MSF Kunduz Bombing The Event That Washed Away Any Delusion
For those who may have forgotten
NEW YORK, APRIL 29, 2016 -- The United States military today released its investigative report on the attack on the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) trauma hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan on 3 October 2015. The attack killed 42 people, including 14 MSF staff members, and wounded dozens more.
“Today’s briefing amounts to an admission of an uncontrolled military operation in a densely populated urban area, during which U.S. forces failed to follow the basic laws of war,” said Meinie Nicolai, MSF President. “It is incomprehensible that, under the circumstances described by the U.S., the attack was not called off.”
The hospital was fully functioning at the time of the airstrikes. The U.S. investigation acknowledges that there were no armed combatants within – and no fire from – the hospital compound.
“The threshold that must be crossed for this deadly incident to amount to a grave breach of international humanitarian law is not whether it was intentional or not,” said Nicolai. “With multinational coalitions fighting with different rules of engagement across a wide spectrum of wars today, whether in Afghanistan, Syria, or Yemen, armed groups cannot escape their responsibilities on the battlefield simply by ruling out the intent to attack a protected structure such as a hospital.”
Now back to the title
I remember being in a distinct minority opposing the war in Afghanistan after 9-11 and as Obama later proved it wasn't needed at all. I was in a minority over the Iraq war, a war based on so many lies. The suspension of habeas corpus and the imprisonment without trial. I remember with disgust the justifications of torture and then the pardoning of their actions. I watch the almost daily summary killings of those who we deem to be terrorists around the globe by drone, no torture , trial or imprisonment is necessary, no international border respected. Governments overturned at a whim, with no respect or respite for the citizens of these countries in the bloody chaos that inevitably ensues.
Now Kunduz sticks out in all of this simply because of the reaction or lack thereof, the resulting minimal slaps on the wrist to those involved were also insulting. What struck me the most was the attitude of many democrats simply because there was a Democratic Administration, it started off as refusal to believe the event even happened and then MSF were immediately blamed for treating terrorists and even being a command center. The refusal to take the facts on display at face value was extraordinary. When the results slowly came out they were greeted with a meh and then ignored entirely. I wrote about this extensively and was always surprised by the almost numb response. I think this is finally what opened my eyes, any objection to our militaristic world view is tempered by party allegiance, as long as the other side is doing it you can righteously object.
You know what the truth is, but one event can crystallize that truth and Kunduz did it for me.
Just a thought this evening

Everything that Obama has done regarding
the f'ing war of terror is exactly what Bush did when the left was against it.
As you wrote, just because a democratic president is doing them doesn't make it right.
That's what I can't figure out when people say that he's been the greatest president since FDR.
More wars and our economy sucks, as Stephen wrote in his diary.
How many things has Obama done that actually helped the people in this country?
The ACA is way to expensive for many people because of the high deductibles.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I had low expectatations and he met them
Same goes for Hillary and I'm sure she will make the grade if elected.
I'm not buying a damned thing
That Hillary is saying.
As Meteor Blades said
" Show me what you have done and I will tell you who you are".
Now doesn't that doesn't fit Hillary's word?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not even this fine snake oil I have here?
It's made by the DNC a reputable Corporation
No doubt, made under license
From the WeSaySo Corporation. They go way back.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
That’s one reason I’m not buying the “scary fascist Trump” spiel
If government and corporate surveillance is pervasive and universal, torture and bank fraud go unpunished, and bombing an MSF hospital doesn’t even register in public consciousness, then excuse me for saying so, but the upholders of the status quo are already fascist.
Completely Agree, and Very Well Said
I find it truly incredible how little some people know about the critical events of our day and hold our rigged economic/political system accountable.
Avid Agnostic
One upside to a Republican President,
perhaps the only one, is that Democrats are no longer afraid to call bullshit bullshit. When our(for certain values of "our") side does it, there's always an excuse.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
Indeed n/t
The 2018 mid-term elections would be a populist wave
in reaction to a President Trump. Under President Hillary it would just be another meh election where only the greediest and most short-sighted of the 1% would win.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Nope, no excuses needed
I completely agree.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
No excuse needed
Sometimes waking up hurts.
Edit: this was meant to reply to lotlizard, but in haste I hit the wrong button.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
La Fem, I remember
just how outraged and incensed you were when this happened. It was and IS a war crime. It was not a mistake. It was on purpose and this country and the leadership should be charged as such.
I am sick and tired of our country going all over the world killing innocent people and then trying to justify it. We need to own up to the fact that we have become a rogue, fascist nation that is the threat to the well being of people all over the world.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Still incensed on just how easily it was brushed off
It was a mistake therefore no crime, wtf?
I killed the wrong person by mistake therefore I didn't commit a crime, that would wash as a defense in a murder trial I'm sure.
In the movie “Fail-Safe,” the U.S. destroys Moscow by mistake
The president of the U.S. then sees himself forced to order the destruction of New York City as well, to pre-empt retaliation and all-out nuclear holocaust.
I guess in the 1960s when the movie was made, just having the president tell Soviet survivors “Mistakes were made. We hydrogen-bombed some folks. I feel your pain” wasn’t considered likely to be enough to convince them of our sincerity.
He blew his re-election chances
President Henry Fonda wouldn't have been re-elected. A 21st Century President would just say "American exceptionalism" and refuse to apologize because it was a mistake.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
I remember as well.
I'm disgusted by our country right now.
Some heads should roll for this
Not holding my breath! Still waiting for W to get charged with war crimes. The international court should send some people over to TX and pick this little prick off the street like he did to so many innocent people. How many are still locked up,proven innocent and won't get released.
Killing doctors,nurses who are there trying to clean up some of the mess we created. It angers me to tears!
" El pueblo unido jamás será vencido. The people united will never be defeated "
U.S. drone “double-taps” kill relatives and first responders
attempting to help victims of the initial strike.
“Double-tap” is already SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for many units; that was also shown by the “Collateral Murder” video included in the Manning leak.
The Kunduz hospital strike just takes “double-tap” to the next meta level of abstraction.
No matter who is in power, our government seems on course to plumb ever new depths of cold-bloodedness — in whatever reassuring rationalizations the whole development may be cloaked.
I think I sent them (MSF) money in my apology
I am angered and embarrassed by the behavior of our military and CiC.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Tom Tomorrow did this “bad apples” comic in the spring of 2008
Eight years later, you might think that after two terms of Obama those “bad apples” are now outcasts, ashamed to show their faces.
But apparently, you would be mistaken.
Are Americans really ready for a president whose hair looks like a toupee?
Hillary gave a foreign policy speech
Hillary gave a foreign policy speech the other day that could have been given by President George W. Bush, though nobody in the corporate media seems to have noticed.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Your disgust at the reaction does not reach "deaf ears"
it reaches my broken heart and the broken hearts of all those of us who champion MSF. I never doubted the results would be just stupid criminal negligence. But at so many military levels! What now? Will the US rebuild the hospital? The loss is crushing blow to the people in the area. It was their only paediatric centre in a place where children are at high risk.
Reading Lawrence Wright's account of the events that led up to 9/11. He writes that the goal of al Qaeda during the time preceding 9/11 was to entrap the USA in Afghanistan and the USA fell right into their trap.
Thank you for your memorial.
To thine own self be true.