The Evening Blues - 6-2-16
Submitted by joe shikspack on Thu, 06/02/2016 - 3:00pm
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features r&b singer LaVern Baker. Enjoy!
LaVern Baker - Jim Dandy
News and Opinion
Hey there, The Evening Blues is on the road, the news tonight is potluck - bring your favorite story with or without the covered dish.
A Little Night Music
LaVern Baker - Tweedlee Dee
Lavern Baker - Love Me Right In The Morning
LaVern Baker & Jimmy Ricks - You're The Boss
La Vern Baker - Tra La La
LaVern Baker - Jim Dandy Got Married
Lavern Baker - Saved
LaVern Baker - Voodoo Voodoo
LaVern Baker - Bumble Bee
Here's something to think about:
In this video of 4 minutes of Hillary
Bashing Trump, she calls him out on his plan to bomb the terrorists and their families.
She says (admits) that is a war crime.
Isn't that what she and Obama have been doing/committing in all those countries where Obama is using drones?
I think everything that she says in this video could be applied to her foreign policy too.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Of all the things she had to chose from
to go after Trump for, she chooses the one that she is the worst in (not to say she is particularly good on any issue). Apparently, she sees nothing wrong in what she has done in regard to regime changes and promoting wars and other violence around the world.
According to a recent Gallup poll (May 2016), the things that US Americans consider the nation's most important issues include: In first spot, Economic Problems at 38% which does not include the category of Poverty/Hunger/Homelessness at 4% (probably hard to survey people who are homeless). Terrorism comes in at 4%, National Security at 4%, Foreign Policy at 2% and Wars less than 1%.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I found the video at LOF, WD
And the Hillarybots are going nuts over her trashing Donald. One person actually wrote that he could listen to that all day. eeww
But they can't see that a lot of things that Donald is saying, Hillary has done.
And btw, there is NO FBI investigation going on.
The blindness of her supporters is astounding.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I am having a slow brain day...LOF?
I had mentioned this earlier today. These are the HRC supporters who scare me rather than the ones who have shown overt signs of violence. They put me in mind of the kid in 1984 who turned his parents in, thoroughly indoctrinated and intolerant.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Little Orange Footballs, WD
It's a parody of little green frogs, a group that was formed during the Clinton/Obama campaign. If I remember correctly, it went down in flames.
I don't like using TOP to describe DK.
Absolutely right, indoctrinated and intolerant of anyone's views but their own.
It's like DK caught a bad virus or something.
Many of the current Hillary supporters now hated her when she ran against Obama.
Like Markos. He once said that she wasn't qualified to be president and have a great summation about the reasons why.
And now he's in her camp instead of the person who represents more and better democrats.
Figure that out for me?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Ah ty...I had not heard that one.
I first discovered DK in 2010 but didn't sign up until 2013 and didn't make my first post or diary until 2015, so i missed all the stuff that went on before. What I saw after I started really paying attention was enough though.
A virus would imply something that was caught inadvertently. Making choices (and it is a choice) to adhere to the party line no matter the consequences to oneself and others requires deliberate subjugation of one's humanity. The Lt Calley's of this world and Abu Ghraib jailers come from that type of thinking.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
A bot is a bot
regardless of who they decide is their latest savior. Fandom turns people in fanatics. These types have always been frightening even when they are crazed pop star fans or sports hooligans. I went to see the Bay City Rollers with Shah (he thought it would be amusing) and the crowd was terrifying, 6,000 teeny bopper girls stamping their feet gave me heart palpitations. Felt like an earthquake and since it was in the Anaheim Convention Center it gave me a panic attack. Not at all reality based just following. 'Don't follow leaders and watch the parking meters' always seemed like good political advise to me.
the answer:
Easy peasy. Got yer answer rot cheer:
[video: width:640 height:480]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Exactly, than
Markos is working for what the DLC turned into. It's some type of think tank IIRC and he's said that he has had discussions with Warren about whether she should run for president or not, hinting at that he's inside the democratic bubble somehow.
I can't get over how much he has changed since he started his website. Or maybe that was just his fasade and he wasn't ever really that guy.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Maybe they know where to get the really good weed!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It might be time for another Hillary is a War Criminal
diary or essay. Just to remind everyone what we're dealing with. I was thinking of putting one together focusing on Libya, Syria and Honduras, the background, why she wanted the war, what her emails said, the evidence that it was illegal and based on lies, etc.
I don't know though, that's work, research, I like ranting better. I can whip out a rant in thirty minutes and it usually gets more rec's and eyeballs than a well researched and documented essay that might take hours.
Edit: Meant as a reply to snoopydawg, dang it I keep doing that.
I have noticed this...
Emotionalism. We are addicted to it. Rewarding hard work. Not so much.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Here's a great link to start with Al
It talks about her book Hard Choices and the information that she left out on her role on the Honduras coup.
Counterpunch has had a lot of great articles about her time as SOS, too.
And you know me, I like putting snatches of articles in my comments. I save a lot so I can find them easily.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Thanks snoopydawg, that's a big part of the work,
finding the sources and links to back up your essay's positions. I've read them, which is why I write about their content, but I'm not in the habit of bookmarking or saving what I read. I then have to rely on google or bing to sift thru stuff again which takes time.
May I assist in your research?
Totally reliable. If you can believe it.
Danke mimi
I'll keep it for later, I changed my mind and decided to rant about the lack of not only an antiwar movement but the lack of war and imperialism and WWIII not even being on the damn lists. I'm talking about the Democratic party's People's Summit and People's Revolution among others. It's a pissed off rant some will not like.
If Clinton becomes the nominee, which is looking iffy, then we can go on the attack about her warmongering self.
Rant on Al
I totally agree. What's with the 'progressives' and their tolerance for what they euphemistically call foreign policy. Even on an economic level the money that our 'defense' Dept. spends on illegal, anti democratic, aggressive bloody needless criminal wars is obscene. The spooks secret budgets don't even get counted. There is plenty of money but for some reason they can't cut 'defense'. Even I an econ 101 idjit can look at a pie chart and figure out how we could fund free public secondary education. Making love not war would certainly solve the phony deficit problem. How much money do all these mad creepy alphabet agencies including der Homeland Security suck up?
Clinton Makes Major Foreign Policy Speech
The Jenny and Jimmy Show
Her speech proved that Jenny could wave fist to hand with King Cheez Whiz and spout off the same meaningless, arrogant, supercilious sneers against her nuclearly insane rival as he can to her. Hooray! Jenny! She Chunking For Us!
Jenny take all de credit for murdering Osama bin Laden, forgetting Gates and Panetta were in also in the room rattling their
limp dickscoottlasses, And continues by running her campaign out against Biden, who advised against it… kind of, or maybe kind of not.“We came, we saw, he died!!!!.” … I love she can translate Latin and quote Julius Caesar and know all about whipping Pharnaces’ booty.
She then goes on to denigrating “dictators like Vladimir Putin”… the same dude who won the 2012 Russian election with 63.6% of the vote against his closest rival, the Communist Party’s very own Zyuganov, who obtained a whopping 17.2%. With only a 46 point lead, It was all a big fraud, unlike black box voting in America and stripped voter rolls in Crooklyn.
Then she makes her MAJORRR foreign policy pronouncement., what we were all waiting for!! Hallejuleh!!! She “promises she would do a better job keeping the United States safe.” Allah Akhbar! I remember that policy!!! President George W. Bush came to office promising to keep America safe, …
BTW, Where was Boo Boo today?
From the Light House.
Needs more flags. nt
19 to be exact.
In numerology 19 is the "Number of Surrender".
Having just removed myself from the Daily Clinton, it took me twenty minutes to figure out your double entendre. LOL.
From the Light House.
more flags
The flags that candidate needs are the Daily Kos kind!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
"A Russian Warning"
This article gave me a great idea.
You know how Americans don't give a shit how many people in faraway lands their government and it's imperialist military kill, but they just might give a shit if they're the ones that might get killed. I mean, we let our government do about everything in the book to "keep our asses safe", like making us wear seatbelts, telling us we can only eat ten Big Macs per day, making us take off our shoes and underwear to ride on an airplane, spying on everything we say and do like a parent watching over their children, etc. So if the American people knew about this, that we might just have a WWIII and they might get their asses killed, maybe they would CARE!
Ah, never mind.
The threat is still not known to most
and the consequences are unimaginable. Not all of us alive grew up crouching under school desks as a stupid practice. During the Cuban Crisis under JFK, I did the crouch and was also informed that I would have to walk the 2 miles home in case of nuclear attack. Silly and sad.
I would like all nuclear weapons launched at the sun. Not sure of unintended consequences.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
"Duck and Cover"
For those that might not have seen it. The older I've gotten the more I've become convinced of how important it is to the human race to abolish all nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction. They are an absolute abomination of the human race, an affront to any sensible human being.
Jeez, now I am a total hysterical, nervous wreck...
and need some "Luck and a Lover" to get that out of my head.
I saw this in earnest many times in grade school.
They stopped showing it about the time I made it to middle school. Of course, this was in Arkansas, and not far from Damascus, where the Titan II missile blew itself out of the ground much later (in 1980). They kept showing that film longer than most places, right up until the late 60s/early 70s.
I've never lived in a place that *wasn't* a priority target. From the missile fields of Arkansas, to Boston (Draper Labs at MIT in Cambridge would have been good for at least 10 MT), to Silicon Valley (the Blue Cube, ditto), to now where I have a _very_ nice view of Cheyenne Mountain from my back deck. I have spent my entire life in the first rank of people who will assume the plasma state immediately after the button is pushed.
That movie left a mark on many in my generation, for sure: it'll get your attention when your teacher shows it to you in 4th or 5th grade, and assures you that it could happen any time. I stopped having the cold sweat/white flash wakeups for a while in the 90s, but have since started having them again, about once a month.
Now, if either HRC or Drumpf get elected, I just want enough notice to get into a tux, make a Manhattan (perfect, of course), and beat feet out onto the deck to watch the fireball(s) come. No smiley.
Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii: one hydrogen bomb on Pearl Harbor
and our “paradise” would just be some cinders.
scares me so much, I can't watch it for more than three minutes
now I wonder when they will start to produce new sets of videos warning about the small drone carrying mini nuclear weapons, you know the cute ones, those who you just might get tricked out about.
I know and when I learned about it, I felt very
guilty and sorry for all of you kids who went through it.
Rockrimmon resident here!
I thought I was the only Colorado Springs c99er until I read you post this:
So there are two of us! Excellent!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
How the hell did we survive our childhoods?
Even back then, I could not figure out how holding my arms close to my head was going to save my hearing (as if I would otherwise survive) as we were told at my school. Some of he advice in your posting is so stupid that it is almost laughable: If you are in a corridor, drop and cover with your back to any windows so you won't get cut???
I wish more people could understand what the everyday citizen of those countries we are bombing go through every single day. Can you imagine what the PTSD rates are there?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I got in trouble
during the so called Cuban crisis. I was in the 9th grade and president of the art club and we did the sports banners. So the day after the 'crisis' we did up snarky banners and hung them in the halls which said 'Trim the Technicians'. I spent a lot of time in detention all through my school days. Refused to get under my desk in elementary school, said no way to pledging allegiance to the freaking flag and proudly wore peace buttons and sang songs of protest in my HS years. Living in the heart of LA I had enough sense to know that crouching under a desk if they blew off the big one was absurd. Madness is easy to spot when you are not yet full of fear and haven't been taught to hate. Oh no's the Russians are coming. I remember thinking as a 4th grader how will they fit? LA was already pretty crowded.
Al, I have been watching Homeland
During the opening credits of the show, it shows all the presidents starting with Reagan talking about terrorism. They have been feeding us the terrorists propaganda for decades and I think that's one reason why the anti war people have disappeared. And of course after 9/11, all Muslims are bad people and it doesn't matter how many we kill.
Then there's the word 'insurgents' and making them out to be bad people because they are fighting back against the people who invaded their country.
And in the episode "crossfire", the US drops a bomb and kills 82 children. Then the VP comes on tv and said that only insurgents were killed and no kids were. One of the kids that was killed was the leader's son and after watching the VP say that the videos of those kids being killed by the bomb was false. The father of the boy said " And they call us terrorists"
Two POWs were turned and after they were rescued , their goals was to kill the VP.
You are right that many people in this country don't give a shit how many innocent civilians this country kills, but if Russia fights back and lobs a few nukes our way, maybe they would wake the hell up.
But somehow I doubt it. American exceptionalism is too strong.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I think it may well be more than a few Russian nukes
and the remaining Americans clawing their way out of the radioactive rubble of der Homeland aren't going to be giving a damn about anyone's "exceptionalist" "freedom and democracy" crap only where to find potable water and edible food and how to get it and keep it.
Eventually, if they're lucky, there
will be a Putin Plan to reconstruct
the North American continent.
The Chinese probably already
have such plans on their drawing
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Genocide quarrels, denials, long shadows of history
enlightening, isn't it? /s
The German parliament overwhelmingly approved a measure that recognizes the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Armenians a century ago as a genocide. Reaction was swift with the recall of the Turkish ambassador in Berlin. The fury follows Ankara's failure to see the funny side of German comedians poking fun at President Erdogan's increasingly authoritarian streak. As relations sour, Ms. Merkel must chose if engagement or isolation is the course to take with Mr Erdogan.
Good evening, Joe. Thanks for Ms. Baker, an old fave.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The markets are speaking:
From Clinton's White House chances are dwindling. Here's why that's a market negative
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
My crazy prediction is that Trump will not be
the nominee, that republicans will figure out how to replace him and not many people will revolt as long as the replacement is someone they can get behind, support, and vote for.
And then that replacement will win in a landslide.
Dump Trump
I can't imagine that the wing-nuts are going to allow this idiot Trump to be a Presidential candidate. Its political suicide. And it looks like political suicide to nominate Ech Clinton as well.
From the Light House.
I have had some thoughts in that direction.
However, while I don't think they would pick Cruz, they might go for Rubio who is in my opinion worse than Trump. I cannot think of anyone in that lineup who they think could actually win. All 17 of the original contestants were unacceptable from a human's point of view. It sure would seal HRC's fate though as the only one in head-to-head polls that she was beating at any time was Trump.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Righter than right - it's a no, no, right?
Clinton Positions Herself to the Right of Trump in Major National Security Speech:
Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies says although Clinton rightfully used her national security speech to condemn the bigotry and outlandishness of Trump’s positions, she laid out a much more militaristic foreign policy.
Because we need a more militaristic foreign policy desperately, don't we? /s
Go, Phyllis Bennis.
I don't agree with what she said about ISIS
ISIS is pretty isolated right now because of the more intense military actions taken against it.
ISIS made in the USA
which is about the only thing left we do make.
And the Kos Hillarybots went nuts over it
As I said, they can't or won't see that she has done the things he is talking about doing.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I'm so excited!
Just two days until we start getting all the votes coming in for the last couple of primaries. I really don't think phone banking does a lot of good at this point, but I've been talking with friends in other states. I think the best thing to do is just talk with people on the edge of one candidate or the other and really sell up your candidate's qualities. It'd be a big relief to me if the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico turn out strong too.
Man, but poor Washington D.C., having to wait like, another month to vote.
What are you talking about?
The Washington, DC primary is one week later than California's -- not a month. They're really not voting in July.
Oops! Misread the date!
Good news
from Steven D about the peoples convention
I enjoyed this 5 min rant about the global corporate take over:
Jeff Cohen on the media 12 min
One other 17 min discussion of Bernie's campaign in CA from the real news
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I finally decided to buy some
I finally decided to buy some merch!
I mean, look at this thing:
Only 30 bucks yippie ki yay. Wish I would have bought some Obama merch back in the day.
Admiral Yamamoto?
from a reasonably stable genius.
victim of
a targeted assassination, in April of 1943, Yamamoto's spirit departing through a bullet hole in his head, drilled there at the personal command of President Franklin Roosevelt, in "Operation Vengeance."
Oh, that's right, Hideki Tojo wore glasses!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
What a bargain
But you'd think they'd give her campaign operatives a better discount.
I see what you did there.
I love you anyway!
Then you're clearly less tonedeaf than your candidate
but she hates me.
Guess you knew what you were walking into when you registered here right?
I wish there were a way to
I wish there were a way to pre-emptively deflect this type of crap from here. But I expect there will always be those who enjoy trying to soil the waters. Somehow, I don't expect that they'll stay for long though.
At least they have no power to ban people
though they can certainly fart on things and then claim "there's no safe space for me to admit I'm a Hillary supporter, but now that there are some ass-kissers, I've plucked up the courage to 'come out'." As long as the "I used to be for Bernie but now I'm for Hillary even though in all my years here I've never written a single pro-Bernie diary or post" brigade doesn't all show up.
"The suspense is terrible! I hope it continues!" - Wilde
Am I understanding that you simply posted emptily of any
substance at all, for no other reason than to make people who support Sanders feel badly? That's really a horrible thing to do. If you go to DKos, that will be welcomed there, as DailyKos is now a place for people hired by the campaign (or Trump supporters attempting to disrupt the left wing, by sowing bad feelings of this sort). But please don't post here if you have nothing to say except to post a crude advertisement. That does not seem to offer anything genuine to the discourse. Thank you in advance for your consideration of our feelings.
"The suspense is terrible! I hope it continues!" - Wilde
hmm, when I grow up, I wanna be a lawyer like Jonathan Turley
No “Glitch”: State Department Admits That Press Briefing Was Intentionally Edited To Remove Passage . . . But Insisted It Cannot Find Official Responsible
Don't worry, I never grow up. Is that old news? No news? To be expected? I just dump it. I have the feeling I had seen this before. Good God, I need to step out of this.
Hey, Al, snoopy, and others
What do you think about establishing a c99p Anti-War Group? A section for righteous rants, another for more long-form well researched essays, others for ... ?
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Having founded the moribund Group W at TOP, I am, of
course for such a group here.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Count me in
I'm not good at writing diaries, but can contribute in the comments.
I think that we are going to be busy protesting the wars Hillary starts.
Over at the other place, people are okay with the Libyan invasion because Gaddafi was killing his people, except he wasn't.
And Assad had to go because he was using sarin gas on his people, except he wasn't.
And Bush 1 had to go into Kuwait because they were throwing babies out of incubators, except they weren't.
Too many people have bought the government's propaganda when it comes to why the US has to invade other countries.
The ONLY REASON is to provide muscle for the corporations.
Butler told us that back in the 30's
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I'd be all for that dr.
Maybe JtC can give us a hand in setting that up.
evening folks...
just rolled in to say howdy and thanks to everybody for bringing the news. i'm about all in after driving all day, so it's time to wind down and fall asleep.
have a great evening everybody!
Howdy, Joe.
If you haven't done so already, I'd suggest getting in bed, sipping some wine, and the next thing you know, it will be morning.
But if you're anything like me, all I'll see while sleeping are lines in the road![Wink](
I showed up late tonight
Thanks for the LaVern Baker.
Hey, Crider! Wanted to thank you for posting the 'chicken'
video several weeks ago.
I've long been a vegetarian, after going through a slaughterhouse as part of a grammar school field trip--seeing workers standing in literal rivers of blood, wearing hip waders; and watching cattle shot in the head with air guns.
Now, after watching the first ten minutes of that video, I'm adding eggs to my 'no eat' list. I've always felt bad to see how they are transported, the conditions being hideous, but had no idea the rest of their lives were that miserable.
Have a good evening.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
In Loving Memory Of Sweet Kaya, SOSD Rescue
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Wow. Great news
Those poor chickens. I used to think it was all ok and even had two pet hens that lived for seven years and had free run of the backyard. I guess that's what opened up my empathy for their factory cousins.
As a side note, my own blood cholesterol went down to 149 mg/dl as of last year. That's great news for an old person like me.
That's an excellent cholesterol reading, for sure. I'm
fortunate to have a pretty decent one, too--partly because I've not eaten red meat, etc., for so many decades (I suppose).
I don't eat eggs on a regular basis, anymore. Of course, being a vegetarian, when we're on the road, I occasionally order a vegetarian omlette. Now, what I'm going to do is check out 'egg substitutes.' Seems like I have seen this product on restaurant menus, and, obviously, I can get it for home use.
Anyhoo, the way I look at it, I can learn to like it--or do without.
You really did do a wonderful service to those poor animals. The video was distressing to watch, but I'm betting that most folks didn't realize the degree of suffering that these animals are forced to endure in factory farms; so, I'm grateful that you posted it.
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."--Lao Tzu
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks Joe
hope your happily sleeping now. Love, I mean love the La Verne Baker. Jim Dandy music. Thanks for evening blues. Although I don't feel that blue these days despite the insanity. I guess I figure it's got no where to go if we all say enough and we can use our power as people to stop this madness one way or another. looks to me like the resistance is beginning and taking hold.
It now appears Bernie may
It now appears Bernie may consider running as a green, should he lose the nomination, at least according the Salon.
Bernie's Green Party comment
Ride-sharing giant Uber pockets $3.5 billion from Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia just invested a historic amount of cash in Uber
Bring Uber in? That’s the answer? Instead of simply allowing women to drive?
That’s what passes for “emancipatory effects of technology” now?
I've been wondering *why* KSA would invest billions in Uber,
which I've only heard about in radio headline news so far, and I completely missed - in my not-so-sharp thinking - this most obvious reason.
Thanks for pointing out, well, the obvious about another nefarious use to which US companies are putting their technological
scamswonders.Only connect. - E.M. Forster
How long before the KSA invests in “Seeking Arrangements” ?
Sugar daddies and student loans: the rise of soft prostitution
People talk about Trump’s hair — maybe they should think about U.S. allies’ traffic in harems.
Wow, just wow. Beyond disgusted
at capitalism's exploitation of the
I had a great-aunt who was quite matter-of-fact about having supported both herself and her husband by working at home as a prostitute during the Great Depression. Her husband had been the pimp part of their family business. He solicited the johns, brought them home, sat guard in the front room of their two-room apartment while she worked, then collected the money after her services had been provided.
They did not live well by any means. Not much work to be had in a small mid-western town, but enough to keep a roof over their heads and provide at least some food most days if they were frugal.
They never had any children and stayed married until his death.
She later took up sky-diving in her early seventies, because it was something she had always dreamed of doing.
One hell of a woman and, hands-down, my most favorite great aunt.
Edited to clarify that my great-aunt's years as a sex worker were during the 1930s.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Wow, she was a strong woman.
Good for her.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams