Bernie Ahead in DC primary, 108 votes to 72
Submitted by Euterpe2 on Tue, 06/14/2016 - 7:26pm
This may be the last chance to say he's ahead, but that's the situation as of about 8:05 pm with zero precincts reporting...absentee votes, persumably. Polls closed at 8:00.
Go Bernie!

Well, there it goes
Big looks like about an 80-20 split in Hillary's favor. Ca. 8:30 pm.
(Also...not that it matters a hang, but my tablet's clock is inaccurate. Running 16 minutes behind the cell phone. Weird. So add 16 minutes to what I wrote before.)
Friends voting in DC will be sad but not surprised.
20:38 hours
Clinton: Sanders 80:20.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
We have to fight for verified voting
Mail ballots, paper trails, same day registration, automatic registration, early voting....all those things that make it harder to suppress voters in the "out" group.
Yes, just found this 6-part series on BlackBoxVoting
and blenched. Going to take a while to read closely but even on the surface the implications are appalling.
OK, Guardian has called it for Hill
as of about 9:15 pm, still roughly 80:20, about the most extreme of any state.
Good news: if Hillary's the nominee, at least she won't need any $ contributions from the likes of us.
I find that number to be completely absurd. I thought the voters of DC were paradoxically progressive in a territory full of conservative politicians.