
Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

Oh geeze. Booby's been at this rodeo before.

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current special prosecutor in the Russia case, once was hauled before the nation's secret intelligence court to address a large number of instances in which the FBI cheated on sensitive surveillance warrants, according to evidence gathered by congressional investigators.

Somewhere Pretty

I'm starting to get irritated with Frank's. Because it won't stop being burned down.

Frank's is the heating and air conditioning place. Frank's people come here to sweep the chimney. Service the swamp cooler. Etc. Once a Frank's guy sold me some wood. It was good stuff. I burned it nights, during the maroonment. Kept us all here from becoming icicles.

When the PG&E guys returned the gas, they advised not firing up the gas wall heater, as, from age and wear, there had developed a crack in the chamber, which would pump out carbon monoxide, whenever it whooshed on. That explained why, before the fire, the carbon monoxide alarm would sometimes go off. But not for long. So I ignored it. Now, though, I decided I didn't want to become the guy who survived the fire, only to carbon monoxide himself. So I called the owner, Art, told him of this latest manifestation of the Second Law Of Thermodyanics, and he and I agreed we would call Frank's. They would repair it. But then we remembered Frank's burned. There is no Frank's. Not any more.

Small Talk

I guess I've probably never really been much for small talk. But now there are special difficulties.

The other day I was down in the unburned lands, and somebody asked, cheerily, "so, are you going to watch the Super Bowl?"

At long last, I simply do not care

I've come to the conclusion that the corner of the internet into which I have been shoved is the practical equivalent of a fantasy role playing game. That is, my impact on politics in the real world from posting here (and c99p is the best) is about the equal of the impact I would have playing Fortnite. That is, zero. This lack of impact has been caused by the purchase and consolidation of both news outlets and political parties by the billionaire class.

House intelligence chair announces sweeping investigation into Trump's finances and Russia

Oh look, it’s the guy under investigation for leaks starting another round of wasteful bullshit investigations just so this rotten lying chickenshit can keep his face in front of the cameras. And this has NOTHING to do with RUSSIA and everything to do with trying to bring down Trump.

House intelligence chair announces sweeping investigation into Trump's finances and Russia
