How The Police Treat Those Who Expose
I stumbled across the linked article of police abuses accidentally while looking at something else.
We know how the US government has buried Chelsea Manning under the prison for exposing the war crimes of the Bush/Cheney Oil Warriors. Australian citizen Julian Assange had to hide in the Ecuadorian embassy in the UK to avoid being frog-marched to the US to face trumped up treason charges for the activities of Wikileaks in revealing how the US spies on everyone. Edward Snowden -despite Jill Stein offering him a Cabinet spot- remains outside the reach of the long arms of the US Big Brother over exposing how the NSA treats all of us - *ahem* ALL OF US - as enemy aliens.
[Side note: this can only remotely be seen as true if We 99% of the People are not seen as citizens by the 1% due to our lack of economic assets]
But such things also happen at the local levels of government. Many people have been persecuted -some successfully- for capturing images of the police abusing citizens, whether or not the charges brought applied to the incident for which the police are clearly delivering retribution.
This is what I found [emphases mine]:
Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed Eric Garner’s death, said he pleaded guilty in a 2014 Staten Island, N.Y., weapons and drug case Thursday and will likely spend the next four years in prison as part of the plea deal, the New York Daily News reports.
Orta has maintained that since recording the damning footage of a New York City police officer choking Garner to death about two years ago, he has been a target of the New York City Police Department. Orta has been arrested several times since capturing the 2014 incident and, as the Daily News reports, most recently had a domestic violence case dismissed. “I’m supposed to be copping out,” Orta told the Daily News. “I’m pretty much tired of fighting."
This is where things get deadly:
Orta said that he will still be keeping his eye peeled for trouble, since he still believes that he’s a target for police. He said that someone put rat pesticides in his food at New York City’s Rikers Island jail complex, and so he will be taking precautions once imprisoned by sticking to packaged goods. “I’m not going to eat the food that’s being provided,” he said. “Hopefully, I can raise enough money.”
There is no chance for the restoration of Justice in our corrupt legal system unless and until those entrusted with enforcing the laws obey them.
Nice 1.5 min summary from teleSUR
So sad we arrest the truthtellers and let the criminals go free.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Police in The US No Longer Work For The Citizens
We have militarized the police and created a massive private army for the Oligarchs to keep us all in line.
Well fuck all the police they are PIGS. Yes even the "good ones" because the coverup of abuses by their fellow officers is universal even if participation is not. I long for the day that one of these videos comes out of a police officer murdering a citizen for jollies and fellow police officers speak out about how horrible it is.
One simple solution is to take 100% of all legal settlements from abusive cops actions be taken out of the police pension fund, that ought to wake a few people up.