Deeper down the moral rabbit hole of war
Lies beget more lies. A liar must create bigger lies in order to cover for previous lies.
The bigger the lies, the easier they are to spot.
Nowhere is this more true than when it comes to war.
""The first casualty when war comes is truth"
- Hiram W Johnson
Remember what started the GWOT? We were out to destroy al-Qaeda, right? That was our objective.
So what was the Pentagon's reaction to Russia bombing al-Qaeda affiliated groups in Syria? It wasn't happy.
Senior U.S. military leaders and defense officials are debating whether military force should be used to protect Washington-backed Syrian rebels who have come under attack by Russian airstrikes in recent days.
Think about that for a moment. If you gave some money to al-Qaeda, you would be convicted as a traitor and spend the rest of your life in jail.
However, when the CIA uses your tax money to train al-Qaeda or ISIS terrorists it's legal.
Washington is even considering having a military confrontation with Russia in order to defend the same group that murdered Americans on 9/11.
Just how far do you have to go down the rabbit hole for this to make any sense at all?
The only way that this can make any logical sense is to recognize that the entire purpose of this war is based on lies. Very big lies.
Recall that it isn't just al-Qaeda that we are trying to destroy. We are trying to destroy all terrorists, especially ones that have killed American soldiers.
Except that is not true.
Iranian-backed Shiite militia groups are now sharing a military base with US military personnel in Iraq's Anbar province, Josh Rogin and Eli Lake of Bloomberg View report.
The Shiite militia groups are overseen by Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who is a former commander of Iraqi Hezbollah and a close ally of Iranian military mastermind Qassem Suleimani....
Iraqi Hezbollah, also known as Kataeb Hezbollah, is listed by the US government as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist group and has American blood on its hands.
Muhandis, who has been accused of orchestrating the bombings of both the US and French embassies in Kuwait in the 1980s, was sanctioned by the Treasury Department in 2009 for his role in carrying out destabilizing actions within Iraq at Iran's insistence...The group to this day boasts of its killing of U.S. soldiers.
American GI's are sharing a military base, and basically working alongside, a terrorist group that has killed dozens of American GI's. I guess some terrorists are good enough to be allies.
At least the Shia militia terrorist allies don't cut off people's heads and burn prisoners alive. Oh wait. Our allies cut off heads and burn prisoners alive too.
How can someone justify working alongside terrorist allies that have killed your soldiers, and who burn prisoners alive, while still feigning outrage when your enemies do it? I simply don't have that double-think ability. But Orwell had an answer to that question.
"The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them."
- George Orwell
The extreme double-standards for when it comes to our allies goes much farther afield than that.
Consider how just one day after we warned Russia about civilian casualties in Syria, we bombed a working hospital in Afghanistan.
If that wasn't bad enough, this comes just a few days after our Saudi Arabian allies killed 130 civilians at a wedding party in Yemen.
So what does a Saudi bombing have to do with us bombing a hospital? Because the U.S. blocked a UN investigation into the Saudi bombing, and instead preferred that the Saudis investigate themselves.
Notice the terminology. The Russians killed "civilians" with their bombs. We only created "collateral damage".
Speaking of Afghanistan and our allies there, there was another recent scandal.
In his last phone call home, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. told his father what was troubling him: From his bunk in southern Afghanistan, he could hear Afghan police officers sexually abusing boys they had brought to the base.
“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”
I'm pretty sure that gang-raping young boys is not acceptable in any culture.
If that wasn't bad enough, consider this part of the story.
The policy of instructing soldiers to ignore child sexual abuse by their Afghan allies is coming under new scrutiny, particularly as it emerges that service members like Captain Quinn have faced discipline, even career ruin, for disobeying it.
We punished GI's who stopped young boys from being enslaved and raped.
Is this part of winning hearts and minds? How does one reconcile this hypocrisy?
The only way this war works is if the news media largely ignores the hypocrisy and contradictions, and the public actively pretends not to acknowledge it. The public must simply put their own values aside out of loyalty to the ruling elite.
“To make a contented slave, you must make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate his power of reason. He must be able to detect no inconsistencies in slavery. The man who takes his earnings must be able to convince him that he has a perfect right to do so. It must not depend upon mere force. The slave must know no higher law than his master’s will. The whole relationship must not only demonstrate to his mind it’s necessity, but it’s absolute rightfulness. If there be one crevice through which a single drop can fall, it will certainly rust off the slave’s chain.”
