
The Weekly Watch

Seeing Through the Narratives

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Perhaps the pandemic brought some awareness of the lies promoted to control us. Anyone paying attention now sees the virus was engineered, deaths were exaggerated to manufacture fear, lockdowns were unnecessary and harmful, adverse reactions to the vax were not allowed to be made public as were simple preventative measures, ivermectin was an effective treatment, and many more lies. As this community is well aware, there are many more lies being pushed on variety of topics. Let's dive into some of those schemes below the fold.

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Album of the Week 12-2-23

Afternoon folks!

This week we've got a mess of good stuff. We've got a James Cotton album to lead off, followed by a compilation of old Falcons records - a really great r&b/doo-wop group that had some enormous talents pass through it over the years. Following that there's a movie soundtrack album with Mike Bloomfield, Nick Gravenites, Paul Butterfield and Maria Muldaur on it. I think that it's kind of an overlooked album given the talent on it. After that there's a mid-70's John Hammond album with a bunch of good stuff on it followed by Johnny Winter backed up by the Muddy Waters band including James Cotton and Muddy Waters who sings on the last cut. We've got a JJ Cale (kinda greatest hits) compilation and to finish up, for a little diversity there's a Joe Ely album, probably his best one.

Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Friday Night Photos Trees Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

Has anybody heard from Janis b? She has not posted in over two weeks. Her last post didn't mention anything about taking a break from posting or leaving the site. I sent her a PM on Tuesday asking if she was okay, but have yet to receive a reply. I hope nothing serious has happened to her.

On the local homefront we had some scattered showers Wednesday night and yesterday. Sunny and cool today and continued warming over the weekend. Supposed to be in the low 80s by the middle of next week. The price of gas dropped another 20¢ in the last week to $4.69 a gal. I'm still waiting for the cost of groceries to come down. I'm not holding my breath on that happening any time soon.

Trees. They come in all shapes and sizes and provide a valuable service to the ecosystem. The world would be a pretty bleak place without them.


Open Thread - 12-01-23 - I Me Mine

Does your mind feel like a pin cushion, similar to being stuck like a voodoo doll by invisible forces intent on stealing your free will? Does it feel like every day there's a new assault on your sanity, a new way to divide yourself against yourself and against each other? Do you feel confused about what is right and what is wrong, like old sociological taboos are now acceptable and what was once unthinkable is now subliminally admissible? Do you feel like you're being led down a menacing alleyway in the dead of night, in the midst of an archetypal dream where you need to run from some danger yet your legs don't work no matter how hard you try. Do you feel intimidated about saying the wrong thing to the point where you don't even want to think those thoughts? Do you feel like you have three legs of which only one can go forward but two will then step back? Do you pine for the old world order of just a few short years ago, that was chaotic in and of itself but now seems idyllic and much more manageable compared to the mass confusion of this nascent new world order being thrust upon us?

Do you feel helpless and hopeless? Do you want it all to just stop? If so that is exactly the raison d'etre for the incessant and ubiquitous propaganda and gaslighting we've been bombarded with by the media for many years now. It's been ever present in our lives since birth but has recently been taken to a whole new level of full spectrum mind control.

Why? Why have the societal paradigms shifted so much in the near term and what may the consequences be in the long term?


Open Thread - Thurs 30 Nov 2023 - Ludus Latrunculorum

Ludus Latrunculorum

Hope everyone had a great holiday! I have not been in the mood to do much news/media reading in the last week so... how's about we learn about a game? One that proceeded, and perhaps in part gave birth, to chess?

Ludus latrunculorum was a very, very popular game amongst soldiers, and probably everyone else of the 'lower' classes, during the late Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. There is archaeological evidence for the game (here's a fairly recent find of a game board), consisting of the game boards and the pieces. There is a written evidence of the game, basically mentioning it being played by soldiers and others. But sadly, no writer discussed the rules of the game or how it was played in any detail.

A Ludus Latrunculum game board found after it was reused as flooring at the Roman fort of Vindolanda in Northern England from Archaeology.org
