Drawing Fundraiser -- win the 2013 Netroots Nation Quilt!
IMAGE: Sara Reed with the very 1st Community Quilt ever created.
Two of the best people I know, Sara and Ann Reed of the Community Quilt Project and Pootie Pads™ have donated to my campaign the quilt they created for Netroots Nation 2013 which was held at San Jose, California.
We will be holding a Drawing on Independence Day, July 4th, 2016 to determine the winner of the quilt. Winner will be announced here and on various social media sites. The winner will be contacted via mailing address provided (unless you want to include an email address or better yet, telephone number to contact you at in the Extra/Notes box on the donation page).
To enter the drawing:
You can make a cash donation or submit a written statement for each entry, up to five entries per person each day of the 30 days (June 1 to June 30, 2016) of the Drawing Fundraiser.
Each donation must be $10 or more. The more is your discretion, up to the total amount allowed by law which is $2,700 for the primary and also for the general election period, for a total of $5,400 in the entire 2016 election cycle.
Each submission of writing must be a single page, double spaced essay on "Why cats are cute". Each written submission must be mailed to the campaign mailing address found on the front page, bottom of the campaign website www.Angie4Congress.com
Angie4Congress WA-03
8002 NE Hwy 99, PMB #636
Vancouver, WA 98665
Because of their generosity of spirit the proceeds of the Drawing Fundraiser will be distributed as follows:
The first $3,500 donated goes to the campaign, all funds in excess of that $3,500 will be split, 1/3 going to the Community Quilt Project and 2/3rd to the campaign.
Please donate early AND often!
Images of this custom-made and designed, full-sized quilt be be posted this weekend. All of my current images are on my tablet which was regrettably lost a few weeks ago.
The quilt comes with a notebook noting the location and name of each person who signed the quilt at Netroots Nation in San Jose.
This is a wonderful piece of hand-crafted art, linked to the progressive issues which Netroots Nation attendees discuss and support each year somewhere in America. This summer they will be at St Louis, Missouri from July 14 - 17th.
- Each donation or written submission constitutes a single entry.
- Each person may enter up to FIVE (5) times each day.
- Entries must be either all donation or all written submission for any single day. So you might make a cash donation one day and submit a written entry on another day, but only one type of entry on any single day.
To make a donation and create a single entry in the Drawing CLICK HERE -- Quilt for Angie Fundraiser and contribute a minimum of $10. You must complete the process for each entry you want to make each day, up to the maximum of FIVE ENTRIES PER PERSON, PER DAY.
This reminder will be on each post this month to show our progress:

Notice to all:
Sara and Ann will soon be launching a Kickstarter for their Pootie Pads business, which they are going to turn from a home-crafting project into an actual business with the prospects of Franchising out to other cities!
Please watch for news of the Launch coming to an Internet near you SOON!
-- angie
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
Do you know anyone who could use a Community Quilt?
Please take this opportunity to send a message to Sara and Ann about the person who needs a Community Quilt.
They will be here tomorrow reading comments and will be happy to contact you asap to begin work on a beautiful and Made-with-Love quilt for that special someone you know who could use the emotional uplift such a gift brings to someone with a serious illness or a family problem or who would just enjoy a lovingly created piece of functional art.
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
They are the best. N/t
Good luck Angie! Hope you win it.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Isn't Netroots a Kos project? Why support Kos? pls 'splain?
Sea Turtle
It was started by DK
but has grown to encompass many other bloggers and organizations. Adam B, Kos's lawyer, is the Secretary on the Board of Directors, but other than that, there is no longer a big connection as far as I can tell. I recall Kossacks being upset that they didn't have the sole vote on what went on. Many other groups are involved with setting the agenda.
Here are Board of Directors and Staff.
The donations are used to put on the conventions.
[Edit to add that above I was referring to the donations to Netroot Nations. They don't go to DK, they go toward the cost of the conventions.]
Well, this is my impression.
and as katherine919 says
the donations don't go to Netroot Nations, but to Angie's campaign and the Quilt project.
Yes, they go to Angie's campaign
through an ActBlue page.
A little history...my sister and I have had quilt patches signed at the big conventions starting in 2006. Those quilts are artifacts of the event and represent a Who's Who of who attended -- from ordinary bloggers like ourselves to politicians, authors, and other well-known folks. Campaigns that we have supported include INDNs List (supporting Native Americans running for office), Jack Conway (who ran against Rand Paul), Jerry Brown who won Governor of California.
Please go ahead and donate to Angie's campaign even if you do not want the quilt -- should you win it, I happen to know that Angie would LOVE to hang it in her office in Washington. But first things first, we need to make sure she can run a successful campaign. And that takes a bit of money. Please support her by donating through her ActBlue link:
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
It's not supporting Kos it's for Angie
I think this is a good thing. It is for someone who did get out from behind the keyboard and is "walking the walk" for a better world. Go Angie
edited for spelling oops and "lecture" removal.
Angie asked before she posted this...
and was given permission.
thanks for the lecture, eyo,
Good. I needed that today.
Sea Turtle
A bit more history:
I think the ties were formally severed after the 2007 convention, the last one to be called ”YearlyKos" rather than Netroots Nation. I've attended most of them, and the drift apart has gotten greater with the passing years.
A lot of young progressives who have no connection with TOP come because it's a great networking opportunity for people looking to make careers in politics. I don't particularly love that, but it is what it is.
Last year pretty much proved the divide, as Markos called for a boycott of NN because he objected to the host city chosen (Phoenix), on the grounds that it was hostile to Latinos. A lot of people stayed away because of that. I will be going this year, largely because I still have the registration I paid for from the previous year's convention that I didn't attend. After all that's happened this year, I don't know that I can imagine going any more. I guess I'll know more how I feel after I get home.
Sidnora, care to explain why you don't want to go anymore to NN?
Just wondered?
Sea Turtle
I'll be interested in a report
on the convention. If life had taken a few better turns I should have been there this year (I was a 2007/2010/2013 attendee so I was on the "every 3 year" plan), so I'd like to hear what goes on in light of the recent primary kerfuffles.
Netroots Nation is no longer a DK project
Although it did start out as Yearly Kos.
This fundraiser has nothing to do with Kos, donations are for my campaign for office and the Community Quilt Project.
I did request permission to launch this here and it was approved.
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
how are Sara and Ann?
Since I stay away from the other place, I did not hear followup to Sara's surgery. I wish them success - have met them and they are good people.
Also, SeaTurtle, money goes to campaign and to the sisters' work on community quilts not Netroots Nation. At least, that is how I read it.
Thanks, katherine919,
for pointing out where the donations go. I missed that when replying to SeaTurtle.
Sara and Ann have had a tough time lately
Sara had another surgery and is recovering, but it will be a while still before she's 100%, and they lost a longtime furry family member recently (Dusty).
We've been planning their Kickstsrter for a while and are just about ready to launch it, just working out the donor rewards and then it's Go Time.
And yes, the donations will go to my campaign and the Community Quilt Project. None of it is going to either NN or Daily Kos.
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
Thank you, Katherine919,
it has been tough lately. Ann and I both have health challenges, as you know. And this has been a cruel economy for women of a certain age. But we have developed a useful product -- the Pootie Pad -- and hope to make a go of it with a KickStarter later this month.
We feel it is VERY important to transform Congress to better represent the progressive point of view and that's why we support Angela Marx in her campaign.
Support Community Quilts by buying Pootie Pads, awesome catnip aromatherapy for your cat, available in lavender and thyme for dogs, too.
I was going to order a Woozle Pad
for a friend of mine up in Portland but he lost his beloved Sidney Pup (aka BooBoo Bear) unexpectedly last December. If he decides to get another dog a Woozle Pad will be an awesome "welcome to the family" present. I'll definitely keep my eye out for the Kickstarter!
(((Cali Scribe)))
I'm so sorry for your friends loss. A woozle pad would be a wonderful welcome home gift for a new baby. Thank you.
We are excited about the kickstarter and Angie going to Washington.
Please let us support one of our own and get her into office. We need people in Washington that will support "We the people" ya know like us
Thinking of you both!
(I was Chun Yang when you met me.) I donated, and have no pets or I would be ordering pootie or woozle pads. I understand about the economy - have tried to sell my hand dyed silk scarves, tie dye tees and things for some years now. A living wage would make all the difference to those of us who want to sell handmade. Most people are just trying to pay rent and expenses in this economy, no money left for crafty things. Through some luck and careful planning I married a younger husband with a really good job so do not have to worry that the Social Security I start to receive next year or whenever will support me. Of course, I have a teen a year out from college and he wants to pursue a career that requires grad school, so that is another problem. I am glad to support good candidates this year in other states. Thanks for doing this fundraiser!
(((Katherine 919)))
So good to see you here!
Angela Marx is a candidate of and for the 99% We need to get her into office. Thank you for your donation.
To All Katherine's tie die work is beautiful, and she does great t-shirts as well.
Hugs to you,
Thank you for your donation!
I can't wait to see who wins this lovely piece of functional Art!
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
About the donation amounts
Is that individual or per household? Say Mr. Scribe and I win the lottery (hey, it could happen...), we could donate a total of $10,800 to the campaign or just the $5400?
I believe it is individual but filing jointly might
change that though.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Donations are per individual person, even if you are
So it would be the $10,800 if both of you maxed out.
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity