Truth vs Affect: Why Retractions Don't Matter
I am staying at a friends place in Cali and they watch a lot of corporate news -- I mean, A LOT!
The tone of the last week has been monotonous and rather boring -- Hillary's coronation and the Drumpf. It was a low intensity, bored howl. A bit aggressive and standoffish, to keep the edge, but it was sedate.
Manic Media Response
Last night I caught some TV news after a long day, and they were fucking giddy. Nervous smiles, horrible images, and heart-wrenching stories pitched in a veritable orgy of emotion: fear, sorrow, alarm, anger, confusion.
It continued throughout the day -- and then the custom graphics came out. The DVR stopped on a spiffy one of bullets laying next to a glock barrel, pointing right at us, with a heavy emphasis on the sight at the tip of the barrel. It was super creepy backdrop for polite conversation.
The media are going apeshit on this. It's gross and terrifying. It's practically corporate sponsored stochastic terrorism.
The Effects of Affect
Whether or not the asshole turns out to be an agent of ISIS, a fan, or just some freak, gay or not -- the Affect of weeks worth of anti-muslim, and anti-terror propaganda means that this guy is whatever bogeyman they choose to pin him to. This horrific event is playing on Repeat1 throughout America.
Whether or not anything could have been done to prevent this horrific event, we experienced it, processed via our brains and shared it with other humans. Reason is a tertiary process. It will succumb to Affect, every time.
negative affects reflect “discomfort zones” that indicate that animals are in situations that may impair survival.
Just hearing, seeing, and talking about this shit creates pathways in the brain that reinforce fear, hate, and paranoia. But to see it in HD with a marketing sheen and angle on it? It's friggin' psyops!
They can print as many retractions as they want, but this shit we see, right now? It is never going away. It is a part of all of us now.
You can't unsee this. You can't untie the story from ISIS and the perpetual war on terrorism -- that shit may or may not be fact, but it's "reality".
As a people, we really need to understand the idea of Affect and how it shapes our ideas and emotional state. We need to moderate the toxic spew of raw emotion that the corporate media spits out, in times like these, especially, and ensure that we're not exposing ourselves to abusive and brutalizing manipulation.
Do More and Watch Less
We need to do or believe in beautiful things, have hope, and experience and express love. It's crucial to maintaining our humanity. There's not much of that stuff on the corporate boob. The beautiful things in corporate media are few and far between, usually interrupted by commercials, and completely drowned out by Negative Affect.
Turn that shit off.

It's frightening to think about fear.
How many here knew on September 11, 2001 that it would be a such long time before you'd have a rational discussion about it with other people? I'd wager a greater percentage here than average, but it is indeed frightening to think about how easily our population can be manipulated with fear. People would come up to me and say, "I'm really glad that Bush is president right now." Really? Yesterday you thought he was a monkey. What changed to suddenly give you so much confidence given that his job has now become even more complicated?
There was also this weird math thing. If I remember correctly, the number of innocent people we killed was supposed to be subtracted from (not added to) the number of innocent people killed in the attack? Do I remember that right?
If rich people don't get more tax cuts, then the terrorists have already won. Or something.
Good essay. I agree with you
But just like your friends are glued to watching the corporate media, there's too many people who do the same and this is why the media is airing the stochastic terrorism 24/7.
As I wrote in the essay below, the goal of covering these types of events is to keep the populace scared with the government's propaganda.
I read an article last night where Morley Safer was told by a general when he was covering the Vietnam war that the goal of the government is to lie to the media and that they are to repeat the lies.
And after the telecommunications act where we are down to 6 companies owning all the MSM, we have seen it gotten worse.
The press is basically stenographers for our government.
And remember during the Iraq war when it came on that the government was sending military officers to give the propaganda of how the war was going and what the goals were.
It's too bad that people don't understand this fact.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
corporate media
FWIW, I think they've lost some of their mojo and I think they know it. I think they're in a panic that they're losing their ability to control the narrative.
I'm a Little Torn...
I tend to think that it is corporate propaganda.
The US Government can do much without corporate these days, and they certainly don't make any decisions for the People.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
I saw this comment on Salon
In response to the article about why Islam isn't to blame for the attack.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I have not watched TV news for years
and in co$t-cutting, unplugged the DVR and the boxes from DirecTV and sent them home. So when I see TV images, especially those background graphics now, they are shocking. Even that stupid moving banner on TYT is disturbing to me. Too much sleight-of-hand or ear or eye. Rarely read the "news" except local stuff, trying to read below the spin. Not that FB is an answer, but there are groups trying to deconstruct and reconstruct events in group work, a poor substitute for old-timey good journalism which was often slanted but with caveats of the slant.
It is much nicer this way. I became low-level alarmed at the volume of bark popping off my oak trees (danger signal?) but it appears to be a normal healthy sign that the trees are increasing in girth, therefore taking into solid more CO2. So there.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm a Frog That Hops in and Out of the Pot Now and Then...
It's a scary experience.
Go Healthy Oak Tree!
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
We are cancelling Dish network today.
We discussed it at length, yesterday. We can't do it anymore. What does teevee offer? Fear, consumerism, and distraction. I'm no longer interested. I'm wasting my time on my ass. I can get any info I want on the net. Teevee is over for me.
edited for stupid typo
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
We pulled the plug
about eight years ago now - absolutely no regrets. Not being subjected to the constant barrage of advertising was a huge quality of life improvement (that is not hyperbole either).
We do have Netflix though - would find it hard to live without that now.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Same here
We pulled the plug too over six years ago and have never really missed it either. The house is much quieter now and a whole lot less stressful without the constant drone of the tv. We check movies out from the library and occasionally watch a selected few programs on Netflix.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
For 12 years I lived in places with no tv reception - none
In SW Utah there were no radio stations during the day either.
When we moved to the southern mtns and our daughter was in school we got a tv so she would she wouldn't be left out when it came time to discuss the previous night's tv programs.
We haven't had a tv for - maybe - 15 years and i don't listen to the radio either.
I get my news from progressive sources and the internet.
We are able to watch movies.
Maybe I miss a lot but I know I am not paying to be lied to.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Yes, we cancelled our DishNetwork
about 6 years ago. We go with Netflix for series we enjoy and the occasional movie. It is really disorienting when we visit the in-laws -- their TV is on Fox News 100% of the time. It's strange to see and hear the barrage that never seems to pause. My husband keeps trying to get them to change the channel or turn it off, but it never changes.
My mom, who considers herself a liberal and is a lifelong Democrat, isn't much better. While she doesn't watch Fox, she believes everything that the MSM shoves at her. Her favorites are CBS and CNN.
I'm so glad that we don't have that televised crap in our lives.
"Stand Up! Keep Fighting!" - Paul Wellstone
I tried to lose television in my house
Back when analog TV was being killed off, I was prepared to do without it. But behind my back, my wife signed up for Dish because she refuses to live without it. It didn't matter to her what I thought, she was not going to live without Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, and what passes for news. It's clear to me that her thoughts largely stem from what corporate news tells her to think, and TV was telling her to get cable.
I gave up regularly watching anything 20 years ago, and was thus not locked into to the fantasy lives of fake people taking up my time. I find it incredibly fascinating that people know more about the creations of some script author's imagination than they do current events in real time. I am dismayed that a species that is intelligent enough to work out how to send humans to other bodies in space and return them safely was so easily captured and put to sleep.
Horrific events like the Pulses massacre are now seen as just more disturbing episodes on The Reality Channel. If it's too much to watch, the Cooking Channel is a couple of button pushes away, and let's see what Oprah is giving away today. Who is left on Dancing With The Stars?
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Sports kept us connected, for quite a while.
Then they started habitually rigging sports championships. Thought we'd managed to avoid it by leaving the NFL behind. It followed us to the NBA--though at least in that case, it's less outright rigging of who's champion, and more "how can we extend the series and make it dramatic for longer and increase our $$?"
