They want to kill us, well, most of us, and not all at once.
Progressives don't want the Democratic party back. They don't want a party that commits election fraud on its own members. They want a party that represents and addresses the concerns of people, not one owned by billionaires. The majority of Progressives are not calling for party unity because it's a ridiculous notion to unify with a party "which has betrayed them, and always will." Bernie was smart in leveraging the Democratic party apparatus to bring us to this point.
The fundamental choice facing us could not possibly be clearer: you're either with her or working for a future we can believe in.
Hillary's email server was an attempt to thwart transparency.
The classified documents issue is another matter. Over classification happens, a lot and too often. That doesn't mean Hillary was trying to heroically expose that with her email server. What she was doing was engaging in the same over classification and also illegally evading FRA laws meant to provide at least some transparency for ordinary citizens.
When I get riled up over Hillary's emails it isn't because of some vacuous national security concern. It's because the woman is held to a different standard Snowden or others have been and is also clearly invested in keeping citizens from knowing what their government is doing. That's at least as important an issue as her support or weapons dealing and murderous wars and coups.
Do you have a source for your statement about 4x nukes?
JtC, Al and Luna, sorry to react with my "have fun hack video"
above, but I couldn't react in any other way. I am aware of the "Great Danger": US-NATO Missiles Threatening Russia..." facts and to Pluto, I am aware of the insanity of the electoral college and campaign finance system in the US. It is quite obvious that the Sanders "political revolution" can't and/or won't come from within or with the Democratic Party and not through "changing the platform" kind of attempts. At least I don't see how. Which leads me to think that "a political revolution" that is non-violent, if at all, can only come through an outside force, be it Third Party or mass movement. I don't see a non violent mass movement developing yet. So, I just resort into silliness, til I understand there is something that could be done that is not silly.
If you think that the NATO missiles threat wouldn't make me scared and angry, you make a mistake. Like many 'little" people I react to real threatening stuff with a nervous kind of "black humor" attempt and try to "de-stress" moments of tensions between commentators here with "silly videos" that somehow are supposed to make a silly point to serious problems. Can't help it. You can't tell some old West Berliner gal, living a mile from the old Berling Wall, what the missiles pointing at Russia and vice versa does to the little people. What it does is that they get nervous and that they try to laugh it off. That's why I posted that "Have fun with the hacking video".
Jeez, you really think I should get serious about all that shit that has lasted now on and off for 70 plus years? I try to enjoy the rest of my years, you know, and that is already hard enough.
I can't vote in this country. I can only watch what YOU are doing. That's kind of a self-defeating endeavor.
To see Putin's frustration
at not being able to get out his message at just how very seriously Russia takes the US going live with its nuclear-offense-capable ABM system in Romania watch this 1.5 minute video, recorded June 17 at a meeting with international journalists whom he was exhorting to do their job:
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Thank you for the link, JtC,
I have only seen bits and pieces of this story until now.
Is our government insane? Don't answer that, I already know.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Oh Oh
I seem to agree with both Al and Luna. Luna is saying that Clinton's corrupt use of a private IT system endangeded national security, which seems obviously true, except to the extent that one questions whether the S.o.S., practically as an institution, systematically endangers the lives and liberties of US citizens. It hinges on the semantics of National Security, and the question of whether there really are deadly foes waiting to attack the US.
I tend to believe that the most deadly foes have friendly emails with Hillary and the foundation about TPP, Fracking, or whatever other depraved looting they can make a buck off. OTOH, having her blackmailed as a result of this could make her even worse than if she were left to her own devices. And again, if we simply agree that her corrupt and illegal IT practices endangered 'National Security', with scare quotes, the debate evaporates. I feel like I must have missed the essential part of it somehow though.
Thank you, Sandino.
I didn't understand the gravity of this situation until I started listening to H. A. Goodman on YouTube. He always has tons of resources in his descriptions under "show more" under his videos.
One word of caution, turn the volume down if you are wearing can be jarring at first if you don't. It's loud for some reason.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Al, I've experienced her instant abrasiveness, too.
She gets wound up very fast and starts to insinuate all kinds of nonsense about people she doesn't know. And then she just invents things we supposedly said, but never did.
I agree with you about the emails. They're meaningless in the grand scheme of things. There is so much more shit to criticize Hillary for than email servers. I honestly couldn't care less about them, and I have a very strong tech background.
