
Why Clinton's email is indeed a BIG deal and the EO that says so.

There have been many saying that this email thing isn't really a very big deal.

At first, I agreed. While I thought it was an indicator that she had stuff to hide, from an election standpoint I didn't think it would be a significant issue in the General.

But more and more has come out which has caused me to re-evaluate this position.

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn on the “Glory” of War and Thoughts on Breeding for War

Defend your country?
What ground do you own?
-not even enough to stand on, perhaps,
much less enough to bury yourself in!
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Tuesday May 30, 1916
St. Louis, Missouri - Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks on Preparedness

Robert Minor, Breed Mother Breed, NY Call, Aug 8, 1915.png
From the New York Call of August 8, 1915

Too Many Dogs

Editor's note: This is a repost of hecate's open thread from last Saturday. It is too fine of a piece to not republish on this day of reflection.


Among the German prisoners captured in France there are a certain number of Russians. Some time back two were captured who did not speak Russian or any other language that was known either to their captors or their fellow prisoners. They could, in fact, only converse with one another. A professor of Slavonic languages, brought down from Oxford, could make nothing of what they were saying. Then it happened that a sergeant who had served on the frontiers of India overheard them talking and recognised their language, which he was able to speak a little. It was Tibetan! After some questioning, he managed to get their story out of them.

My Crystal Ball

DATELINE - Philadelphia, July 7, 2016.

In what has already been the strangest, unpredictable political season, things just got weirder. Much weirder.

How we got to this time and place will be written about for generations to come. One thing is for certain - nothing, absolutely nothing is certain anymore.

Sander's Pivot on Clinton Support?

Could Bernie Sanders be signaling a pivot in his full-throated support for Hillary if she's the nominee? For months he's been saying that if he doesn't prevail in the primaries, he will support Clinton against Trump and URGE HIS SUPPORTERS to as well. That's caused a lot of angst here and been the source for many well-thought out diaries. It has spawned the Bernie or Bust movement and been the subject (and scorn) of many establishment pundits, and used as attack fodder among Clintonistas.
