The Coronation is Almost Complete
The AFL-CIO (what's left of it) and Oprah, just endorsed Hillary. In voters' minds, Hill's looking more and more like presidential material as time marches on. Does anybody think that the lawsuits going through the courts alleging electoral fraud by the DNC are going to be quashed at this point? I do. Will Bernie cave tonight? I think so. And lest we forget, once Hill and Bill are installed, all those $peeches, contribution$, and donation$ to the Clinton Family Foundation are going to come due.
So, here we are again, just short of jumping off the precipice to real change. Instead, after catching fire and a national following, enrolling millions of new voters, and electoral success, yet another Dem candidate freezes up and jumps ship, leaving a broken nascent movement in his wake and a leaderless tribe that's ever more cynical. Hope I'm wrong, but time's a ticking and cobwebs are forming.

I don't think he's freezing up though
but I do think he's probably going to have to concede to the inevitable - a Shillary coronation. Sucks, yes indeed it sucks big time, but I am just cynical enough to believe it's going to happen. Bernie has put up one HELL of a fight though, and he did surprise and scare the hell out of TPTB. I'll still support him until he says otherwise, but I just can't support Shillary now. She and the Democratic party have shown nothing but contempt for Bernie and his supporters, no, she does not get my vote, damn her.
And the one maybe "bright" side? We do get to watch her squirm when Trump goes after her. I'm not sure yet if I'll watch that blood sport, but I just might. Alcohol will be required to do it, along with some other now legal things in my state.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Other legal things.
Wish I could be where you are!
Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos
And hoo-boy! that "contempt" thing is absolutely startling...
I'm just overwhelmed by. It depresses me more each time I try to drop by the old place"
"You LOST, you losing losers: grow up, grow a pair, get over it. We winning WINNERS are not obliged to take any notice of you or anything you do or say or want. What are you going to do about it, vote for the hairball cheeto of doom?"
Apparently Debbie Wasserman Schultz is to be replaced by Biff Tannen.
I don't think they realize how many of us are on the fence
about doing just that.
I don't think they realize how much they tipped their hand and showed us that they never have had any intention of seriously pursuing Progressive goals, nor how pissed some of us are about it.
Someone a week or so back said they were going to do a "Spite Vote" for Trump just as a giant fuck you to the DNC, and I urged them to consider voting green to show how many people really do support those goals.
Now I am starting to think I was too hasty in that decision....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I will always be eternally grateful to Birdie for allowing
me to see what is going on, for pulling back the curtain, for fighting with integrity and menschlichkeit the PTB. He didn't do it for himself. He did it for us, to show us.
It makes me sad for my children that he didn't prevail. He was up against a vast and dishonest political machine. He did his best.
As Bob Herbert wrote so presciently 15 years ago,
(he might've put unethical b/f vulgar, I cannot recall, lol).
They are worse then that tho. They've helped to corrupt and republicanize the democratic party, which I left the day after the CA primary.
Don't believe everything you think.
Bob Herbert NY TImes: Cut Him Loose
Now it should read: CUT THEM LOOSE!
Also, a favorite, from David Geffen in 2008, now, he's giving them money.
“Geffen, a big fundraiser for the Clintons in the past, called Obama "inspirational" and dismissed Hillary Clinton as "overproduced and overscripted." As for her husband, Geffen suggested that his bad-boy days are not behind him: "I don't think anybody believes that in the last six years, all of a sudden Bill Clinton has become a different person." And to top it off, he said this about the two of them: "Everybody in politics lies, but they do it with such ease, it's troubling."
I don't think he will endorse
I don't think he will endorse her outright. But when he says he must make stopping Trump our number one priority, and yet, stay within the Democratic party, he doesn't need to use her name. I do think he is fighting for changes. I wouldn't believe anything Hillary or the party might say. Look, why would they concede any real power, if we are willing to vote for her? They just need to make the opposition crazy enough and have you noticed how Trump is ramping up the crazy? It smells bad to me. The Clintons have attended Trump's wedding, Trump has donated big money to the Clinton Foundation and Bill and Trump play golf together. I don't think Trump is that crazy. I believe we are watching kabuki. One more tactic to have us line up with Hillary. Look at who supports her. It is the invitation list to the victory party for the Project for the New American Century.
I will vote for neither of the two, regardless of what Bernie says. Also, the latest missives coming from Bernie and his campaign seem to be focused soley, domestically. We know that our domestic and foreign policies and actions are intricately entwined, however. The USA can't rebuild this country if most of our resources are funding the global project for multinational hegemony.
Ramping up the crazy
for sure, and I've had that exact same thought - kabuki. Bastards.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
What do you expect Bernie to do exactly?
What are YOU going to do?
All those Bernie supporters, what are THEY going to do? Just fall in line behind Hillary? Or will they stick to their guns and refuse to vote for her?
Bernie has done more than anyone in a generation to get these issues out into the mainstream of this country. He is just one person, and can't be expected to carry all of this on his own.
If we expect this movement to keep going, WE have to keep going, WE have to refuse to accept what the Democratic Party is selling and refuse to give into fear-based actions. Change on this scale isn't easy and Bernie has been put in a very tight spot. His integrity is one of the biggest reasons for his popularity, and if he goes back on his word and runs Independent, he'll lose supporters and be crucified by the media. And he may really feel his best bet is to work from within. I may not agree, but that's his choice.
Thunder on the left
Bernie knows the score. Bernie has repeatedly said he does not control who his supporters vote for. The only one who controls our vote is us!
There will be ample discussion of how to increase our leverage between now and the Dem Convention. There will be ample time to analyze, discuss and evaluate our options.
Occupy is alive and well. Resistance is building and spreading out both geographically and across racial lines.
The only result or force that can stop us is . . . ? Well eventually we all die. Other than that I don't see anyone turning back short of total economic and political annihialation of the ruling global elites.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
three reasons to keep hope alive
1. New Wiki leaks email release (this week I hope).
2. The election fraud suit
3. FBI director Comey is a registered Republican who donated to U.S. Senator John McCain’s campaign in the 2008 presidential election and to Governor Mitt Romney’s campaign in 2012 presidential election. Comey has spent much of his career investigating and occasionally confronting high-profile public figures, including the Clintons.
It is darkest just before the dawn, and it ain't over till it's over. Keep hope. Five weeks till the convention is an eternity in politics.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Not on my conscience
I'm voting for Jill Stein
Beware the bullshit factories.
Bernie endorsement
The fact is that the great majority of primary voters Bernie has been trying to appeal to are registered Democrats, and to have any chance of winning their support I believe he pretty much had to pledge early on to support the party nominee. That was more or less the Faustian bargain he made that allowed him to get as far as he did.
However, just because Bernie - or anyone else - chooses to endorse Clinton, it still doesn't mean I have to vote for her. The great, yawning contradiction of the Sanders campaign is that Hillary Clinton is the living embodiment of virtually all the things Bernie's been railing against for so many years - i.e, endemic corruption, cravenly serving the interests of the economic elite at the expense of the general public, perpetual war, privatization of services that should be public (health, education, criminal justice), a "self-regulating" financial sector, a two-tier system of justice... the list goes on. And on.
I think many will see Bernie's endorsement of Clinton as a betrayal of the noble principles on which his campaign has been based, and in many ways that is correct. On the other hand, if his main purpose in getting into the race was to turbo charge a progressive uprising against the power elite in this country, I'm not sure he had any real alternative than to proceed as he did. So I for one will forgive Bernie his embrace of Hillary Clinton, if it comes to that. Certainly it's possible to make a principled argument in favor of the lesser evil voting strategy, as Noam Chomsky and many others have. But I personally am not buying it. And it's an easy decision for me, because I really don't see Hillary Clinton as the lesser of two evils, but rather merely as the other of two evils.
So fuck all you Clintonistas, and the donkey you rode in on.
inactive account
Some day some politician who calls for action against corruption
economic/legal injustice, and the rest of it is going to actually have to PROVE they mean what they say and not capitulate when it's time to shit or get off the pot. They want votes, they want money. Fine. We want the truth and commitment. REAL commitment. Should we believe the next guy who steps up and tries to sell himself as the answer to our problems if Sanders endorses Clinton? People worked for him. They gave money to him. He got money from the segment of our society that doesn't have that much. They believed what he said. They trust him. How can he endorse a woman that represents so much that is wrong in this nation? Who represent the people who put so many of us in economic Hell?
It's okay that Bernie acknowledge he didn't win the primary. It's absolutely right that he tell us not to vote for Trump. It is not all right to ENDORSE the person that he's been telling us is symptomatic of everything that's wrong in this country. That shit is why we're stuck with HillBillary. That is REINFORCING the Establishment Dem/DNC/Emanuel insulting meme "who else they gonna vote for?" And that we're 'retards'.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I had to come back to acknowledge that Sanders gave a
speech of a lifetime and he didn't betray his ideals, his campaign, or us. He is true.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
Sort of...
He had to do to it for the DNC and party establishment to allow him to run as a D. Little did he know how badly they would screw him anyway. I don't think he had to do it for the voters. Voters are sick of both parties and getting sicker. I have no intention of listening to him tonight. The one thing we can count on is that what we want doesn't matter.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Wow, so negative. His
Wow, so negative. His spokesman has said that tonight's message is not a capitulation, that he is taking this to the convention.
A lot of folks here are eager to see him concede
and endorse the Presumptive One just to validate their bitterness. All week there's been pearl clutching and breathless diatribes against erstwhile allies who say anything against Trump. Somehow Bernie's code for not endorsing Hillary , i.e. 'I will do everything to defeat Trump', has been turned into an implicit capitulation. I am shocked to see such craven crying. Now the master doesn't even need to raise his hand. With a glance the dog tucks tail and whimpers off to the corner.
My guess (and we're all entitled to a guess) is
that Bernie will rail against Trump and all he represents, then he'll give Her Highness an endorsement. It will probably be tepid and far from rousing. I'm guessing that he'll concentrate on Trump, leaving the unspoken take-away that Hills is the lesser of two evils.
The election fraud lawsuits will not save us. However, a recommendation by FBI Director Comey to indict Hillary Clinton AND an acceptance of that recommendation and charges brought by Attorney General Lynch can save us. Indicting only her subordinates is not enough to derail her unless she's named by the government as an unindicted coconspirator.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
It would not hurt to go to the convention
It would not hurt to go to the convention. I can't make it to Philadelphia, but I plan to attend the Salt Lake City rally on July 24. Of course, if Bernie ends his campaign and endorses Hillary, then this movement will quickly fade into the background like OWS. I just hope the politicians realize we're all still here, still desperate for change.
They can threaten us with a Trump presidency, but that is looking like less of a threat as enthusiasm wanes among Tea-GOP voters.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Great comments but ...
I admire, love, and trust Bernie, please don't get me wrong. My point in this essay is why can't Bernie go rogue and run third party (Greens for now), since he did his part but the Dems didn't do theirs? The dirty tricks against him, the fraud and voter suppression, the GE-like smears, all invalidate the devil's bargain he made with them to support the nominee. A contract is a contract and if one party doesn't hold up their end, i.e. winning "fair and square", why should he? The fix was in from day one and the primaries were rigged. What's Bernie got to lose at this point? We, on the other hand, are the biggest losers.
The Donald is apparently not running a campaign.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
You think this man who has been fighting the good fight his
entire adult life, and has reached this point where millions of people have heard and strongly agree with his message, will go back on his word and not take his campaign to the convention? He congratulated her on the win in CA. He did not congratulate her on winning the nomination because, until the delegates vote at that convention, she has not won - that's the MSM propaganda machine (an arm of the Clinton organization) at work ignoring the fact that the votes have not all been counted, there is a lawsuit in process re election fraud, and the FBI is onto her. Do y'all remember that photo of Bernie getting arrested in Chicago chained to the AA woman? Did you see a lot of other white guys there, other than the cops? Or did you see a lone white man who was willing to stand up for what he believes out there on his own fighting for the people? It's who he is at his core.
The only thing I can see changing his mind is if it was implied in those meetings of the past week that the PTB are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to muzzle the protests around the convention, and Bernie believes they are fucking serious about taking this movement down including putting all their war toys to use against the crowds - to send a message (as HRC is wont to do) and he doesn't want to test them.
Whew. No concession, NO endorsement
Orwell was an optimist
He did exactly what I expected. He knows that HRC is up
to her neck in corruption, influence peddling, and blatant mishandling of classified documents. The Russians (& probably the Chinese, hacked her server & could start disclosing her classified emails at any time).
James Comey has been after her ass for years & this is his chance to nail her. The FBI is trying to develop an iron-clad case to present to the DoJ. At that point, it will be up to Obabma.
The FBI has already leaked that if Obama gives her a pass, they will leak big time. If this happens before the Convention, Bernie could still win the nomination. At this point, Bernie is just going to wait and see what happens.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
and so am i
He has been amazing, and listening to some of the comments here is revolting: what have YOU done? I am in this for the long haul. I am astonished that he had the courage to do this, and he has worked his ass off for our nation. Listening to some of the sour Monday morning quarter backs in these comments makes me wonder if this site is at all self reflective.
I hold out hope that a. things are not as they appear: the server issue is VERY concerning and not a nothingburger;b. that if you were President presented with this how the hell to proceed c. Comey sounds pretty righteous: and c. the public will be the last to know if things are going on behind the scenes.
A contract is a contract until one party reneges
Excellent quote fro WriterinRes:
I have made this point before and am certain that many others have arrived at the same conclusion. Bernie fought hard and honestly. He promised to avoid negative campaigning--and he kept his promise. He promised to prevent Donal;d Trump from becoming president--this is NOT equivalent to supporting Medusa. Running as a Dem., if he wins at the DNC, would be wonderful. But teaming up with Jill Stein, who has so generously offered Bernie to join the Greens, could offer a winning combination. True, no third party candidate has ever one a presidential nomination--but this year, there is every likelihood that there will be four parties in contention. This would makes things complicated on Constitutional grounds since it is highly unlikely that no candidate wins 50% + 1. Bodies in the street at Philly will give Barack a lot to think about concerning Medusa. If HRC wins the Presidency, I guarantee that she will be impeached on day 2.