We took back the cable box, but we've got everything bundled, and it's cheaper that way, so technically we still could have cable if we wanted.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
The way the "news" is framed is pure corporate state mindfuck.
I have never hooked up to Cable TV and don't have any old timey broadcast channels where I live either. That is 60 years without it. Internet got to Bolivia about 5-6 years ago along with cell phones. I had a cell phone for awhile, but have trashed that after getting a half dozen of them ripped off. I never liked people calling me up anyway, prefer the old way of walking down to someone's house.
I prefer books first as the first line of knowledge. Second on-line essays, videos and commentary by people living within what they are talking about. Example: For Puerto Rico and Palestine, first read a couple books, then read the commentary by Puerto Ricans, for Palestine, people who live in West Bank or Gaza or Israel. Last and least, as a supplement, selected programming from CNN, mostly to see what the other side is trying to shove into everyone's thought process. The bullshit coming out of American ms, even a lot of non ms media is Orwellian at best... the way the "news" is framed is pure corporate state fascist mind fuck. Its actually breathtaking the amount of toxic air spewing forth from pundit-mouthes and carefully edited imagery. Pure brainwashing.
From the Light House.
radio too
NPR has been all about disaster porn, they are giddy with it
Blood sells.
The truism in marketing used to be that sex sells, but now sex runs a distant second to blood.
and now NPR is little more than a commercial enterprise.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Worse It's a Corporate Charitable/Philanthropic enterprise. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
You are right.
They have all the bases covered!
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Nice Polite Republicans
of the neoliberal neocon variety even when they pretend play at being Democratic. The radio is pretty useless to even the so called lefty stations. I'm also getting upset about all of the internet biggies like The Guardian, WaPo and Salon jumping on the fear the Muslims and The Hairball bandwagon. This is another reason I love this site. I get better 'news' here than anywhere the news dumps and link alone keep me informed. We took our Comcast box back the day after KO was off the TV. What a difference it made in our perspective and life. There is a lot of propaganda, hate and fear on the interent but you can at least pick your own poison and move on when it gets to deep in the pocket of the want to rule the world crowd. Some times when cooking dinner I listen to NPR just as an exercise in Know Your Enemy? Let's do the numbers and then hear about the lifestyle problems of being an urban affluent yuppie.
Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea pointed this out in their 1975 book Illuminatus! (that's a pdf of the entire book BTW!)
I remember as a kid in the 1970s seeing this trilogy on all the drugstore bookshelves in Westchester where I grew up, and looking back it kind of shocks me that this sort of thing was so mainstream.
The back story on the book is that the authors were the letters editors for Playboy in the 1960s, right after all the assassinations. People would write in with all the conspiracy theories, and they just threw them all in a box. When they left Playboy, they decided to write a book about what the world would be like if all these theories were true simultaneously. The results were both hilarious and prescient.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Read it in high school
Enjoyed it but didn't understand the larger message. I'm going to have to go back and read some of my favs as an adult. I think there's a lot more like this that I missed.
One of the prescient ones I remember is The Mote in God's Eye. We really are the Moties.
"Politics is not evil; politics is the human race's most magnificent achievement." Senator Tom Fries, 'Podkayne of Mars,' Robert Heinlein
See the fnords, don't ignore them
That way you know what you are supposed to be afraid of.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I agree with John Prine
...blow up your TV!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
On another front, corporate control by happiness
So you won't notice what is going on
Combination of Fear and Happiness
The annual big confab for the oligarchs at Davos
The oligarchs know there are finite resources, and they have known for some time that the "globe" of "globalization" does not exist and have gone to this new tactic
And participants were equipped with electronic device to give them happiness measurements during the day
I guess that when you are on a path to destroy the earth for your own gains, you need to be diverted. And us, the masses, need to be diverted as well.
So not just fear, but fear + happy is delivered by the media
The Happiness Industry: How Corporations Want to Manage Your Mind
That to me is, psychologically, one of the more interesting details, that in many households the cable news is just turned on and runs essentially hours at a time as a background. Some people find it comforting. And if one is lonely or lacks stimulation, then I suppose that chatter can serve a purpose. Of course, ever since its inception television had this capacity to become a part of the household, so what we see is an intensification of that original possibility. The extra-large, vivid, high-def picture quality only increases the screen's seductive power.
But to have cable on virtually all day long -- it's the opposite of "appointment" television, which involves one going to the tv at a certain time to watch a certain show. It's furniture television, with the flat screen as a permanent feature in a given room or part of a house. The fireplace over there, ceiling fan there, perpetually-on tv spouting corporate news over there. I have been in many houses just like this. Like many here, I can't take more than 60 seconds of of that junk. But imagine getting so acclimatized to it that it feels uncomfortable to NOT have it on.
More relevant than ever is the old 1974 classic, The Parallax View:
My mother and sister both
leave it on all day long.... And yes, you're right, I can't stand it. At least with my mother I could make her turn it off, my sister and her kids were harder so I mostly just left the room. For my mother, it was the silence she could not stand. My sister will just watch whatever is on which has always driven me nutty.
I tried to watch a little MSM last night on the shooting, but turned it off almost immediately when they went into the whole thing - it's just sick now and it feels sick to even watch it. I admit, I've only been "off" the MSM for a couple weeks now after they killed Al Jazeera, so I still have the itch to turn the crap on once in a while, but those urges are going away and they'll be totally gone soon. While I still have cable, I have the bundle so Internet and Phone are on there, I may have to get rid of it too. Why pay so much for something I don't use very often, and really, much of my viewing now is stupid comedy just to get the politics out of my head after a day of reading.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Is why I don't watch
the bull$h!t. I heard the report on the radio and that's all the info I needed. Don't much care if the criminal is this, that, or the other. Done is done, this story in my rear view mirror.
The Media continue to run such stories ad infinitum becuz they know viewers can't turn away. I'm lucky. I haven't watched any TV news in years. I advise to do the same. You won't miss a thing.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
I now only watch Democracy Now
And will probably stop my cable TV soon altogether as i rarely watch anything on it..much less news. I would watch BBC world except it is only offered on a more expensive level.
The enemy is corruption of our government and legalized bribery of our legislators. (campaign contributions, lobbying and revolving doors) It is the root of almost all our issues. If we keep going after the issues we are caught in a frustrating loop of uselessness. We have to kill the root.
Our corporate media is but one manifestation of the corruption of our government.
When wealth rules, democracy dies.
They're trying to condition us
like Pavlov's dog. Fuck em, turn it off.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I stopped a couple of months ago
I typically would record Schultz, Ratigan & Rachel (sometimes Lawrence & Hayes) and listen while I did chores. Ever since they purged their slightly progressive lineup & started broadcasting wall to wall Trump I can't stomach it. I may start using Telemundo/Univision and/or BBC but right now it's just silence for me.
"Politics is not evil; politics is the human race's most magnificent achievement." Senator Tom Fries, 'Podkayne of Mars,' Robert Heinlein
K9disc, I just
love your photo! Is that a border collie? We had a blue heeler who also got major air when playing frisbee, and she absolutely rocked at agility! She lived to be 19 years and 6 months old, and had a spring in her step right up to the end. She was an amazing dog, and it looks like your dog is amazing, too. It's pretty cool to share your life with such an athlete! Just wanted to compliment the great photo.
"Stand Up! Keep Fighting!" - Paul Wellstone
Thanks! It's Also the Cover of My Book
Loot is a stud and super fun to play with.
I got a couple more that are pretty special too. No heelers though, but I work with a bunch of them and they're terrific. Sounds like she had one hell of a ride. Good on you.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
we cut cable years ago
We just stream hulu, netflix and through a roku and through smart tvs. We actually watch more tv now though ack.
but just an hour ago I turned on a roku feed of the news highlights and clicked on orlando victims speak out and it was played to music and graphics... just unreal.
Just give me the freakin news without all the extreme emotional stuff. it's already emotional as it is.
i wanted to be connected to it somehow today but I gave up after 3 mins. there is no "news" in this country.
PS love your dog photo.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison