Live blog Bernie's Speech 6/16/16
Live blog Bernie Sanders call
June 16, 2016
Most of Bernie's speech was a list of what we want and fought for. What we want our country to be and to do. The only surprising thing for me was that he wants his supporters to run for political office: school boards, county commissioners, however we can get our feet in the door. I applaud this and agree strongly. That is what it will take for real change. From the bottom up, which is how change happens.
Here's what the man said:
1. The revolution continues – like every movement for social change, civil rights, etc.
2. We had 85%? of those under 45.
3. Bunches of numbers. Stats on contributions, phone calls, etc. Showed that we could run a national campaign without big money contributions.
4. In every state, we took on the entire political establishment. Senators, Reps, Governors, elected officials.
5. This campaign has never been about any single candidate 6:35.
Here's the link to the video. I don't know if you can watch it again:
6. It’s about ending income inequality. It’s about ending campaign finance by corporations. Creating an economy for all of us, not just the 1%.
7. Ending status quo: Native American reservation low life expectancy. Millions of Americans dying at a younger age than their parents: suicide, childhood poverty. Ending the disgrace, undocumented people exploited on their jobs.
8. Tens of Thousands of Americans dying every year from preventable diseases.
9. Young single mom in Nevada in tears, asking on $10/hr. How can we make it ?
10. Mom in Flint, Mich. Excessive lead in water, stunted intellectual development of her child.
11. Homelessness veterans in streets.
12. Corporations avoid paying a nickel in taxes, stash in tax havens.
13. Priority this year is Defeating Donald Trump. Makes bigotry the cornerstone of his campaign. 6:40 Trump wants to give hundreds of B of $ in tax breaks, climate change denier.
14. Major political task. Defeat Trump. But can’t be our only goal. Must continue grassroots movement.
15. Must take our energy in to the Dem convention in Philly with 1900 delegates.
16. No secret HRC and I have strong disagreements, but agree on others.
17. I will make sure that your voices are heard. Democrats will pass the most progressive platform in history and that we actually fight for that agenda.
18. A party that has the guts to take on the Pharma, Fossil Fuel industries, others.
19. Dem party must support raising wage to $15 / hr. women .79 / vs men $1. Women must have right to control own bodies. Protect right to gay marriage.
20. Ban sale and distribution of assault weapons, gun show loophole, and have instant background checks.
21. Stop the TPP, must not come to the floor.
22. Expand Social security, not cut it.
23. Greed, recklessness of wall st must end. Pass a modern Glass Steagal. No more “too big to fail”.
24. Aggressively combat climate change, impose a tax on carbon. Must protect our water supply by banning fracking.
25. Make public colleges tuition free reduce student debt.
26. Health care a right, not a privilege
27. Prison industry, criminal justice reform.
28. Comprehensive immigration reform for 11 M undocumented people.
29. Waste in ever department including D o D.
30. Can’t keep throwing young people into unnecessary wars.
31. Fight for our ideals, defeat D Trump. 3 at every level continue to fight for our nation to be just. Current DNC leadership has turned its back on many states, like red states, allowed right wing to run unopposed, we need a 50 state strategy. Must provide resources to ignored states. 6:47
32. Leadership, DNC must open its doors, welcome working people and young people. Cold hard fact. Since 2009, some_____ legislative seats have been lost to R. Start engaging at local and state level in unprecedented way.
33. Young people deeply concerned about country and community. Start running for office! School boards, commissioners, whatever! Be prepared to engage at that level.
34. With energy and enthusiasm our campaign has shown, we can win significant numbers of offices at down ticket level. We need new blood. You are that new blood. 6:50.
35. Government is not the enemy. what Rs say. I disagree. Government must protect us and our planet. But we need to attract dedicated people from all walks of life to run for office.
36. Tens of thousands of new Drs, medical personnel, where ppl lack care.
37. We need child care workers, teachers.
38. We need scientists, engineers, entrepeneurs to work for renewables, efficient and cost effective as possible. Construction.
39. Business entrepeneurs who respect employees and environment.
40. Conclude: we have begun the long and arduous process of transforming America. My hope is that when historians look back and find when we began reversing the trend towards oligarchy. They see that the political revolution began in 2016. 6:53. Dark screen.
Version 2 of this diary cross-posted at
Full speech transcript on Burlington Free Press
Thanks so much!
I'm so glad, although not surprised, that he is going to keep fighting for our issues.
We are not embracing a politics of envy if we reverse a politics of greed. - Joseph Stiglitz
Thanks for the list.
This should prove very helpful to refer back to in the days ahead.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Blah, blah, blah
Didn't do a thing for me. They stole that election. I don't care about the platform and neither do Hillary and the Dems. He gave a list of what we want and why we should have it. Running for local office is as old as me and does nothing. As far as I can see, he quit. He's earned that right, but I am disappointed.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
...but miraculously, just before the convention,
Obama's DOJ hands down a multiple count indictment accusing Hillary & co. of corruption via her foundation, and rigging voting machines. She wants to soldier on but the superdelegates revolt. The corporados want to hand the nom over to Biden but he refuses, saying Bernie has earned it. Bernie wins in the general by a landslide, picking up many working class Republican crossovers.
We now return you to your regular programming...
And has a platform in place that
represents his policies (becasue he kept at it instead of quitting)..
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Election Fraud
Yes, it is frustrating to see the level of questionable and obvious failures in the primary voting...but Bernie is a seasoned politician that knows he must have cold hard facts to back up such serious allegations. At this point, I must assume those facts are not available. The Political Revolution, the ideas we hope to see implemented , would suffer a massacre if accusations were made with no foundation to back them up. It will take time, and right now time is on the side of corruption. It cannot be corrupted though, and those seeking justice have the exact same amount of time as do the corrupt, the establishment, and the corporate oligarchy. Unity is an over-used word right now, but the Bernie movement must maintain a solid cohesiveness to avoid disintegrating, and to maintain the strength that we have obtained over the last year.
Keep the faith dk...there is a lot of shit to go down between now and November.
Nothing about election fraud
No mention of voter disenfranchisement, suppression and outright fraud.
Do you know what happened to the 60's revolutionaries?
They got in at the bottom, School boards, county commissioners, etc.
And of course, they didn't accomplish very much. the past 40 years have been disastrous. Dick Cheney as Chief of Staff for Gerald Ford did more to undo the New Deal in 2 years than all those people did in their lifetimes put together.
Change won't come until we expose the election fraud and get people's heads rolling for it. We need to get black box voting illegalized.
Ummm, too bad that John Lewis never
ran for elected office or Jesse Jackson or Tom Hayden or Shirley Chisholm or John Kerry or Bernie Sanders. How do you know that the 60s activists who ran or were in office were ineffective? What is there to back up that claim? The fact that we are in a world of shit now? Isn't this the same Baby Boomers are evil argument?
Yes, election fraud needs to be addressed but sitting around waiting for that to get fixed before anything else is self-defeating as there will always be another excuse why something won't work.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
How do we know? Look around
Are we or the planet better off than we were 35 years ago? 50 years ago? Hell no. Two people in a family have to work to provide and have less than what one would provide.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
How does that prove that
60s activists who ran for office were ineffective? Wouldn't it be more likely that right-leaning Democrats who abandoned what the party stood for are to blame? Or the fact that Republicans are better at sticking to their guns brought us to this point? Or people voluntarily gave up their right to vote so politicians were given free rein to do what they wanted?
Again, how are the 60s activists who ran for office responsible for this disaster? The original comment is saying that running for office will do no good because those activists who did so in the 60s were ineffective. The message there, once again, is what's the use of trying.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Most likey referring to people like
Gary Hart and some others who ran on the "New Democrat" platform of being less against the status quo, trying to work within it, and by not being as anti-war so as not to be seen as soft on Communism, especially after Vietnam. There's good references for that in the latest Thomas Frank I think, but I've read that elsewhere too. Might be Ron Perlstein too, either the "Rise of Reagan" one or maybe even the Goldwater one.
Not all of them were ineffective, but enough of them were to give us what we have today - a party that uses anyone even remotely to the Left to get the votes, and then that Leftie then turns to gain power. They'll say that its all about getting elected, that they can do nothing until you vote for them. And when you do, they turn into just another ConservaDem that's all about not rocking that boat, being seen as the "adults" in the room, realistic supposed "solutions" that never come to anything.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Gary Hart was not a 60s activist
I understand what you are saying, but I was addressing a comment about a specific group of people who were targeted for disdain based on them being activist in the 60s. The New Democrats are something else entirely.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Bernie was one of those 60s revolutionaries
I came along a bit later - I was a 70s revolutionary. And you know what? I still am. We need people inside and outside the system, pressure from everywhere, bottom up and top down, inside out and outside in.
Mostly nowadays I write and I teach. But I'll do some grassroots voter registering, as well, this year.
I'm really hoping that the platoons of folks Bernie brought into the political process developed a taste for grassroots organizing - that they like the canvassing and phone calling and stirring things up so much that they want to do it again, for campaign or a cause.
Social unrest created much of
Social unrest created much of the political activism during the 60's and 70's. The Vietnam War, Watergate, etc.. Our parents were from the generation that survived WWII, and they saw their kids being sent into a useless war that only benefited the MIC. Otherwise things were pretty good for the economy, growth, jobs, cost of living and the likes. I don't think that will be the case in the very near future. The 85% that Bernie mentioned aren't a bunch of teenagers scared of being drafted and sent to an active killing field. They don't have the readily available, or affordable option to go to college, nor are there living wage jobs waiting for them. They are aware of the inevitable disaster that Climate Change presents to their future. It isn't solely their responsibility to pick up the torches and pitchforks, but I do believe they are ready and willing to take up proverbial arms to fight for their future. The summer has only begun, and I'm betting it will get HOT. I'm hoping that those of us who see the obvious fraud, the rigged process, the corruption, will be the catalyst to encourage social upheaval that will force the establishment into a corner. If we, the older generation, stand down, we will be at fault; our potential for leadership, and our history will have failed us all. Bernie set an example for us; let's try to follow his example.
Speak up, speak out, keep the fires Berning.
Even now, the PTB don't get it
Even after a year of Bernie Sanders giving speeches to enormous (OK, yuuge) crowds, I doubt if the powers that be in politics and the media understand the desperation of average Americans. We voted for hope and change in 2008, and the so-called economic recovery did little or nothing for us.
The top 1 percent captured all of the income gains, the ShadowStats "real" unemployment rate is 23 percent, and 12% of homes with a mortgage are still underwater. Median household income peaked in 1999 and has been on a downward trend ever since.
It's ironic that so many of Trump's "Make America Great Again" supporters cite the year 2000 as America's greatest year. That is, just before the Bush nightmare began.
If Donald Trump fixes his floundering campaign and offers hope to the 99 Percent, he could win. Right now both major political parties are losing voter enthusiasm, but that could change. There are five more months to go before Election Day.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."