
Open Thread Thursday July 9, 2015

First I must apologize to everyone here at caucus99percent for missing my normal Open Thread post yesterday. I have been immersed in watching the Tour de France via my on line subscription and simply forgot what day of the week it was. I am very grateful to JtC for covering for me at the last minute. He is truly JtC the magnificent! Good

From Popular Resistance: "Is Obama’s legacy really all butterflies and rainbow flags?"

Washington, DC – Following a week of impressive Supreme Court decisions, many are saying Obama’s legacy is secure. But is it really? Has all of America forgotten about the war on whistle blowers, the war on immigrants, the war on drugs, war on privacy, and the war on civilians living underneath drone aircraft? This not mention the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the continuing pillaging by Wall Street. So how exactly is Obama’s legacy secure? Well, sometimes it takes a comedy show to break all this down. Watch this clip from “Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp.”


Open Thread 07-05-15

Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Janis Joplin.

Yes' or 'No'? Greece votes in crucial bailout referendum

The Greek people are voting in a key referendum that will decide if they accept or reject the harsh bailout demands of international creditors. At stake, many commentators have said, is the country’s future in the eurozone and the EU itself.
