
The Weekly Watch


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Last night TPTB stole an hour from us...all to give you more daylight shopping hours after work. The majority of people DON'T want to mess with time, but hey what kind of government do you think we have, democracy? However stealing time is the least of the theft occurring. Have you heard of the Great Taking, a book that exposes the plan of central bankers to enslave humanity by seizing all assets backed by debt (available for free at the link). There's also an 1.1 hour documentary if you prefer to watch or listen. But wait there's more. There's plans afoot to steal the upcoming election, in part using the 10 million migrants that have come to the US in the last year or so. This week we found out the Biden administration has provided flights from home countries for hundreds of thousands. And, we've not even touched on the giant war grift maintaining the forever war and all the political war chests and pockets. More below the fold.

