
March on DNC - New Video with Lots of Information on Planned Events in Support of Bernie and Progressive Movement

You must watch this new video by the organizers of the March on DNC, the coalition of organizations planning the rallies and marches scheduled to coincide with the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this July. It provides lots of new information on the planned events scheduled for July 24-July 28 in support of Bernie and our shared progressive values and principles.

Resilience: How The Stoic Marcus Aurelius Could Strenghten Our Will And Mind 3/4


The Resilience Group is on Summer Loafer Hours until Labour Day.

Hello, dear friends. Welcome to Part Three.
I find the teachings of Stoicism a great help in strengthening my ptsd-scrambled brain. It has been universally beneficial to regular folks for 2,500 years now.
You may find it a useful, practical guide to strengthen your mind in these turbulent times.
Previously, I had written a 3-part essay series on the Stoic teachings of the Roman Epictetus that makes for a brief grounding in Stoic practical basics. You will find it in the Resilience Group Essay Queue:

This is a four-part series on the thoughts to himself of the Roman Stoic, Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome.
I present an introduction on what Aurelius means to me, who he was, and then his thoughts without comment: for they speak clearly for themselves directly to the reader. More below.

My Beautiful Tomorrow

I voted in 2008 and 2012 without really being invested in the campaigns. Obama was not a Republican, so I was happy to vote for him. Between 2012 and 2016, I saw more and more how much Republicans took stances against minorities of all ranges, from ethnic to sexual, and that really hardened me against them. I think that's why, by the time 2016 rolled around I was so excited to vote in the presidential election again.

What are Libertarians

          A recently posted article — Mon, 05/30/2016 - 2:28pm — LaFeminista — has generated a rather wide ranging discussion. I suppose wide ranging discussions appeal to those most comfortable with this medium of exchange. I am not one of those kind of people, I am simple-minded, and quickly lose track of any semblance of logic in these discussions and am loath to participate. I prefer to examine details rather than (often oversimplified) generalizations whenever possible. That's why I do elementary particle physics — it's elementary‽