What I do oppose is her warmongering, her neoliberal economic views, her blind support for capitalism, her "triangulation," her lies about Sanders, and the strong likelihood that she will be (at best) Republican Lite if elected. And I think she will be.
The email thing is a major distraction away from what is really, truly wrong about her and the entire Democratic Party establishment.
There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.
-- Albert Camus
I promise, there's nothing "instant" about it nt
Lordy, Diomedes, it's not a distraction though
Because it speaks so clearly to issues like transparency and the rule of law. If someone refuses to follow the small laws and FOIA/recordkeeping requirements, then what about the big laws?
As an indicator of character, I think it's actually extremely relevant.
he can explain things better than I can, Al...
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Not about my safety, probably
It's about rich people here not wanting their secrets exposed to rich people elsewhere. Nationalism is still a thing, otherwise Edward Snowden would be dead. Rich still having their little competitions.
I don't care a great deal about the mess Hill has made for the security state, except that it re-emphasizes her arrogance, recklessness, and eternal conviction that rules don't apply to Clintons; but if the security state is mad at her, that's great for me. Someone with actual power hates her and wants her out of power. That's great news.
Unfortunately, it looks like she has enough power to intimidate even the security state. Hmmph.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Nah, she just thinks she does.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Hope so!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
You are so wonderful, Lunachickie.
I mean it.
Thank you
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
it ain't easy to be so abrasive and still have friends
She used an unsecure private
She used an unsecure private server to conduct State Department business including classified documents. She also shares classified documents with private citizens without a security clearance.
Most classified documents shouldn't be.
That's why Snowden and Assange and Anonymous and so on are so important. The vast majority of classified documents never should have been classified in the first place.
I honestly couldn't care less if people get to see her boring ass emails. IMO, we have far bigger things to worry about with her presidency than that. The only thing that makes her even slightly palatable is because Trump is worse. But if I had my way, no Democrat would win, no Republican would win, the two party system would go to that proverbial dustbin of history, and we'd elect Jill Stein or someone to her left.
There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.
-- Albert Camus
I've long noticed that you
…are one of the leaders the people need right now.
It has nothing to do with boring-ass emails
It has to do with her making dirty arms deals for her own profit on an unsecure server. It has to do with using the resources of the Sec of State for her own private gain in a way that exposes secrets. Whether I give a shit about those secrets or not, it shows her to have sociopathic levels of recklessness & arrogance, a certainty that no rules will ever apply to her, and a willingness to place her private gain above all other considerations.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
A lot of it came to light BECAUSE OF
that email server.
IMO, it's essentially her Watergate break-in. Hey, nobody talks about the boring details of that actual robbery today, either. But it damn sure helped bring down a President, didn't it?
No. It shows that she's following the norm.
If what you describe is accurate -- and it hasn't been proven yet -- she would be following in a long line of state department heads, doing what has been done at that job for decades.
This in no way excuses her actions, if they happened as you describe. But it does show it's not about "recklessness and arrogance," per se. Though I would say it's about a sense of entitlement and privilege, which her entire "class" assumes.
Hillary isn't at all unique in this, as some are trying to portray her. She's just one more willing servant of the capitalist system, shilling for it while she gets hers as well.
I think people are personalizing their anger far too much when it comes to Hillary. IMO, their energies would be better spent going after the system that makes her actions possible. Until we do that, you're going to see hundreds of Hillarys popping up to replace her, if she goes down. World without end.
There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.
-- Albert Camus
100% agree with your last paragraph
but I'm wondering if the emails don't merit a bit more consideration. Are we looking at the US State Dept deliberately undermining the POTUS?
In other words, what if HRC was using the private server in order to "hide in plain sight"? If a secure web server was available to her, then why didn't she use it? What if she intended to leak, to make information available to hackers?
Ray McGovern points out that while Obama was somewhat reluctant to engage in US military interventions, those actions fit well into HRC's (future) presidential ambitions while she was SoS. So Obama had to be "mousetrapped" into Syria, for ex. Leaking information would be one pretty effective way to do that.
The "beauty" of this device would be that is that the private server would later, at worst, be interpreted as HRC's "carelessness" or "arrogance," not as a deliberate connivance. So the HRC State Dept would 'get away" with leaking, but would never appear to be leaking sensitive information.
Here's a link to the McGovern talk. (Warning! It's tedious and may have half-fried my brain!!):
McGovern on Emails, Syria
Damn right
that's a consideration and an interesting one, at that:
I've wondered it more than once myself.
Rules don't apply to her
and this is someone we should just trust implicitly? Given the fact that anyone else who had done what she did would be in jail by now, no. Not now and not ever.
You are far from alone in your assessment, "that email thing" is quite serious, indeed. Others want you to pretend it doesn't matter. Others are wrong about that, particularly when they try to make it about "what is classified and why or whether it should be".
Have you considered that this is the norm for our politicians?
That NONE of them have earned our trust?
That's how I see them. To me, Hillary doesn't stand out at all in that regard. She's just one more paid warrior for the status quo ante, for the billionaire class, for the war machine, and she's surrounded by the same.
I also completely disagree with you about her escaping from prosecution when others would not. Again, this is par for the course for anyone in her "class." They skate. They all skate. And, again, if hosting private email servers is a "crime," then that's just one more example of America's immoral and authoritarian tendency to criminalize non-violent, victimless shit.
Hell, Bush and Cheney are guilty of war atrocities, and should have been frog-marched to the Hague. Do you think Hillary and her email snafu rates with the war in Iraq, Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, rendition, black sites, etc.?
Sorry, but it's not in the same universe.
And, guess what? She supported that war, and wants more of the same. She supports the cancer of capitalism, the empire of capitalism, and wants it expanded. She supports the surveillance state, and wants more of it. And on and on. Email servers? Seriously? That doesn't rate one split second compared to the rest of what I list above.
There is in me an anarchy and frightful disorder. Creating makes me die a thousand deaths, because it means making order, and my entire being rebels against order. But without it I would die, scattered to the winds.
-- Albert Camus
To add a bit of context to your point:
People don't seem to be mindful of the fact that Hillary's private email issue is not a standalone offense. The existence of her server came out of the Benghazi investigations, which revealed Hillary's private, illegal, and classified gun-running operation in Libya, which took the weapons the CIA supplied to so-called Libyan rebels to incite the overthrow of Gaddafi — and transported them through Turkey to arm the so-called Syrian rebels, in order to incite the overthrow of Assad. Chris Stevens assisted her in this unholy war crime.
This horrendous reality was single-handedly engineered by Hillary Clinton's selfish ignorance, failed judgement, and blind adherence to the Neocon agenda. It destroyed a nation and displaced tens of millions of innocent souls. But this issue does not appeal to Progressives. It's too inconvenient. It's just too big because Benghazi and Republicans. Instead, they focus on a cheap-shot appliance used to commit the war crime — Hillary's private email server.
Thanks to this obsession over a mere technicality, Hillary's role in the war crime of the century has been completely obscured. The way has been cleared for her candidacy for the Presidency. The incriminating documents are now safely re-classified so you can never see them.
Nary a progressive is even aware that Hillary's private email server is actually all about Benghazi, an event that they were brain-washed into dismissing as a Republican political attack. It was a setup from the start.
The corrupt US political system cannot be reformed from the inside because the reformers are complicit in the corruption.
This is far far from a mere technicality, ask Thomas Drake and Chelsea Manning, who did far less than what clinton has done.
You are mistaken in your judgement that progressives are "nary aware". I'm sorry to say, you appear to be the one that is ill informed. I find your condescension off-putting.
I agree on Benghazi, but please, Pluto, we are not clueless blowhards that don't know what is happening.
The server is not nearly the only one of clintons' alarming sins. Why would you think we don't know that?
What is your beef with progressives on this site?
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
How do you think she fulfilled that role at all? She didn't do it just by phone or telegram or Blackberry.
President Richard Nixon was brought down over a bungled burglary. Yes, context is important. So is evidence. It doesn't matter where this came from, and it doesn't matter that it's minor, compared to all the other shit she has done. So was the Watergate break-in. The Email Thing is still relevant and it is still important. And not for nothin', but nobody in, uh, most commercial mass communication is exactly obsessing over it. So there's that.
Don't blame "the email thing" as something that obscures all her other crimes. Some of that email made available shows intent and it demonstrates more than what today's sophists refer to as Conspiracy Theory. It's evidence. Don't you dare discount evidence, when evidence is needed to prove a crime. Please, don't even try to downplay that
One potential security risk is it leaves her open to blackmail
or coercion if there is something damning in those emails and a third party had them and threatened to release them.
I wouldn't put it past Putin to use it as a private cudgel against her in negations and such. Or the Chinese.
Or pretty much any Corporation or group.
It makes her vulnerable, and therefor the country vulnerable.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I'm in.
Yay mjsmeme!
Thank you. That feels so encouraging.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
I think Sane Progressive is right
about the People's Summit and about how we must think and act outside the electoral box now that we know that the Democratic primary election was stolen from the people. Revolution does not occur within the structure created by those who control it and prevent us from having a voice. This is exactly why LOF was so mistaken in the mission of the site. They are invested in the status quo and the status quo is exactly what we do not need right now.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I am very happy to see you, Gulfgal98,
I have been afraid to post an essay here. It helps to see you. It feels like it is time for me start talking. Won't be sure if I fit until I jump in there.
I have been backing off from C99% a bit because it seems I can't get away from everyone else moving along when we shouldn't be. We should be standing our ground. The truth is glaring.
Thank you.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Same here, glad you took the chance.
Thank you so much, mjsmeme,
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Magicsister, you are doing just fine
Hey, don't worry about fitting in. We encourage people to post and participate. C99 wants to be inclusive. This essay is about a subject that we need to talk about if we are ever going to advance the cause of the people. I am so glad you linked that video.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Exactly why...
it was front paged a couple of hours ago.
I'm sorry, JtC,
Should I take it down?
I will be more careful next time.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
No, I watched the video, I thought it was great. Thought it deserving of the front page where it would get more exposure.
Oh, I'm sorry, JtC,
Thank you so much, I miss understood and thought I had re-posted, and then was told I didn't provide enough information besides the video.
Thank you, that's awesome.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
No, don't take it down. An article/essay/diary
being promoted to the front page is a compliment to the writer. JtC thought it was worthy of being promoted to the front page. You did great!
Absolutely not!
You got Front Paged which is a big honor!
That means your essay was worthy of being highlighted for all the world to see.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you very much.
It is an honor.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
I'd like to suggest we add the Sane Progressive to the
video links on the lower left side. Tried to get a link, but couldn't get it.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
Hi LeChienHarry,
I'm not sure what the procedure is, but I will definitely check into it.
Thank you!
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Many thanks
Sane progressive is right, we need to be having this discussion.
It's like needing to put together a team,
The antithesis of Brocks' Trolls. To try to keep the conversation from going the way the MSM is presenting it. It takes a mighty effort to change the MSMs' tune, but they seem to be giving a little.
Many thanks to you, coolpairc!
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
I like that Debbie Sane Progressive!
She's got the truth talk going on. We've all known the primary is being stolen from Bernie. We need to admit it and talk about it far and wide and not let it die. They want it to die - stop the discussions - accept hrc as our fate. I say bullshit! I've said it all along. It's why I won't vote hrc no matter what! Sounds like The People's Summit was another stupid establishment trick to make us think we can effect change by not changing anything. I say bullshit! Change only comes from the bottom up - not the top down. If we don't act, we cannot say a thing about what is to come.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I do too, RaggedyAnn,
I've been watching her for around 6 weeks?
Sometimes I think she is rough on Bernie, but she could very well be right.
I wish I could express it as well she, and you, I might add.
Thank you
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
I'm glad you brought her to my attention.
I also thank you for your kind words!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I was thinking
it was just another iteration of No Labels or something similar. It is the same old establishment people with just a brand new shiny name plastered on it. I do think that some of the speakers may have come in good faith, so I do not want to paint them with the same broad brush. But preventing Jill Stein from speaking is a definite tell, IMHO.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It's discouraging, gg.
Just when you think something good might be happening, it's the establishment all over again. I don't know what to believe anymore.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Raggedy Ann
you raise the question of trust, or rather, of verification.
There is only verification, not trust. Verification happens only when I know the person, interact with the person and can assess on a daily basis whether a person can be trusted.
I believe, that only when we organize locally with those whom we see and with whom we work on a daily basis, do we begin to establish a network which can be verified.
It does not mean that such networks are completely safe from infiltration.
It means, that there is a locus in which effort can be exerted, to solve a problem within a delimited group.
Small groups can cooperate without having to yield verification, so long as they have contact with each other.
That organizational technique does not solve all problems, but it does increase the likelihood of finding someone who has breached the organization before she can destroy it.
Coalitions of local organizations imply redundancy. Should one of these fail, the damage can be limited.
The down side is that to solve problems affecting very large groups, it requires very skilled coordination and communication among smaller groups. There is the possibility that coordinated efforts will be hindered due to lack of communication, or sabotage of one or more elements.
I am skeptical that defeating an established organization with another established organization works. Other than the ideas proposed here, I do not have good arguments at this stage, except that in addition large organizations require large resources. Therein lies the problem: with large resources comes the need to manage it all, which requires a management structure. That structure is filled with individuals, some of whom have to make decisions. Those individuals are much more likely to be corrupt, as such individuals often seek such positions.
Keeping the incentive "clean," through limiting the size of resources, and requiring coordination of command and control, does not work well for a standing army, but it does work well for guerrilla organizations. What I envision here is not in anyway an armed organization, but one which mobilizes for deep social, economic, and political correction. Not change, correction.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Thanks for this, Aardvark.
You raise a valid point - verification. It's an absolute must.
edited for a usual typo.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Thank you, Mr S,
Thank you even more for the amazing essay this morning. It may take me a couple of days to comment, but I will.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
a righteous rant
Is she (Debbie) on c99? She was sure making arguments heard here. Sounded like she was leaning toward third party. I'm still waiting till the convention in case there is a miracle sanders nomination. Otherwise I'm all in for Jill with the same energy I put into Bernie. Not featuring Jill was a foolish mistake at the summit.
What I saw of the people's summit wasn't the capitulation many suggest. Juan asks should we work inside the party, outside the party, or burn the party down? The last idea got the most cheers.
I know it is difficult to keep the wait and see meme going, but I think we have to wait and see. Five weeks is a long time.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sorry to be so uninformed...
...but what reason was given for banning Jill Stein from speaking, as SP attests?
Any chance that a reasonable-sounding explanation was given for not including her?
The other question is: wasn't the Bernie Sanders campaign responsible for getting this summit off the ground? Or was it the Clinton Campaign or the DNC?
It would be stunning news to me if Bernie Sanders actually sponsored a progressive summit for the sole purpose of pushing his supporters toward voting for Hillary Clinton.
James Kroeger
It is my understanding...
It was put together by the nurses union and other sanders support groups. I heard no reason given for excluding Jill, but I suspect it has to do with not wanting to alienate the super delegates. I think it was a mistake that makes most progressive people feel it wasn't much of a summit.
There are several clips here if you would like to hear the tone and content:
I suggest you watch a little and make up your own mind.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's good to be informed...
James Kroeger
I do know that Debbie always
provides references in the description where you click on Show More underneath her YouTube videos. She also runs a website and facebook group.
Honestly, I never learned who sponsored the summit, guess I should hit the about page from the site Steven D provided. I put it in my speed dial and then saw something shiny.
I just learned today, that Jill was not allowed in. That is as bad having her escorted out of the democratic debates. How do we learn without enough voices?
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It was "divide and dilute"
Remember that Jon Stewart/Steven Colbert "rally" in DC some years ago? That's where I learned all about that concept, and I saw this "People's Summit" as another way to dilute and mis-message people.
Gulfgal said it exactly right--excluding Jill Stein was a total tell.
I remember those rallies well, was there
personally with our German msm camera team to report on it for the German audience.. It was then when I gave up on any meaningful influence of main stream political comedians. I still watched Colbert for a while, but all in all I do believe that they are just part of the distraction and dilution to the "little people". All one can say in their defense, better a funny distracting "almost-truth" telling comedian than a stupid distracting talking head on msm.
I also went to two conferences. The Populism Conference in April 2015 and the Ralph Nader 50th Anniversary Celebration of "Breaking Through Power" conference. I remember thinking the whole time in the April 2015 conference about who the people are, who finance that conference. I thought someone used the Black Live Matters and LGBT activists for their purpose to "integrate" them. Was not sure into what they wanted them to integrate. There was a discrepancy between those who probably were the people who pulled all the strings of the conference and part of those who participated in. Not comprehensible to me. So, I go out of those conferences as a "know nothing" person as I got in.
And the Nader's conference was a total media black out. It had a long list of people presenting their activism that would have deserved more attention, but it was just suffocated by whatever else the msm had to breathlessly report on.
It's a strange thick hot air in Washington DC. Kind of air you want to get away from. I have given up on ever figuring out who has what kind of power to basically distract you from whatever and who does what.
I haven't even started to really read about the "People's Summit" to get an idea what that was all for. But in general my feeling is that all the media is involved in suffocate, distract and dilute. It's very strange how one has to search for news these days.
I think it is not lost on a lot of people
that Jon Stewart retired and has been since seen alluding to support of Sanders. I have often wondered since that bogus rally if the American Mainstream Political Comic Reporters are muzzled to a certain extent. That is, muzzled in terms of what the Network Owners and Management actually allow to be broadcast.