Obama's State Dept has been delaying many Clinton-related FOIA requests until after the 2016 election
REVEALED: Obama's State Dept has been delaying many Clinton-related FOIA requests until after the 2016 election https://t.co/BfynP4RoRd
— David Sirota (@davidsirota) June 9, 2016
This article refers to a FOIA request by David Sirota, regarding Hillary's input into the TPP.
As the election season accelerates, requests for public information from the State Department surrounding communications from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have hit speed bumps.
A review of publicly available records requests from users of the transparency site MuckRock shows that inquiries related to the Democratic presidential nominee are more likely to be delayed until after the election than other requests to the State Department — a trend government watchdogs say highlights the challenges the government has faced under President Obama to live up to its transparency aims.
Though the files reviewed by IBT constitute just a fraction of the tens of thousands of inquiries the State Department processes annually — too few, experts said, to establish any sign of deliberate obstruction — they underscore the difficulty of probing Clinton’s tenure as the top U.S. diplomat, even as interest in her record mounts.
Right now, my disgust knows no bounds.

Shocked, I tell you.
Completely shocked.
Thank you,
Captain Louis Renault.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
know who's REALLY delaying emails?
seriously, read the news. trump actually sent clinton's emails himself.
he'd tell you himself but he's busy stomping on kitten heads.
You mean it's Bernie who's trying to throw the election to Trump
...because we all know that Bernie is already responsible for Hillary losing to Trump because he's so truculent that he's still in the race. HE DID IT! I think I know people who have caught him in the act - they sound pretty darn sure of themselves.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Our Institutions are Infested with Crooks
It's beyond someone covering for another because of sloppy work. FOIA isn't going to work because it hasn't yet, yes?
We need to realize our institutions represent a conflict of interest and criminal enterprise. Here's the thing, they steal more when there is conflict. There is no money to be taken from other parties when things go smoothly. Our legal system has a massive, inherent conflict of interest built in! What does the legal system produce that will ensure you survive until the next day? And if you decide you have something, what is real?
Crooks are running our institutions. We need to remove them, including Clinton.
One hour after crooked Obama
Endorses crooked Hillary, Daily Mail announced and WH press sec confirms Clinton investigation is a criminal investigation. Burn it to the ground. Can't wait to get rid of Obama. I'm on my phone. No links. Sorry.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Not a great source, but it is a video so
people can hear the words straight from the source (strange...couldn't find a mummer of this on MSM):
White House: FBI Investigation Into Hillary Is ‘Criminal’ [VIDEO]
There is also a link to a related story on that page, but if you just want to go to that, it is here:
Napolitano: It’s A ‘Conflict’ Of Interest For Obama To Endorse A Candidate Under FBI Investigation [VIDEO]
Paraphrased: She doesn't remember the security document she signed about protecting state secrets. Sheeesshhhh. Two things: 1) She signed it. Who care if she remembers it? and 2) It was seven or so years before anyone "discovered" that Reagan's mind was gone. Now, they plan to elect a person who is showing the signs even before the primaries are done??
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Thank you for helping
Daily Mail:
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3634074/White-House-calls-FBI-pr...
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I remember signing mine!
And that was in 1967. Couldn't forget that five year prison term for violation. I suppose that only applies to little people not historic firsts.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
5 years?
I remember 10 years and a 10 thousand dollar fine.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
tens of thousands is too few.
Says the fucking crook in charge?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This may be rw but...
uses a ABC disney news clip. Here we go. I'm like CBS CEO "come on Donald let's put it out there." Will they pay attention?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Because it won't be a million
Because it won't be a million times worse if all this comes out AFTER she's President, right?
Two impeachments - one family
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I pooh-poohed the speculation
I pooh-poohed the speculation that Obama might pardon her. But, honestly, if they're deliberately delaying release until after the election, I can't imagine what other plan there would be. But a pardon just makes him look an utterly tone-deaf idiot. Could she even be sworn in if she's under indictment, or worse?
Obama, NOT because of his skin color.. i could care LESS about it.
I DETEST him for fucking me over a dozen times in 8 years -- saying it was okay by HIM to cut SS and medicare both -- HEY WE PAID FOR THOSE WHILE WE WORKED AND SOC. SEC. WAS SEPARATE ACCOUNT -- and the games he played with trade treaties and basically making the army the only place for poor kids, male or female, to go when they can't afford trade school or college and ALL THE JOBS HAVE BEEN OUTSOURCEC via trade treaties -- and finally for kissing Shitlary's ass.
I'm now trying to figure out what threat, or what carrot, was used to force Warren to endorse that bitch from Arkansas... what was she promised or what was she told would happen to her if she didn't?
I HOPE Sanders told Obama and Byden and Reid, all three, to fuck off and die.
But the probably told him to throw US under the bus or meet a bullet before the convention because SS guys chose to duck.
I have a friend who, like me, without our having spoken of it in the past months, has had prescient type dreams of something about to blow in this country, BEFORE the election.
I'm about to turn off the computer for the summer, other than writing fiction and storing it. I've turned off the fucking television other than to play DVDs.
I SO want the Democratic party gutted..
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Well stated.
I'm still wrapping my mind around how scary this country has become. I couldn't have said this better.
I have had dreams since March that there were eruptions
Eruptions of violence the week before and during the Democratic convention in poor urban neighborhoods all over the US, rioting, with horrific loas of life and spread of the violence to middle class US residential areas surrounding the poverty enclaves.
I've waked up soaked in sweat from these nightmares. I had so many of the dreams that I asked my primary care physician to see me and decide what tests to use to discover if I have cancer, telling him only about waking up soaked in sweat, which is a somewhat common first clearly overt symptom that someone has a neoplastic event in his/her body -- even without pain.
X-rays, some blood draws, physical exam, pokes, prods, and... nothing.
And the nightmares come in waves, missing one or two nights, but mosty happening with chest bruising frequency.
Surely that is ... well, empirically, nothing.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Fentress, there's something to your dreams.
I see rebellion coming, too. It's not in my dreams, though, it's in the air. I sincerely believe civil war will erupt unless Bernie is either nominated or elected POTUS. If Trump is derailed, his supporters will riot. We all know what's coming to the DNC convention. If they try to slip Biden in, riots will ensue, too. There is so much tension out there, one can feel it. An intervention is needed. We'll see how the universe responds.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Is it true that she can't be impeached for anything done before becoming president? (If so, we're really screwed.)
Also, http://www.businessinsider.com/bernie-sanders-reacts-to-barack-obama-end...
What is going on? Why is Reid answering for Bernie? This really scares me.
The look on Bernie's face speaks volumes.
After watching his DC rally and then seeing thus reaction before that rally explains why he was on fire in the DC rally.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Played that part over a few times because Bernie's expression
was puzzling; it looked like he was thinking 'what bullshit this coming together crap is that Harry's spewing', knowing full well how Harry et al have seriously, intentionally, and with malice aforethought, fucked him (us) over. Sounds like they tried to make Bernie an offer that he refused and then Harry was sent out to tell the press, with head down and eyes averted, that all's well in Democrat Party land. They're either unable to accept the reality that their complicity in the breakdown of our government/society has been seen by countless millions, who now know what they really stand for, or they do know and are freaking out trying to get it back in the box. Have these 'leaders' of ours been so enmeshed in the bringing down democracy brigade for so long they're incapable of seeing that the attraction to Bernie is related to the disgust people feel for the systems failures in general and for folks like Harry Hillary Barack and the rest of that soulless crew in particular? and that trying to shove this movement under the rug may prove to be a YUGE mistake? Hubris tends to end badly for the arrogant over-confident players who indulge in it.
WaPo reported yesterday that
"Sanders was preparing to exit the race", which is just incorrect. He is not. What part of "we go on to DC and then we're going to the convention" do these stupid motherfuckers not understand?
They are desperately trying to force the issue.
Underestimating Bernie will be their downfall.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I donated to him again last night
and sent a note along, thanking him and asking that he stay in all the way, because we desperately needed that, it needed to be SEEN and PROVEN that we will not back down.
I completely agree.
They forgot Bernie has the courage of his convictions and is a person of integrity. He looks mad as hell, as we are, as he should be. He screamed "enough is enough" at the rally. He's always believed it, but they probably solidified it for him.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Of course you're right.
I didn't get why it looked like a press conference. In my false hopes, I'd imagined that Reid had just told Bernie that H was going down, and Bernie, gentle soul that he is, was feeling bad for her.
But you nailed it. He & Reid were scheduled to make some great announcement of the deal that Bernie couldn't refuse. But he did. No wonder Reid looked like he'd just swallowed some very bitter turds, and Bernie couldn't even speak, besides not being allowed to.
I think they're starting to get it. Pop the corn.
When I was 15 I cut school in Bogota and went to a peaceful
demonstration on the Xaveriana campus. From out of nowhere in multiple directions, ON A SACROSANCT UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, the Colombian army came boiling after the students... and people got arrested, got beaten to shit with nightsticks, got disappeared. All I got was detained for 24 hours and then grounded by my aunt and uncle for a day or four. This was a kind of post La Violencia boilover some 16 years after that began in 1948 with the assassination of a popular LEFT WING people's candidate for president of Colombia.
I think, from the look on his face, Sen. Sanders was threatened with his or his and his wife's death if he carried on, and yes, I know that seems too "Trump-ish" a flight of fancy to have any root in life as we know it to be accurate or truthful, but the look on his face is the same look my father's face wore for a week after he was told he had terminal lung cancer and the same look on my husband's face when HE was told that there were so many tumors on his upper spine and inside the dura mater of his skull that the tech couldn't count them all. Whatever was said to him and REGARDLESS of what he said back, what he got was some kind of real death sentence. After you've seen that look on the face of someone you love and know very well, you recognize it when you see it on the face of someone else.
But, hey, I've been having nightmares about a revolution breaking out in the US the week before the Democratic presidential convention...
I was at the picnic in Chicago in 1968 -- my choice to go there and it cost me a job for going, too, and it was nothing like the riot in Bogota; it was comparing a party where some chairs got thrown (Chicago) to a deliberate stampede and killing of as many cattle belonging to poor men who could ill afford to lose a single one of them (Bogota) -- I didn't fear for my life in Chicago. I feared for my life in Bogota, and at the time, NO ONE had EVER mentioned La Violencia to me at home with my homophobic but anti-Catholic Colombian uncle or my very uneasy US citizen sister to my mother who married him and came there the year I was born, not knowing a word of Engish and discovering the place she'd been brought to was full of bloodshed, death, starvation of peons and lower classes. La Violencia started the year I was born and allegedly ended when I was about 10. and during that stampede the day I cut class at 16, a U.S. Navy jeep had been overturned outside of the U.S. embassy over some goings on in Cuba a day or so before hand As with European universities, police and govt. paramilitary personnel were NEVER to enter the gates of a university without INVITATION from the organization, and they had had no such invite.. Xaveriana being Catholic Church owned and disinclined to trust the Colombian military. Kids gathered on the green grass between buildings to sing, drink rum, drink coffee, talk politics and flirt. It wasn't marching or public speaking with bullhorns or anything.
But the army INVADED...
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
I have no illusions that
TPTB will willingly step aside. They're in control of the media, the internet & most other means of communication through which they can control / shut down the conversation, a well-equipped and quick-on-the-draw police force, some serious military equipment including those armored tanks that they've spread around the country and brought out for Ferguson, and their ability to coordinate swiftly and unexpectedly as with the simultaneous shut down of OWS sites. I've been concerned about how far they're willing to go knowing how far they can and have gone. How to bring about a more balanced equitable system without action in the streets? and how to survive the push back that is the inevitable result of such actions? I have great concern for the folks headed to Philly and for Bernie. (I agree this is not the time to be glib).
Because these are probably the feelings of someone
who is watching the facades of democracy slip away like the illusions they truly are and the actuality of a rigged political system in a fading 1st world infrastructure country slip into becoming a sad semi 1st world Banana Republic.
Impeachment is a political act...
...it is not a criminal justice act, and since "high crimes and misdemeanors" is not defined in the Constitution, and can be whatever Congress says it is, Congress can impeach a president for anything done any time ever. The only check on their power is the force of outraged voters. But since they've rendered elections effectively meaningless, there is no check on that power anymore. Which is why I'm predicting that President Hillary Clinton will be noted for another historic first: She will be the first president impeached before she takes the oath of office...
I want my two dollars!
Who brought the popcorn?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
That's some consolation.
Sorry, I sent the $2 to Bernie.
Not that I understand the reasoning given...
however, isn't there a way to force the issue and in a timely manner? Or is that the end of the process and thank you for playing, please come again?
This whole Democratic Party side of the equation is so malodorous that there is no hiding the wafts of stench floating about the Clinton nomination process (I refuse to call the primary anything else).
Just goes to show that justice delayed
is, in fact, justice denied.
Democratic Party
Thank you for writing this diary. I have just made another donation to Bernie Sanders campaign. I am also making contributions to Lucy Flores, Tim Canova, Paul Clements, and Zephyr Teachout. I am not making contributions to Russ Feingold or Jeff Merkley.
I am very glad that Sen. Sanders did not endorse Hillary Clinton yesterday. I hope the Sanders delegates at the convention are equally as strong.
I need to get out my little silver
Kokopelli pin
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Can an average citizen make a foia request?
How hard is it?
What would happen if hundreds and hundreds of a average citizens all made the same foia request from all over the country and it became a news story?
Orwell was an optimist
I've read some stories about FOIA requests
written by reporters, and from the sound of things those requests are difficult to write up in a manner acceptable to the recipient departments. Writing up a request to get a piece of information that exists only on the @clinton.com private domain will result in the State Dept rejecting the request because they information does not exist on the @state.gov domain, and State doesn't have the legal ability to search private email servers for data that properly belonged in the government domain. Neat, huh? Of course NO ONE could have known there would be this difficulty, right?