
The Weekly Watch

Blooming Idiots

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Here we are in the full flush of spring flowers, and the thought came to me that we are lorded over by blooming idiots. Take for example Biden's Gaza pier. Currently hundreds of trucks filled with food and relief items are lined up on the border ready to deliver the goods. However, there are Israeli settlers protesting and preventing the delivery. Seems a small military deployment could easily open up the route for the relief, but there's no will. Would the IDF shoot US soldiers? They have before. So why build the pier? How about to export Palestinians, first to Cyprus and then scatter them through the EU. I heard that speculated this week.

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Album of the Week 3-23-24

Afternoon folks!

This week there are albums from all three Kings of the Blues, including one kinda goofy, kinda interesting album of one King doing the songs of "The King." After that we've got some soul from Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, some blues rock from Johnny Winter and some rockabilly from Wanda Jackson. In the diversity department we've got an album from Geoff Muldaur that I picked up at a used record store many years ago having heard one track on the radio and thinking the whole album might be a bit like that. Oops. Bonus points if anybody can figure out which cut that was.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the tunes!

Friday Night Photos Spring Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

It's Spring. That means the days are getting longer. The temperatures are getting warmer. The trees are turning green. The flowers are blooming and mattresses are one sale. The return of Spring also brings with it the annual butterfly exhibit at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

Blue Morpho

The Orange Fart Cloud Asks for $ in Email

Now is the time to help me SAVE AMERICA and chip in >


This is a message from Donald J. Trump >

Friend, rabid Trump-hating Democrat AG Letitia James wants to SEIZE my properties in New York.


Democrats think they can frighten me, intimidate me, and KNOCK ME DOWN!

Open Thread 03-22-24 - Tails of Anti-Semantic Homophones

This is a peace about words and there meanings. Many thymes ewe mite wander watt word is the wright word oar watt word is knot the write word. I no, me two.

Sum thymes words make know cents. Other thymes words make sum scents.

Sum words are spoken with the greatest intense. Sum words are knot worth fifty sense.

Words can bee grate. Words can bee pore. Words can open yore mined ore cloths the dour.

Yews a knotty word and bee a plane old boar. Yews a humerus word and you're sole may sore.
