Open Sesame 08/15/15

(I am at present both lazy and busy, and so am going to default this week to a reprint, an artifact of the early age of the intertubes. It was created on a boxy little ur-Mac, powered by hamsters. The "hook" for hanging the thing here today is that tomorrow marks the death-day of Elvis Presley, and the piece, originally titled "Do The Right Thing," is about Presley, mostly. Sort of. At the time I was freelancing for a publication that liked to assign me to events that were Strange. This event was strange all right, but it was also boring and pathetic. After, later, while I was wondering how in the world to transform it into something worth reading, I was assailed by terminal tooth death. Christ that was pain. If there is pain worse than that, I don't want to know about it. I threw everything I had at it, including liquid morphine left over from the final days of my ex-wife's grandfather. The shit barely made a dent. I would just have to ride it out. While meanwhile writing something so I could get money to buy the plywood coffin they would bury me in when this tooth killed me. Then, somehow, the pain and the morphine and the cloves and the ice and the whiskey and the aspirin permitted me to first envision and then inscribe the event in its Platonic form; the way it really was; the thing itself. So, it all worked out. As it generally does. Until you really do die.)

calling elvis
is anybody home
calling elvis
i'm here all alone

The Feather River delta died years ago below too many goddam dams. The banks of the Yuba/Sutter bottomlands shimmer in that shade of scummy yellow-brown that settles round the throat of the toilet when you don't scrub the thing very often. In signal-clotted fits and stalls I am following the highway, preparing to cross the river, frantically throwing garlic at the "I YAM WHAT I YAM" messages emanating from the jesusjumping signboard hung above the Yahweh Hotel.

I’m going to Graceland, Graceland West, in Yuba County: I’m going to Graceland. Poorboys and picaros, from felonious families; and we are going to Graceland. My traveling companion is thirty-three years old; he is the child of our father's second marriage. With that shotgun cross his knees, we will not be well received, in Graceland.


In August the astoundingly anal publication American Demographics published a color-coded map of the entire United States, divided by county and denoting in blinding red those regions most likely to support fanatical clusters of demonically devoted fans of Elvis Presley.

Studying the map one finds an appalling red smear of Elvis running across nearly the entire south, spreading into the midwest, leaving huge festering tumors along much of the eastern seaboard. As one moves west, however, the Elvirus begins to recede, until, in California, there appears but a single spot of Wrong: Yuba County.

The map reflects the work of Bob Lunn of Direct Image Concepts, a Texas marketing firm. Later in August, a Mean Man on the San Francisco Examiner wrote a story about Lunn and his map, chortling that Facts Now Show that the county of Yuba is home to a bunch of dumb, aging women who alternately drag deeply on menthol cigarettes and fill their jowls with velveeta and spam, all the while crying over trashy TV movies featuring people stricken with horrific diseases. Outside, their men patrol the town in CB-equipped pickups, guzzling malt liquor and endlessly searching for something to fell with their chainsaws. Nights they peruse together the National Enquirer, searching for news of the latest Elvis sightings, then flip the TV dial over to their favorite shopping channel, where they order by phone such tasteful souvenirs as the life-sized Elvis torso that spurts liquor from an autographed penis.

Poor Yuba County. The area suffers grievously for such a modest little county. It was troubled, of course, from the beginning, known even before the Civil War as the place founded by people who liked to eat each other—the undigested remains of the Donner Party coming to rest at Johnson's Rancho, a few miles east of the town known today as Wheatland. Several years ago Rand-McNally pronounced the Yuba City/Marysville area the absolute worst place to live in the whole United States—worse than Love Canal; Icepick, Minnesota; or that place in Deliverance. Another study disclosed that great clumps of county citizens are riddled with cancer. Native son Wally Herger is a profoundly ignorant man, one of the dimmest bulbs to serve in the House of Representatives in this century. The county's biggest employer, Beale Air Force Base, is a death farm. And every twenty years or so, through the machinations of Gaia and/or PG&E cloudseeders, the Feather River reclaims its heritage, transformed into a raging torrent that roars around town relocating roads, homes, and malls.

Still, it's hard to understand why Yuba County should be so singled out. It seems to me any of the counties comprising the Annex of Hell, that great swath of poisoned desert stretching from Redding to Bakersfield, could fairly claim the mark of Elvi.

Take, for instance, the county of Sutter, lying there belly-to-belly right next to Yuba. It's certainly no Garden of Allah. The place features the Sutter Buttes, easily the world's most pathetic mountain range; a town—Karnak—named after a Johnny Carson routine; and a clot of bumbling butchers malpractitioning as doctors who persist in injecting my daughter with the wrong drugs while treating my ex-wife like a wino. Vada's Motel is a hotbed of Yahweh cultists who daily plague Yuba City motorists with a large marquee bearing ominous blats from their arcane, discredited texts; of late they've stuck to the warning "The Fear Of The Lord Is Wisdom," a genuinely nasty nugget summoning up everything wrong and rotten with their screwworm religion.

And how could Butte County possibly escape punishment? This is a place where young people routinely set fire to the streets when they're not shooting each other over t-shirts. For many years the electorate regularly returned to office a sheriff who tended but to his pancake-wagon even as rogue deputies recurrently hung Indians in his jail, and today accepts as DA a bombastic imbecile who believes in punishing miscreants with castration.

Sounds like Elvis Country to me.

But no. It is Yuba, and Yuba alone, that must bear, again, the cross.

This time the denizens of Yuba, led by County Administrator Fred Morawcznski, would respond to a blast of unfavorable publicity with a canny mix of humor and hustle. September 30 would be designated "Don't Be Cruel To Yuba" day. Out at the airport Elvi would appear from the sky, as the media would be forced to gobble up "gourmet" Yuba sandwiches composed of canned ham and processed cheese. County bureaucrats would meanwhile use coverage of the Elvis connection as an opportunity to publicly pimp Yuba as a sort of official orifice ready to accept any entity promising to ram home business, business, business.

I would be there at the airport, but I would not go alone. If asked to confront spam, aircraft, politicos, and Elvis all at once, I would need brother Tector. A functional lunatic prone to the violent dismantling of stoves, phones, and autos, Tector was once so enraged by the drivel flowing from his television he first hurled the set into a rice bog and then drove his pickup deep into the mountains so he could purify himself by sleeping a week in the snow. At present Tector is preparing to flee to South America "so I won't have to see any more goddam white people."

"It's gonna cost you some change," he said when I sprung the Elvi idea. "I got to the point where I don't do nothin' for nobody, 'less there's a piece of gold attached to it."

"Fine," I agreed.

"And I’m bringing the .12 gauge," he added.


"In case one of those bastards tries to sing."


elvis was a hero to most
but he never meant shit to me
he was straight-out racist
the sucker was simple and plain
motherfuck him
and john wayne

I never had much use for Elvis Presley. During the years I lived in Yuba County, in fact, the only Elvis experience I can recall is the day I ripped my car radio out by the roots midway through "In The Ghetto."

The guy issued twelve good sides; that's all. Once he left Sam Phillips and Sun, he devolved into le schlockmeister grande. He had his moment, true; he was one of those there at the rockabilly beginning; but as soon as he had the chance, he ran from rocknroll faster than Richard Pryor with his body on fire. Most post-'56 Elvis music is not only bad, it's an outrage. He makes Neil Diamond sound like the Queen of Soul. Huge chunks of his stuff should appear only on those Rhino Golden Throats discs, slapped between Sebastian Cabot working out on "Like A Rolling Stone" and William Shatner bleating "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds."

Hailing Elvis as the King of Rocknroll is a crime against reason. In his stage-straining whale-in-a-jumpsuit days I can see sense in referring to him as the Kong of Rocknroll, but never the King. Elvis is not about rocknroll. He's about spangles, mediocrity, and women with blue hair. He didn't even go out like a rocker. Instead of having the decency to choke on his own vomit or set fire to his plane with his crack pipe, he fell off the toilet. There he lay, flat on his face, a bloated human sewer sloshing with valmid, demerol, hycodan, amytal, carbital, seconal, valium, chlorpheniramine, and placidyl. Those aren't rocker's drugs. That's the kind of toxic stew that should kill somebody like Jerry Lewis or Vic Damone, not the King of Rocknroll.

Still, people you might suspect of possessing intelligence persist in promoting the guy. The usually unusually perceptive rock writer Greil Marcus, for example, is so obsessed with Elvis he receives in his dreams messages scrawled on the dead man's member. Marcus has felled whole forests perpetrating endless, insanely involved arguments defending everything Elvis. Most are a waste of a good man's mind, but every now and then he scrawls something worth repeating. Such as conceding Elvis "might epitomize the worst of our culture . . . bragging, selfish, narcissistic, condescending, materialist to the point of insanity." Bingo.

"Music," Marcus writes, "must provoke as well as delight, disturb as well as comfort, create as well as sustain. If it doesn't, it lies." Elvis music, it is plain, lies.

"At its blandest," Marcus argues in a brief for the defense, "the American mainstream has no limits at all." This is pitifully true. But anyone who knows anything about streams knows that nothing of value is ever found out there in the middle. The mainstream is useful only for traveling fast, or as a convenient exit for those seeking to drown. In any stream, life is found around the edges. As with water; so too with music.

The fact that Elvis was mainstream is an indictment, not a recommendation. Who cares how popular he was, how many records he sold? That's no criteria for measuring art. If it were, we'd have to accept Rod McKuen as the world's greatest poet, and proclaim Walter Keane our premier painter.

Now that Elvis is issued by the Post Office it should be obvious to all just how little he really rocked the dominant culture. The federal government does not place subversives on stamps. The day we're really in charge is the day we lick a likeness of Owsley.


it's a desert because
because it’s a desert

"Can you believe they're spending $10,000 on this farce?" I bellowed to Tector over the whining clatter of the highwinding engine. "Now I find out there's some sort of mystery dinner connected with this thing. Some big bellybursting feed for these thieving capitalists they're courting. No one can get a job in this county and they're ladling out caviar and pouring the champagne."

I swerved suddenly to avoid a bull thrashing about on the asphalt; the creature far gone in herbicide convulsions. We were speeding through the badlands of Yuba, bounding wildly over ravaged, potholed roads strewn with poisoned crows and choked with mutant weeds.

"Where's the airport?” growled Tector. "Why are we out here in this goddam desert?"

"The valley is a desert," I reminded him. "It has been ever since they threw up all these dams. Place used to be a great alluvial swamp, 'cept very briefly, when it dried up in the peak of the hell of the summer. Then the animals and the Indians—the smart people—would move up into the foothills for the duration. Only white people are stupid enough to draw off all the water and then stick around for six months in this stinking heat."

"I hate white people,” he shouted, savagely pounding the seat with the butt of his .12 gauge. "There is no reason for them at all."

“I know, Tector,” I said soothingly. "Look, why don’t you turn on the radio. The paper says all these local stations are supposed to be broadcasting old Elvis tunes."

Tector lowered his weapon and fiddled a bit with the dial, settling at last upon the jangled emanations of some caterwauling dixiefried baboon sobbing forth a strange and unnatural C&W confession:

got drunk last night and porked my cat
buried what was left in my cowboy hat

"That doesn't sound much like Elvis," I observed.

"You're right," he agreed. "I think it's Jesse Helms."

The Yuba County Airport is as ugly as any other commercial airport: a vast, flat, barren wasteland of concrete and noise. It was noon on the last day of September in the obscene Central Valley, so the heat hovered happily around 100.

Out on a corner of the tarmac milled a ragged crowd of manic boosters, glandhandling politicians, smarmy business vermin, pointless newsfreaks. A pathetically small number of tables set in an L bore the bounty of Yuba County: maps, hats, prunes. The suicidal sampled whitebread sandwiches composed of either spam and velveeta, or peanut butter and bananas. On a flatbed stage yammered an endless procession of yoyos.

Displayed near the stage is a large reproduction of the County Seal, featuring a sheep, a shotgun, and a skull, broiling beneath a blazing summer sun. This tableau is encircled in a wreath of poison oak, the vines twining round the words of the County Motto: "Yahoo Yippity."

"You lied to me," Tector appeared at my side. "There's no food here at all. I can't find anything but a ptomaine-chili wagon, a prune table, and some swillstand peddling wine for three dollars a glass. Shit, for that kind of money I can pick up three bottles of MD 20.20."

"We'll need something stronger than that if this keeps up," I mumbled.

"I hear there's a lot of heroin in Yuba County," Tector offered.

Onstage the blowhards continued to wheeze.

"I happen to like Velveeta cheese," Supervisor Jane Saunders offered bravely.

"Then you should be returned to the asylum," suggested Tector.

Comes now a proclamation from Assemblybeing Bernard Richter: "What's positive about Yuba County is the people, and the kind of values they represent." Though he didn't specify, surely Richter was referring to such illustrious Yuba citizens as the Donners, who noshed nightly upon the dear departed; Juan Corona, who roamed the fields and levees zealously checking the surplus population; and all the boys at Beale, out there following their bliss of bomb and burn and strafe and slit.

Some of the people here are from movies I've never seen. I am particularly intrigued by the wild-eyed woman in the blue silk dress with the slit up the side near to her pubes. One arm is wrapped in a cast; the other is furiously engaged in scraping across the tarmac a pair of cats flailing about at the end of some sort of custom double-headed leash.

Bob Lunn, the Texas marketing director who began this fiasco, spies the phalanx of heavily-armed, banjo-bearing albinos moving with huge coils of rope towards the stage, and hastily halts midspeech to note that seventy percent of the county’s population does not, in fact, fit the Elvis profile. And those who do, he says, live not in the flatlands, but in the eastern third of the county.

"What is he talking about?" Tector explodes. "That's the mountains. Oregon House, Woodleaf, Brownsville, Clipper Mills—the only place a sane person would live in this county."

"What's all this nonsense about 'great fishing?'" I was confused. "With all the pesticides they spray around here I'd expect an aquatic boneyard."

"Oh, there's fish all right," Tector confirmed. "In fact, Yuba's known far and wide as the place to go if you’re into two-headed catfish, or bass with big running sores all over their bodies."

County Administrator Morawcznski is pounding home his favorite theme: Yuba must develop ways and means to surmount "intense competition" from other locales. To please today's CEOs, he warns, "a community must offer more than cheap land, tax subsidies, and a pool of unskilled labor." Because business is out there every night, cruising for "government that is innovative, progressive, cooperative, and flexible."

"I think he means a county willing to put out like a good whore," Tector translated.


Then, finally, the Elvi came from out of the sky. Three members of the Air America Precision Parachute Team, bailing out at six thousand feet, going down slow beneath billowing canopies of white, red, and blue.

Tector squinted upwards, shielding his eyes beneath the visor of a palm. "Looks like all the chutes opened," he said glumly.

With our attention riveted on the heavens, a fourth Elvi contrived to arrive on the scene. From whence he came, I do not know; perhaps from below. Straight outta Vegas, he wore the sequined white jumpsuit and bore the black lacquered DA. Purposefully he strode to the stage.

"That bastard's going to sing," Tector warned.

It was true. As the fallen Elvi gathered in their chutes and boarded the big red KUBA van for transport to the stage, Elvi #4 was introduced as the real deal. A cassette deck would blast forth as band, we were told, while he himself would emit words and elvis his pelvis.

"You know, this is really pretty bad," Tector shook his head. "I mean, Elvis was mostly a joke, but the guy really had something there for awhile. Why don't they leave him alone?"

"Never," I replied. "Not when it's legal to reach into old films and pull forth images of Jimmy Cagney, making it look like he's come back to sell Pepsi. Or dress some guy up as Shakespeare to blather about the joys of college. Jerry Falwell—remember?—used Jesus to push solid-gold pins shaped like fetus feet. Ours is a world without love, honor, or restraint. We'll do anything, to anybody, for money."

Hear, now, the Elvi. "Don't Be Cruel," dedicated, of course, to the people of Yuba County. Then, descending to the same hellish level of absolute tastelessness so often occupied by the original, the Elvi performed the execrable "Jailhouse Rock," in honor of the sheriff and his new man-cage. "Return to Sender" went out to Michael Dougan, the nicotine-stained Garfield, Oklahoma native who penned the Examiner attack. The de-balled Dougan trembled up to the stage to cowardly shift blame onto a coworker, a sort of office super-nerd whose only job is to sit in a cubicle, draped in pocket protectors, toting up numbers. It was this villain, insisted Dougan, who first found the American Demographics piece and then placed it before Evil Editors. From zen on, sprach Dougan, he vas only doink hiz job.

Following this final humbling of the malefic, the pols and potentates were satisfied to completely surrender the stage to the Elvi. I knew if the creature attempted "In The Ghetto" no power on earth could control Tector, but the end came instead during a horrific rendition of "Poke Salad Annie." Tector suddenly leapt on stage, snatching the mike from the startled Elvi and stunning the crowd with an announcement that Rush Limbaugh has just been arrested, dragged from the studio weeping and in chains, target of a sweeping federal indictment charging him with multiple counts of felony pedophilia. Sobered by this grim news, the Elvi swung into a heartstopping version of "Teddy Bear" in honor of the fallen fat man.

Ol' Rush, I pondered, as we were evicted from the tarmac and hustled out and into the car. He of the room temperature IQ, with talent on loan from Billy James Hargis. They say he always fought fair, with half his chins tied behind his back.

"He didn't say 'fuck,' and he loved his mama. Elvis was a nice guy."

—Matt Hogan

Elvis Presley was a human being. He was sent here, as were we all, with no instructions, guide, or lines at all. As a youth, he, as did we all, dreamed of one day holding the whole world in his hands. Unlike us all, he, once upon a day, did find himself holding, resting upon his palms, the whole blessed globe. For a single shining moment, he found that he himself, and he alone, held it; held it all.

Then, as would we all, he dropped it. He tried to do his best, but he could not. He couldn't, first, hold the world; finally, he couldn't even hold himself.

So let him rest. Let him rest, now, in peace. Let him, finally, be gone. Let him be. Let him and all that he is, fade away. Let him be remembered, same as all we rest, only by those who saw the shell settle into the grave.

did he leave the building
can he come to the phone
calling elvis
i'm all alone


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gulfgal98's picture

pure delicious writing, a wonderful literary meal to start my day. And thank God, I am not going to Graceland. Biggrin

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

You're too busy to go to Graceland. You have roofers. ; )

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Big Al's picture

Not only will none of them, not a single one, come out and tell the truth about Iran, but we get things like this. And this is
a Democrat of the Democratic Party.

"Florida Rep. Alcee Hastings on Thursday became the latest Democrat to split with President Barack Obama over Iran, stating that he would not only vote down the nuclear agreement with the country, but would also draft an authorization to allow the U.S. to go to war with it to prevent it from getting nuclear weapons.

Hastings said he plans to introduce his war authorization on Sept. 8, the first day Congress returns from recess. The introduction will likely come before lawmakers can hold a vote on whether to rescind the president’s ability to waive sanctions against Iran, as required in the nuclear deal. The Florida Democrat called it an “absolute necessity” to clear the president’s path to use military force against Iran, “regardless of how Congress votes” on the overall Iran deal."

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Big Al's picture

"There is already a war authorization against Iran floating around this House, authored by fellow Democrat John Larson of Connecticut. The measure drafted by Larson, who plans to back the nuclear deal when it comes up for a vote, gives the president permission to use military intervention against Iran if its nuclear program becomes noncompliant with the terms of the agreement."

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Big Al's picture

does it really matter how they vote if they all stick with the false narratives and lies?

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Big Al's picture

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Big Al's picture

"Why is everyone in Washington D.C. lying about Iran and nuclear weapons?

We won't see that. This is incredible.

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Big Al's picture

"what exactly is the threat and who is the real aggressor"?

"The constant drumbeat about Iran and the “risk” it poses. On and on it goes.

American Professor Noam Chomsky explains the dichotomy of the argument:

“The only way Iran can use nuclear weapons is defensively and there are two countries in the Middle East that don’t want them to have that defense: Israel and the United States.”

“We feel free to attack anyone who we think by be planning to harm us. If anyone else did that we’d nuke them.”

Q: Who are the real aggressors in the Middle East?"

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We aren't becoming anything. We already is.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture

In Florida, it may not make much difference if one is a Democrat or Republican. We have our share stupid politicians of both stripes. It sounds like AIPAC has gotten to a number of Democrats.

I really want to know how all these idiots are planning on funding a war with Iran and World War III that will result from our going into Iran. This is the ultimate in stupidity. A war with Iran is not a war we can win or even survive as a nation.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Big Al's picture

is what does this say that ALL U.S. politicians are on the same page when it comes to Iran being a threat?
As I've said numerous times, not a single one has come out and told the truth, that Iran is not, has not, and does
not want to build nuclear bombs. That there is no evidence of it and that our own intelligence agencies have
confirmed it.
I think it's amazing and tells us that our entire Congress, Senate and Executive Office is acting in concert
regarding the supposed threats to the U.S. And that includes Russia and China. The new Axis of Evil, agreed upon
by both parties, is Russia, China, and Iran. That's the next step in the game.

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lotlizard's picture

"By never calling for prosecution, 'left' journalism protects investments in continuous genocide"

Arundhati Roy describes an even broader "left" complicity in the never-ending parade of smaller nations destroyed, in her latest book Capitalism: A Ghost Story. Roy explains how funding from the major corporate foundations has been used to steer activists into promoting a plethora of justice-at-home issues, thus dividing attention away from America's genocidal crimes overseas.

Roy denounces civil rights leaders for turning potential revolutionaries into supporter of "wars" that do more than just crush the civil rights of the poor overseas, who are mass murdered for speculative banking capital gains. Roy: "The civil rights movement in the U.S. has become a war-supporting movement."

Seems that apart from the writing of a handful of excellent journalist-historians, the audience of American "left" journalism is reading far less about an "awfully mistaken" U.S. foreign policy of incessant slaughter overseas and much more about protests of injustice at home, and of course nothing of Martin Luther King's extremely logical warning that there will be no progress on social justice issues at home while America uses up enormous financial and human resources to kill the poor in other countries.

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hecate's picture

Iran accord is a done deal. All this is just bad summer-stock.

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lotlizard's picture

As "compensation" — to bribe Netanyahu not to try to incite a nuclear war or have Mossad pull yet another world-changing false flag operation? — there will be a big push on the Administration and Congress to give Israel even more free money and weaponry, and even to release Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.

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lotlizard's picture

Blogger Chemi Shalev writing for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz:

Sources: Netanyahu Seeks Gains From Iran Deal Battle He Knows Is Lost
After bitter Congress campaign, weakened Democrats will press for Israel compensation as their bid to retake the White House falters.

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gulfgal98's picture

After reading gjohnsit's diary today, I was thinking how close we are to becoming just this. Sadly all this manual does is justify what we have been doing for some time. Americans are so far removed from the horrors of war that we cannot comprehend the vast killing, maiming and infliction of suffering we are doing throughout the world, but more particularly in the Middle East.

The new document seeks to distinguish between "legitimate" and "illegitimate" acts of military violence against civilian targets, using the criterion of military necessity," points out Peter Martin of the World Socialist Website.

"Thus, acts of mass slaughter of civilians could be justified if sufficient military advantages were gained by the operations."
The bulk of the document, Martin continues, "amounts to a green light for military atrocities, including mass killings."

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

smiley7's picture

yet, another good read; I look forward to your work, hecate. Always chuckle in recalling that Elvis sang, 'Baby won't you play house with me?" on the Sullivan show and the censors were quiet. Smile Our family huddled around the big tube for Ed's show, a weekly event, never missed.

I know it's Saturday afternoon, but I plan to put up a kos liveblog/stream of Bernie's soapbox appearance at today's Iowa State Fair. Please join in all, and assist in liveblogging in the comments if you wish.

Senator Bernie Sanders at the Iowa State Fair

This program has not yet aired

Airing LIVE Saturday, Aug 15 3:00pm EDT on C-SPAN

And a little tune for GG:

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hecate's picture

The Ed people were I think more concerned about keeping the Elvis pelvis off the TV. They were afraid it would spontaneously impregnate the nation's young people. So, they didn't listen to the words. ; )

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gulfgal98's picture

I know one thing, you won't catch me up on the roof. I never go higher than the third rung of a ladder. Shok As smiley probably knows, in this part of the country, roofers do not work on Sat. Afterall, last night was Friday night. Wink However they will be back on Monday.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Shahryar's picture

There are plenty of good Elvis tracks on RCA. But I do agree with John Lennon, who said "Elvis really died the day he joined the army. That's when they killed him, and the rest was a living death."

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hecate's picture

it's strong. It's also an opinion about music, which means it's just . . . an opinion about music. Everybody likes different things.

Once I bought on vinyl for like 10 cents an Oliver album with "Good Morning Starshine" on it, because I like the 26-second coda to the thing; there's just something goofy and dumbly happy about it. When I showed the disc to my brother, he went mad with rage. He discoursed at some length about how the "glibby-gloop-gloopy, nibby-nabby-noopy, la-la-la-lo-lo" portions of the song demanded that Oliver be dispatched to a death camp. He threatened to shoot me, if I ever played the song in his presence. So one night when he stayed over at my place, after drinking too much, very early the next morning I put the song on the turntable. He bolted out of his booze-coma and hurled a boot down from the loft. He had good aim.

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shaharazade's picture

But then again I tend to like goofy and dumbly happy pop it's good, or for that matter any form of excellent goofy good and funny music. I was the perfect age, prepubescent, for Elvis the Pelvis at his amazing good and funny start. I used to go over to my friend Sherry's house and listen to Elvis, she had a 45 collection that was my envy. The first album I bought Elvis with the purple shirt cover that included then tear jerker Old Shep. There is a theory that great pop bands only have a five year run of being magic even the Beatles. Elvis died for me when he went into the army and allowed them to cut off his locks and then put out 'I'm only a Wooden Doll'. By that time I had figured out he was dumb as a post and no longer very sexy and kind of pervy. Like Samson his locks we're a symbol his power. Elvis56 is one of the best albums ever. Every rocker since acknowledges this. I still love rockabilly and it still lives regardless of the tides of fashion that recycles endlessly. Heartbreak Hotel blew my mind just like later I Want to Hold your Hand would. I was older then but I know greatness when I hear it regardless of my age or the musics.

Motzart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik had the same effect when I first heard it. I heard it in a NYC subway platform whistled by some black guy, waiting for my train.

Still even though I'm an old coot I remain open to hearing the magic that moves through pop music. This song from the 90's made me sit up and take notice. they too had a short run...

Nowadays I tend to listen to alt. with it's many variations of pop. What's that mean? Not really the same is it. I do not mean to diminish any music pop, alt or whatever. In a way I think it's a good thing that pop music has been shattered by the net and by the endless variations we hear on whatever platform we listen to. Still Elvis was the king for a moment in time and isn't that what art and especially something as fleeting as pop music is about?

One last tribute to my first pop idol. I never however went bananas and shrieked and cryied for any pop star or pol. Obama caught me and I fell for his act but he turned out to be as ephemeral as Elvis. Just a dream? A pretty one that while seductive often tends to be of your own making.

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hecate's picture

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Wait till the GOP goes after her. This is from a Bernie supporter.

Do You Remember?

When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over a health care reform. Even after threats and intimidation, she couldn't even get a vote in a democrat party controlled congress. This fiasco cost the American taxpayers about $13 million for studies, promotion, and other efforts.

Then President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female Attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood - Both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration after it was

discovered that they both had hired illegal aliens. Next she chose Janet Reno - husband Bill described her selection as "my worst mistake." Some may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David
Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of Deaths of women and children.

Husband Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the appointment of Attorney General. Lani Guanier was her selection. When a little probing led to the discovery of Ms. Guanier's radical views, her name had to be withdrawn from consideration.

Apparently a slow learner, husband Bill allowed Hillary to make some more recommendations. She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for the Treasury Department. Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.

Many younger voters will have no knowledge of "Travelgate." Hillary wanted to award unfettered travel contracts to Clinton friend Harry Thompson - and the White House Travel Office refused to comply. She managed to have them reported to the FBI and fired. This ruined their reputations, cost them their jobs, and caused a thirty-six month investigation. Only one employee, Billy Dale was charged with a crime, and that of the enormous crime of mixing personal and White House funds. A jury acquitted him of any crime in less than two hours.
Still not convinced of her ineptness, Hillary was allowed to recommend a close Clinton friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of Director of White House security. When Livingstone was investigated for the
improper access of about 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, suddenly Hillary and the President denied even knowing Livingstone, and of course, denied
knowledge of drug use in the White House. Following this debacle, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office after more than thirty years of service to seven Presidents.

Next, when women started coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment and rape by Bill Clinton, Hillary was put in charge of the "bimbo Eruption" and scandal defense. Some of her more notable decisions
in the Debacle were:

* She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit. After the Starr investigation they settled with Ms. Jones.
* She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor. After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr's investigation led to Monica
Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs.
* Hillary's devious game plan resulted in Bill losing his license to practice law for lying under oath to a grand jury and then his subsequent impeachment by the House of Representatives.
* Hillary avoided indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice during the Starr investigation by repeating, "I do not recall," "I have no recollection," and "I don't know" a total of 56 times while under oath.
* After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House furniture, China, and artwork that she had stolen.

Ready for another four or eight year of this type of mess? If not, then we need to get the word out.

Now we are exposed to: the destruction of possibly incriminating emails while Hillary was Secretary of State and the "pay to play" schemes of the Clinton Foundation - we have no idea what shoe will fall next. But to her loyal fans - "What difference does it make?"

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

smiley7's picture

memories do fade, don't they? Big smile.

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snoopydawg's picture

If you do, I'm sure that her defenders will say it's a right wing witch hunt.
Thanks for posting it here.
I can't believe people won't see who she really is.
When Bush was president, kos was an anti war site. Since Obama was elected, silence on destroying Libya, Syria and all the other countries he's droning in.
And people believe that Putin was the aggressor in Ukraine.
These people don't give a shit how many lives are ruined or how many people are killed while they're playing their wars of aggression all over the Middle East and Asia.
But we'll get the same thing with the GOP and the deems will go along with it.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Besides, I really don't care what anyone does with their vote. If someone wants to vote for Trump, Nader, or jesus christ, it is their vote. I've been threatening to vote Republican out of spite for years. If Bernie loses the primary, this may be the time.

I made up my mind long ago that I wasn't giving Kos my money or contributing to his cash cow and/or race war in any way. If he wants clowns, thugs and Christians for his colleseum, he'll have to go find them someplace else. dk is quite the toxic bubble. It hasn't made a contribution or had an original thought since 2006.

How are the pooches doing?

(Sorry for the edits to correct mispellings. Hope this doesn't public 3 more times. )

(Sorry for the edits to correct misspellings. Hope this doesn't publish 3 more times. )
lol - Good thing you guys like me.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture

what a great comment!

I made up my mind long ago that I wasn't giving Kos my money or contributing to his cash cow and/or race war in any war. If he wants clowns, thugs and Christians for his coleseum,...

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

I am aghast at the ugliness over there. There isn't anything I could say that would be as awful as what is going on at dkos.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

smiley7's picture

as we learned not too many weeks ago from the comment of kos' I re-posted here; that which engenders more clicks gets the front page; yet, it's still 'a tool' to message in, so far; the only redeeming factor in my calculation.
I want to shout Franklin over and over again on kos.
Hate colors the mind.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

this excellent comment, from time to time.

Which reminds me, my cell phone 'news feed,' or app, is brimming over with articles from the major MSM outlets about FSC's 'Email-Gate' episode. Unless she is completely cleared of all wrongdoing (and I'm not sure that this can be done, in light of the two 'Top Secret' emails that we know were transmitted), IMO, this little episode may seriously hamper her throughout the entire campaign.

I haven't ventured over to DKos to check out any of the Iowa Fair coverage, today. Later, I think I may venture over there to read the coverage of Bernie's remarks at the Soapbox (if he made any, and it's my impression that he did)--I missed the live feed, unfortunately; Trump's earlier press conference--I understand that the Fair 'bosses' wouldn't allow his copter to land there, but that he found a way to give kids rides, anyway; and, more reports of FSC attempting to 'skirt' the Soapbox and/or reporters' questions.



"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

lotlizard's picture

Once Americans and allied peoples in Western Europe began denying that #IraqLivesMatter, it seems to me that the slide down the slippery slope of apathy and indifference was a natural consequence.

As Hillary Clinton might put it, "We came, we saw, they all died" — whether we're talking Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, people shot by militarized U.S. police, people drowned trying to make it to the E.U. across the Mediterranean, etc.

I'm supposed to be afraid of Trump now? Our vaunted elite are all morally numb drifters and grifters, Tony Blair Carlyle-grouper types with no spiritual compass whatsoever.

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gulfgal98's picture

This comment is pure gold! It seems to be a disease of the American political elite and much of the American public. No anonymous lives matter in the pursuit of empire. Sad

This concept is something that we at our Peace vigil have had to overcome in our conversations with people who stop by. We often find people are opposed to these wars because they do not like seeing our young people killed and wounded over there. But far too many do not grasp the concept of just how many innocent people over there have died in these bogus wars. It is something that we try to explain as gently as possible so that people can understand the vast damage we are doing in the world and in the Middle East, in particular.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

I made it more than clear in my last diary about police shooting that there was a connection between a racist foreign war -> military war weapons going to local police forces -> local police forces killing people in a racist way.

Yet when I brought this up to BLM people on the GOS, they refused to consider that the issue was related.
I was told "we are a single issue movement."

I thought about pointing out how stupid it was to end your movement at the border,
For instance, what if a black person goes to Tijuana for the day and gets killed by our government there? Does it not count because he was on 2 miles on the wrong side of the line?
What if a black person from Haiti is visiting New York and gets killed by police? Does it not count because of the color of his passport?

It's all the same damn thing! Brown-skinned people getting killed by our government. It's just one issue.

And then I threw my hands up and said "F*ck it".

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Big Al's picture

Many of those supporting BLM on DK are also the same ones sticking with Obama and the Democratic party thru thick
and thin, no matter what he or it does. Obama wages illegal wars, proxy wars, provides weapons to both sides of conflicts
in Africa creating conditions for genocides. The list is long in how racist U.S. imperialism is and yet these same people
screaming "white supremacist" at liberals and progressives are de facto supporting the racist actions of U.S. imperialism. It's
beyond hypocritical, they're enablers which in the end equates to accessories.
Racism can't be resolved on one hand when it's supported with the other.

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gulfgal98's picture

Anecdotally, I have seen it with our Peace vigil as I recounted above. I have tried to turn it around on those who support our bombing and droning people overseas who happen to be brown skinned Muslims. In trying to make it personal, I usually hit a brick wall with something like "well, they are different. They hate us and want to kill us, so we need to kill them first." Duh. And if they were over here killing and bombing us, how would you feel? It is a concept that very few people can accept.

The second aspect of this is the pipeline from the military to the police. What is happening is that more and more of the people being hired by police come from a military background, many of whom were in combat. These people have been trained already to see everyone as the enemy and to have no value for life. A police department already has a military aspect to it, but when you add in people who have been trained to kill without remorse and militarized equipment, every suspect becomes the enemy and every situation is combat.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

movement at the border".

That's why I say being able to "listen" goes both ways. There are limits to what most people can comprehend and want to comprehend.

Funny to tell you that "what you have is a single issue movement". I would say the same goes vice versa, but why even bother over it. It's just a matter of losing energy over issues you can't help changing, mostly the human condition. Their movement is essential, but local in time and place. It's their mission and needs to be a mission of all Americans, it's an important one. Let's work on it together.

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More evidence of a "recovery"

(AP) -- Food banks across the country are seeing a rising demand for free groceries despite the growing economy, leading some charities to reduce the amount of food they offer each family.

U.S. food banks are expected to give away about 4 billion pounds of food this year, more than double the amount provided a decade ago, according to Feeding America, the nation's primary food bank network. The group gave away 3.8 billion in 2013.

While reliance on food banks exploded when the economy tanked in 2008, groups said demand continues to rise year after year, leaving them scrambling to find more food...

The drop in food stamp rolls by nearly 2.5 million people from recession levels could be contributing to the food bank demand, he said, because people who no longer qualify for the government aid may still not earn enough to pay their bills.

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hecate's picture

that braying horse's ass over in Russia, all proud n' shit about bulldozing and burying food.


Meanwhile some Real People in Russia have posted to the intertubes "Death Of A Parmesan," a mournful ballad about cheeses and hams fighting a losing battle to avoid Official incineration. "He was tortured with a grater/but he didn't say a word." And so it goes.


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Pluto's Republic's picture

…that are illegally brought into the United States. That includes foods upon which there are sanctions and trade barriers.

As goes the United States, so goes Russia.

In fact, the TPP fell apart over US trade barriers against cheese and other dairy products from New Zealand and Canada — which suffered the same fate when smuggled into the US. Ditto over products containing sugar from Australia, which are also destroyed if imported/smuggled into the US. Agricultural smuggling is severely enforced, everywhere.

Where I live in the US, 32% of the population does not know where their next meal is coming from. Too bad they don't live in a modern socialist or communist country.

I'd get rid of that disgraceful and hypocritical Neocon propaganda-pandering talking point, if I were you. Or reserve it for the Kiev Post to gin up a war against Russia, where the people are already suffering under a blanket of murderous US collective punishment. The people of Crimea are suffering, as well, for exercising their Human Right to Self Determination. US war crimes, both.

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hecate's picture

is more important than "politics." That is true anywhere, and everywhere.

It's not a "talking point." Much less a "disgraceful and hyprocritical Neocon propaganda-pandering talking point." (Sheesh. Orwell would love that one.) It's just a fact.

Not even the government's usual partners in the Russian Orthodox Church can stomach this one. Sad if Americans, Americans who have never gone hungry, can.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Sanctions and collective punishment have consequences.

US sanctions killed 500,000 Iraqi babies, who died of starvation in the arms of their parents.

After that, the US went in and murdered another million and forced millions more to flee as refugees. And, then, the US destroyed their nation.

All because they wanted to sell oil outside the US Dollar (their only defense against criminal US sanctions).

Exact same story in Russia, as they enact their own sanctions (against the dairy products from countries who are trying to collectively punish the Russian people) in defense against the criminal US sanctions. (Russia imports an abundance of dairy products from South America and member nations of the SCO.) You're just passing along the propaganda the Neocons and their clueless minions use to gin up a war. Just like they did in Iraq. "B-b-but, they gassed their own people."

Thank god, the petrodollar is dead.

Stop being a Neocon tool.

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hecate's picture

it's not Putin Derangement Syndrome. People throughout Russia have suggested that the seized food instead be provided to those among the Russian people who are hungry. I believe I have seen you inscribe the notion that food is a human right. And that it is. That right would seem to me to override the political theatre of destroying food on state television.

As for "Neocon tool," "you're just passing along the propaganda the Neocons use to gin up a war," etc., etc., please see the previous citation to Orwell.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

…that is imported into their country from countries the US has trade barriers against.

While one in four American children go to bed hungry every night.

Grow up.

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Respectfully, your argument is much stronger without the insult.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

I was just reading another essay here, and in the comments, Gulf Girl touches upon the issue of civility in disagreements. I felt badly about my tone, here.

And, truly, I don't think I'll be able to preempt this particular war by setting a backfire of words. When I see folks from the so-called Left cluelessly carrying water for the Neocon death-eaters, it sets me off. But, not nearly as much as it used to, thankfully. I don't seem to care as much as I once did, for some reason….

I don't think you'll be seeing disrespectful language from me again.

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hecate's picture

am grown up. As such, I permit myself to perceive the follies of all nation-states. And do not indulge in such embarrassing duckspeak as "disgraceful and hyprocritical Neocon propaganda-pandering talking point."

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Pluto's Republic's picture

For the first time in my life I totally comprehend Elvis.

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hecate's picture

Practitioners generally people once possessed by Jesus; then, devotees of Eros, Eris, and Nyx.


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you have both made your points, time to let it rest.

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Over 60 inmates at New York’s Clinton Correctional Facility have complained of abuse by prison guards in the wake of the June escape of convicted killers David Sweat and Richard Matt.

According to a New York Times report, they allege that the prison staff interrogated them by beating them, placing them in solitary confinement, and in at least one inmate’s case, throwing a bag over his head and threatening to waterboard him.

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smiley7's picture

largest crowd. From photos, Trump's crowd looks large as well and from photos, looks like Hillary had the largest press following. Thanks for joining in CW.

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Shahryar's picture

From the GOS I thought it was just Hillary and Trump.

So I was reading the diary that got jbou a timeout. Ordinarily I'd say it's incredible that people couldn't understand what he was saying but it's, sadly, typical.

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smiley7's picture

whatever; pack rules, but the same herd ensures clicks. $$$$ for someone.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

device for many sufferers of PTSD. (And, it's not necessarily unhealthy, unless there is 'total' repression of a traumatic event--i.e., Sybil.)

What can be dangerous is the forcing of PTSD sufferers to 'relive' a trauma ("flooding," or exposure therapy), which is one of the so-called treatments being heavily employed by the military. This therapy should only be conducted by a highly skilled and experienced therapist, who knows 'when to stop.'

From everything that I've read, it appears that this therapy is likely being used so that the VA can justify "declaring many veterans to be cured of PTSD." This, of course, gives the VA the 'grounds' to discontinue their VA Disability benefits. *Sigh*

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

An aside, my sixth grade elementary school dance instructor, Mr. Stubblefield--also, always my dance partner, since I was so tall that most boys barely came up to my shoulder--was a former WW II POW.

He wore the darkest sunglasses [all the time] that I've ever seen. He spent several years as a POW in solitary confinement--in a pit--so his eyes could no longer tolerate light. He was also a survivor of the 'Bataan Death March.'

Obviously, at age 11, I had no grasp of what this kind and gentle man had experienced. Occasionally, as an adult, I've wondered how he has fared over the years.

I hope his life has been a good one, and that his path has been easier than that of many other psychologically wounded veterans.

He'll always be one of my three favorite elementary school teachers. If I knew how to reach out to him, I would tell him that.

To you, Mr Stubblefield,

Give rose


"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."--Helen Keller

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.