
The Weekly Watch

Patrick and the Pagans
Driving Out the Serpents

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The Hill of Slane sits in sight of three ancient mounds know as the Bru'na Boinne, Newgrange, Knowth, and Dowth. These burial, ceremonial, and astronomic mounds are surrounded by large carved boulders. Also in sight, not far in the distance, is the Hill of Tara where the kings of Ireland were once crowned. Hill of Slane is traditionally regarded as the location where St Patrick lit the first Pascal Fire in 433 AD in defiance of pagan King Laoighre, the King of Tara. Legend has it Patrick's large fire on the Hill of Slane symbolized the beginning of Christianity and the end of paganism in Ireland.

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Album of the Week 3-16-24

Afternoon folks!

It's a good week when you lead off with Muddy Waters. After that there's compilations from J.B. Lenoir and Horace Silver - the latter is a jazzy blues performer for those not instantly familiar. In the blues-rock category there's a live double album of the Paul Butterfield Band, a Robin Trower album and a John Hammond album. Following that there's a Doc & Merle Watson album and we finish up with a rock album by a lesser-known band, Tin Huey.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the tunes!

Moon of Alabama's venture into psychology: the transgendered and Ukraine

Now, I'm usually interested in psychological explanations of political stuff. Often, explanations of political stuff can draw upon history, and so for instance the Biden administration's foreign policy is descended from that of the first Reagan administration, and the Democratic Party is a product of the coalition between old money, wealthy suburbs, and weapons manufacturers coming out of the Northeast in the late Eighties.

Friday Night Photos La Biblioteca Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well . Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

It's been a week of gray skies and moderate temps. It was supposed to be sunny and warm yesterday. Never did see the sun and there was rain, thunder, lightning, and hail thrown in for good measure. Mother Nature's way of reminding everybody it's still winter, even in sunny San Diego.

Last Saturday when it was sunny I went to the library. The San Diego library has 35 branch locations scattered throughout the county plus the central library located  downtown. The central branch was built in 2013.

Not your average looking library

Open Thread - Thurs 14 Mar 2024 - Did This Really Happen?

Scams Happen, But This One?

I ran across this article/story/whatever a few weeks ago. It is a first person account from a woman who got scammed and it's called 'The Day I put $50,000 in a Shoe Box and Handed It to a Stranger'.

As I was reading it, I couldn't believe how gullible the woman who fell for the scam was. She is supposedly smart, wealthy, highly educated... I'm sure crooks claim to be Amazon as a way to start scams, and I'm also sure that everyone's personal details have been released on the dark web, and are just waiting to be used. But, I'm still not entirely sure the story is true, there are aspects to it that seem unreal.

Pic illustrating the article in the New York Mag (from the magazine article)
