Green Party Fails Arizona Deadline for Ballot Inclusion
Yesterday, the Arizona Capitol Times reported that the Green Party failed to meet the filing deadline for the presidential ballot in Arizona.
The deadline for naming the electors for the Green Party presidential candidate was 1 June, 90 days before the primary election. In order to be included, the Party must now seek a court order, because rulz = rulz. The other parties in Arizona — Democratic, Republican and Libertarian — all provided their names prior to the deadline. This article in the AZ Capitol Times (link above) implies that there may have been a miscommunication between Green Party leaders over whose responsibility it was to provide names to the AZ Secretary of State. Not building confidence in their executive competence, there.
I, for one, was planning to vote for Stein if Bernie is not the Democratic nominee. It looks like Arizonans will have to reconsider our options.

Saw this news late last night
Been casting around for a new plan B myself. The intention had been to de-register as a Dem and re-register as a Green the day after the convention ends. Now, who knows?
I did see that there are less than 5,000 registered Greens in Arizona. Perhaps that makes the state party, at least, a worthwhile takeover target?
That seems to be what BFA is recommending
I'm in favor of that.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Sorry to hear that, but the greens STILL...
have enough Electoral Votes to win.
Therefore should be in the Debates.
(and the DNC/RNC rules are bullshit. They joined forces to keep the Libertarians and the Greens out of the debates. This does not say the Greens were incompetent as much as it says the assholes rigging the elections change the rules to suit their purposes whenever they feel the need to)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The names provided would have been
for the electoral college. Now, no matter how huge a win for Stein might be here, there would be no votes in the college.
I can only hope that you're right, and there are enough electoral college votes elsewhere to beat the duopoly.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
A while back I posted a comment,, wherein the conclusion was that there were 293 electoral votes more or less in play for the Greens, being on the ballot at all being determinant #1, flaming Red states being #2.
Surrendering Arizona's 11 electoral votes only leaves 282, which would require pretty much running the table.
I don't believe that's gonna happen. But it might be worth massively swelling the ranks of the Green Party as we await our new orange master.
I don't understand your math
how are you coming up with the 293 votes at all, if not off that one website?
Who promulgated that interactive map? I can't tell what they base it on, either, other than "somebody else's opinion", but maybe I'm missing something there...
There will probably only be one debate, anyway.
If that. HRC, the DNC and the establishment are not going to take any chances on HRC having to answer a policy question.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
So what?
You're going to tell yourself "Oh Well", and give up because there would probably only be one debate?
Uh...I think you missed my point.
I was not saying anything about the Greens not being in the debates. I was commenting on the fact that they will probably be limited to none to protect the establishment investment.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
No, I really didn't
miss your point. This is absolutely a sound notion and you're probably right:
But that really has little to do with the Greens, as you note.
The "when" and "how" of presenting something is very important. The overall effect, however--and I don't just see it from you here in that initial comment, I see it from a surprising number of people here all of a sudden--is to dampen general enthusiasm.
I hope you understand that I get it--that concept didn't have to be your original intent and I'm not saying that's what you or anybody else is or was knowingly doing. It's really hard to nail it down and break bad habits, but we have to try. If we're going to get anywhere, we first have to stop coming up with posts that give us an inch to talk ourselves out of our fight. Cuz humans can really talk ourselves out of shit, very very easily.
TPTB know that. You should be aware of it and fight it where you can.
All I'm saying is think about it.
But I wasn't talking about the Greens.
I was talking about debates. I think people are getting too sensitive and are reading the messages that are not intended into things at the moment. Yes, there are people who are talking incremental change. However, I am not one of them. Maybe I should take a break until things cool down.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
But the post is about the Greens!
do you understand my confusion now?
This is ridiculous. However we decide to move forward, we
HAVE to get people in key positions who will pay attention to the details!
I realize nobody around here likes rules. But better to abide by them and effect real change than to constantly be excluded because we didn't follow the effing rules. We can only get rid of them from the inside.
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This is exactly why I
somehow can't wrap my head around the Greens as a viable 3rd party. WTF year after year they do not seem to actually get serious about offering or working to be a viable political force or alternative party. I'm voting for Jill Stein and did so in 2012 but man oh man this so called party seems to be shades of the People's Judean Front. They really don't seem to have any interest in being real contenders.
I joined the WFP in 2011 and they too are useless. A WPA recruiter outside my local
yuppie'progressive' grocery store told me after I said I already was a member that the Working Family Party was going after the centrist Democrat's WTF? At least they were out and about recruiting I never see Greens in this state or online out hustling for money or members. I quit the WFP and am now an Indie. Why don't any of these lame third part's try to appeal to indies. Ego? Who knows but they certainly do not challenge the status quo or endanger the duopoly.First time I contacted my state Green Party
(about two years ago) seeking
info about what the Greens
stood for, etc., I got a quick
email reply - asking ME to put
MYSELF on the ballot as the
Green candidate against the
two Rs running WITHIN 48
HOURS, because that's when
the deadline for getting on the
ballot was.
I didn't have a clue about the
GP's positions on anything
except maybe the environment
and this guy I'd never before even
heard of wants me to be the GP
It was such a turn-off I didn't
even reply to his email to
decline. He never followed up
with any info about the Green
Party either.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Did you win?
We don't know what they've gone through, trying to contend
with the machinations to "challenge the status quo".
We have to quit assuming the worst about those entities trying to fight back. Who's to say they're also not compromised from the inside?
Good point.
The Powers That Be will not go gentle into that good night.
That has certainly backfired on the Powers That Be in Germany
I seem to recall a move to ban the NPD (National Democratic Party of Germany) for neo-Nazi agitation in violation of the German Basic Law (= constitution) failing, when it turned out infiltrators from three different government agencies were in there (and probably also some foreign agents) holding positions of influence.
Basically, outside infiltrators were so deeply involved in everything that it proved too difficult to figure out if anything the NPD was accused of would have even happened absent the active leadership of the infiltrators themselves.
It kind of makes sense though. What better way for the government to keep tabs on neo-Nazi activity than to make sure the most obvious crystallization point for such activity is a government front?
it's enough to discourage anybody, but if we're going to fix what's wrong, we have to stop assuming "the best" of everyone out of the box. And that's a hard way to build a successful coalition.
This sounds more recent than WWII-era Germany....
One cannot be infiltrated easily
if the power of the organization is in collaboration of local entities of people who more or less know one another.
A political party as we understand it is something from the 18th century, when travel between cities and communication were serious obstacles.
A system build of mostly independent locals who replicate the knowledge and organizational base while remaining in contact with other locals, ought to be considered and integrated into any framework.
There are drawbacks, though. So the mentality has to be, that even this framework may have to be changed from time to time.
Humans do not like or trust big changes all the time, though.
There has to be a greater awareness of the problems and a greater discussion of and experimentation with implementations.
It isn't that someone has to know the rules. It is that EVERYONE has to know the rules, and make sure they are followed for the sake of achieving stated goals.
Every cell has a copy of the biochemical instruction set, even if it only uses a portion of it.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Yes, in fact it was in this, the 21st century, 2001–2003.
Weird. They couldn’t decide how much of the anti-Semitism and neo-Nazi talk was “real” and how much was government kayfabe.
People's Front of Judea.
We talk about how you have to build a party from the ground up
and that seems like what the Green Party is trying to do. And there are some really high obstacles, as noted above. At the same time, we crab about them not doing better than they have already, and sometimes that seems like our expectations are contradictory.
But honestly, there are about six really important deadlines in an election year, and they missed one? It's exasperating!
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Don't they differ by state, too?
I'm pretty sure they do. So there's more than just six.
Yes, different rules for different states, but...
the in-state party people ought to be able to keep track of their own deadlines. This was a failure of the local GP folks.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
So who were the "in-state party people" in Arizona?
And have you spoken with them?
It seems to me that before we blanket-condemn these folks, we should at least be asking them about it.
It's in the article I linked
So it's "I thought you were going to do it" / "No, I thought you were going to".
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Well yeah,
people fuck up. People are human, they do that.
Of course it was a bad time for it to happen, but it's hard to read rejection of the entire party over this one state. Obviously, they need help, but you can't just show up and expect them to be organized, especially when you know how many freaking disinformation artists live out there.
Let's talk about the Democrats, in contrast, who are a legit party, having landed on federal ballots for lo, these last one hundred and some odd years. For example, somebody told a bunch of folks in California that if they were in fact listed as DEM on the rolls, but they were NPP until very recently, that they had to take a provisional ballot when they went to vote in the June 7th primary. Somebody else--a whole bunch of somebodies, in fact, the last time I looked--said that was a flat-out lie. But that was all after the fact, and didn't help those newly-minted Democrats.
Hard to believe that The Democratic Party could be so disorganized, isn't it???
State parties are independent orgs.
They're each individually responsible for meeting deadlines.
I'm gonna' stay a Dem.
Sanders ran as a Dem and we all know that there are Democratic candidates worth supporting. The Party belongs to us. The DNC Neoliberals, the Clinton machine and the 10%-ers who support them are interlopers. It was a hostile takeover and we must take the Party back. Here's another problem: What if AZ is in play in November, then what ?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
The hostile machine spent decades Taking It Over
We're not going to take it back in time, even if we could actually take it back. We don't have decades.
I disagree.
I think the "Progressive Moment" I've been waiting for all these years has finally arrived. I believe Bernie Sanders has demonstrated that.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I'm sorry, but
I didn't see him take over the Party. He didn't even really come close, not really. The Fix is in deep enough to have stopped him. I believe it to be folly to think you or me or any other regular person will ever get past the machinery that made that Fix possible, that has stolen this party away from the likes of FDR. It's taken them forty years to put such fixes in place. Going forward, you will do it how They want, now and forever, or you will be treated exactly how Bernie Sanders was treated. And how you were already treated.
The Progressive Movement, such as it remains now--and make no mistake, it is formidable--will not now, nor will it ever, be accommodated by these "leaders". These Machine Democrats are fake Progressives and they do not give a damn what you or I want.
He Got Remarkably Close to a Full Public Hearing.
That's something both you and I would have never thought possible, Pre-Bernie.
He also showed that there's a 45% chunk of Democrats and Indies that support those policies. That's a YUUGE deal.
If Progressives decide to stick with the Democratic Party, the Progressives should take the Party. Not sure if that could happen given the ease of ratfucking and the historic hippie punching. It would still be easy for the Establishment to bury an upstart, but the Establishment could get overwhelmed.
Reddit matched the DNC move for move. More independent, progressive media could go a long way. Here Bernie stands with some leverage at the convention.
I know the Democratic Party can't be reformed, but it might be able to be taken over.
You know, and thinking about it, I don't think it can. The ease of ratfucking, the historic hippie punching, and the corporate sponsors, all point to it being easier to start from scratch.
Although, IRV still is a silver bullet, I think.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
United Progressive Party
I understand there is a new United Progressive Party, but they are laying low until after the Democratic convention this summer.
Alternet ran a story that included them:
From the party web site:
Hello ThoughtfulVoter
It seems that South Korea has had a United Progressive Party, which is now banned due to alleged sympathy with North Korea and alleged implication in a conspiracy in a sabotage plot.
Political parties are always open to questions of who is in charge, and to corruption. In the current political environment, where the parties are in fact money laundering organizations on an international scale, I am not sure that this model of political action is the right way to go.
I do have greater optimism for political leadership which is local, derives from community activities and participation, and coordinates with similar groups. In this case, there is greater responsiveness to the individuals, the activities, and the problems from which the leaders of political action draw.
This is built on several assumptions regarding social networks which may not stand up to closer scrutiny. Basically, the small commune, which has allegiances with other small communes, is better than any top-down model for integrity, responsiveness, and flexibility.
Peace and love be with you, reader.
He got so close they took their gloves off
To say "he didn't get close" was unclear on my part, because he really did--but they went out of their way to keep it far, far away from him. Relative to where he should be, he's not close, but he still scared them enough to go out of their way to stop him at all.
Here's the problem they have now--way, way too many voters saw them take the gloves off to the point where there was obvious and repeated malfeasance.
It's out in the open now. And if there's a whirlwind to be reaped, it's that one....
All I'm Seeing Here
is No We Can't.
And in this case, Because Someone Else Is To Blame.
We're gonna get exactly nowhere with such a mindset.
Somehow, I don't think that's the outcome anybody really needs, except maybe the Machine Democrats.
For months, their website has been listing Aizona as 'on the ballot'. Confidence lost. Dammit.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
O/T ...
We're thinking about Bisbee for the Fourth. You gonna' be around ?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I put in my July bids today...will know by tomorrow.
Most likely, yes.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Message me,
or I'll message you. Or something. Hope they're having fireworks.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Is it still there now?
I mean, if they haven't fixed it yet, that tells me their webmaster wasn't paying attention.
I emailed the webmaster about their
out-of-date map - it showed
current as of July 2015 - very
recently. Took them a week
to get back to me with something
about a committee getting an
updated map . . .
Then TWO DAYS later the map
had been updated current as of
May 2016.
I was surprised and actually
impressed. Got the feeling the
webmaster is a volunteer with
a day job (or two), a family . . .
I think the Greens need help.
Any volunteers?
Full Disclosure:
I had a week or two before my
email donated $10 to their
ballot access project - my first
donation to anyone in several
years and my first ever to the
Green Party.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Sounds fishy to me. Arizona
Sounds fishy to me. Arizona had the most blatant election rigging problem outside Puerta Rico so should we be surprised someone played tricks on the Greens.
There were no tricks.
There was a deadline to file list names of electors for Green Party candidates. They did not provide that list by the deadline.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Right. And you don't know why that happened
and it matters why it happened, so it doesn't happen again.
I told you, just above,
Why it happened.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Nothing fishy about it
All of the dates have been posted on the AZ Secretary of State website, along with rules for petitions, financial statements, etc., etc. They have been there for months, at least since the beginning of the year. There are very thorough instructions for running for any level office, and it seems pretty clear.
No shenanigans were played on this. The Greens just blew the deadline.
And by the way, there has been demonstrated election fraud in most of the states this year. Almost every state has some serious questions to answer over this primary cycle.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
if you say so...
What if we SWAMPED the Greens with volunteers *now*
pretty much like c99p got
swamped with an astonishing
number of exiles in search of
a new home back in March?
Sure, it would be chaos for a
while, but we could sort
ourselves out pretty quick just
as we did here, because we
*have* to - there is no time to
Best I can figure, in many states,
such as my own blood-red Deep
South state - in which the Green
Party is on the ballot and doesn't
stand a snowball's chance of
ever a achieving anything - the
Greens are a labor of entirely
unpaid volunteer love operating
with only their own self-funding
. . . .
You get the picture.
What if we swamped every
state and national campaign
with not just volunteers but
cold, hard $ donations?
What if ... ?
Those in states with vibrant
Green Party organizations,
I'd love to hear from you.
Because I believe *now* is
the time to try everything our
imaginations can conjure,
because the hour is past late.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I'm betting it's been chaos for the Green Party "structure"--what little there is of it--since we first started seeing the really blatant disenfranchising going on in the Dem primaries. And you can count on the fact that this is all quite new to them.
And yet I see a few people trying to talk us out of trying, and I don't like that. The Greens are nowhere near where they could be, but they're not going to get anywhere if people just say "fuck it" and walk away.
I can't even believe I'm seeing that here on this blog.
You would feel differently if you had changed your
Registration to Green already, started contributing to them, volunteered to help a number of times, and then they failed to meet a deadline to get on the ballot in your state. I am guessing.
And I am not trying to talk you out of working with them. I am telling how disappointed I am in them.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
More disappointed than
you were with the party you
switched from?
Not to downplay it, at all, but ...
if you've been doing your part
as a party member, donor, etc.,
where is the accountability?
Are you going to do anything
about someone's screwing up
big-time? Like raise hell.and
kick them out of your party?
I dunno, Bisbo. Seems there's
shedloads of disappointment
on this site today and tonight.
I'm sorry. Arizona is far more
important than my machine-
voting blood-red Deep South
state, which I expect will never
in my life record/report Green
votes no matter how many
votes the party gets.
This whole Electoral Spectacle
is rigged from the get-go: at
best we're voting for party
apparatchiks as electors to
"represent" us at the electoral
I'm vacillating between despair
and grasping at straws . . .
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
It's okay to be disappointed
when someone fucks up, but it would help if we tried to understand why, instead of immediately condemning them for not being perfect.
Did they accept your help when you volunteered?
I got an email back immediately,
Saying, "we'll get back to you." It took a couple months, and then they did, and then they thought of something I could do...send money to pay somebody else to get signatures on the petition to get on the ballot on other states. I had been donating already, after I had already told them I would volunteer to go there myself. A day later, this.
If I won't be able to vote for them, because they fell off the ballot, my enthusiasm is gone. I would have to move to vote. Sorry. Next!
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
You're writing them off because they didn't need your help
at the time?
Yeah, "send money to pay somebody else" to do something. In other words, they called you back, looking for a donation.
I'm sorry, but that just doesn't seem to be a good reason to be writing them off. But perhaps I don't have all the information I need, to determine that?
No, I think it's rather clear
I am writing them off because they are not going to be on the ballot in my state.
My earlier comment that you quote was a very direct answer to your question above it. If you don't want a true answer to your questions, give me some warning.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
And you didn't fall all over yourself to donate, by
your own admission.
Maybe that would have helped, you think?
Do you have reading comprehension problems?
I have been donating to them since I switched over, after the Arizona Primary. What have YOU done for them?
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I'm not the one sitting here bitching about their
"incompetence" to the point where I'm just walking away from them.
No, you're the one sitting here doing nothing but bitch
About the guy who donated, tried to volunteer, tried to communicate with them what I could do, and then found my whole state dumped off their campaign.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
And it was ALL the fault of that one guy that called you back
For fuck's sweet sake, all I'm bitching about is the idea that, IN MY OPINION, walking away is dumb as fuck. The Green Party is not on a LOT OF STATE BALLOTS. If you ever want that to change, a reasonable answer to that does not seem to be "being angry because they couldn't accept your help when you called them". After all, they went on to fail. You know what? They earned that from you, but walking away from them isn't going to fix that, though it might make you feel better.
But you already know all that. As long as you're not walking back to the Democratic Party, do what you want.
Please stop now.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
Yes. Pressuring someone to defend their very personal reactions
has a limit that’s pretty clearly been breached in this exchange. It’s a frustrating time, but let’s not project our unhappiness with the deep dysfunction in American politics onto one person’s exasperation that the Arizona Greens fumbled the ball.
To me, that's the first go-to reaction any real progressive
or even any real Dem--should be having about the Greens:
Not pointing fingers at them and calling them losers or incompetents.
Your right
About this. Arizona elections are a mess. An intentionally rigged mess.
I don't think anyone realized how compromised
our elections were after Bush v Gore.
I think we all treated it like it was a bug. That shit was a feature, folks, and it still is. Our elections are an intentionally-rigged mess in all 50 states and all the territories.
Been fighting this same crap for years here in AZ. When Spanish language voter registration cards listed the wrong god damn date in 2012, we called hundreds of news organizations and dozens of elected officials. We raised hell and still got little press. Arizona has been disenfranchising voters, especially Hispanics and Native Americans for so long it's imbedded. The primary here was a travesty. To see it happening nationality, and to see Democrats being just fine with it because it helps there anointed candidate, is infuriating beyond words. We need a new party, maybe the Greens if we can flood em with volunteers and voters, or maybe a new one. And as need to fight voter suppression. In the streets if we have to.
I am seriously beginning to think
that's the only thing that's going to foster any "change":
And that will cost blood and lives. More than it's already cost anyone. And I don't think these "powers that be" give a damn about that, either.
They missed a filing deadline.
Simple as that. No dirty tricks. No secrets.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
How do you know
it's that simple?
I really don't think you do.
Yeah, you're probably right.
I read the email from the party explaining it. My partner looked up the requirements that were missed, and told me about it over the phone. All this in between trying to work today (as a pilot). And volunteering to work for them, and donating...clearly I am not interested enough to find out what is going on here.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
You got all pissed when they asked you for a donation....
Says who.
I said I was already donating.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
So you donated and then they didn't need your help when YOU were able to volunteer, so you had nothing else to give them.
All I'm sayin' is, "you get what you pay for".
Let me spell it out really s-l-o-w-l-y for you.
They are not, and will not be, on the ballot in the state where I live. I was trying to help them before, but now it is game over...I am not supporting them a) if I can't even vote for them and b) if they are going to fall off of the limited number of ballots they are already on. They have proven to be not worth the time.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Wow. You're entitled to that, and nobody said otherwise
Obviously your threshold of proof differs from mine. And it probably differs with the denizens of 48 other states that might be interested in the Greens. Hopefully, they're not reading your justifications here, God bless 'em all, every one, for being interested enough to talk about it...
So let's review:
Maybe your wallet is emptier than mine. But let me tell you something, mine is not exactly over-endowed. And knowing what we all know about the shape of the political "party operations" in this country right now, I think asking about this at all is not being the least bit unreasonable.
You seem to disagree. Perhaps a way to deal with someone you really don't want to discuss something with is to just not answer at all, rather than using loaded language in response?
Please, can you just drop this for tonight?
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
there should be just one Green Party, to start
in Oregon we have the Pacific Green Party, "affiliated" with the national Green Party. Jill Stein has already been nominated by the Pacific Green Party.
They've got 7 candidates for the ballot, which isn't too many when you consider all the Oregon House and Senate seats. Not counting Stein, only 2 of the candidates have websites, or at least sites that are linked to at the Pacific Green site. That includes the candidate for US Senate! No website for him!
Let me put it this way. JtC has done more here at c99p than the Pacific Greens have done in Oregon.
There's a Facebook page but the last post was from March.
So yeah...ripe for a takeover by anyone who has any energy at all.
I think you are right.
I would only add "And Arizona".
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
This is exactly right
It's a huge undertaking. But we'd have a better chance of taking that over than we would of "fixing the Democratic Party"
Is it possible that the Green Party
is actually more like an extension of MENSA, and that few are actually even interested in political runs, just have meetings and talk about problems? Somewhat like here (and I mean no disrespect to c99p members, but we are few, and Angela Marx IS running for office).
I don't know if that makes it ripe for takeover, but they are on the ballot in some states. If activity went up, maybe some of the other "progressive" parties like NY WFP would be interested in joining forces. Or not. Institutional ego may get in the way.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.