About that Obama endorsement, things are not as they may seem...

For starters, there's this...

Obama Endorses Hillary, Immediately Meets With Attorney General Loretta Lynch


In order for Clinton to carry Obama's torch, she has to stay out of prison. In order to do that, she has to avoid prosecution.

And so there is no doubt about the implications of Obama's meeting with AG Loretta Lynch meeting, there was also this today...

White House calls FBI probe into Clinton's classified emails a 'criminal investigation' – to glee of Republicans – on the same day Obama endorses her


  • Within an hour of Barack Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton, his spokesman acknowledged that she faces a 'criminal investigation'
  • The misstep sent Republicans cackling to reporters
  • Clinton faces the possibility of prosecution for housing classified documents on a private email server
  • She used the homebrew setup for all her emails – including sensitive government matters – when she was secretary of state
  • White House press secretary Josh Earnest insisted that the endorsement wouldn't be interpreted inside the FBI as a signal to let her off the hook>

Not convinced yet?

Well, 3 days ago, Monday, June 6th, the FBI officially revealed that it is not only a "Criminal Investigation," but of far more grave and compelling import, it is also a Counterintelligence Assessment --- please read those two words again.

FBI requests permission for secret declaration in Hillary e-mail FOIA case

The DoJ acknowledges here that the FBI is conducting a law-enforcement action as well as a counterintelligence assessment.

Do you know that means? Still not convinced?

Well, if you want to understand the full gravity of this "Counterintelligence Assessment," here's a little background from someone who would know.



    [COURTESY: CAPT Les Horn, USN (Ret)]
    Retired US Army Intelligence Officer.
    Chief Human Intelligence Branch for
    US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany.
    Designated Program Manager for Special Access Program (SAP).

NOTE: Emphasis NOT added by me --- and there is significantly more meat to this piece than I can quote (i.e., see the seven itemized MUST READ bullet points), so please do click the link above and read the entire post. But, here's the money quote...


As a former SAP Program Manager I believe it is inconceivable that if it is verified that Hillary Clinton’s server actually had SAP information on it that she could possibly escape indictment and criminal prosecution. As hard as it is to imagine, that would even be worse then electing to not prosecute a mass murdering serial killer because even they could not inflict as much damage on our country as the compromise of a SAP. Compromise of a SAP not only could — but without doubt would — cause serious damage to our national security. If it is true that Hillary Clinton had SAP information on her unsecure server, whether it was marked or not, you can be sure that the FBI will strongly recommend that charges be brought against Hillary Clinton and continue in an exhaustive investigation to trace back to every single person that had even the tiniest role in this unbelievable security compromise.

If the Attorney General, through “prosecutorial discretion,” elected not to prosecute this crime, I believe congress would have no alternative but to impeach her, and the FBI would then have no choice but to conduct a criminal investigation of her for a DELIBERATE COVER UP –- so grave is this security violation.

If President Obama were to pardon Hillary Clinton for a compromise of this magnitude he would render himself in the historical record as an “enemy of the state,” and could himself face criminal prosecution –- so grave is such a security compromise. Nobody, not even the POTUS could gets away with something like this in our system of government.


Did Maj. Ed Coet convince you? No?

Okay, well, here's one last piece that will make it clear why no one can, should, or will ignore what Hillary has done:

  • Intel Vets Urge Fast Report on Clinton’s Emails

    A group of U.S. intelligence veterans is calling on President Obama to expedite the FBI review of former Secretary of State Clinton’s alleged email security violations so the public can assess this issue in timely fashion.


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

SUBJECT: Those “Damn Emails” – “Really a Concern”

Again, it really would behoove you to read the entire piece to get the big picture, but here's a rather juicy tid bit:


You might give some thought, Mr. President, to a potentially messy side of this. What is already known about NSA’s collect-it-all electronic practices over the past several years strongly suggests that NSA, and perhaps the FBI, already know chapter and verse. It is virtually certain they know what was in Secretary Clinton’s emails – including the ones she thought she had deleted. It is likely that they have also been able to determine which foreign intelligence agencies and other hackers were able to access the emails.

One ignores this at one’s peril. Secretary Clinton’s security violations can have impact not only on whether she becomes your successor, but also on whether she would, in that case, be beholden to those who know what lies hidden from the rest of usperhaps even from you.

Intelligence professionals (in contrast to the occasional political functionary) take the compromise of classified information with utmost seriousness. More important: this is for us a quintessentially nonpartisan issue. It has to do, first and foremost, with the national security of the United States.

(emphasis added)


And if you are still not convinced, let me spell it out for you in no uncertain terms:


Do the math.....

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ArthurPoet's picture

You are speaking about "punishing" and you are using the words "accountable" ... Nope.

AIN'T ABOUT "PUNISHING" AND AIN'T ABOUT HOLDING "ACCOUNTABLE" ... shucks, if I didn't know better, I would think I was dealing with a fucking DailyKos fucking HillBot.

You did not read the links, so this is the last time I am going to bother responding.








Sorry for shouting, but your fucking ignorance was so fucking loud I had to do something to be fucking heard.

If you have any more questions, THEN READ THE FUCKING LINKS!


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• Move Sooner, Not Faster •
Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

because he--like me--isn't saying that Hillary will be indicted b/c of liberty and justice for all, or equality under the law, or remember the Maine, Plymouth Rock, and the Golden Rule, or whatever other platitudes people around this continent used to believe in sometimes.

He's saying that the security state is ROYALLY PISSED OFF at Hillary and does not want her. She has fucked up their covert operations, she has pissed in their Wheaties. It's not the law or the will of the voters or democracy they have to contend w/here: it's a disagreement within the Deep State itself: the Big Money vs the Goon Squad and their Geeky Friends.

If some ordinarily corrupt Republican were still in the primary race, all the support would just go to him and any FBI investigation would just go poof and we'd never hear about it again. Actually, we might never have heard about it at all.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

stevej's picture

it's a disagreement within the Deep State itself

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

lunachickie's picture

For a good part of the season, I was more or less in agreement with Ken ("two justice systems, she's not gonna be touched, let alone go to jail", etc.), But after all I've read about SAP--including some of the links here, but I've seen some others as well--I'm convinced that there will be repercussions of some sort. Will they all be against Hillary? No, they won't. One of her inner circle is gonna get thrown under a bus (right now, my money's on Mills, unless she turns evidence). Hillary Clinton will never spend a minute behind bars, but I am starting to feel a bit better about thinking that "she might not be on that November ballot after all..."

Then again, if she is, then the FBI is going to have a lot of open positions in its ranks, starting at the very top.

Yeah, that's your struggle, right there. Hillary endangered *a lot of peoples' lives*...

it's a disagreement within the Deep State itself

and they are pissed right off about it.

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I can't.

Let's look at a few recent examples from the past. Bernie Madoff went to prison, primarily for victimizing the rich. No Wall Street bankster has faced the slightest charges for ripping off millions of working-class mortgagees.

So why did Leona Helmsley go to jail? She only ripped off the tax payers (read: little people), not the wealthy. Yet she got to endure the Graybar Hotel while dozens if not thousands of her economic class continue to enjoy their tax-unpaid freedom without interruption.

Martha Stewart allegedly violated campaign finance laws and went to the Graybar herself (although I believe it was more of an honor farm than a real prison). Yet we are hearing many reports of campaign finance violations, even some which don't involve Hillary. How many of them will face involuntary incarceration?

Lastly, let's take one of Hillary's excuses for her email server issues: My predecessors did it. Ignoring the relative merits of viable cases against them, how many of them faced so much as a "you shouldn't do that" chiding? None I am aware of, so if you know of any evidence which refutes me, please post it.

It is my contention here that women get treated differently under the law, ESPECIALLY if they are of the upper economic class. Men of the top .001% expect complete and total obedience to the merest expressions of their will, and women who can match their bank balances are not seen as equals no matter how they are presented to the rest of us. All the power of the law WILL be exercised against them.

I admit I don’t believe that Hillary will be tried or convicted. But I can't say that with absolute certainty. I thought Helmsley's lawyers would get her off.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

ArthurPoet's picture

Did you read my links?

You examples do not apply, friend.


Hillary is now a threat to National Security. FULL STOP. GAME OVER. DO NOT PASS GO. DO NOT COLLECT $200. GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL.

Hillary is done.

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• Move Sooner, Not Faster •
Raggedy Ann's picture

they will not be able to hold the dam. The dam is bursting at the seams with truth. Truth will not be silenced - it will be revealed. She will go down. Bernie will be the nominee. I am more convinced today than I ever have been and I've been pretty certain all along.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Then why is Hillary still campaigning and not in prison next to Manning? Why is Petraeus still running around freely?

Nice try. My points still stand.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

ArthurPoet's picture

And please read my comment above, I have already addressed this distinction.

In short, you are speaking about punishing PAST ACTIONS, I am speaking about PRESENT and FUTURE threats to National Security.


Read my comment.

And personally, I don't particular care what you believe or not, either the FBI/DoJ will indict, or they won't. FULL STOP.

And to answer your question about why they let her campaign, now that is very simple, Obama needed to have a Democratic Primary to get the Democratic Base registered to vote and engaged, to prime and prepare them and get them ALL FIRED UP for the General Election. Of course. I would think that was obvious.

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• Move Sooner, Not Faster •

Why Are You Wasting Our Time By Posting Here?

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

UFOH1's picture

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Doubt that. Hillary is a traitor and she will not be commander in chief. Soldiers won't respect, trust, or follow her orders. I wouldn't. She's gotten people killed under her watch so she could run the Clinton Global Initiative while SOS. The latest via the Wall Street Journal: she sent drone kill orders on Pakistani insurgents via her Blackberry. She's violated SAP protocol, Records laws, FOIA requests, yet lied, lied, lied about her actions when caught red-handed. A psycopath that's broken the glass ceiling is NOT presidential material.

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so he could be like Lincoln. Seems plausible to me that Hillary and Bill strong armed Obama. Lack of foreign policy experience was a blemish for the future queen which became apparent during the Bosnia sniper fire lie. That was the sole reason for Hillary being SOS. Obviously not to serve her country since she apparently did so much damage to it. Selfish people.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Hillbilly Dem's picture

Foreign policy cred, to be sure. But also to funnel money from foreign governments into the Clinton Foundation, in return for favorable treatment by the U.S. government.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

More bad judgement on her part. She should have waited until she was President before funneling foreign money into the Clinton Foundation.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Bill and Hillary will spend the rest of their lives in a federal penitentiary !

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ThoughtfulVoter's picture

I am wondering what Hillary has in mind in making Bill head of new economic growth. Could it be to keep him close to the money channel?

As soon as I heard her announcement I thought, Yep more bribes into the Foundation in exchange for white house approved initiatives for the donors.

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Clinton Global Initiative, aka The Slush Fund, aka Pay To Play. The smoking gun behind those "damn emails"

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That is how the people of Park Ridge looked to us real Chicagoans.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

with this? I hope so. If O does not let the results of this probe come out until after she is sitting in the Oval by suppressing it, HE deserves jail.

You know I called WHite House and left a comment saying that I was disgusted with how the primary was stolen and that I was leaving the Dem Party because of that, and that Obama had better be careful that the Clinton's don't drag him down with them. Him and his legacy....

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Sea Turtle

All that 11th dimensional chess BS was because people kept waiting and hoping he'd stand up and do the things he said he would do.

instead he bargained away everything he could up front saying it was 'in good faith' with Republicans, when it was all just a giveaway to maintain the status quo.

Obama's legacy is rather empty - hollow. We have a health care law which forces people to buy insurance, and we have an economy based on shipping good jobs out of the country, letting people fall off unemployment, and then pretending that the unemployment rate means anything at all when millions have been forced out of the labor market as shown by the dip in the labor participation rate.

He was a huge part of taking prosecutions/investigations of the financial collapse off the table.

He put people who would work for business and not for the people in key positions.

He was a status quo Modern Republican President.

And we're all tired of a so called democratic President maintaining the status quo and encouraging corruption directly, because by not fighting it, he has condoned it, and encouraged it.

Obama's 'legacy' is one of broken promises and failed leadership.

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Or into the war profiteering.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Winglioness's picture

Is Obama's endorsement part of the agreement, HRC steps down and becomes SOS, then runs again for POTUS and Obama then endorses her? Suspicious minds want to know...

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ArthurPoet's picture

...I bet this endorsement was a part of his original agreement in 2008. Abso-FUCKING-lutely. Knowing Hillary, I would bet money. I mean, why wouldn't she include this in the deal she cut. If there is one thing Hillary is good at, it's long term planning. I mean, we know she's not good at spontaneity.....


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• Move Sooner, Not Faster •

Like with Iraq and Libya and every other short-sighted policy she supported. She's incompetent.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

the goal there IS endless wars so she did exactly what is required. They do not want "success" even in military terms now, as that would shorten the cash cow of war. She is fully competent for the job at hand, and our plutocrats know it.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

stevej's picture

There was discussion about it at the time IIRC

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

snoopydawg's picture

Hillary's included and knew that she was using the private server and it was comprising national security, then why the hell didn't they tell Obama at the time they found out about and have him tell her to shut it down?
I find it hard to believe that no one in any department of the government didn't know that she was using a non governmental email address
Wouldn't her email heading be hrc@clintonemail.com or whatever it was be a dead giveaway?
I guess it possible that they didn't realize that the server was at her home. But I would also think that the person who set it up knew that it wasn't secure because IIRC he either did or used to work for the government and knew the rules about sending classified emails from an insecured server.
I'm also sure that Obama knew that Sidney Bluementhal was working for her foundation after he told her not to hire him in the state department.
He's the damned president and I just can't imagine him being out of the loop on this.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

ThoughtfulVoter's picture

And if the Clinton server had been hacked repeatedly by other countries over the 4 years she was in office, why did none of the US intelligence/counterintelligence efforts pick that up as it was happening?

I have read that it was Guccifer that first noticed it, but not until March 2013 and she had resigned already in February 2013.

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We don't get a nickel's worth of value out of "our" intelligence agencies. But multinational corporations reap millions worth of useful data.

Ever check out the CIA World Factbook? You should! All the information a CEO or other high-level corporate executive needs to know.

For instance, when Gambia was struck by the Ebola virus, I looked that nation up in the Factbook. There is a certain common level of education, unemployment is high, and 75% of the available national electrical generation goes unused due to lack of demand.

Now if I was looking to build factories in Africa to exploit these factors, a few thousand in "contributions" would get me the installation of a "friendly" government to protect me from the local I wish to exploit. Kill off any union organizers or other SJW seeking to tap into MY profits, and ensure that the labor force remains docile. What "gratuities" I'd have to pay end up becoming "business expenses" dropped off on the tax payers through a write-off. And all of the heavy costs end up with the tax payers as well.

Yet don't ask Intelligence to actually DEFEND the nation. They all claim to know nothing about 9/11 coming no matter all of the evidence to the contrary. They were too busy serving corporate masters to notice.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

ArthurPoet's picture

I am not a U.S. Intelligence Veteran --- maybe you are and feel qualified to challenge their assertions, but I am not --- so I really can't answer those questions or even judge the merits of those questions, however, I take it as a given that the authors of that memorandum know of what they speak.

And, the White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, made it clear that Hillary Clinton faces a 'Criminal Investigation' (contrary to Armando's claims for the past 12 months... lol... now isn't he feeling a little stupid right about now?) And James Comey, Director of the FBI, along with, Loretta Lynch, Attorney General, established that this is a "Counterintelligence Assessment," the full ramifications and implications of this and these, only they could say.

I would read all of the links I have provided, if you have not done so already. I would also read the OIG Report. They really are rather informative and might provide some answers to your questions.

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• Move Sooner, Not Faster •
Haikukitty's picture

He's a stand up guy. You may recall HE was raided by the FBI because he brought up concerns about NSA's illegal surveillance through the APPROPRIATE internal channels.

Still got raided - was ultimately found to be not guilty of any wrongdoing (except maybe being an actual patriot who questions illegal state activities).

He is totally legitimate.

I can't speak to Maj. Coet - but that list of intel professionals seems pretty legitimate if Drake is on it.

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mimi's picture

That's the list (from Common Dreams article link in essay).

For the Steering Group, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

William Binney, Technical Director, NSA; co-founder, SIGINT Automation Research Center (ret.)

Thomas Drake, Senior Executive, NSA (former)

Philip Giraldi, CIA, Operations Officer (ret.)

Former Sen. Mike Gravel, D, Alaska; earlier, Adjutant, top secret control officer, Communications Intelligence Service, special agent the Counter Intelligence Corps.

Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq & Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan (associate VIPS)

Larry C. Johnson, CIA & State Department (ret.)

Michael S. Kearns, Captain, USAF Intelligence Agency (ret.), ex-Master SERE Instructor

John Kiriakou, Former CIA Counterterrorism Officer

Ray McGovern, former US Army infantry/intelligence officer & CIA analyst (ret.)

Elizabeth Murray, Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East, CIA (ret.)

Todd Pierce, MAJ, US Army Judge Advocate (ret.)

Scott Ritter, former MAJ, USMC, former UN Weapon Inspector, Iraq

Diane Roark, DOE, DOD, NSC, & professional staff, House Intelligence Committee (ret.)

Robert David Steele, former CIA Operations Officer

Peter Van Buren, U.S. Department of State, Foreign Service Officer (ret.) (associate VIPS)

Kirk Wiebe, former Senior Analyst, SIGINT Automation Research Center, NSA, (ret.)

Ann Wright, U.S. Army Reserve Colonel (ret) and former U.S. Diplomat

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too is legit, I believe I read about him and his problems at NSA in a James Risen book.

These are legitimate sources and they do know what they're talking about. But Binney himself was let go from NSA for not cooperating. Drake was gone after also, as was Risen who wrote the book about them.

While they are correct here, and it's a good thing to write their letter, that, to me, does not mean anything happens with this for Shillary. For that to happen would almost be like Snowden being able to go through "legitimate" channels to blow the whistle as he did. All it takes to debunk that notion is reading a few good books about the people who did do it that way, if their names are even mentioned, at all. Most of the people who tried we've never even heard of. Our plutocrats have much, much more at their disposal to shut stuff like this down, and I believe they will use that this time too.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

OLinda's picture

the NSA has so much hoovered up that they didn't notice Hillary's emails. Once they were alerted to it though, they would have gone in and looked specifically for them and found them in their collection. So, yes, I would say they have everything, and have seen them.

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featheredsprite's picture

the intelligence community would inform him. Then, he would know.

He knew. Period.

[What has she got on him?]

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

Haikukitty's picture

It's far too much data for any institution, even NSA, to digest in real time.

But they are sucking it all into their servers daily, and if someone happens to catch their eye, they can go back and retrieve the data.

And again, no - clintonemail.com only shows she has a personal email account. I have a "haikukitty@mybusiness.com" email account. I do NOT have an email SERVER in my basement. There is no way for anyone to know whether I do or don't keep a server in my basement, though, from my email address. All it shows is that it is NOT a government address, but most would assume she set up an account with one of the telecommunications providers, like Colin Powell had done. Granted, she's not supposed to have done that either, although apparently there were ways for her to have used a secure personal email - but she did not do those things..

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The endorsements from Obama and Warren of a candidate under criminal investigation are a taint on both of them. I really can't make sense of it. If we are capable of putting together all of the sources of information and come up with how serious it is, I'm sure they are even more aware. It makes them look complicit.

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ArthurPoet's picture

I think it is clear they all of the establishment Politicians are tainted and complicit, in one way or another. It isn't a matter of if they are complicit, I think it is more a matter of to what degree, sadly.

When they both first cut deals with the Clinton Family for those “Coveted Political Favors”, I doubt that either Warren or Obama had any idea of the magnitude of corruption, deceit, criminal, or even treasonous activities that were being, or that would be, perpetrated by Hillary, but as the old adage goes, “In for a penny, in for a pound.” Those Presidential Endorsement deals were cut years ago, long before the FBI investigation was even begun. And, everybody knows that the DNC Establishment Politics demands Party Loyalty, it’s their bread and butter. But again, the heart and soul of Bernie Sanders’ Political Revolution is to end that pervasive corruption that is crippling our government, poisoning our planet, and threatening the very survival of humanity. That's the point! And that's why they all hate Bernie. But that's also why most Bernie supporters are #BernieOrBust?

...because... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! ...

...and... FUCK THIS SHIT!!!

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• Move Sooner, Not Faster •

But I thought that there is no honor among thieves. To honor a promise made in 2008 after discovering the promisee is a traitor, liar, thief, but especially a traitor, just boggles the mind. Unless Hill, Bill and Obama are psychopaths and just don't give a damn and have no moral compass. Or, maybe the Clintons have so much dirt on Obama he MUST rescue her or end up in adjoining cells at Club Fed?

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MsGrin's picture

I maintain that Gore sabotaging the end of that election (by not pursuing the right course of recounting) may have been because someone threatened the life of someone he loved. I've wondered if that's how we lost Wellstone a couple years later.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

lunachickie's picture

that there's been a trail of dead bodies, consisting of anyone with enough power to get noticed by the masses while bringing the theft to light.

And you can bet it kicked off in earnest with Al Gore. Absolutely.

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is that while there is no proof at the moment it is totally within the realm of possibility for the Clinton's

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jobu's picture

Men banded together in a criminal conspiracy, business aggregations that prey upon the public while serving it, political machines held together by the interest of plunder, are included. If it is said that such organizations are not societies because they do not meet the ideal requirements of the notion of society, the answer, in part, is that the conception of society is then made so "ideal" as to be of no use, having no reference to facts; and in part, that each of these organizations, no matter how opposed to the interests of other groups, has something of the praiseworthy qualities of "Society" which hold it together.

There is honor among thieves, and a band of robbers has a common interest as respects its members. Gangs are marked by fraternal feeling, and narrow cliques by intense loyalty to their own codes. Family life may be marked by exclusiveness, suspicion, and jealousy as to those without, and yet be a model of amity and mutual aid within. John Dewey

Sounds like Clintonism to me.

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He's still raising the funding to build his LIEbury. The Clintons control and influence billions of dollars. Need more?

typo edit

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

Hillbilly Dem's picture

It's like seeing a turd in a friend's living room. Obama and Warren walk around it, don't discuss it and pretend that it's just not there. (Besides, it's not a criminal investigation, it's a "security inquiry" don'cha know? /s/)

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

snoopydawg's picture

1. The names of each SAP are themselves classified Top Secret because the information within the SAP are far and above Top Secret.

2. SAP’s are so sensitive that even people who have security clearances giving them access to Top Secret Sensitive Compartment Information (TS SCI), an enormously high security clearance level, cannot have accesses to a SAP’s unless they receive a special indoctrination into the SAP based on an operational “must know” that exceeds all other “need to know” standards.

3. Being “read on” for a SAP is far more then acknowledging in writing that you have been briefed on the SAP. It is an in-depth “indoctrination” into the given SAP, and each SAP is itself compartmented separately from other SAPS. Having access to one SAP does not give you access to another SAP, and in fact rarely does. Only a tiny handful of people have knowledge of all SAP’s. SAP’s are the most stringently compartmented and protected information in the entire US government.

5. Unlike individuals with the highest Top Secret SCI access security clearances, who must undergo a special background information with periodic “bring-up” background investigation, those tiny few who have access to SAP’s must also endure periodic polygraph tests in addition to the most comprehensive of special background investigations. I used to have to schedule four-star generals and admirals to be polygraphed in order for them to maintain their access to my SAP. Many generals and admirals who obviously have the highest security clearances still did not rate being indoctrinated into my SAP. In fact, they didn’t even know the SAP existed.

If Hillary isn't prosecuted for this huge breach of protocol, then either someone besides Obama is running our country, or he's just as complicit in this or the Clintons are that powerful and connected to people or organizations very powerful. I don't know how what to think. Except that Hillary knew damned well that what she did was wrong. And as already written, many other people will be facing prosecution too for reading and then resending classified information if they didn't have the security clearance to do so. I have read that Bluementhal didn't have SC. Did Huma Abedin who was not only in the state department but was also high up in the foundation have security clearance to resend the messages she got from him or any other people who were in the state department

7. To put SAP information in to an unsecure sever like Hillary Clinton’s unsecure server is a class one felony that could, in some cases, result in life in prison. That is because such a compromise is so dangerous that it could and likely will result in the death of people protected by and within the scope of the SAP.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Bisbonian's picture

I was "outbriefed" from the program in 1992, an I STILL can't tell the name of the SAP I was a part of. And I haven't...because I would go to jail.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

orlbucfan's picture

What precisely does the acronym SAP mean? It has to be something secret, secure, access, etc.
Thanks! Rec'd!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

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mimi's picture

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featheredsprite's picture


Actually, most people, including me, don't care.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

Haikukitty's picture

I can't stand not knowing things, even if I have zero need to know them.

I have family members who worked for NSA and FBI, and it kills me that I can't know everything they know. Biggrin

I'm fascinated by secrets...

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mimi's picture

and stays that way for decades if not longer... Smile

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Can the rest be found at one of the links in the post above?

Yesterday, I came across a report (with video) in which HRC was shown a copy of the official document she signed as part of taking on the SoS position -- the standard 'I have read and understood these basic facts about handling secure documents', not the higher-level agreements like SAPs. Her blithe reply: 'I don't recall signing that document'.

Reagan put the 'I don't recall, don't recollect' defense into the public political arena during the Iran-Contra investigations in the late 80's. Once the televised hearings had been completed, the Big Question had become, 'What did the President Know and When Did He Know It?' Eventually, Reagan had to testify. It would not have looked good for the President to invoke the Fifth against possible self-incrimination, nor could he refuse to answer. His solution? The 'I don't recall' defense to every substantive question.

Now, of course this was clever lawyering, but the public also learned much later that by the time of Iran-Contra, Reagan was already in the early stages of Alzheiemer's Disease. Learning about that, th epublic had to wonder, retroactively, if Reagan had indeed been medically competent to govern.

Now, if HRC is gleefully introducing the 'I don't recall' defense so early while speaking to the press (and thus the public), I think it's entirely appropriate for the public to begin asking, publicly, whether HRC has not-so-early-onset dementia, or Alzheimer's, or any other 'cognitive deficits' like impaired memory functions, that would render her medically incompetent to govern. We already know that she has been felled at least once (publically) by a blood clot in her brain, and she is (iirc) on ongoing medication to regulate blood flow. Her emails show at least one instance in which Huma Abedin was instructing another handler on all of the things that HRC would to be reminded of to get through one day, with Aebedin describing Clinton as 'often confused'.

So, imo, every time HRC or a surrogate uses the 'I can't recall' defense, it should be countered by questions about 'cognitive deficits' as a possible indicator of 'senile dementia' rendering her medically incompetent to carry out the duties of a President.

Two other tidbits I ran across yesterday -- sorry, I have no links, because I was just reading the day's news, not thinking of writing. The majority of my links come from either the Kossacks for Sanders or the Sanders for President reddits; the sources vary in credibility, so one's Critical Thinking filters have to always be on).

Tidbit: Re: an FOIA request from and online news source -- FBI filed a document informing the court that all of the contents of HRC's unsecure server have potential evidentiary value, and thus cannot be released under FOIA.

Tidbit: (I think from State) The entirety of HRC's unsecure server must be reviewed (for possible national security breaches) before (State?) can release *any* parts for FOIA purposes. There is such a volume of information that the department expects this review to take at least 75 years(!). The associated labor costs and worker time would create and 'undue hardship' (or equivalent phrase) on the department, and therefore the department should be excused from having to respond to the current FOIA request.

Can we say 'slow-walking'? For 75 years -- until Hillary's granddaughter is an old woman, and Hillary herself, even if she lives to a ripe old age, will have been dead 50 years or more.

Apologies for going on so long. Seeing these three items in one day kind of burned a hole in my brain.

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snoopydawg's picture

the links are in the diary and I believe in the 3rd set of links he provided.

As for Hillary being able to say "I don't recall signing that document" that she had to sign in order to become SOS can't stand.
As you stated if she can't recall signing one of the most important pieces of documents needed to get her job, then she has either mental issues or is lying. I believe that she is lying myself.
Now I would believe myself if I said that "I don't remember signing that document" , but that is because I suffered a severe head injury and I have forgotten more things than I realize.
So either way, she is unfit to serve as president if she can't remember signing one of the most important documents on how to treat classified information.
ETA: I re read your comment and saw that people had to remind her of her daily duties because she forgets things. I too had to make lists because I did the same thing. I had no idea how devasting a TBI could be or how long lasting the effects would go on until I called my doctor about an incident when I asked a friend the same question 4 times in 5 minute. I asked him what the medications were doing to my memory and he said that it was because of my TBI and hadn't anyone every explained to me the lingering effects from them. To this day, I can write a comment and then read it the next day and not recognize it as mine. And my injury was 40 years ago. Hillary's was recent, and the more recent, that is when someone is more affected by it. I lost most of my memories from my 20's

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

featheredsprite's picture

But you have the self awareness to not run for President.

Is your overall quality of life good these days?

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

snoopydawg's picture

My motorcycle landed on my face and broke my jaw in 5 places, fractured the whole left cheek and the left orbital bone. The kickstand fractured my temporal lobe and the damage could have been much more devastating.
I was in the hospital when I felt fluid running down my head so I tried to wipe it off, but my fingers came away dry. That is when I realized it was fluid from inside my brain. Boy did I get scared. The nurse came in to see what I need an a bunch of mdkdjdfjlajfdfa words came out because my jaw was wired and I was talking so fast.
Then because the doctor didn't do the correct xrays, even though the radiologist told him he couldn't see the position of my condyle, I had to have my jaw reconstructed 8 years later. If I had had any idea how painful that would be, I don't know if I would have had the surgery, but I had been in constant paid those 8 years because the left condyle was pushing on the disc in the jaw.
Then after going through that, every damned tooth started abscessing and needed a root canal which was so painful because the injections had to go through scar tissue. Then a few years later, tooth by tooth broke off at the gumline and I ended up with denture anyway.
The bottom teeth had taken a lot of damage, and when I was down to 6 left, they had to be surgically removed because they were fused to the bone. 2 months after, the incisions had to be reopened to remove bone spurs. Then I had an entrapped nerve root and the doctor had to go through the bone to get to it. Now I have so much nerve damage in my bottom gums, I can't wear dentures. And I miss carrots, celery, nuts and other foods that need bottom teeth to mash up.
But as I said, I am very lucky to be alive.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

mimi's picture

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I've developed coping skills as far as I can, and memory is an ongoing problem. It sucks, don't it? Memory and other functions fluctuate day by day and can be influenced by fatigue, stress, etc, with my ability to find words and use language usually disappearing by the end of a 2-4 hour 'errands' outing. So on a given day I might be highly functional at 10am but barely able to form sentences by 3pm. (I write this so other readers can understand a bit about how the equivalent of ealy-stage dementia works; I know you get it, snoopy.) And of couse I dont have staff and Handlers, like HRC does.

I also believe that HRC is lying, and inventing new lies as needed. But the fact is that HRC can BOTH be lying, AND have medically-based cognitive deficits that will only get worse with time.

Imo, everytime HRC uses the 'I can't recall' defense people/media should raise the question of full brain function/dementia.

Always holding a Good Thought for you, snoopydawg! And glad to see you here.

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snoopydawg's picture

It could have been so much worse. I had just graduated HS and my last class was psychology where we learned about football players becoming brain dead after a head injury.
When I felt the fluid running inside my head, that is what I thought was happening to me.
My friends and family have finally come to terms with my memory problems and finally understand why I forget so much.

I agree with all that your wrote about Hillary and I do thing that she has some type of cognitive defects happening to her.
But her behavior of being behind every military intervention since the 80's really tells me that she doesn't care about how much misery she causes people.
Her supporters keep telling me how much she has done for women and children, but with welfare reform and all her military escapades that have killed so many of them, I have a hard time believing in that. And BFD that she went to china and other countries and gave speeches. What about her good friends in SA and the way that they treat their woman the point is mute
And didn't Kennedy do most of the work on the childrens fund? Not her.
It is good to see you here too.
Just checked in at LOF and they are poo pooing the FBI's investigation. God I hope something comes out of this just to wipe that smug look off of their faces.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

ThoughtfulVoter's picture

Not discounting your theory of Clinton cognitive decline, but Hillary has such a problem telling the truth that is safer to "not remember". Remember Bill, he lied and he denied and he lied until... voila the blue dress...and then it was the lying not the actual crime that got him.

IMHO the Clintons cover their crimes very well and then lie with such conviction that is more difficult to uncover those original crimes. Lying when recorded in a disposition, is more strait forward path toward perjury or obstruction or whatever and still carries a potential jail sentence.

On the mental decline issue, there is some commenting in the book "The Clintons' War on Women" page 379 that longtime family friends have noticed a decline in Bill's memory and recall.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

Someone besides Obama is running our country.

It's run by the corporations, for the corporations, and every part of the government is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the corporations. Including "Defense" and "Justice".

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

just to come out and say at a press conference:

White House press secretary Josh Earnest insisted that the endorsement wouldn't be interpreted inside the FBI as a signal to let her off the hook>

Even if the statement is perfectly true, Earnest(with or without his boss's sanction)has planted the suggestion even if nobody had been thinking of it before. How many people hadn't thought of the possibility before the President's official spokesman mentioned it?

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They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore

ArthurPoet's picture

that he was asked.

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• Move Sooner, Not Faster •
OLinda's picture

If not a signal, it could at least make it harder for them to indict her.

I don't know what the rush was to get Obama's endorsement and have his help campaigning. They have been pushing this for weeks now. Trying to get Bernie to drop out so it wouldn't be so awkward for Obama to come out and endorse. Maybe they are really worried that she'll lose to Trump and they feel they need to get started right away. No time to waste.

And, then Elizabeth sure didn't waste anytime getting on board. Maybe they are just trying to reinforce and cement in the coronation before anyone gets the funny idea she hasn't really won.

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Hillbilly Dem's picture

she said that she would do everything in her power to help her defeat Donald Trump. I'm disappointed with Warren's endorsement of Hillary. But, politics being what it is, I understand it. I'm more than disappointed and cannot understand her offer to drive the Hillary bus.

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"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey

OLinda's picture

I have never believed for a second the talk about her being VP. Figured if she wasn't interested in running for prez, why would she be interested in VP? I also thought she had too much integrity to run on a ticket with Hillary, but here she is endorsing her.

Now, I am wondering. Sure would be an interesting ticket. Two women. And, Warren is about the only way Hillary might escape her Wall Street dirt. The Warren endorsement actually helps her in that regard too.

After seeing Warren say that yes, she (Warren) is qualified to be president when asked by Maddow, I wonder. (This was in the context of if she was VP, and something happened to Hillary. Could she take over as President?) Usually a pol would deflect or not answer. "I've never thought about it. I have no interest in being VP or President." Or, I love my job. My plans are to stay in the Senate," etc. You know the things they say. But, instead, Warren says, Sure I'm Qualified!

Maybe she didn't run for Prez because she didn't want to go up against the Clinton machine. Figured why try when Hillary was the chosen one.

Maybe I've been wrong, and VP is why she'll drive the bus.

Well, we will find out soon enough.

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Bisbonian's picture

To accept, as a VP nominee, vs. just replacing Clinton with her as the top (TOP?) nominee...which would raise the same stink as having Biden come out of the wings. Now, if Hillary gets removed from the campaign, or the office, plan B is already in place.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Zinman's picture

Seems like a plausible explanation. All the Clinton campaign machine goes to Warren, Hillary gets a medical excuse, the FBI investigation goes to Page 4.

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Be a Friend of the Earth, cherish it and protect it.

shaharazade's picture

the even before he endorsed her. By endorsing her it will give the DOJ and Lynch a way to declare her a just savvy bad ass business woman who is doing god's work and should not be prosecuted as this would politicize justice. She's a patriotic torturer so don't get all sanctimonious Besides which this whole administration including Obama are war criminals and plundering thieves. Complicit. National security? I'll tell you what threatens our national security elected psycho's with power who have kill lists and bomb the hell out of anyone who threatens their interests like bloody endless war for profit.

Neocon PNAC types along with majors and generals just love Hillary's 'foreign policy'. Ask me this is just some internecine fight between the various spook alphabet agency's. Their all a bunch of complicit thugs and there is no way they are going to do a damn thing to the heir apparent to the throne. It all a big by-partisan show, which the establishment media uses to catapult the propaganda and make us all think it's RW CT.

No peace , No justice! Since national security is all about killing, plundering and bloody endless war there will not be any justice. They decided that the universal rule of law was a threat to our interests and declared our rights were a tool they needed to keep us safe. They are the real enemies of the state.

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riverlover's picture

Not that I am fond of the Intelligence community communities, but most must be professional and serious about their tasks. I have only met one person I suspected was Intel, and he never fessed up. Ostensibly military liaison, he and wife were here to learn Farsi and at least one other interesting language after being stationed in Pakistan. I cannot recall his name. Highly traveled couple, when they departed for elsewhere they had a unique garage sale with items like a camel saddle. Or maybe they were wannabes.

There have been clear indications that the intel retired folk have been clamoring about this breach for some time. I can't see how this could be kept secret from the 30% of the American public who are awake and care. I could be off on that percentage.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

ArthurPoet's picture

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• Move Sooner, Not Faster •
riverlover's picture

Check out this WSJ link from last night.

And apparently (from fast reading) Daily Mail UK broke the story or snarked about it.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

ArthurPoet's picture

several months ago, so I don't think that is particularly new news, but that does not mean that it is not rather critical news, because that
qualifies as treason, because that is TOP SECRET INTEL, might even be SAP.

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• Move Sooner, Not Faster •

Treason is closely defined in the constitution.

If you re-read your intelligence-professional sources, you will see that they are discussing violations of the Espionage Act -- and the mere existence/maintenance of a unsecured server holding protected government documents is such a violation.

Is such action a huge betrayal of the public trust and of national security? Of course it is. But such a betrayal does not rise to the Constitutional definition of 'treason'.

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I know zero about law but I would think a treason charge would require proof of malicious intent to harm the United States. The whole establishment is committing treason but it's hard to prove in court.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

ThoughtfulVoter's picture

State Department officials in charge of public records were not aware Hillary Clinton was using ­e-mail during her tenure there until they saw a viral image of the then-secretary of state looking at her BlackBerry on a satirical blog called “Texts from Hillary.”

Speaking under oath in a lawsuit brought against the department by a conservative legal watchdog, a State Department official said the office in charge of processing open-records requests at the agency had no idea Clinton was using e-mail.

So when “Texts from Hillary” made the Clinton image ubiquitous in 2012, the department decided to check whether she still had no official account.

“When Mrs. Clinton’s photo appeared in the media with her using — appearing to use — some sort of a mobile device, Clarence Finney checked with [the IT office] to confirm whether the answer was still that she did not have a state.gov e-mail account,” department official Karin Lang said in testimony posted online by Judicial Watch.


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Lookout's picture

The photo of Clinton staring at her BlackBerry while wearing sunglasses was taken in 2011 on a military plane bound for Tripoli.


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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

stevej's picture

This particular photograph (or one taken at almost exactly the same time by the same photographer) is the one that triggered the whole criminal server investigation. The Hillbots loved shoving this image in Bernie supporters faces at every available opportunity.
Clinton BlackBerry photo prompted questions about email setup
The original photo was posted on Twitter by Clinton's Team
Schadenfreude doesn't come any better than this.

(If someone has already posted this apologies)

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

mimi's picture

Merkel with cellphone - 185793196.jpg

you know, it's a woman thing (ah I am such a sexist and traitor) ... often "we" are scared to push some buttons on the computer, because we are scared to "mess something up", but then, when we need things to get done, we push the buttons available to us no questions asked. I guess, if matters are urgent, security is just something one can forget about. These ladies need to get "things done" and "fast", so they pull and push with all the tools they can get their hands on.
Now, ladies, shoot me. I am ready ...

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Surprised not more has been made of the fact that the way email was set up, allowed both SOS and the Clinton Global Foundation to have access to everything - so if SOS had something going on, CGF could coordinate and get speaking deal for Bill Clinton ( $$$) and anything else possible to get more money for themselves from any foreign country, company, individuals. Chelsea too. They could all coordinate to get the best deals out of any deals they had going.

Good example - that $16.5 million Bill got as "honorary something" from Laureate Education ( profit) and Joe Duffy speaking at State. All those deal were so easy to coordinate with shared email access.

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Taking this seriously ? All the links are right wing loony tune web sites.

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Lookout's picture

that will report on the possible indictment. The MSM is complicit in the Clinton nomination.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

orlbucfan's picture

This is starting to smell like more than CT.

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

the link to Intel Vets Urge Fast
Report, a "right wing loony tunes
web site"?

Did you even read the letter to
Obama written by Veteran
Intelligence Professionals for
Sanity (founded in 2003 to
protest Cheny/Bush's ignoring
intelligence about Iraq not having
WMDs before the invasion began,
as noted at the end of the article)
and notice just who were the
signatories of the letter?

Hardly a bunch "right wing loony
tunes" people.

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

Daily Mail

Honestly, I didn't get far enough into it to get to the Common Dreams link.

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Then read this for a smart, thorough dissection of the political landscape including the hoops the Dem Party and Obama will have to jump through to save the Paty's election chances this Fall, due to HRC's unsecure server:


It's a long read, but well worth it. Here's a key point regarding the imapct of the State OIG report on HRC's server:

2. The OIG report also represents the absolute first time that Clinton’s actions, excuses and obfuscation have been actively called out by an official body that isn’t at least nominally Republican; the server was discovered by the GOP controlled Benghazi Commission and the current investigation is being run by the Republican head of the FBI. Owing entirely to the GOP’s shameful politics and behavior during Obama’s Presidency; virtually any accusation levied against Clinton by tendrils of the Republican Party will immediately be perceived as a partisan smear job and largely ignored by seriously people – the President included. The fact that such a damning report has now come out of Obama’s own State Department; despite the presence of one of the most powerful and decidedly mainstream figures in the Party (John Kerry) is an extremely strong signal that all is most certainly not fucking well in Camelot. Clearly, the Hillary Clinton email server scandal can no longer be described as a “vast, right wing conspiracy” to get the former Secretary of State because she’s now being harshly criticized by powerful Democrats; which knocks out another key aspect of Clinton’s defense.

(My bold.)

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I plan to read the entire post that you linked after work, or perhaps tomorrow. I did read the current post and could not get thru the blatant BS that was linked. While the basic facts are clear, the interpretation of what it all means from these sources is useless IMO.

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mimi's picture

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