Tim Canova jumps the shark.
Submitted by The Voice In th... on Tue, 06/14/2016 - 5:27pm
Received an e-mail from Tim Canova. This time he has shifted his focus from DWS to Donald Trump.
The contribution e-mail says in part.
"which is why we’re asking:
Can you sign our petition pledging to do whatever you can to defeat Donald Trump in the general election? "
i.e. vote for Hillary Clinton. I unsubscribed, telling his campaign why. I regret the money I previously sent to his campaign.
EDIT: Title was "Tim Canova throws in the towel". Title changed per comment complaints about accuracy

Are you certain it is from the Canova campaign?
Not to doubt your post, but could you show the email. Trust but verify. And that is a shame if it is true.
God. Dammit.
I'm so done with this shit.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
We need a link--all emails tend appear on the pols webpage
as well, for folks who can't read graphics in email.
I Can't Find Any Such Statement. Be Suspicious.
I haven't received such an announcement as one of his donors. I have looked at his website and found no statement saying he's dropping out. The email you got looks suspicious. Let's wait and see. DWS is known for being slimy and underhanded, so this could just be one more example.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I Haven't Gotten Anything Of This Sort From Canova
just checked my emails too
I don't know.
I've contributed to him and his emails come to me as Tim Conova. I got the one in the essay and it says Tim Conova 2016
This is from his facebook page.
Pretty much the same as the one I received in email. He had to respond by saying trump needs defeated. And is he just doing what most pols do by gathering emails via a petition? I could read this as "we need to do whatever we can to defeat trump. Go Bernie!" Maybe reading too much into it...BernieOrBust...
Warning sign
Looks like this is some BS going around. Look at the name and be sure of the spelling. The right spelling is CANova (like "Yes We Can"), not CONova (like "You're being conned"). Be very careful.
went back and checked. All his emails came in as Tim Canova but the latest had 2016 behind his name
I received the email myself
but my email server is down at the moment. It talked about making sure that Donald Trump didn't become President based on the inflammatory rheotoric he used (in particular against Obama) over the Orlando shooting (which could be interpreted as "Vote for Hillary" along it didn't mention Hillary or DWS). Tim isn't dropping out.
DWS needs her ass canned so fast
it ain't funny! Looks like the latest is the Russkies hacked DNC computers. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
And While We're At It
She could stand to have her ass caned as well.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Please don't even joke about violence toward anyone.
"Politics is not evil; politics is the human race's most magnificent achievement." Senator Tom Fries, 'Podkayne of Mars,' Robert Heinlein
DWS needs her ass canned so fast
it ain't funny! Looks like the latest is the Russkies hacked DNC computers. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Agreed, this sounds a bit hinky when you consider the fact
that, at least to the best of my knowledge, he has received a substantial amount of donations from Sanders supporters, I know I have given to him at least 3 times and he is supposedly showing strong against her in the last polls I saw so what would possibly motivate him to drop from running against one of the most despised figures in the party?
I can't think of a single Dem that I know that can stand her.
I wouldn't get worked up yet, lets wait and see what actually happens. The Clinton's and their cohort of criminal cronies could be complicit.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
While I'm not happy with this,
I can see why he did it given the area he's running to represent. If he sticks with this tactic for more than the news cycle I'll be extremely disappointed though.
I sent him $
and encouraged others to help him.
I hope, in time, my friends will forgive me.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I received the same email
I received this email today. It was from the same email address as previous emails from the Canova campaign, and it links to both the Canova website and his ActBlue contribution page.
The letter does seem to acknowledge that there is uncertainty about the Dem nomination ("in the coming week, we will gain more clarity on what is next in the presidential election"), but he's playing both sides of the Dem fence. It's understandable from a political point of view. Still disappointing to see Canova jump on the "be very afraid" bandwagon.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Where does it say to vote for $hrill?
The Democratic race Isn't done yet. I hope the Bernster raises hell w/her hrcness over the Russians hacking the DNC.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
I have *never* gotten an email from Canova's campaign
signed "Team Canova".
Even if this is the way it's headed, he IS saying what Sanders is--"Do what we can to defeat Trump". That's the PC way of saying it--so that TPTB don't crap all over them for being "divisive"--without endorsing Clinton.
But I haven't seen the email referred to in this post, and I've donated to the guy's campaign more than once.
I haven't rec'd any such message and I'm a repeat donor
to Canova.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I received it...
"Dear Canova supporter -
Yesterday, Donald Trump took his regressive and racist campaign to new heights of bigotry when instead of helping to unite our country following the tragic shooting in Orlando, he attempted to divide us by race and religion.
In a nationally televised speech, he claimed the perpetrator in the Orlando shooting was born in Afghanistan, when in fact he was born in the United States. Trump even insinuated that President Obama may have somehow been in on the attack, and he spewed a litany of disgusting and hate-filled statements about immigrants.
In this election, we cannot allow the politics of hate to consume our country. Not at a time when we need action on the issues that matter to working Americans, which is why we’re asking:
Can you sign our petition pledging to do whatever you can to defeat Donald Trump in the general election?
In the coming week, we will gain more clarity on what is next in the presidential election, but no matter what happens, we have a responsibility to reject the regressive and racist politics of Donald Trump and his followers.
That means coming together as a party and as a movement to choose kindness over bigotry, courage over fear, and love over hate.
Thank you,
Team Canova"
I got it too
Just deleted it. I'll back him in the primary, just to kill DWS.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Oh heavens yes, I was so delighted to find she had opposition!
He could be convicted of eating babies, and I'd still vote for him. If I could.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Certainly your right to do so
But you may also want to consider...
-Tragedy in Florida
-Hillary dominating Florida primaries
-Trump apparently giving a really divisive speech in the aftermath of tragedy
Tim is still running a grass-roots campaign funded by individual contributions, and he primarily sticks to issues that are important. Don't get me wrong, I will never cast an 'anti' vote so candidates will do their best for me when they run pro-issues campaigns, but a revolution from within a political party will require:
1. Person being able to get elected
2. Some showing of party unity
There are certainly lines in the sand I will hold candidates to, notably how they fund their campaigns and where they stand on key issues.
More proof how hopeless the whole fight is.
Sorry to be so party poopy, but...
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Well, as Bernie has said ...
Remember that change always comes from the bottom up, not from the top down.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I don't see it that way (but understand why others might)
Canova's running as a D. So is Bernie. Their official lines are "anyone is better than Trump." This email, which I assume I'll receive, is consistent with that message. I would politely inform him that I support his campaign but not Hillary Clinton and that all I would do to defeat Trump is support Bernie Sanders.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Just responded by requesting
Just responded by requesting that my name be removed from their contact list. Sigh.
I don't see your reading in the text
'Throw in towel' means 'quit -- text doesn'say/support This reading
Reject, fight Trump is a valid Bernie stance
'Comes together to choose kindness, courage, love' does NOT say or imply 'support HRC.
Quit the fight against corruption
How can you be against the puppet and not the puppetmaster.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
What does that puppetmaster thing even MEAN? A complete non-sequiter, imo.
Please point to the email text if you try explaining the puppetmaster thing. In my first comment, I merely stated that I did not see the text as supporting your conclusions. If you think the text supports your conclusions, please make that clear by pointing to the text.
The Candidates I've Donated To
Bernie Sanders
Alan Grayson - FL
Russ Feingold - WI
Pramila Jaypal - WA
Tim Canova - FL
Many more worthy people have asked, only to go without.
I happen to reside in CA, so only Bernie is likely to represent me directly (assuming he won). I recognize the value of putting non-corporatists in Congress, but as a working person, there is only so much I can do. It takes effort and sacrifice to raise the money to give to any of these candidates. I have had to make some very tough choices on who to give money to, and who I had to send naught but my best wishes.
I also got Canova's emails. I find them disappointing in that I might have erred in thinking that he had what it takes to beat a very bad Representative. I can't afford to throw money away. I'm already spending what little I have for my retirement paying for daily existence.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Trust Bernie
Bernie has endorsed this man, and I trust Bernie.
I would point out that Bernie
I would point out that Bernie has said much the same thing - let's unite to defeat Trump. But he has NOT endorsed Hillary, and as far as I know, neither has Canova. In Tim's case, he is running against DWS, not Hillary. And if achieving that that requires him to stand down from attacking Hillary, then so be it. Let him stay focussed on HIS immediate goal, without having to fight the full force of the Clinton machine. I'm still supporting him.
That's fair
but why send out that email asking people to "pledge" and unite"? How does it advance his goal of winning? By convincing people that he fuly embraces the establishment and its hackneyed memes?
How does it advance his goal
By getting the Clinton machine off his back. They may be ready to let DWS fall under the bus, but they won't do it if her opponent is actively attacking them. So it's a strategic move. He did NOT embrace the establishment, he just said "Trump sucks". No shit, Sherlock.
The thing we all have to remember is that we have to build from the bottom up. We CAN'T win at the top unless and until we have the support structure in place at the lower levels. If we should have learned anything from this primary season it is that fundamental truth. And that means that replacing a DWS with a Tim Canova is more important than what Tim now says in a campaign email.
does it actually use the word "unite"?
if it doesn't, please stop speaking for it
'Pledge' to defeat Trump;
'Unite' to choose kindness, courage, love
Does working for Progressive values now require us to condemn individual words? HRC/DNC *want* to own the words 'unite'/'unity' -- but that doesn't mean the *do* own them. But the argument presented here seem to grant just that kind of 'ownership' of those words to HRC/DNC.
I mean, look at what you're saying: 'Canova is a fake who has duped us and stolen our money because he used the words 'pledge' and 'unite' (which reveal him as a sell-out) -- because those words belong to Her.'
Bernie has been saying the exact same thing
on the campaign trail in the past month or more.
I don't find what Canova said in his email to be anything different than what Bernie has said.
I don't understand what the problem is here and I certainly don't understand what is causing some people to have remorse regarding donating to his campaign.
And yeah, I got this email, too.
sounds like he knows Bernie will drop out
aren't Bernie and Hills meeting tonight? And Bernie speaking Thursday. This might be a spoiler.
So you're calling Bernie a liar now?
All this pearl clutching based on reading instant tea leaves looks pretty ridiculous.
It really does
look rather like pearl clutching in some ways, and it's kind of odd seeing that sort of thing here.
Yeah, but these are desperate times and emotions are running
Couple that with all the betrayal and lies we have endured throughout this thing it's a reasonable response.
We just can't wallow in it for long.
Personally, like with all things political, I am no longer paying attention to what they say, I will pay attention to what they do.
Tim was one of the earlier backers of Sanders, which leads me to believe his principles probably align with mine, but we won't know for sure until we get him in.
If we do, and he then betrays our trust, we will get rid of him, but I am not gonna base anything on the contents of one email that was probably composed by a professional political consultant or fund-raiser.
I will give Tim the benefit of a doubt until he gives me reason not to.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
are you joking?
surely you must be. "Taking it to the convention" can mean different things. Anyway, your question is quite a leap from what I said so, in response, no, I'm not calling him a liar at all. Did it sound like I did?
No Shah is not
calling Bernie a liar. He's calling him a politician. How is that pearl clutching? I don't have any pearls to clutch. As for tea leaves when the tea leaves at the bottom every bodies cup says Unite! otherwise we're doomed because 'The Hairball'. Some of us might wonder what that entails. Supporting and voting for Killary and the Democratic party with the Clinton machine owning and running it and Debbie 'what kill list' Schultz after a primary that was blatantly rigged ?
I don't think so. That's my prerogative. I think all pols including Democratic ones are liars and I trust them not. They are all falling into the Clinton party line using fear of the The Hairball. But hey I'm a well know ideological purist. A political revolution that tells me I need to unite with the likes of the Clinton's out of fear seems to me to be cart before the horse politics. Especially when it's obvious the the Democratic party is the complicit evil.
More lies, they're at it again.
Edited to add this one. The last part is that same bizarre stuff again.
"The Vermont senator struck many of the same notes in a private lunch with Senate Democrats just before his news conference, where Sanders did not give any indication of what his political plans would be after the results roll in from the D.C. primary Tuesday night, senators said.
Instead, Sanders discussed lessons from the campaign trail and stressed to his colleagues that the Democratic Party needs to make it easier for people to participate in the democratic process, particularly the young voters that powered Sanders’ presidential campaign. “He presented a strong case for our need to continue pursuing important policies that resonated with the American public,” said Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Sanders’ sole endorser in the Senate. Sanders also told senators that “we need to have a party that works a lot more with grass-roots organizing, to reach out to ordinary people who are so affected by the decisions that government makes, that we need to vastly improve how we conduct elections in our country," Merkley said. Sanders’ relations had been somewhat frosty with the Senate Democratic Caucus after the vast majority of Senate Democrats backed Clinton’s campaign. But inside Tuesday’s lunch in the ornate Lyndon B. Johnson room just steps from the Senate chamber, Sanders earned multiple rounds of applause and standing ovations from colleagues. Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), the chairman of the Senate Democrats’ campaign arm, approached Sanders and asked for some time to discuss how the insurgent Democratic presidential candidate can aid Democratic candidates running for Senate seats in 2016.
“He absolutely would” campaign for Senate Democrats, Tester said.
Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) added that Sanders stressed to Senate Democrats that he has every intention of being active in the crafting of the party’s platform in Philadelphia – particularly to ensure his nearly 1,900 delegates’ voices were heard “He was warmly received,” said Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii). “It was, as usual, a frank discussion. He’s part of the family.”
I think it's pretty safe to say that Bernie IS in it, they are trying very hard to want people to believe that he is done. Tonight there was more of the same election fraud, but reported in WaPo as people having issues with an app. Please read both of these, they are even more bizarre than before.
Please don't let them divide us. They are playing an insane game here.
These 2 articles appeared this evening:
Here's a bit from the second one, it refers to Bernie as "dispatched", goes on with several more things, among them: but he declined to endorse Clinton. Sanders was warmly received Tuesday by Senate Democrats at their weekly luncheon, where he offered an update about his campaign and some of the lessons he had learned during the past year. Lawmakers in attendance said Sanders did not indicate his future plans.
I took the 3rd party pledge 20 years ago
vowing never to vote for a Democrat again, unless the Republican candidate was apocalyptically evil, (because of Feinstein and Willie Brown and Bill Clinton) and I'm proud to say that I've kept that pledge. But I have to admit that as evil as Hillary is, Trump would test my resolve if I didn't live in CA. I cannot condemn someone for holding their nose and voting Hillary, even swallowing their integrity and endorsing her. In 2001 I betrayed my people and accepted a taxi medallion that I knew should not exist because I was about to lose my home - I will not yell coward today.
On to Biden since 1973
for your concern.
I get his emails every day and must have missed that one (though suspiciously from 'Team Canova" and not 'Tim Canova', but I can tell you one thing. He could have sent an email showing him eating fried puppies and I'd still support him over DWS.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
k4s has a post up now cautioning about spam/scam emails
purporting to be from Canova, but with some 'tells' in headers indicating that they are not from Canova campaign.
Tim Canova has had, and will continue to get, terrific support from Berners.
Would DWS/DNC be capable of sending fake emails, or even of having people use those fake emails as a basis for (ahem) 'special people' posting stories/comments about how Canova has 'sold out' or 'betrayed' the Progressive cause? (I forget -- where is it that bears poop?)
Who knows what Bernie will say or do?
