If I See That Hillary Ad One More Time...
I am going to destroy my monitor. Seriously. Every time I click another video on Youtube, this is the ad I get"Hillary Clinton tried to get us a Universal Healthcare system.' You know, the one Ted Kennedy was instrumental in getting through congress. Yeah, that's why you're fighting against it now, right? "Single Payer will never ever happen.' She said early in her campaign.
Of course, her most ardent supporters were quick to excuse her rhetoric by saying 'because Republicans.' That's all they have now. Well, either that, or 'because Trump' and I'm sick of it.
And after the tragedy in Orlando, she now wants to do something about gun regulation? My ass. Bernie Sanders has called for assault weapon bans for decades. Meanwhile, Hillary continues on with her Jenny-Come-Lately schtick, paying lip service in public while sabotaging us behind the scenes. Fuck you, Hillary. You'll never have my vote. Ever.
See ya around,
P.S. A double fuck you to Rick Scott and Pam Bondi for using this tragedy to promote their bigotry.

have you tried adblock?
Sometimes it makes things wobbly at Youtube, but sometimes it works.
Too bad YouTube doesn't give you a chance to reject with a reason, like sponsored tweets ("Tweet was not relevant," "Tweet was offensive" etc.).
Hillary's cynical makeover as the Greatest Gun Control Candidate of All Time* was so nauseating to watch.
* since 2015
As much as I hate ads
I will never Ad-Block Youtube. It hurts the people that actually make the videos we enjoy, as it prevents money from going into their paychecks. Doesn't really hurt Google at all though.
And a triple fuck you for Donald Trump
shamelessly pandering to the LGBTQ community who he and his party don't give a damn about!
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
There are lots of reasons to hate Hillary
but in this case the person to really hate is Diane Feinstein. Back when she was mayor of SF some guy - I think he was angry with his tax lawyer - walked into an office with a Mac 10 and killed a bunch of people. So what did her honor do? She went on the front page of the newspaper and the lead story on the local tv news and rammed a bill through that she knew the courts would strike down and when it was taken to court she didn't even send a city attorney to defend it, but she went on the front page of the newspaper and all the local tv stations and whined about how evil the gun nuts - and the courts - were.
Frankly I think hypocrites are just as bad as the NRA. Everyone who's died because of the NRA's lobbying and propaganda have also died because people like Feinstein have chosen to perpetuate the killing so that they could keep having their favorite campaign issue.
On to Biden since 1973
Sounds about right.
And that's been the Democratic MO on a lot of issues, including healthcare. They allowed Obamacare to be completely gutted without even a whimper.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
That is so true.
Today's Democrats want issues to moan about instead of issues to champion or correct. How many years will we put up with the same old fear-mongering without anything ever being done?
Sounds about right.
And that's been the Democratic MO on a lot of issues, including healthcare. They allowed Obamacare to be completely gutted without even a whimper.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
You may not have that Hillary ad around for too much longer
(please let this be true)
Russia Is Reportedly Set To Release Clinton’s Intercepted Emails
Who would've ever thought that
it could be the RUSSIANS saving democracy in the USA
I hope they release them all!
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
Please don't destroy your Monitor!
Remember, that's your Monitor! You would have to shell out the cash to replace it!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
But, dontcha know,
Bernie is in bed with the NRA, according to people on GOS. Deranged.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Avoid ads…and you won't be annoyed.
Click off and back, most times the ad won't replay.
Install some ad blocking tools (they're free add ons so don;t pay for this or you're getting scammed)
If it's something you really want to see and the ad can't be avoided - yes it can - MUTE the sound, and switch to another tab - focus on something else and then tab back. Ad ignored.
Some sites are just inundated with ads and it winds up being pointless to return. I've noticed this on link through clisk to media content sites (Zergnet links to some of these sites for example). The auto plays, the ads are just all over the place. Skip them. Block the sites even. One internet article missed is not going to matter, especially about he fluff out there. News sites that are ad heavy aren;t worth it either.
That's just internet. If you're watching live broadcast television, you're doing it wrong. Record and fast forward the commercials. It's worth the patience of waiting a bit to skim through 20 minutes of commercials for an hour program.
Ever heard anyone complain they need more time? They could have more time if they'd simply avoid commercials. If you watch just 5 hours a week of television with commercials, you'll save (approximately) an hour and a half of time (90 minutes) by recording and fast forwarding those commercials. Plus you don't expose yourself to the stupidity and annoyance of commercials.
Avoid the ads. Use your time the way you want, and not sitting through the mental garbage of the corporate sponsored mindless consumerism.
She's a lying sack of shit
and so are her little minions.
I want to hear more about Bondi's 25,000 USD donation gotten from Trump--I've never seen follow-up on that, does anybody know?
Also, Rick Scott can go fuck himself. I can't wait until he is GONE from this state.
YouTube has ads?
Every now and then I'm reminded that my world wide web experience is vastly different than most others'.
Not only that, but often if you go to YouTube to watch an ad,
you sometimes have to first watch a random ad they have placed on your ad!
Isn't that sad?
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