
How Mueller's team fears Russia could learn US secrets in court case

Ha! I wondered how Booby was going to bury the findings (or lack of) this RUSSIAN!!! boondoggle eating up taxpayer money and preventing REAL problems from being dealt with by those opportunist in DC.

How Mueller's team fears Russia could learn US secrets in court case


Mondoweiss quotes H. Arendt on Zionism

I'm on the road and too busy to write a complete essay. But this article by Phil Weiss (AIPAC: a self-loathing Jew) channels my muse, Hannah.

Omar’s critique goes to the nature of Zionism; and it was anticipated by the Jewish philosopher Hannah Arendt. Arendt’s prophetic writings about Zionism in the 1940s described the “double-loyalty” issue for American Jews that Israel would bring on them, by compelling them to be “the lobbies” for an embattled Jewish state.

Hot Air

Something to keep in mind…

Temps in the Arctic have been more than 20°C above average creating periodic open water in normally hard-frozen sea ice in the dead of winter: https://t.co/mF6M61bAPz#ClimateChange is here. Let's do something about it#ActOnClimate #climate #energy #climatestrike #GreenNewDeal pic.twitter.com/GPkg9usniM

— Mike Hudema (@MikeHudema) March 6, 2019



Hundred Monkeys My @ss!

Since this came up in a thread and I've read this and another similar article recently calling bs on it And more than one poster asked, I figured I'd do a brief post, show an excerpt and link the damn thing. While the article I'm linking is from 1985, I haven't found the other, more recent one, although the more recent one Quotes this one. Still with me? Yeah, me neither.
