Madeleine Albright- Rules and laws are for the peasants
I am not sure if this topic has been brought up today, but if not I wanted to ensure everyone saw the quote from the “esteem” Madeleine Albright regarding Clinton's email scandal.
'Nobody is going to die' from Clinton emails"
Okay, what bullshit entitlement mentality is this? You always hear people and the media perpetuating the entitlement mentality myth of the lower classes or the younger people of our society, but you know what? It is the Elite they have the entitlement attitude or problem, they truly believe the rules and laws are not made/applied to them, they are above the rules and laws- rules and laws are more like guidelines or suggestions.
How many instances have you witnessed, read about, or heard about if the criminal is part of the establishment then any rulings, charges, fees or even jail time are reduced or even waived- too freaking many!!!!
I guess the next time I am pulled over by a police officer for speeding then I can use this excuse “Nobody is going to die” from my actions- so no big deal right. In my case (not part of the establishment)- wrong!
This behavior and attitude is unacceptable and gets me all fired up. No one is above the law! Therefore, the appropriate rules, sentencing and fines need to be applied to Clinton in the violation of her email server and record keeping failings. Please ask Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and General Petraeus about their (mis)use of government information- "Nobody is going to die" from their actions, so no big deal right- freaking wrong!
Please share the rage and do not let this quote, action and attitude escape people’s notice- the ruling class needs to be brought to justice for their actions and behavior.

The wealth and political classes are already above the law.
They decide what's off the table or on the table. Sometimes they have to throw a bone to the commoners, but their disdain for the commoners has grown.
All that disdain is such a heavy burden for them to carry too. Just imagine having to deal with that much contempt for other people who aren;t even worthy of you to begin with. These noble souls carry such heavy burdens even holding the lesser people (us) in their thoughts - while the rest of us should be so much more understanding of their plight.
If only we understood the full weight of all that they hate about us, then we wouldn't be so quick to be upset with them when they treat us like the annoyances we are to them.
Check out Madelein's dad.............................
Contaleeeeeeeza RICE was one of his minions. They have to be identified as the sociopathic globalists they are and tried as the war criminals they are.
Our country is being led into war after stupid war by a bunch of crazies who have decided that they have the power to run the whole world as their oyster. Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, brezinski, kissinger, Obama and Hillary, they all need to be purged so that we can form a sane foreign policy with the rest of the world.
"The Purge"
Ya, I kind of like that. I've long thought we should do our own Madison Avenue thing to get people's attention.
If Broadway can make a musical about the Book of Mormon,
it should be possible to base a musical on the Project for the New American Century report titled Rebuilding America’s Defenses*, its predecessors (e.g. “Clean Break”), and its calamitous aftermath.
* Yep, that’s the report where the neocons note the usefulness of “a new Pearl Harbor.”
We need a Hippie shop
on Mad Ave just to piss off the corporate neighbors.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Sane foreign policies are not profitable.
Therefore, the wealth and business class dislike any ideas which focus away from profit.
The political serves only the wealth and business/corporate class now. There are a few outliers which are exceptions to the rule of service where the political class is concerned.
Exceptions which are/may be notable, to the rule, do not change the rule, or who rules, or who serves those explicitly who rule.
And isn;t it interesting how 'budget cutting' the military, they seek to hurt those people who serve instead of cutting programs. More interesting though, is how tied to the military budget the economy is - meaning to cut the military budget is to hurt workers and/or kill jobs too - thus hurting more workers.
Profit taking, and profit levels will not be sacrificed. Only people lesser than they should be hurt, but not at the expense of profit.
We're in a vicious downward cycle, one that may not be truly recoverable - which is why the rulers double down on the same tactics every single time. They've got nothing - nothing with which to make real change without hurting what is really important. The wealth and power of the few, and their precious guaranteed profits.
Incorrect, I believe. Cutting the military budget only hurts
workers and kills jobs IF the money is withdrawn rather than being spent on something else. Otherwise, the better programs where we would like to see money spent will employ more workers and create new jobs. Ideally, retrain the unneeded military to perform jobs in new, peaceful fields.
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Uh huh. Sounds like idealistic wishes. Not reality.
Sure, sure this happens all the time. It doesn't but hey, you're talking ideally…
Oh, well there we go, ideally this is what would happen, but we're not in candy land either. This doesn't actually occur with enough regularity to mean much of anything, but ideally it is what some would love to happen in fantasy land where rainbow smiles are for everyone and four leaf clovers are plentiful.
Cutting the budget can cut manufacturing, research, personnel, and many facets of major job maintenance in this country. But it sounds you know what happens ideally so we all will take heed and not worry about this anymore. You've given us the ideal after all so yay for military budgets and the way things should happen ideally.
Woo Hoo, one less thing to worry about, maybe two or three things even. And here some thought the MIC was an issue and that there was a messy jobs issue inside this issue as well.
So glad you cleared that up.
Having a bad day, are we?
Suppose the ideal does not happen. Military folks are out of jobs.
But the money is still spent on something. Then simple math, there are still jobs. Not jobs for the people you want to see get the jobs, but new jobs for other people who need jobs. It doesn't all go magically away unless, like I said, you withdraw the money.
Total number of jobs about the same, unless the pay for those jobs is drastically different or the materials needed are drastically more expensive.
But nice right-wing talking points you have there - can't cut the military budget, we won't have jobs any more, the economy will go in the toilet!!
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Bless Your Heart!
Not having a bad day here. You read into words what is not there, and fail to read and understand the meaning of what was there. Your accusations are far off the mark. Your magical thinking is damned funny though.
I made no claim that we can't cut it. I said cutting it means people potentially with lowered wages or no jobs (recent suggestions by government to cut military pay - look it up). I indicated that cutting programs also cuts jobs. I'm all for cutting it, but it's going to tie into the jobs issues which you seem to think will just magically fix itself.
But hey, you project whatever BS you like. It's good for a laugh at least.
Yes, spending money is a "magical" way to create jobs.
Google does not recognize ZFTG, so have fun acronyming to yourself.
Whatever indeed.
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Not that it's my role,
but I'd like to apologize on behalf of most in this community for your having to put up with that demeaning tone.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
Thank you, that's appreciated. eom
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
There was this war in the 1940's. American manufacturing transformed itself in months, in some cases, weeks. Manufacturing jobs, no pun intended, exploded.
And what's wrong with ideals?
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
Yeah, the military budget is a bit more nuanced than that
You seem to have a singular view of how to cut military (reduced wages vs reduced volume of workers) and an inflated view of how much of defense spending goes to R&D, and a lack of understanding of how much bloat and inefficiency there is within this area of spending..
The problem with this view
The problem with this view is that withdrawal of the money -- and from personnel first, last, and only -- is the only way military budget cuts ever happen in the USA. The toy makers never so much as have to share the pain, much less bear the majority of it. It's always the military personnel, always. And not the brass, either, but the working-class enlisted and NCO classes who always take the hits, too.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That is true. That's why I'd like to see retraining made
available. And of course if Bern were in charge, I think we'd see a lot of the higher-up costs being cut. You can do that when not being paid by the corporate overlords.
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It's been reported military operations seem to have been leaked
So she probably can't honestly say that. Top secret material open to the world? Seriously? She claims no one died from that?
<raises hand with a Q for Albright>
The IG report confirmed attempted hacking of Clinton's unauthorized home server. Guccifer, the Romanian hacker who claims to have hacked it fairly easily and to have seen evidence of at least two other intruders, was extradited here and will testify. Given that information of the highest possible classification was found on Clinton's server, how can you know who might have died, or been placed in needless jeopardy, by Clinton's cavalier disregard for rules governing national security information?
No, it's not OK because a Democrat did it.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
But the Shillary supporters, do believe in IOWACDI
It's OK When a Clinton Does It.
Money in Politics? Used to be bad, but now? It's OK When a Clinton Does It.
Lying? Bad, but now we just have to accept it and even consider it pragmatic and part of the skill set because - It's OK When a Clinton Does It.
Proving oneself to be a security risk and also incapable of making sound decisions which keep data safe instead of trying to avoid policies which might make personal communications public record… Yeah IOWACDI.
And if you disagree with one thing. If you try to hold Hillary Clinton accountable for anything. It's because she has lady bits (the whole misogyny thing again). Forgive her. If you don't, you're a misogynist!
Why? Because: It's OK When a Clinton Does It.
-But remember - if anyone else lies, or is guilty of these things - it's bad bad bad and they should be held accountable, but not poor put upon victimized by right wing smears and the vast right wing conspiracy - poor Hillary.
It's a vast right wing conspiracy even when Hillary does this to herself, because apparently, holding her accountable for her actions and words is a conspiracy.
I remember IOWACDI from elsewhere
Good to see it, and you, here.
Sadly true. It's okay because she's a Clinton, because it's her turn, because we need a woman president, because Powell did it, because she said it was a mistake--get over it already! Oh, and because... Trump.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Abuse of trust, and of the power given in trust
is my biggest pet peeve.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Abuse of trust? Infliction of suffering.
A complete lack of regard for what public service is supposed to be.
Elections have become nothing more than public approval of who gets to serve in the political class as the representatives of the wealth and corporate business classes.
If the people actually had politicians fighting for them, there would be more voices for the people.
Why is Sanders so popular and why hhas he become so seemingly out of the blue by the opinions of the rest of the political class?
Because Sanders is actually speaking for the people.
Obama's failures are a direct result of caving on his principles, his very morality, and compromising the American people by ensuring the reasons he was elected were negotiated away.
F**king over the American people is the old pragmatism. He spoke of Hope and Change, and then it was decided that the old pragmatism is also the new pragmatism.
If it can't be saved, let it burn. And there's little hope of saving anything given the death grip the wealth and political classes have over everything.
There is an idea.
All contests to be determined by MMA matchs. I'd run against McConnell just to get a shot at that weasel.
Hypocrisy and double standards are among my pet peeves
along with yours.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
No one is above the law.
Well her standards certainly make a lot of other laws obsolete..
One and only law: "As long as nobody dies, go ahead and do whatever you want."
Wasn’t that “500,000 kids may die, but we think it is worth it”?
Just who is this “we,” Madame Secretary? Remind me never to vote for or otherwise support any of them.
Speaking of people dying, Madeline...
There's a little matter of a few illegal wars we'd also like to discuss with Hillary...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
So True
S thanks for the comment. I am looking forward to the next Portland C99ers meeting.
Not just shooting wars but secretive regime changes as well
Central America bleeds daily from our actions
Israel's and Palestine's uneven conflict goes on with our financial and political support to Israel
We don't really know that, do we? If the e-mails contained HUMINT and if they were breached, we don't know who was 'burned' and how. Nobody was killed when Nixon goons broke into Watergate either. Really, is this the measure now? As long as nobody is murdered, it's cool.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Madeleine Albright, warmonger
Madeleine Albright contributed to a bad precedent of warmongering Secretaries of State. When she wanted to use force in Bosnia, she famously asked then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Colin Powell:
I don't know if Powell's answer was ever recorded, but I would have said the U.S. military contributes a lot more to our national security of it's not constantly engaged in unnecessary, unwinnable wars halfway around the world.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
next time I'm pulled over by a cop....
I'll say "nobody told me it was unauthorized and, besides, Colin Powell did it"
Also, about Petraeus, his "punishment" is eye-opening when you compare it to Chelsea Manning's or to how the Obama team wants to get Snowden.
Great suggestion
Thanks E for the suggestion might come in handle next time I drive down to Portland.
I'm going to politely ask..
will you all stop the speeding now please, thanks..............oh and no phones or texting.
I'm quite sure she will not get indited, even though she has broken laws critical to the nature of government it will be deemed as new technology teething, severely reprimanded f'sure but I personally would be surprised with to see more than a censure.
Nothing will be decided till the convention and that's going to be a party by the sounds, if she manages to gain on Trump she'll get the nomination. Fingers crossed touching word I hope I read it poorly.
You could always blame progressives
Or ...
The Bernie Bros made me do it!!!
Maybe someone should have given
Ambassador Stevens HRC's email address.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Why am I reminded of this
Although having initially received a sentence of 16 years, Helmsley was required to serve only 19 months in prison and two months under house arrest. During the trial, a former housekeeper testified that she had heard Helmsley say: "We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes",
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
Yo, Maddie,
Does that include pay-to-play arms sales approvals?
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Innocent Yemenis dying doesn’t count with Madame Secretary. n/t
Nobody is going to die, well that is a bold statement
I assume everybody knows exactly what was in them and that nothing was actually hacked
The devil you know vs the one you don't?
I was raised in a very conservative household. My mother and her mother still listen to right wing radio and watch Fox News to this day. I continue to move further and further to the left as I age however, so it has been a transformation for me. I turned 18 in '93 and promptly joined the US Army, so it was during the Clinton administration when I really started paying attention to politics.
But despite my travels toward the left of the spectrum, and as much as there is to dislike about the right wing, there's one thing that has always kept me from embracing the mainstream "left" (if the Democrats can even really be considered the left) in the US. It's the Clinton/DNC/Third Way Democrat's two faced approach to everything.
With the Republicans, at least you know that you need to watch your back. They're going to screw you over, so you are vigilant about their actions. Whether it's in their backwards social policy or their gifts of largesse to the wealthy you're ready to fight back.
The Third-Wayers on the other hand soothe with kind words then as you soon as you feel safe to turn around, they knife you in the back. They have tough words regarding accountability when it comes to corporations, and implement things like Sarbanes-Oxley, which as anyone familiar with it can tell you is an administrative burden. But when it comes to their own dealings? "Don't worry about my private emails, I'm not hiding anything, it's just more convenient to have one Blackberry, those 30K emails I deleted were all personal, just trust me." Would that be acceptable from a corporation? Then it shouldn't be from government either. But that's how these crooked DNCers act. Their idea of a cure might be worse than the disease.
Turd Way asshats
The Turd Way aren't leftists, they're "centrists". They beLIEve in "middle of the road" politics. Along with nothing else besides rotting armadillo corpses and some white and yellow paint.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
with mouthful of high calorie custard which YOU may not have.
Just kick her in the metaphorical stomach and move on.
Hey, my little town's weekend farmer's market opens in the parking lot of the municipal building downtown and last summer there were local organic veg equal in price to the lowest priced GMO laden crap in some stores, and WAY less spendy than store organics. DELICIOUS...
AND if you got there right at 9 a.m. when it opened on Sat. and Sunday, you could buy organic pork, chicken beef, and even eggs. I'm hoping someone will have goat cheese this year, as well as some fresh organic yogurt...
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
She's a big friend of Clinton. Remember the "special place in
hell" speech, as if anyone who fails to support Clinton does not support women in general, when actually supporting Bern's more generous policies shows support for women.
Anyway, here's Albright about the emails. Is there a cabinet position, chief apologist?
[video: width:500]
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The people the Clintons surround themselves with are
absolutely despicable in their condescension and rex non potest peccare attitude towards law and ethics. And it is so sad to see posters over at The Orange defend this shit no end, to the point where they've defended the Hillary's Iraq war vote as the right thing to do (Saddam was a bad guy, donchaknow) and adopting the right-wing majority view in Citizens United and McCutcheon that the only kind of corruption that counts is outright bribery and not influence (a common refreain: "Tell me one piece of legislation that she moved for a specific contributor"). Buncha asshats.
But, hey, they just take their cue from Her Royal Highness:
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Original quote
does someone know where this sentence/quote exactly come from? Any link o article?