
It's Official. Hillary thinks you are stupid and can't read and

have a poor retention of facts.

This interview is one unrelenting insult:
Hillary Clinton Doubles Down on Email Scandal Saying "It was Allowed"

Clinton explained why she did not cooperate with State Department investigators, despite repeatedly saying she would talk to anyone, anytime about her emails.

Assault on the Working Class

The national Strike in France has some interesting issues involving our own plight. A new law there placing restrictions on unions and easing policies on hiring and firing of employees, along with numerous other changes have evoked walkouts nationwide.
What is most astounding is that the legislation doesn't come from a right wing faction, but a Socialist administration. One elected by the same working people that they are supposed to represent.

Today is a great day to see who remains to play an uplifting hymn

while the Hillary ship sinks.

I recommend noticing who the die-hards are who keep pro-claiming "nothing-burger" or "Colin Powell" while the Hillary ship slides below the surface. They are the ones you never have to pay any attention to in the future.

Some interesting developments today and yesterday...

I feel like things are shifting! The "tone" is shifting in the media, which may very well indicate the corporate game plan has changed.

First, we have a Snopes post marking the Nevada violence as 100% false:

That's not funny

The Chicago Tribune's Steve Chapman explains the problem with jokes about being transgender.

When I was a lad, I often heard jokes about blacks, Latinos and gays, who were regarded as amusing because of their supposed inferiority and defectiveness. Today most people would be embarrassed and offended by such humor. But, at least in some places, there is one group that is still a safe source of yuks: transgender people.


TOP Crashing Into Reality's Gates

There is an amusing discussion over at TOP (will not link) about whether the internet volume there has declined. The free internet volume data source, Quantcast, shows a decline of 44% in unique views in the last 90 days, with a pronounced decline after the edict.

Plus you probably received a begging letter from the owner. I think his name is Ozymandias.