– Frederick Douglass
To make this X-rated war acceptable, you have to make it appear PG.
For instance, consider our Drone War, which is really nothing but an global assassination program.
It's sold to us as "precise" and "surgical", but the fact is that more than 90% of the time we have no idea who we are killing.
So far this year in Yemen we've killed more civilians than al-Qaeda. So who are the bad guys again?
Until 2009, it was illegal to photograph the coffins of GI's coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Americans dying in combat was an abstract concept that politicians and the media could play with.
Consider the death of Pat Tillman. They could have said it was a tragic, friendly-fire accident. But this is war, and lies are just another part of war.
So if the military is going to lie about the deaths of American soldiers, why shouldn't they lie about the deaths of civilians, our allies, and our enemies?
We've tortured innocent people to death, and still the public supports torture. Not only that, war supporters will still manage real outrage over our enemies committing the exact same atrocities we are doing.
Not only that, our enemies can shift and become our allies (see al-Qaeda and Kataeb Hezbollah), and the public support for the war doesn't waver. After all, we've always been at war with Eastasia.
This thinking requires the mind of a slave.
I'm going to post this on GOS tomorrow morning
Please let me know if I am overlooking something.
Nothing overlooked, well done!
I can't help thinking of the contrast of recent wars with the Vietnam War. Everything was open then, no imbeds (that I know of), we saw troop trucks blow up live on tv. Even the 1st attack on Iraq showed the highway of death which would not be allowed today. If the military learned anything from Vietnam, and the 1st invasion of Iraq, they learned to control the press to the nth degree.
To thine own self be true.
The writing sends a mixed message about believing officialdom
On the one hand, the writing sends the message that the official war narratives are rife with lies and contradictions.
On the other hand, phrasing like
suggests that in the writer's mind there is no reason to question the grandaddy official war narrative of them all.
Everyone in charge on 9/11 — from Cheney to Giuliani to figures like Bernie Kerik — has such a poor record, I would have written
There's also an inflammatory quality to the meme that Iran "has American blood on its hands."
As if we and our government — as backers of the Shah, of Saddam Hussein, of Israel (who assassinates Iranian scientists), of the Saudis (who preach hatred of Shiites and arm sectarian Sunni killers across the region) — wouldn't have a sea of Iranian blood on our hands.
Those are the little nits that I would pick.
Overall, though, mahalo nui loa and thanks loads for all you do.
Your postings here and at GOS are consistently excellent and constitute part of my essential daily reading.
I think the lies are a lot bigger than that
I do believe that al-Qaeda was behind 9/11.
I don't think that is the lies we need to be concerned about.
I think the BIG LIE is the word "terrorist".
Russia's bombing has exposed that lie.
Consider this.
What sort of "terrorists" fight conventional wars?
The answer is: they aren't terrorists, because a conventional fight isn't terrorism by definition.
They are rebels. Just like the "moderate" al-Qaeda rebels that Russia is bombing.
Or to put it another way, this "War on Terror" is actually something very different.
Something that involves defending the status quo.
I disagree
I think AQ is as bogus as ISIS. A group of Saudis and Egyptians, young middle class and radical and god knows who backed and financed them, did the 9/11 deed and color me CT but the Bushies let it happen. Some kind of squabble among the Bush oil and power dudes involving slant drilling in Kuwait and no troops in Saudis Arabia set the scene. Nobody in our government was willing to call it what it was.
Bin Laudin was our guy in Afghanistan during the Russian invasion. He was a Saudi radical who we used to train and fight Charlies War. It's always been about defending the status quo and the status quo is not a war on terror. It is terror itself used to reek havoc on the ME or any place on earth that the US still alive PNAC types decide is strategic to the domination of the world.
This is brought to us by the likes of The Family or the Davos crowd, NATO, Goldman Sachs and the psycho killers of the MIC, all the ones who want to rule the world and are backed by the smart money. The funny money assholes that haven't a qualm about how they achieve their inevitable sick, destructive world. Color me CT but man o man the whole backstory on this insane mad GWOT stinks to high heaven. It holds no water if you look at what went down and stop believing in the absolute bs. of endless Goldsteins and 'terrist's who want to kill yer family'.
Let it go gjohnsit it's just pure evil that was planned and executed by the masters of war and the bloody spooks to rationalize their global war on humans and the planet. Nobody wins cause it's a bogus insane cooked up delusional story line that dates back to the crusades and beyond. Who gives a rats ass about the convoluted tribes and faction's involved in this latest crime against humanity. Why oh why do any American's buy into this absolutely mad story line.
Get out of the ME and quit invading, droning, bombing, torturing and propping up the evil regimes in the ME or globally as we and our allies are devoid of reasons to wage illegal war to protect our 'interests' or some such nonsense. How complicated is it to realize that this war on terra is nothing but a rationalization for continuing the dark side of humanity that always rationalizes it's crimes against humanity as necessary to keep us safe.
Yes, that matches better my lifetime experience of my country
Ngo Dinh Diem was "our" guy before "we" killed him.
Manuel Noriega was our guy before we invaded Panama and made a big show of capturing him.
Saddam Hussein was our guy for inflicting horrible bloodletting and even poison gas on Iran, before we … well, everyone knows the rest.
Osama Bin Ladin's organization was something we created to destroy Soviet-established order in Afghanistan. A regime that was secular, that pushed modernization and equality for women, destroyed by religious fundamentalists and warlords we supported.
"AQ was behind 9/11" or "I believe the official 9/11 story" have become shibboleths, a declaration one gets big points from the game controllers for uttering on the record in the approved way. In contrast, expressing doubt risks the Kool Kidz not wanting to play with you anymore and not letting you holler down their rainbarrel i.e. post on their website.
Among Western publications and news aggregators that are "mainstream" or aspire to be so, those where this "official 9/11 position" shibboleth is required are legion; those that do not demand it are few.
(One of those latter few: Rob Kall's OpEdNews)
Heinous is the only word that comes to my mind
After reading this.
It's not only the irony of them working with the same groups of terrorists that we fought against during the Iraq war. It's the cost of so many innocent civilian's lives.
And for what? Seriously, for what?
People are stating that Assad is the bad guy here, yet which countries are responsible for most of the deaths?
The U.S. and its allies.
The blindness from the people on the GOS is astounding.
Some even backed Obama when he was bombing Libya. How was that any different from what Bush did to Iraq?
And how can those soldiers work with or even trust the group of terrorists that killed their buddies in Iraq?
Great diary. I don't think you missed anything. In fact, you could write tons more.
I m glad you're going to be posting it there. I can't wait to see how people react to it.
This whole fiasco of American wars
continues to be something that I cannot begin to wrap my head around. We claim to be fighting the evil empire out there, but we ARE the evil empire. I think this is a terrific diary. Hopefully it will get the traction it deserves.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The lies about the US air strike on a MSF hospital
were out almost immediately after the tragedy. First, it was "the US might have been involved" then "Taliban fighting nearby"
now they are promising a military investigation. The doctors do not want a US military investigation, that would be the US
investigating themselves (more lies would be forthcoming); they want an international investigation.
To thine own self be true.
truly sad about the lies
that it's deemed proper
that even people who don't believe them will argue that the lies are true
that some people will believe them
that we live in a time and place where brutality is considered a virtue.
Post away gjohnsit
a little reality at a 'reality based site' is always a good day at dkos. The mind of a slave is the prevailing mind set these days. Oh No's we cannot end Axelrod's 'world as we find it' as chaos will ensue and the sand castle of market's will crash. Everybody knows that the 'Far Left' reactionaries will bring on a Fascist RW reactionary movement and plunge the world into darkness. What a crock. Why empower the global neoliberal/neocon oligarchical psychos who currently rule the world. This is not the world as we find it. This is the nightmare world these powerful and rich psycho's have created. For what? Slaves we are but I for one refuse to be a docile slave and say this is the way of the world and has always been Amen. Do not eat your peas, do not be afraid of the boogiemen they cook up and watch the parking meters. The surreal version of reality needs to be rejected and people globally need to stop giving their consent to this madness by voting for the lesser evil. Darkness is nothing to quibble about. You know it when you see it, it's pure evil.
Come on people, smile on your brother everybody get together right now. Ironically this video was preceded by a car ad that said to get power you need this car. It was presented to you by a muscular woman in a short skirt and some scary high heels. Power that's what we need more of.