
Important Announcement

Sometime this evening a Front Page will be added to this site and the content of the Diaries Page (this page you're on now) will be transitioned to a new page. The URL of the current Diaries Page (this page) is caucus99percent.com, the URL of the new Diaries Page will be caucus99percent/diaries.com, so change your bookmarks accordingly after the changes have been made. The header and sidebar menus will be changed to reflect the new URLs, the "Diaries" menu links will take you to the Diaries page and the "Home" menu links will take you to the Front Page. The caucus99percent.com URL will take you to the Front Page when completed. If you experience any weirdness in the site, that is why. Any questions ask here. Thanks.

PS: I'll probably wait until later this evening when things slow down to make the changes.

Overcoming the Culture of Fear

Franklin D. Roosevelt at his first inaugural address encouraged Americans to stand up to that “nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”
It may have taken a few more generations, but America finally lost the war against that “nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror".

Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Part 2 - Military Industrial Complex

In Part1 of this series, I noted how far removed most of us in the United States are from those who serve in our armed forces. The number of Americans who have a close family member who is or has served in the military has steadily decreased over the last several decades from 75% to around 33%.

America's Mein Kampf — 20 Years Later

The Cooperative Global Strategy to marginalize US influence in the world has been in place since, at least, 2003 — following the criminally spurious US attack on Iraq, which killed more than a million innocent civilians and destabilized the entire Middle East.

Most likely, the Strategy to marginalize the US first came into existence in the late 1990s, after the "Project for a New American Century" Neocon manifesto — America's Mein Kampf — was published. I first became aware of the strategy in 2005, working the FOREX trading desk during the Asian and London markets. It was there that I fully understood the extraordinary privilege that a nation has when its currency is the Reserve Currency for world trade. I saw how that privilege could be used and abused to bully the rest of the world both economically and militarily. (Don't even get me started on what the NSA did to the psyche of the world, which thoroughly ended any future the US might have as a global power.)

Why The Fight Is Worth The Effort

This morning, while preparing breakfast, I noticed an elderly woman sifting through the trash bin behind my neighbor’s house. She wore a broad rimmed hat; her shoulders were stooped, her back bent, and when she walked it was easy to see she could only move with great difficulty.

I was dressed in P.J.s, and by the time I had finished dressing and made it outside to see if she needed help she had moved on. But I have replayed the scene inside my head all day.

Populism2015 - National People's Action - April 18-20, 2015

I gathered some photos and videos from the populism 2015 conference, which took place over the weekend. This is a for the record diary to gather material for you to do further research on the participants and organizers of that conference. I have my own videos, but can't get them edited and uploaded and til I am ready to do so, the event is news from yesterday. I am also tired of the issue, as I don't see, what it will bring.
