Let's Not Wait For the Revolution To Catch Up To Us. Are You Ready for Some Hardball?
Back in early April LeChienHarry and I assembled a list of Superdelegates. The preponderance were committed to Clinton long before Sanders voters expressed their wishes - Sanders for President.
Except for those with real integrity, politicians care about one thing and one thing only - getting reelected.
Here's a news flash for you, Mr. or Mrs. Superdelegate. April was a long time ago in political terms and the landscape is changing rapidly. We don't matter? We don't have any other choices? You think we're between the rock and the hard place? You could never be so wrong, because We Are The Revolution. Join it or get left in the dust.
We Can Play Hardball Too - This Is An Action Plan
Find your Supers from the list above.
Select those committed to Clinton.
Search for their website and contact info.
Email, Tweet, or FB them.
Email, Tweet, or FB your friends, your family, your favorite progressive websites.
This is the message:
n/t (All Caps, No Text)
There isn't the least bit of subtlety or equivocation in this statement. Politicians don't understand subtlety, and any form of equivocation leaves the slimy vermin room to maneuver. It's blunt and straight to the point.
If it's an email, no text. Emails mostly don't read anyway, but someone has to see it in an inbox.
It's time to make these people work FOR us instead of AGAINST us.

I support this action plan! That was fun.
The lesser of evils thing isn't working. Merkley from Oregon and Defazio are the best of the bunch. Wyden needs to go. Way too corporate.
This is the time to let them know.
Thanks AB.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
Looks like the Supers have alrteady gotten the message
or some of them if David Shuster is corrrect.
Ps. And you said you couldn't write. I call bs.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Messages sent to
My Congressional Rep Louise Slaughter.
US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
US Senator Charles Schumer
Left the message.
Tried to contact Gov. Andrew Cuomo using his state contact page. Got this reply every time I tried:
Which makes sense because I haven't connected with Cuomo and his pay to play style of corrupt Democratic Party politics in years.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Cuomo makes Hillary look downright progressive by comparison!
I despise Cuomo!
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
I am curious
Does anyone know if someone has crunched the numbers from each state to demonstrate the percentage of the vote represented by individual super delegates? I want to know how many individual votes in my state are equal to the single superdelegate vote of my congressman Rick Larsen. If it is significant, he needs to switch support to Bernie because he won my state by 70% and not a single SD from WA state has supported him yet.
A useful link below
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Email, Tweet, or FB them. Or All Three Definitely All Three.
They need to be swamped with a chorus of voices that can't be written off as "a few malcontents."
Steven, I know we discussed your launching this for me so your handle would draw more attention to the plan. But I couldn't wait any longer. It's been burning a hole in my
pocketkeyboard ever since I mentioned it to you. Sorry, dude.By the way, we're good for your stay here. And it seems like HaikuKitty is going to join the party too.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
But you got yourself front paged anyway! My handle is highly overrated.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Maggie Hassan's team
Is probably tired of getting that email from me. They've stopped responding.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
Honest question
In the category of no question is too stupid:
None of the delegates on the list sound familiar to me, except for two. How do I send the message if they aren't someone I've voted for in the past? By the fact they are in my state I can email them or call any phone number I can find for them? Thanks in advance.
Christine, it doesn't matter whether you've heard of them
or not. This is all about waking these people with a brickbat. They all have their own little websites. Those sites have contact info.
Copy SUPPORT SANDERS OR I WILL VOTE AGAINST YOU into the subject line. Don't bother with any text in the body. Go on to the next one. If you copy the email addys to a file, you can do it very easily tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, and the next.
Likewise if you have a Twitter account or FB page. Spread it around. It needs to become viral. They ALL need to know the party is over and we're as serious as a heart attack.
"It's a Revolution, dammit. It's not supposed to be polite!" -- AB
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
did you get the Democratic Party survey...
...in your mail recently. sounds like practically everyone did. mark it "Bernie or Bust" and send it back. that's one way to send a message to the party if you can't contact superdelegates directly. is your district representative a Democrat? more than likely they endorsed Clinton. write or call them. your state senators? Democrat? same thing. write letters to the editor to your local paper with your message to all local superdelegates.
Got an email today from NY AG Schneiderman about how he had
gone after Trump for his fraudulent university scam, and for it Trump has, among other things, attacked him personally in the media.
I used it as an opportunity to refocus the direction of inquiry to the less obvious:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Are you asking how to find their contact info?
Wikipedia has a list of the 2016 superdelegates with many of the delegate names linked to a Wikipedia article on the delegate, which seem to largely have contact info. It's not sorted by state, but you can use the menu to search the page.
Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.
This is also useful. It can be sorted by State.
There are little up-down arrows next to each category to sort by whatever criterion you choose. I find it mose useful to sort by State. This allows me to focus on the Super-Ds in my own State.
Thanks for this list, terrier.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
did you get the Democratic Party survey...
...in your mail recently. sounds like practically everyone did. mark it "Bernie or Bust" and send it back. that's one way to send a message to the party if you can't contact superdelegates directly. is your district representative a Democrat? more than likely they endorsed Clinton. write or call them. your state senators? Democrat? same thing. write letters to the editor to your local paper with your message to all local superdelegates.
**edit** sorry, double post.
i plan to do this after the CA primary
no need to have someone muck around with my registration before then.
sent this message to Rubén Hinojosa, however I already stopped voting for him when he voted to cut food stamps. He rep's a district that runs all the way down to the border, one of the poorest areas in the country.
But it may still do some good, who knows. I doubt that he remembers my letter telling him that I would never vote for him again.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
preparing email to my rep.in North Carolina
He asks for zip+4 so last time I got ready to write, I could not recall the extra four digits. My county was one in the heart of Carolina that went solidly for Bernie, but his district is wider than just us and some voters went strong for HRC. What I want to know from him is whether he pledged before any votes were cast. This is really saying to the voters - I will not represent you, but will side with the establishment of my party. I want an answer to that. This has led to massive GOP control in NC, having a party that really is entrenched with their own and not looking to future voters and their needs.
Just tweeted an all caps memo to
@RepRickLarsen of WA
I'm on the bus heading to work
But I can do more!