Sanders' Live Stream...I hope
Submitted by WindDancer13 on Thu, 06/16/2016 - 7:18pm
I did not RSVP for the live stream because of the weird stuff I read here about some of the sign ups. So I started looking around to see if I could find it being run somewhere. Here is what I found, and I hope it works. If not, can someone, please, post a running transcript for those of us who are not plugged in? Thank you.

Sorry to be a downer
but what good is the platform. It's a farce has been for years probably forever. Has as much credibility as this this bogus election has. Like Nancy said it's not worth anything if you can't enforce it otherwise it's a useless piece of paper. Loved Bernie's speech but then again I loved Obama's speeches also. I know Bernie is sincere, has integrity and believes what he is saying and I agree with most of what he talks about but please how is voting Democratic ever going to accomplish his stated ends. Never.
Let us say that Sanders manages to get a
progressive platform out of them. Let's say that it is made easily accessible and widely disseminated. Let's say that progressives decide that they want what is in the platform. Let's say that progressives get off their asses and demand that the platform be adhered to.
Hmmm, I wonder if it is possible to make a legal challenge to a party going back on the platform. may need to find out if it is considered a legal document. Nope it is not, but I found this:
So even thought the Republicans in no way wanted to close Guantanamo, they used the fact that it was in the party platform as an attack weapon. They will do the same with HRC which will give us a bit more leverage.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
not saying
the platform is good. Just pointing out what Bernie said to correct an incorrect comment.
I think, sad, but true.
I think, sad, but true. Except that Bernie believes we need to take over from here. Voting for Hillary is the wrong thing to do if Bernie really believes that the revolution needs to continue. We cannot afford 8 years of her world destroying policies. I do think Bernie is falling in line as much as his conscience will allow him to do.
He never said anything about voting for HRC.
With some wiggle room, we can defeat Trump as president as well as we can defeat HRC as president by not allowing them to have their way.
The revolution goes on irrespective of who is in the White House.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Not via the Democractic party
He was always
working within the Dem party and Congress. The vehicle of change (through the party) was to be millions of people standing up and saying enough is enough. So, Bernie's political revolution isn't really over. He never said the "revolution" was anything but the people getting involved. His speech tonight was to try to get them to still do that even though he won't be prez.
I'm not happy about it. Very disappointed. Not optimistic. But, it's not like it is a surprise, and I wanted to point out your last sentence to me is unfair.
Exactly Olinda, it's always been about the party.
But many have resisted that, thinking it would somehow morph outside the party if Sanders ended up losing. For those of us that believe the party is a dead end to any type of revolution, its been obvious the so called revolution was heading in the wrong direction, into the dead end. Sanders is not going to lead any movement outside the democratic party.
Here is another idea, Al.
Didn't know that would be so small.
You can click the image to see it larger and more readable.
When did he say he wouldn't be president?
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Yes, you are right,
he didn't say that. I should have said
His speech tonight was to try to get them to still do that. Period. It did sound to me however that he accepts Hillary's nomination. There was no talk of trying to get delegates at the convention, or the nomination at all. So, it sounded to me like he meant "even though he won't be prez," but that is my understanding, not his words.
I'm sad, but still an optimist.
It was a great speech, great vision for the country & the dem party.
He's still in the nomination race which won't be over until the convention. So, in order to go to the convention with his vision (demands) for the party, I think he can't indicate in any way now that he might go 3rd party. And he's not just demanding the platform; he's demanding new leadership of the dem party, and no lame-duck signing of TPP. Will he be laughed off the stage? Will the DNC refuse him the right to speak as he chooses? (They must approve of all speech transcripts.) Does he plan to mention the investigation & election fraud lawsuits there, if necessary? What will be the tenor at the end of the convention?
At the end of the convention, will he go 3rd? Perhaps a miracle will occur (indictment, etc) & he won't have to. If not, I hope hope hope he can see a third party run as no compromise of his integrity. I don't see how he could in conscience allow Hillary to take the reins if he could prevent it.
Fkn powerful!!!
"My hope is that when historians look back and find when we began reversing the trend towards oligarchy, they see that the political revolution began in 2016." FKN WOW!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Think we have oligarchy now
I think we aren't trending toward oligarchy. I think we already have one. Possible I don't have a complete understanding of the term.
I wish my body wasn't so old and achey and limiting, now that I finally have a little smarts. I would like to be able to do more about changing things.
He was looking right at me
When he said that we have lots of work to do. Was he looking at you too?
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
"Sanders not dropping out" The Hill
The Hill ✔@thehill
JUST IN: Sanders: I'm not dropping out and the political revolution continues
Sea Turtle
heh, you have to do the revolution work of pushing the
democratic platform according to his lists of demands he made right now, right?
Let's say some real hard pushing is done to give birth to that baby on the convention. How much are the elected officials then bound to oblige by that platform? How about parental negligence to that baby after the parents have secured their income and seats? Meaning they couldn't care less on acting according to that platform.
I guess I have to wait til after the convention to really believe that any change is going to happen. I just wonder how Bernie decides what kind of platform changes are for real and not just sweet talk. I wouldn't trust any of those smooth talkers of the democratic establishment we will see. I liked everything he said, it's so common sense that it is almost enervating him having to repeat it over and over. Why would Paul Grijalva endorse Clinton today? I mean how can you trust people to stand by their principles? Was Grijalva in the meeting Bernie had in Vermont, was it yesterday or the day before? May be one way to interpret Grijvala's change of mind from being one of Sanders first endorsers to the opposite now, is that he believed Sanders will not endorse Clinton after the nomination is and that therefore he wanted save his skin and keep his positions in the democratic party and became a Clinton endorser now?
His speech didn't change anything. I am as helpless to watch the train wreck running down into the wrong direction as before and nobody is going to stop it. We will have to see if some people are capable of using the emergency brakes of that train.
that's how I feel mimi
The Democratic platform for decades has been totally ignored once the Democratic powers that be get elected. It's pointless and useless. He's not a stupid person he knows this. So why fall inline on the need to defeat Trump and yet funnel his supporters to get ground up in the meat grinder that chews up any candidate that fly's under the Democratic party? So sick and tired of this long drawn out political revolution that hasn't the guts to take on the Democratic party. Well hell, at least he and his supporters took them on and showed us all what we are dealing with.
I do not think however that there is anyway via the Democrat's or the Republican's this Bernie inspired political revolution will come to pass. Instead it will go to the place where all good movements of people get neutered and are then called the enemy of the good. Just my 2 cents. Nothing was revealed other then the best pol in a rigged system said use the system and transform these psycho's from within. i just don't think that's possible and I think Bernie knows damn well, whats op with that. Another empty pocket full of hope? I'm just not cut out to deal with this on any level other then from the gut so I tend to say why not take them all on Dems. included .
I think Bernie released Raúl Grijvala from his endorsement... order to save him from being thrown under the bus and losing his House seat. The Clinton's and their machine are very vindictive...they would have pulled no punches to either get rid of him or made any legislation coming from him dead in the water.
Bernie and he are long time friends and Bernie and our country will need Rep Grijvala to implement Bernie's plans for change....for the good of the Country, I think Bernie told him to go, in order too save him. You notice his HRC endorsement statement was mostly about how great Bernie is. (I think he's still with Bernie)
People Before Profits
that is good to hear, though it is also devastating in its
Makes one cry... .
Here is the major problem I see with
the revolution.
We would have to find thousands of people who want to run for office to do good works, as opposed to doing well financially.
Virtually EVERYBODY who runs for some office, however low level it might be, is looking for a financial reward.
Bernie is one of a kind.
This is a country that just doesn't promote or honor good works.
Please, my fellow Americans, PLEASE prove me wrong.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Kshama Sawant is one. She's a Seattle City Council member, and
there are many more potentially like her. She came out of Occupy. I met so many gifted, brilliant and inspired people through that movement. But many probably saw it as too lurid and ugly a scene of which to commit. Hard to say how this will effect that enthusiasm.
It's a tough call.
Because Sanders won this fucking thing. He won with the support of millions of folks donating, volunteering and enthusiastically attending his rallies, but is not the nominee (at the moment). He was thwarted by a web of deceit, interference and fraud. "Mission Accomplished," by the RW Neoliberal scumbags infesting the Democratic Party. They saw the writing on the wall early on and said to themselves "WTF is going on? How is this relatively unknown 74 yr old Jewish Socialist Senator from VT getting even numbers to our presumptive nominee with the international name recognition and full support of the entire political and media establishment?"
They pulled out every dirty trick along the way, perhaps none more vital to her dying, shitty, uninspiring, entitled, and arrogant campaign than finagling the caucus numbers in Iowa, of which even the Des Moines Register, who backed her, said was a complete "debacle." The whole idea was to dispirit us, with the definitive crushing blow being the outright suppression and fraud of NY. There was no way he lost by so much, the numbers on the ground at the rallies, volunteering, and canvassing said way different. So did the exit polls. People across the country, deep and wide, already held the lowest faith in government seen in decades. This calcified it for them. I keep think of my musical hero Neil Young and the words of "Ohio" (heard a great cover version on WBAI that sounded like Curtis Mayfield - anyone know if he covered it?) that "we're finally on our own" as what I'm feeling now, after all this.
I imagine lots of folks are now feeling similar swirling feelings of despair and hope. I told myself and all around me that if Sanders didn't make it I'm done with electoral politics for good. He's by far the best candidate I've ever seen run, spoke for me almost 100% of the time, it's incredible.
He was amazing tonight. So was his speech on Tues:
What does it mean going forward? I don't know. I'm talking with my girlfriend and activist friends of going to Philly to bolster this great man, his conviction which almost entirely matches mine and stand in public for what is right. After all, that is the essence of everything he's been saying. Millions standing #together for what is right, just as every great advancement we enjoy as a society take for granted has occurred, is the only way any change ever comes about.
By taking this stand Bernie has done so much for all of us, this country and the world already. I hope he stands defiantly, with all the leverage he has, to force a existential showdown of which he most certainly will win. There's no doubt he has clanged a sharp, resounding blow against the bulwark of status quo politics and the charade of beholden politicians to Big Money. He's changed the dynamic by exposing the fraud of our putrid, pay to play, revolving door government by accepting mostly small donations and relying on volunteers. Historic in a big way, as he ended his lovely, ever so fierce talk tonight.
I've got his back.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I agree, Mark.
I found his speech inspiring. He is keeping us close together for a reason. He cannot effect change without us. We must have his back. I'm with you.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
That's What Brand New Congress
Is about and for. To find those honest citizens who probably never thought they could run for office because of $ needed, and get them elected to actually perform as public servants. And replace them if/when they don't do what we elected them to do.
Laundry list; still confused
What? Now more confused than ever. Donald Trump must be defeated. OK. Laundry list of must do's for Dem party, all previously discussed. No specifics on HOW anything will get done. Is he quitting, or isn't he? Will he run third party, or endorse Shillary? Seems to be basing the revolution on Dem platform demands and they will miraculously follow them? Wish he'd be more specific; seems to be just wasting time if he's going third party. Is he still waiting to capture superdelegate votes for nom during convention, based on what? He didn't win big and that was his rationale for getting nom. Feel kinda used. What was the point of this big buildup?
He is not going to go 3rd party. Period.
The Democratic Party is not going to give him the nomination no matter what (barring unseen circumstances). He knows that, and he also knows that at some point he is going to have to "endorse" the Democratic nominee. That does not mean that he endorses her policies. not by a long shot. What he is endorsing is not electing Trump. I expect when it comes time to verbalize some kind of support for HRC that he will do it in such away as to make that very clear.
He plans for the revolution to continue, and he spelled out very clearly how it is to go forward in tonight's speech.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Thank you WD13 for posting the livestream
Am working my way through all the great comments today.
My take on Bernie is that this guy is a force to be reckoned with. Admirable in so many ways. After last night's speech to his supporters, I think that at least part of his strategy is . . . keeping mum. Getting issues on the Dem platform won't hurt anything (and may help, who knows?), so he openly advocates for that. Bernie's clear enunciation of all of his stump issues last night, with absolutely no concessions to HRC's re-framings of same, came through loudly.
EX: Bernie stumps in favor of single payer health insurance which he sometimes calls "Medicare for all." (I believe that Stein and Flowers want an even stronger policy, but I'm not sure on that). At any rate, Hillary pays lip service to "universal health care" but then waters Bernie's position down to a Medicare buy-in at a lower age, which we all know will help next to nobody. In last night's speech Bernie first mentioned that he supports "universal health coverage" and later, when he returned to the topic, he called it "Medicare for all." I see absolutely no concession to HRC, or to the DNC which I believe has already taken "single payer" off the table, in a repeat of Obama's old strategy.
Beyond holding fast to his established policy positions, Bernie simply leaves the door (lots of doors) open. Will he endorse? When? How? Third party run? What will he do at the D Convention? What role will he have with respect to the political revolution? Lots of open-ended dynamics here but it's not time to make definite statements. This is putting maximum pressure on the DNC and HRC's campaign. Go Bernie. Of course, it also puts the pressure of "not (yet) knowing" on US, but I think we can survive that!
Jeebus, give the guy some credit
He took on the biggest political machine of the last, what, at least twenty years, got nearly no media coverage, and slanted stories, lies: he stayed on message consistently, he brought millions of new people out to hear him, AND folks are now aware of what a real public servant does: and YOU feel used?
How much did you do to help?
I am appalled at how he was treated: the DNC should have just said "don't run" but instead failed in every possible agreement: they are corrupt as shit. and his colleagues in the senate are trough feeders: they did nothing to support these platforms, while carping publicly about having to "raise money" and "the money in politics" . . . wonder how much their encrypted accounts got from SELLOUT THE PEOPLE R US.
He is a noble human being. And it galls me to listen to the extraordinary lack of awareness of a. what he has accomplished and B. snide comments.
Please diary this, some need to hear it more, excellent points
Sea Turtle
Good grief, the guy
came from nowhere and managed to get almost half of the primary voters against a very entrenched machine. That in and of itself is miraculous.
If it weren't for Bernie, we wouldn't even be discussing other potential policies. After all, even HRC has changed her position (if only momentarily) in several important areas. Those policies and ideas are finally getting the public's attention, and they like what they see.
Bernie also completely debunked the garbage that the dem party has sold for years - that campaigns have to be financed by wealthy people and that progressive/liberal policies aren't desired by the public.
And you're hand-wringing because you don't know exactly what is going to happen???
Did he mention our neo
Did he mention our neo liberal, regime change foreign policy? It has Hillary's name all over it and Bernie may not be endorsing Hillary in name now, but he is not calling her out on her dangerous foreign policy platform. And it is that platform that informs, dictates in fact, our domestic policies. If we stay within the Democratic party and we must defeat Trump, Bernie has brought you to the trough. What other choices are there? He didn't need to say to vote for Hillary. And when he talks about strengthening the Democratic Party platform, I feel disheartened. It will have no impact on how Hillary governs. Does anyone think it will? I like that Bernie is telling us to get involved, that he led us here for us to take it from here. We must if we are to transform our country for the better. He has pulled back the curtain for us to see so much more than most people knew. Are we supposed to forget about the cheating during the primaries? All the ways that voting was suppressed? I know I won't vote for Hillary or Trump. I am glad Bernie ran. I feel tired and wish that he could have/would have taken it further. Why he decided he couldn't, I don't know. Time for me to go back to my studies.
Did I Miss Something?
I didn't hear anything about organizing for the future, to make certain that some of these necessary (vital), changes take place within a strong political, uncorrupted structure.
Bernie needed to take an extra step tonight. I'm disappointed that I didn't hear it.
It sounds like you've thought about this a lot
What kinds of things do you think we need to do? Have you looked into the Greens, or the newly-forming United Progressives?
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
I will probably vote for Jill
I will probably vote for Jill Stein, but I will take a look at the United Progressives. I am looking to join the Transition Town movement in our new city. I am doing my dissertation on community building with a focus on elders. So it is my studies/research that will push me forward, connecting with local work that forms the building blocks of constructive action.
Yes, I think you did miss something, since you asked
He spoke at some length about the need to continue to revolution beyond the presidential election, and strongly urged his supporters across the country to *get involved* at their state and local level and also to run for national office. He said this campaign was the beginning, and people in every state and at every local level who support what he is promoting need to be the ones to make it happen. He basically urged people to do that, and didn't really say anything much about the presidential contest this year, other than a lukewarm acknowledgement that she's better than trump. But that was in no way the main focus of his speech. Hillaryites are screeching bloody murder because he failed to grovel before her. I'm kind of enjoying that, I must confess.
No, you're not supposed to forget
About the cheating. You are supposed to work to keep it from happening again. That work can take many forms, many paths. Find the one that works for you.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Unfortunately, the lesson the establishment learns
will probably be that cheating worked to save their asses this time, so they should do it again in the future. No one will face any consequences for what happened, the corruption will run even deeper, and people will get distracted because even Bernie is shifting the focus away from Hillary and toward Trump. I believe in accountability, and I strongly disagree with Bernie's decision to look the other way on this.
What he should have said is that beating Trump is secondary. Nothing will change until we either reform the Democratic Party from top to bottom or create a new third party, because change cannot happen in an institution as corrupt as this.
I agree with you. I am angry
I agree with you. I am angry with Bernie for joining the fear mongering that gets us to get in line with "the only reasonable choice you have". As long as we do, it is the best choice we will ever have. And evil is never a reasonable choice.
#30 on the laundry list posted above by mj55.
It is a list. He didn't have time to go over everything extensively. Although, he did spend a LOT of time on encouraging people to continue with the revolution and how.
No matter who received the nomination or gets elected, it has always been Sanders contention that the revolution must go on. What he is doing now and most likely for some time to come is provide a guiding light for fledgling revolutionists.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Let us pretend that Bernie gets to be President.
He's going to need a cooperative Congress, isn't he? What can we do about that?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
My sense is that if he wound up being the nominee
we would sweep the elections. Maybe for the very first time ever.
And frankly: there will never be another election like this, with a candidate of the quality of Bernie Sanders.
The others are soiled and spoiled goods in comparison.
We're dealing with a counter-factual . . .
however, my sense is that he would drive Democratic turnout from some supporters who won't vote without him at the top of the ballot (e.g. first time voters, loosely attached independents). However, I think his landslide wouldn't translate across the board, because I think there would be a number of Republicans who split their tickets and voted for him not on policy but based on the fact that he has a moral compass and integrity compared to their own nominee. However, they would split tickets, however, to keep him from actually enacting his platform.
I think Sanders would discover that there is probably just as much resistance to his platform from bought-and-sold establishment Dems as from the GOP. So simply changing party control wouldn't be sufficient.
I made a comment in the Coronation essay where 20+ posts
talked about how awful it was about Bernie throwing in the towel. Many of those Bernie's gonna bow out comments were voted up so I assume that meant other folks agreed with those thoughts. My comment went unnoticed and I continue to have difficulty understanding why this is such a hard concept to grasp: Bernie Sanders says what he means and he means what he says.
what we expected and what we want are different things
I thought he was going to concede and start talking about supporting that woman. I didn't want him to but I thought he would. Instead he socked it to the
Harper Valley PTAHillbots.why? does it have to do with Obama being such a disappointment?
More thoughts
What power does Bernie have if he's not running third party? None. That's his best bet to get concessions, but even if he does, how's he gonna force them to carry them out, set the FBI after them? Convention floors are littered with empty platform promises. They are notoriously smooth-talking liars: "We'll set up health care exchanges in the states and if they don't comply, we can set up health insurance cooperatives" (Obama). Right. Again, the only real power is what you take and USE. Bern has the power; why won't he use it? We are so close to creating a genuine third party from and for the grass roots. He's got the money, the supporters, the notoriety, a platform. Why throw it away now, after so much groundwork was already done? Last thought: if we are absorbed back into the Dem party, we'll be captured all over again. They will not give up their corporate cash and perks for us.
Remember he also met with Schumer
One theory floating around is that in exchange for his agreeing to work within the Dem party, Bernie would be selected to head the Senate if the Dems take back control in November.
If that happens, the answer is "a lot".
Nature is my religion; the earth is my temple.
I don't think so. Bernie would upset their apple cart. And they
can't be too happy with him after the speech tonight. He came right out and said 'new blood' is needed in public office from local to national level and his that new blood, they are the ones who must step up and REPLACE what we have now. From the ground up.
He poked them all in the eye. I wonder if it was all intentional.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I am sure it was intentional.
He is not only working to nurture the revolution, he is also trying to wake up the current party members.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Isn't he advocating funneling all this
new blood through the Democratic Party? That is where all fake progressives go to run and the actual democratic pols whatever level die. So he's a full fledged Democrat who says the only change you can get will spring from the this corrupt duopoly? Fuck me I just think that is absolute bs. Forget about it Bernie I'm not voting for the bitch. forget aout electing better Dem's locally, state or national as the Dem. party machine will quash, defund, and demonize any resistance to their firm grasp on power.
What percentage are the Dems as registered voters go? 26%, 23% 26% who knows and yet indies are at 45% and rising. Why? Shit like this wherein were expected to believe that the only way to throw off these by-partisan psycho's is join the party and act like a true blue Democrat. Run and vote Democratic because otherwise Trump. On a local/state/national level even if you run or vote Democratic your not going to get any change let alone a political revolution.
Why would the Democratic party apparatchik and controlling 1% ever let the riff raff on any level affect the real Democratic agenda or win? That is not in their sponsor's interest nor in theirs. What's Bernie saying? Work via the Democratic Party cause that's it folks? No thanks Bernie I somehow believe the political revolution you preach will not come from within the gates of the Democratic party
You are so right, in my very
You are so right, in my very humble opinion. If he is herding us into the democratic party, there is no revolution. It is where all the best passions and intentions die. It is way too corrupt and the grip is getting tighter and more dangerous. The Clinton machine will quash all opposition except the amount needed to keep the appearance that opposition is allowed in our "democracy". And, again, that Bernie would use the same boogie man, scare tactics as designed by the oligarchy this election season while refusing to address the widespread corruption that permeated the primaries, is a wet blanket on this potential, combustible transformative historic moment.
"Isn't he advocating funneling all this new blood through the
Democratic Party?"
He's done more to show the corruption of the 'Party' than anyone else has has ever done. He's OPENLY fought with the DNC and held his ground on every issue. He's called out the Party leadership on their dishonesty and their antidemocratic policies and actions. Have you heard anyone else beside Sanders point out how crooked the DNC is? Has any other candidate faced such opposition and come so far and done it so blatantly 'in your face' as Sanders? He's put a lot on the line to just give up and quit now. He's started something and he knows it. Why would he not do everything to make his new revolution succeed?
He said he's waiting until the convention to decide what to do next. He's not going to be the Democratic nominee and he knows it. And he won't run Third Party because he gave his word he wouldn't and he's one of those strange people who think his word should mean something. But so far I've not heard one word come out of Sanders' mouth about NOT starting a Third Party movement afterwards. He knows the DNC is crooked. He knows that Clinton is dangerous. So who knows what he will do after the primary? I don't. And I won't predict either. But he's running in the Democratic Party and that's the playing field he's stuck in for now.
And it IS true that the party needs 'new blood' regardless of what Sanders does if it wants to go back to it's purported purpose of being actually democratic. All of his supporters are not going to up and leave the party. Some are too afraid to try anything new even when what they currently have doesn't work. Like many who stay in bad marriages because they're afraid of what might happen if they leave. What remains to be seen is if Sanders' supporters stay in the party and try to reform it or leave because the odds of that happening are as likely as successfully housebreaking a rabid raccoon.
EDIT: For honesty's sake I think I should admit I would love for him to go Third Party and set this whole election on its ear and I've openly said so. But I also learned on Thursday not to try to predict what he's going to do next.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Yes, all the handwringing
here is amazing. The process hasn't even finished, and some "supporters" are ready to bury Bernie. It makes me wonder about those posters.
Nobody here knows the future, but we do know that Bernie is effective, as demonstrated by his actions in Congress and this almost upset primary.
He will be effective regardless of what role he is in, whether he starts a third party or does something else.
He has the power WE give him.
He does not have to be president to effect change. He has, is and will provide focus and guidance to We the People.
He isn't throwing anything away. i do hear people in some threads who give up because of one individual. What happened to issue politics? We praised Sanders for sticking to the issues, but as soon as he is not the nominee, we abandon them?
Sanders has never said word against forming a third party. He is in a position to work best within the party. The rest of us aren't. Some people would abandon the revolution if it was only about a third party. There is room and enough people to form a new party AND to reform the Democratic Party. We make it a two pronged attack against those who have left democracy behind.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Senators with tenure have influence . . .
What influence does he have if he burns bridges with the Democratic Party altogether?
As it stands, he's likely going to be the Chair of the Senate Budget Committee, which is one of the most powerful positions in the Senate. One or two more close allies may be in the Senate this Nov. and he can help build for the future with his massive donor and volunteer networks.
I think there needs to be an organized group that operates outside of the party control and supports candidates on a case-by-case basis.
Heads are exploding over at TOP. They act like they really
expected him to concede, and this speech was some sort of deep dark betrayal.
Delphine and I waded into the cesspool to needle them a little. Fun times!
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They flagged me into oblivion, whoda thunk it?
"A comment you made was hidden by the community for being outside of site rules. The text was:
HIs supporters don’t want him to concede. We did …
HIs supporters don’t want him to concede. We did everything we could to get him every vote we could so that he would go to the convention with the strength of millions of supporters behind him. Hillary asked for the Secretary of State position in order to concede. Bernie will be asking for good things to happen for all of America."
I'm such a naughty, naughty woman.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Beautiful, elena!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Plenty of folks over here did too.
acted like they expected him to concede.
Not necessarily. Maybe like me we didn't expect it at all. But
we were surprised (foolishly as it turns out) when Warren went with the Queen of Wall Street and just did not want to entertain any excuses for why it would be acceptable for Sanders to do the same. I didn't think he'd endorse her, but I sure did state my reasons why, if he did, it would be a real problem for his 'revolution'. But I was (we were) just borrowing trouble.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I believe strongly in the power of thought, both positive &
negative, and that our mind hears what we say and responds to the words in a very literal way. I don't encourage people to say I need a break, or I'm dying to..., or I can't .......(too often a self-fulfilling prophesy). Not to say I don't have negative thoughts and was not more than anxious before and during the speech, but I do try to catch myself and move on to the positive asap knowing that miracles do happen (I've seen it more than once, in fact on a daily basis), and that Bernie Sanders is true to his word.
And I know you're right. But we will always worry about the
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I used to back to TOP to irritate the goldfish
but to see them flopping around doesn't give me much satisfaction once I realized they were just goldfish.
I suspect you are more advanced than I
but I will get there.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Watching Benjamin Dixon
He has an interesting take. He says those who were pro-Sanders because they hate Clinton aren't going to be happy with this speech, but he sees Sanders speech as a huge empowerment to the Progressive Movement. That it has such a huge backing and groundswell, that it can actually affect change. We are free agents now and hold individual candidates to the fire. We can throw our weight around.
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
I hope this is true too
Bernie's speech was most important in that he didn't cave and endorse Hillary. I didn't think he would, because that would have meant he'd wasted the last 14 months of his life. You don't do that when you're 74 and your work isn't done.
The speech told me that Bernie will continue running his campaign, both within the Democratic Party but probably increasingly outside it. He's committed to the movement, not to sucking up to the corrupt Democratic establishment. He's never sold out to them over 40 years -- I didn't expect him to do so now.
Where the movement goes from here has always been the most critical pivot point. I think we need to stay engaged and focused, and direct our momentum in smart ways that build the movement for the long term. Bernie knows how to help guide us, I suspect, and I'll be watching him closely.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Recently I read a big snit on facebook
That had originated in GOS. It was some guy pitching a fit that the paper work for Bernies 2018 run for Senate identifies him as an independent. I kind of expect the Senate to be a bit of a different place after this election.
Don't underestimate him. He is a true down and dirty gutter fighter. He is merely negotiating with Hillary at this point. I suspect if elected president she will be all but hog tied if he can keep his coalition together.
I expect to see Jeff Merkley become a more well known figure nationally and to take a bigger role in the progressive wing of the party. I know him personally from the cannibus fight. He has been very helpful in getting things I consider essential in the medical cannibus law passed nationally with some pretty hefty success. He is well worth watching.
I believe he may be Bernies chosen successor.
I don't know if he'll be the "chosen" successor.
Keith Ellison has great bonafides in the Congress, Tulsi Gabbard could probably win a Senate seat at this point if she wanted too. I'm sure there are many others who will try to adopt aspects of his platform and try to move the ball forward.
I really like Tulsi Gabbard. I hope she stays in politics and
becomes for us what many of us thought Warren would become before she did the big genuflection to the primary princess.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Personally, I'd like to know more about . . .
her views on issues outside of foreign policy. I didn't agree with her position on Syrian refugees. But it's clear that she at least arrives at her views and policy positions honestly. That's a rare quality in politics.
I really like Tulsi Gabbard. I hope she stays in politics and
becomes for us what many of us thought Warren would become before she did the big genuflection to the primary princess.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I believe you are correct. We are free agents now.
Millions of us. We donated money, some donated time, I was one of the census-takers (hard work for agoraphobic me), I have my own stash of Bernie swag (including birdie Bernie). We are or were united. He is trying to keep us together, a ragtag group including a majority of people under 45 who are now awake. Stay awake, stay active, keep talking revolution until the Convention, to awaken more sleepers. On to the Convention! Much can happen, this is some exciting shit! We are history unfolding and we still need to turn the ship.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I caucused for Sanders
I'd like to have him as president. I respect his views and his words tonight. But, not being a Democrat, I don't feel obliged to work for Clinton and the DNC this Autumn.
So, if possible, a write-in for Bernie, or a vote for Jill Stein.
Nothing has changed for me at least.
from a reasonably stable genius.
He's said repeatedly:
He can't deliver our votes to Hillary; she has to earn our vote herself.
Well, In my case, that's never going to happen
I'd rather vote for Tr..
Oh, wait.
from a reasonably stable genius.
He gave a list of our concerns
AND said she would have to work for our vote.
she and her ilk have said our votes don't matter.
I think he's painting her into a corner, and I trust that he is wise, experienced and implacable. I don't see anyone else taking this up, or standing up as sharply as he has, so I'm in it with him: and none other in this election. If the DNC doesn't recognize gold versus manure, I will support some candidates, but the party can go to helll: actually it already has: they are so lucky he has worked so hard and is doing this: and that is his best argument: Clinton is such a slacker this election: no message; no presence; she barely bothers to campaign UGH . . . I'm guessing she hasn't gotten many new voters. He is powerful and he might just pull it off. Let's hope for the sake of the world that he does and back him up. Kinda sick of the blame of Bernie: he is doing remarkable and amazing things, and has worked hard, quietly and without narcissism, for decades for the very things we hold most dear.
Hillary is just going to run as if she is Bernie:
If she wins, it will be because she learned from Bernie what to say.
And then she'll do the exact opposite. The first Costanza presidency.
from a reasonably stable genius.
It is called reinforcement.
The HRC horde will buy it and will point to the statement over and over to "prove" that she is not bought and sold when Trump attacks her on it. The rest of us are just going to vomit.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Solidarity! Solidarity.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
And, yet, I read today that
And, yet, I read today that she is praising Reagan and the Bushes in her stump speeches, most recently.
She won't win the general
she is completely compromised and Bill is an abject lodestone.
Who is going to beat her?
If there's an FBI indictment that changes the equation, but honestly I think Trump is basically throwing the election for his good friends Bill and Hillary. He's not going to swing states. The national party and major donors aren't supporting him. He has no organization outside of the Trump Towers. He made a half-hearted effort to contact mega donors and is obviously uncomfortable doing it and probably isn't getting a good response.
Probably the only two people in the world that HRC could beat in a national election are Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, but she got the match-up. In the spring I thought that Trump might be able to position himself to challenge her in the rust belt, but it won't happen if he's broke and there is no ground organization. It won't happen either, if his primary interest isn't in the presidency, but finding a way to capitalizing and profit off of his public profile.
I consider this a coup. Refute it and explain why it's not
Wasn't Obama against those air strikes against Syria and Assad? Now he is for it? Why? How come that so many in the State Department have "urged" him to change his mind?
Looks to me as if the State Department is governing now and try to "neuter" the commander in chief Obama. Looks to me like an internal rebellion or an "internal coup". Whatever. I don't understand anything anymore. These are in no ways "interesting times".
As for the Obama/Clinton situation, Obama sees Clinton as the
logical successor to his 'legacy'. He called her the most 'qualified' person to ever run for the presidency? They are two peas in a pod, to borrow an old saw. And he's been lying to us since the bullshit about Hope and Change and TRANSPARENCY.
People still believe anything that guy has said or says?
Why? Do you still believe the 'government isn't spying on you' as well?
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa