Feeling the Bern for the Green Party
Sometimes I wonder if progressives just don't realize that the Green Party has always been feeling the Bern. They have almost identical messages.
Dr. Jill Stein is waiting patiently for the Democrats to “sabotage” the Bernie Sanders campaign. “Bless his heart, he’s a team player, but he's on the wrong team,” says the Green Party candidate for president. “This is why [the Democrats] have superdelegates and Super Tuesday — it’s to create a firewall against progressive, grassroots, populist campaigns.” During a visit to Madison last week for the state Green Party convention, Stein stopped by the Isthmus office for an interview. She says Sanders’ unanticipated success in the 2016 presidential race is evidence that voters are “feeling the Bern” for the Green Party, not the Democrats. Whether it’s putting millions to work reinventing the energy sector, curtailing the influence of Wall Street or providing a free college education to every American, Stein and Sanders are running on a strikingly similar message. Enough so, that Stein’s supporters often inquire about the duo joining forces.
Writing in for Bernie is a no go. He's not registered as a write in so anyone that does so is getting their ballot thrown away. But isn't this revolution about the issues? If that's true, then the Green Party is the party that stands for those issues. Let's face it, you either joined the revolution because you thought Bernie could win and you're bailing now that he cannot win, or you joined because you believe in his message. In that case, you believe in the Green Party message, you just didn't know it.
Don't write in Bernie, vote Green.

I would love it if Jill Stein gets on the ballot in all 50 states. Someone posted a list in another entry here (the Open Thread?), maybe it would be good to have that list noted here as well?
If she did, she could name Sanders her VP, ya think?? I'll bet he'd go for that...
Assuming Dr. Stein's ego can handle it
A Sanders-Stein ticket makes a lot more sense, don't you think? He certainly has far more experience in government, and would bring a following far larger than anything the Greens have done to date.
How many states is the Green Party on the ballot? What are the electoral vote totals? 270+?
If not, such a run might well be expected to elect President Trump directly, or in the House of Representatives (President Cruz?).
Let's do our homework before we regret what we wished for.
"Assuming... Stein's ego"
I have to admit that I don't know that much about the Green Party or Jill Stein but she already turned me off with that "Bless his heart" comment. I won't vote based on personality but goddamnit, it would have been nice if the first quote from her that I ever read did not remind me of the condescencion that characterizes Hillary. (I am in a real pissy mood today, so take that into consideration.)
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
From her own tweet
Dr. Jill Stein
Yes, I want to talk w/ @SenSanders about collaborating to keep the grassroots movement for revolution going strong! #NYPrimary
6:45 PM - 19 Apr 2016
Stein is righteously pissed...
about the way the two major parties crap all over her party and anybody who doesn't toe the line.
“Bless his heart, he’s a team player, but he's on the wrong team,” says the Green Party candidate for president. “This is why [the Democrats] have superdelegates and Super Tuesday — it’s to create a firewall against progressive, grassroots, populist campaigns.”
In this one, I think context matters. It's an interview about how the system is rigged, and the fact the media and Democrats didn't even mention Bernie despite his huge support.
Sorry to hear that was the first you heard of her, because her platform is solid, and she's a real fighter. (I can't picture Stein ever falling back on the "You're Sexist" line in a debate.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I have heard OF her, a lot
I just had never read any of her specific quotes (or the party platform, to be honest), not because I was not interested. It's just that for 50 years I have been busy trying to keep Republicans out of the White House by always voting for the Democratic Party and not even considering third parties. HA! The joke is on me..
The first direct quote from Dr. Stein I ever read was right here on this piece. The "Bless your heart" part just pissed me off. I did go to the Green Party site and am reading every single word. I am a very hot-headed but rational person. LOL
The other thing is that I am still resentful and would hate for someone to get the benefits of Bernie's hard work, but that is emotion too and I can set it aside if I have to.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
IMHO, the work is only wasted...
if we let the movement die with the theft of Bernie's candidacy.
Yes, he worked hard, but so did a LOT of people. He got a lot of his power from the narrative set by OWS, and while his career has been stellar, it wouldn't have helped unless he was a focal point for a real feeling in this country.
Stein can be that focal point too, and she's been arrested by the PTB as well. She's fought hard, and deserves her shot a hell of a lot more than Hillary...
So, apologies if I came off as rude. I to can be resentful and angry, as I am today at the Democratic Party. But I find the best way to deal with anger is to turn it to action. Just my 2c of course.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
OWS was later
Before OWS, there were many, many public movements - going much farther back:
Fighting WTO in Seattle, Against NAFTA, many, many acts,
OWS got more media attention - timing, and I wish there had been more focus on what SPECIFICALLY was to be accomplished. It is a part of the conversation, but think it took Bernie Sanders, and the people around him who KNOW how to work the system of politics - to create the movement he has, had been the catalyst for.
A possible question - why did the people respond and FUND the Green Party ( different name, according to their web site in states) the way they have the Bernie Sanders Campaign?
Again, Green Party is one aspect, but don't think it can absorb what Bernie Sanders has drawn together.
Think it has to be a NEW Organization - bringing together many groups. Needs the skill of Jane and Bernie Sanders to also create the leadership structure. Expect those words are anathema to OWS, but necessary if you're going to create a viable political organization.
I agree completely
Bernie Sanders has built the largest progressive movement in modern history, winning 40% of the States, and with campaign rallies bringing out concert sized 28,000 people at a time.
If not for systematic voter disenfranchisement gimmicks, throwing people off the rolls, altering their registration affiliations (to disqualify them), and a whole host of assorted rigged, oppressive "rules" (not to mention insecure and untraceable E-Voting machines) -- Sanders would probably be in an even tie with Clinton right now, and possibly ahead. But it clear that the Democratic Establishment has created an impossible path for any insurgent candidate both now and forever.
So Bernie Sanders really has no choice here. He must continue to fight on, and provide his millions of supporters out there with something to get up and vote for in the General Election. He should seek out a union and co-presidency with Jill Stein (Green Party) -- where he will get instant ballot access in the most States.
He must do this to keep the movement alive, and to put pressure on the Establishment. If he were to now just quit and endorse the status-quo, pro-War, pro-Wall-Street, pro-Corporatist, corrupt, Orwellian candidate .. then this will just make a mockery out of the whole "revolution" that he was trying to build.
He has to keep it going, otherwise the movement will disappear (just as "Occupy Wall Street" was crushed and disappeared). Sanders has that rare chance to keep it all going forward by teaming up with Jill Stein and he could bring out 30%-35% in the General Election --- which would be enough to win the Presidency.
With Donald Trump running to the left of Hillary Clinton on many issues, and not afraid to insult her and call her out as a crooked, corrupt, totally incompetent chronic liar -- Hillary's numbers will sink like a stone. The best she will draw is just the die hard pro-establishment center-right Democratic loyalists which is only around 30%. Trump's numbers are also falling Nationally too, and he has already at this point alienated two-thirds of the entire American population. The best he can turn out is the "tea party fringe" and a few misguided independents which won't amount to any more than 30%.
This leaves Sanders-Stein in a very, very competitive to win the General Election. All they will need is about 30%-35% of the vote -- which is very likely given the fact that Sanders outdraws all other candidates whenever he speaks or talks.
Somehow we must get through to Bernie Sanders that: Now is not the time to give up this fight!!!
Run 3rdParty with Jill Stein and keep the Revolution going forward!!
It did not even cross my mind that you were being rude.
You should watch my two sons and I talk politics. People think we are fighting but we all are on the same side. We are passionate just passionate about the issues.
I agree with you re the movement. And no way in hell would I consider helping Hillary get to the White House, either directly or indirectly.
(I just deleted a long paragraph regarding my thoughts re the movement because that's just what I have been doing on this site from the beginning. I don't know why. I will write a lot and then decide to not publish. Suffice it to say that I have been a good foot soldier in the movement for five decades. And like Silvio Rodriguez said: I will die like I have lived.)
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
I'm glad for two reasons. One, I didn't read the quote the same way you did. I agreed with her. Second, because even if it was poorly phrased it'd be a shame to dismiss such a good person who has fought so hard over one poor remark.
I very much believe Bernie himself would strongly disagree with this. Sure, Bernie has worked hard. Who can doubt that? But so have millions of activists across the country and so has Jill Stein. I suspect that who Bernie wants to "get the benefits of his hard work" is US and he probably doesn't much care how that happens.
I'd love to see a Stein/Sanders ticket but Bernie has pledged to endorse the Democratic nominee and one of the reasons he has my support is that he's an honorable guy. Honor, like a lot of other worthy things, can only really be measured when there's a price tag attached. EVERYONE is honorable when there's no chips on the table.
As much as I want Bernie to remain honorable, what HE does and what WE do are totally separate things and I'm encouraged to hear bits and pieces of OUR movement starting to ponder the Green party. It's beginning to look like we need a viable 3rd party and why start from scratch?
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Link to the piece the comment is in?
Ah, I see I got the piece right above-and yes context matters sigh
It's in the Local Madison, WI independant paper
Sorry, should have linked.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Here's the list of states where Greens are on the ballot
For this to be a real alternative, they will need to "unblock" a lot of states.
H/t to Olinda for posting this comment to the "Time To Map Out Plan B. #BernieOrBust" diary
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Thanks, CoE
Using this link http://www.270towin.com for both the count and presumed red-blue status, the states where the Green Party is already on the ballot account for 293 electoral votes.
Of these the blue and toss ups total 210 ev, 66 ev of which are from the toss ups.
The math is pretty brutal. Which doesn't seem to hinder Berniacs.
What say we?
Desperate Causes against Incredible odds?
It's not every day you get to fight the good fight. It's not every generation you get to stand up against real evil.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I agree completely
Bernie Sanders has built the largest progressive movement in modern history, winning 40% of the States, and with campaign rallies bringing out concert sized 28,000 people at a time.
If not for systematic voter disenfranchisement gimmicks, throwing people off the rolls, altering their registration affiliations (to disqualify them), and a whole host of assorted rigged, oppressive "rules" (not to mention insecure and untraceable E-Voting machines) -- Sanders would probably be in an even tie with Clinton right now, and possibly ahead. But it clear that the Democratic Establishment has created an impossible path for any insurgent candidate both now and forever.
So Bernie Sanders really has no choice here. He must continue to fight on, and provide his millions of supporters out there with something to get up and vote for in the General Election. He should seek out a union and co-presidency with Jill Stein (Green Party) -- where he will get instant ballot access in the most States.
He must do this to keep the movement alive, and to put pressure on the Establishment. If he were to now just quit and endorse the status-quo, pro-War, pro-Wall-Street, pro-Corporatist, corrupt, Orwellian candidate .. then this will just make a mockery out of the whole "revolution" that he was trying to build.
He has to keep it going, otherwise the movement will disappear (just as "Occupy Wall Street" was crushed and disappeared). Sanders has that rare chance to keep it all going forward by teaming up with Jill Stein and he could bring out 30%-35% in the General Election --- which would be enough to win the Presidency.
With Donald Trump running to the left of Hillary Clinton on many issues, and not afraid to insult her and call her out as a crooked, corrupt, totally incompetent chronic liar -- Hillary's numbers will sink like a stone. The best she will draw is just the die hard pro-establishment center-right Democratic loyalists which is only around 30%. Trump's numbers are also falling Nationally too, and he has already at this point alienated two-thirds of the entire American population. The best he can turn out is the "tea party fringe" and a few misguided independents which won't amount to any more than 30%.
This leaves Sanders-Stein in a very, very competitive to win the General Election. All they will need is about 30%-35% of the vote -- which is very likely given the fact that Sanders outdraws all other candidates whenever he speaks or talks.
Somehow we must get through to Bernie Sanders that: Now is not the time to give up this fight!!!
Run 3rdParty with Jill Stein and keep the Revolution going forward!!
I am encouraging my friends to vote for Jill Stein...
as I did in 2012 and will again in 2016. I also posted this on my facebook page right before I saw this post:
*Corrected the spelling of "disenfranchised."
I plan on Voting for Jill in Florida if Bernie isn't on the
ballot, but honestly, I think for ultimate long term success we need to build a new party that doesn't come with a bunch of preconceived notions about it.
A fresh slate for a fresh direction.
We need to form a National viable 3rd party, and I honestly think with Sanders leading the push we could get it done.
I think we should partner with the greens and become "The Aqua Party".
Blue and green mixed together is a beautiful color.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
It's also closer to the true color of nature.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Turquoise is an awesome color...
It's not used much because it's emotionally the most "Cold" color, as far as the color wheel goes...
However, I love it, and Think we could really get a good image going with cyan and silhouettes of birds...
A feathered party... Even hawks allowed, provided they recognize that hawks don't get to outsource their ideas.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The Earth Party
That's what the new Party has to be all about. With a beautiful turquoise/aqua logo. Climate change first.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Turquoise information - seems to tie in nicely with your idea!
From the Crystal Vault site:
Think off-center.
George Carlin
Sounds awesome...
Course I just like it because it's a gorgeous color. (Did miniatures painting with a dark green undercoat, turquoise base and a dark blue ink, so It came out in a nice, slightly dirty Turquoise that gave the feel of a light blue patina... Gotta get back into painting...)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
They are known as...
...the Mountain Party in West Virginia and they are completely ineffective. That is mostly due to the clout the energy sector wields in the state, but it often feels like they aren't even trying. Their website is updated so infrequently I never bother to check any longer. As far as I know, they have no candidate for governor and certainly no one running for local office in my part of the state.
Myths and legends die hard in America--Hunter Thompson
Then they might need an influx of real progressives, no?
And a lot of signatures, to get on the ballot. They are only on the ballot so far in 20 states...needing lots of support to get on all 50. I am traveling at the moment, no time to look for a link, but I would suggest anyone interested look them up and see if they need signatures in your state. If so, then sign their petition... Might as well make sure Plan B is a viable plan.
Found it: http://www.gp.org/ballotaccess
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Green Party doesn't exist in my state.
My only choices are Dem, GOP, and Libertarian. Or withholding my vote.
Then they need your help to get on the ballot
Found a link...my flight is delayed.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Arrrrghh. ..not the best link
This one is better.
But not exactly what I was looking for. Gotta run, sorry.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
If Bernie is not the nominee, I will vote for Jill Stein.
Writing in the name of someone who does not want his name written in makes no sense to me, and furthermore, it's disrespectful if it is done against Bernie's wishes.
I will NEVER vote for a Corporatist Candidate no matter what party initial they put after their name.
I like the image here of the mice choosing to voter for "less evil" Fat Cat. Either way the mice are the LUNCH of the ruling class.
Soon after this election, whether Hillary wins or whether Trump wins, these Fat Cats will be attending lavish banquets together, telling jokes, laughing it up together and slapping each other on the back.
And we working class peons will NOT be invited, in fact, we will be the ones on the menu.
The whole "lesser evil" propaganda is a joke. And that joke is on us if we swallow it.
Why This Mouse Will Never Vote Cat
-by mouselander
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Voting Green Party was always my default choice
Sanders was just a happy alternative.
Same for me
2008 was my last Democratic vote. Obama really opened my eyes.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
What do you expect to accomplish by voting Green?
Goals, purpose? It's obvious Jill Stein can't win, so what the goal of voting for the Green party? Is it a protest vote? Trying to build the Green party up?
That's what they said about Bernie...
It was totally obvious that he would never break 30%... that the election was over. We all needed to Rally around Hillary.
It's not a Protest vote. It's a vote against the dying of the light. Democratic party has tried to slam the door on the revolution, and yet still wants our votes.
Not voting ties into their narrative. Voting for the lesser evil ties into their narrative. The only way to win is to not play their game and make them own suppression, ignoring the people, etc. Voting for what you believe isn't a protest vote, it's just not playing the game they want us to play, IMHO.
Course, I'm 39, and clearly an idealistic idiot.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Staying true to my conscience.
Not to mention that anything that helps strengthen a good third party as this point is something that I sorely welcome. I seem to remember that if 3rd parties hit certain thresholds, it helps them in some manner in terms of public funding? (This is something I remember my parents saying before I could vote though and it's never been relevant since I could vote, so I could be completely mistaken).
You and Bob Philips are starting to concern me.
We've all seen the operatives over at the GOS and how they argue and manipulate for the elites. When I posted this I expected that this would draw them out. I'd already seen a post by you that made me wonder and now you're parroting the Clintonista's arguments and Bob, well, he's being Mr. Negative Spinmeister.
Sorry, but my benefit of the doubt is on a very short leash. I hope you two end up showing different colors. Preferably Aqua, or Green. Right now, however, all I see is red, as in red flags from how you're choosing your words.
Why don't you report me then?
WTF are you saying, you think I'm a troll for the elites?
Good fucking grief.
Just keep being you AL
Everyone should remember that there is room for disagreement here.
To answer your original question AL.
For me.
A vote for Jill shows that I support women in politics, just not Hillary.
A vote for Jill helps the Green Party gain recognition and federal funding.
Most importantly a vote for Jill will hopefully cause Hillary to lose.
In any case, should Bernie not be the Dem Nom then it will be my sole purpose in life (what little I have left)
to work actively to destroy the Democratic Party.
I might vote Trump.
I got no fucks left to give as they say.
The Democratic Party does NOT represent me, they don't fight for me, they are useless to me.
Elect Republicans, bring on the revolution, let's get that over with while there is still time to save the human species.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
Thanks dennis, good explanation.
I'm saying if you have nothing good to say
Maybe you should keep your negativity to yourself? Bob going out of his way to make sure he injects a "Stein is egotistical" meme into the conversation and you inferring that voting Green is a waste.
You might as well be a troll with that attitude, because I guarantee you, the LAST thing the elites want is for us to have a viable third party and for it to be the Greens.
I get it, I really do. Bad moods all around right now. But instead of being negative, take a moment before you speak. The Green Party IS feeling the Bern and was before there even was a Bern. Bernie said, even if elected, he couldn't make change, only the voters could make change. Only we could be a revolution. Maybe you should consider that the Green Party just might be that revolution. It's just waiting for us.
Hold on there dude,
I was just asking a couple questions for interest purposes. I voted for Stein in 2012, Obama in 2008. I view things differently now, you can call it negativity but if you think this political system is something to be positive about, then we disagree. My pov is Stein has no chance, obviously, so I'm wondering why people are going to go there. The information from that is helpful in analyzing the entire situation.
I'm against third parties now because I'm against trying to compete in this rigged and corrupted political system that is controlled by the two ruling class political parties. I believe we need to change the system, not participate in it.
Before you start calling people trolls, do a little research on them, like look at what I've written on this site since Day 1. Yes, I was here on Day 1.
I think we're well beyond the kind of blog here
where one's User ID really matters.
Al, you've been pushing this "boycott" thing all day, and it just makes zero sense. Many others besides myself have told you this, and yet you continue to push it and push it pretty persistently. Kudos for you to be such a believer of your own ideas--one has to have faith in one's self, after all--but it's as if you and a bunch of other folks didn't already have this same conversation 18 hours ago in a different comment thread/post.
Yes indeed, there's room for differing opinions here--so I expect mine to matter, too. And IMO, there are "opinions" and then there's "pointed repetition". This is probably a really good time to point out that there are a whole lot of quite-savvy veterans and refugees of Trial Balloon Central that have migrated here, whose Spidey sense at sussing out pointed repetition has gotten pretty damned accurate over the years, and has allowed them to recognize when it's useful and when it's not, really.
You can take that opinion any way you want or not at all. Just. Sayin'.
Well ain't you special. I'd prefer not to communicate with you if you don't mind. I won't respond to you henceforth, I'd appreciate the same. Otherwise, I'll say what I feel.
Of course!
Suit yourself--say whatever you want. Reply to me or not, we're all free to speak here if we want or not and to speak to anyone we wish, whether they respond or not.
I'm pretty sure you understand, however--and this was the basis of me jumping in here at all--this is not GOS, and it's not about "High User ID" being trumped by "Low User ID" and all the other crap that gets lorded over others as a form of emotional manipulation there (and elsewhere, for that matter). I will feel free to make note of such nonsense where I believe it to be warranted. If I turn out to be wrong, we'll cross that bridge if it shows up on the path.
Well you feel free then.
But like I said, leave me the fuck alone.
What will you do,
"report me to the Admins" if I reply or post in your general direction?
Oh, please...have a great night, Al.
get a new pair of glasses /nt
*blink* Big Al?
wow dude. I think that leash is tight enough to be cutting off blood flow to your brain.
By the way, one of the deals with c99 is that we don't demand party loyalty. If Al doesn't like Green then that's his call and I, for one, want to hear his reasons.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
All of these things.
It is a boycott/protest of the Dem Establishment but without allowing them to claim apathy on the voters' parts. It is a support of Green Party values, and its a way to get them over the federal funding threshold and hopefully help them become a viable party.
For me?
I want the movement to have a clear focus point and it happens to exist and be well aligned. My concerns go well beyond who wins in 2016.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Helping the Green Party become viable
Can only be a win win for progressives.
I agree
voting Green seems to be the way to go for now, unless someone has a more viable idea and I know I don't.We still need to show up at the polls so they know we are still participating(because they really don't want us to participate) and some of us can vote for down ticket Bernie supporters. I think Dennis1958 said it best ,to work to actively destroy the unDemocratic Party!
We went to a
Meet and great with a handful of local, down-ticket Bernie supporters on Sunday, and are shifting our post-AZ debacle focus toward getting some good people into the local legislature, and one into Gabby's former district. I'll support Bernie till he quits, but will vote Green (again) if he does, with the hope that they are going to do much better than ever before, this time around.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
i know the Green Party message...
I've voted Green many times since 2000. But it was not till Bernie came along that there seemed a chance to register enough support to send the message. Everything in it's time and place. I will vote for Jill Stein in Nov.
Bernie as Green Party nominee
I've been thinking for a while that if Bernie loses the Democratic nomination, as appears nearly certain, he should adopt the Greens and they should adopt him. He should become the Green Party candidate for President. Stein, in the interests of the party, America, and human life on Earth, should agree to step aside, and possibly, but not necessarily, become his running mate. Sanders would give the Greens immediate national visibility and credibility. What's more, I think he could win as a Green. Polls have said the Bernie wins a 3-way race against Clinton and any Republican.
"Not me. Us."