A Few Words About Bernie
Take a close look at his face. Think about what Bernie is feeling.
Put yourself inside his head. That is a life changing moment for Bernie.
I can't (nor would I ever try to) speak for Bernie Sanders. I can only say this: What he went through was life changing. You do not come back from that. Once you have experienced the reality of non-violent disobedience, once you have faced "the man", and dared the court to "do its worst", you are a different kind of person.
From my land-line I get a steady stream of appeals to fund Hillary's campaign as "obviously" she has won. On line, there are those that lament that they will vote for Hillary if she, in fact, wins the nomination. The worst are the ones that say they will follow Bernie's lead and vote for Hillary if he endorses her.
If Bernie endorses Hillary: I will call him out for betraying the man being arrested and throw that photo in his face. You don't stand up to the system and get treated like that, and then later tell the millions that have been following your example, "Hey!, just kidding, let's call it a day." No Fucking Way.

I know of what you speak, PriceRip.
Been arrested twice, both over 25 years ago.
I will never forget what it felt like, a nervous kind of joy that I had proven to myself I really did have the courage of my convictions. Also, it smelled bad.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
I remember my dad's face.
I had never seen him terrified before. He grew-up doing very dangerous things, and faced death often, but the thought that I might get sent away was the limit for him. I think that was the worst part of it for me.
Got some memories of that look.
He was gone before I hit the street. I like to think he would have been there with me.
I like reading about your dad.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Bernie has a great inner strength, IMO
Bernie had already lost both of his parents by the time this happened, which was 1963 per Wiki. His mother died after his high school graduation, and his father died in 1962. He met his first wife in college; they volunteered together for several months in Israel in 1963 and married in 1964.
What I'm amazed by is Bernie's seemingly very strong inner fortitude. He's done many of his greatest accomplishments alone.
That makes him a leader
not a follower.
If believe in your cause you do what needs to be done.
That pic gives me flashbacks. My parents never laid a hand on me so I never knew how it felt to get beaten until the cops got a hold of me when I was 15/16yo. The fury I felt never left me to this day. Seeing those pigs abuse the OWS kid sand anyone not white enough makes my blood boil. It needs to stop. Anyone abusing their 'power' needs to get stopped.
" El pueblo unido jamás será vencido. The people united will never be defeated "
for the very reason you cite
Bernie is entitled to endorse or not endorse as he sees fit. Bernie has done more for the cause of justice and equality than I'll ever do and for that he gets my respect. Doesn't mean I have to vote accordingly but that is a different matter.