I support him as a candidate but he is a pol. He's also at this point a Democratic pol. I'm more interested in the 'us not me' political revolution that Bernie gave voice to and empowered. If Bernie is going to throw his support to the Clinton's and the Democratic party that is just the other side of the duopoly owned and operated for the global 1% then so be it. Doesn't mean that I will follow suite as I'm done with the Democratic party. What good does it do to align yourself with a political party this corrupt and evil? The Hairball vs.The Mad Bomber is a farce of democracy.
I have voted, donated to and supported many Democratic politicians that billed them selves as progressives and once elected were useless as when push comes to shove they fold like a cheap tent or use the label progressive Dem. to get elected and then try to tell you that what they implement is yankee doodle dandy and all you can get. I don't want pols who will caucus with the Clinton's or the Vichy Demorat's who own and run the party.
There is a good reason indies are 43% and rising. This is not what democracy looks like regardless of the Dem. pols rearranging of the deck chairs. Why must we all dance to the tune of fear of RW lunatics and then once we elect the other side they blow off the 99% and start with the victories for compromise and refuse to fight for the common good', refuse to restore our human and civil rights, refuse to stop setting the world on fire and then fine you when you slam the door.
I think it's silly to worry so much about things we can't control. We can only control ourselves and our own actions and reactions.
Exactly. SO BE IT. What the hell does any of us know what the man actually, really means? This second-guessing of an unprecedented situation before it's done playing out is starting to get silly. Whatever Sanders does now, the fight has been on, and it's on right now and it's not going away. We are IN this revolution already. I am DONE being scared into doing something, no matter who said what, when they said it, how they said it and what someone else thinks they might have meant. If Sanders mouths some words, I really don't care at this point. It's not just about him and it never was.
Jeff Weaver just sent me an interesting email
talks about Bernie's event tomorrow night. Here's what stuck out:
..."built"...."fought"....both past tense.
and this:
not looking forward to the speech.
Yup that doesn't bode well
I think that the way to look at this is that Bernie has played his part in this ongoing movement and that it is now up to us. Anything else that he does is bonus territory as far as I'm concerned.
At some point we need to pick up the ball and run with it.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Nor am I
and I think it's time to start discussing what in the holy hell someone is able to execute as a threat to people in our government, to turn them into marching in lockstep, whether they do so willingly or grudgingly. If Bernie Sanders folds now, it's not because he's "just another pol", it's because he's been beaten down by something pretty fucking ugly. He's an aged American, who has stuck demonstrably close to his principles for decades, in public service and in the public eye, and he has never wavered. People--particularly ones much over 40 years old--do not do such flip-flopping on basic fundamentals easily.
The last few days, what little I have heard from Sanders sounds stilted and forced. Someone or something we don't have a goddamn clue about is giving him a passel of trouble. So why don't we all just let this play out before we go trying to write him off one way or another?
Goddamn, but this shit is getting old.
From Tim Canova's Facebook page
posted at around 11am on 6/16 (today, as I type this):
"I am still with Bernie! The rumors to the contrary are puzzling. I have praised Sen. Elizabeth Warren for her Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, I have pointed out that Hillary Clinton is better on some key issues than Wasserman Schultz, and I have stated that I expect to support the Democratic party's nominee. However, I am hoping the convention will be nominating Bernie Sanders and I am well aware that California votes are still being counted. Feeling the Bern!
thanks for the Canova update
Still with Bernie - good
praised Warren - ehhh, ok.
Hills better than Debbie on some issues - low bar
support the nominee (even if it's Hills) - ehhh ptui!
Hope it's Bernie - good
California still being counted - good (although when I last looked I saw they're not in a hurry)
I like Canova
but ultimately he is a politician and a certain amount of hedging and backtracking goes with the territory.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I'm pretty sure this is his first run for office
or at least the first time he's run, having a shot at the title.
If that's the case so to me, he's not really a "politician". Yet.
Still, this is absolutely correct, whether you believe him or not:
It is his first run for office
but he has been around politics for a while. He was appointed by Sanders to something to do with Federal Reserve reform around five years ago and is very pro Dodd-Franks IIRC. Law prof prior to that.
My original remark came off as dismissive - I didn't intend that.

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire