Chicago YMCA stirs the pot
YMCA of Metro Chicago has issued guidelines for accommodating transgender members and guests. They allow access to restrooms and changing areas matching gender identity.
The protocol was explained in a letter posted Wednesday on the organization's website. The YMCA of Metro Chicago said it also sent the letter to its 140,000 members at its 21 Chicagoland centers. The guidelines will cover all YMCA of Metro Chicago programs and services, from gym and pool facilities to summer camps and various classes. The policies wouldn't apply to some smaller, independent YMCA's in the Chicago area.
We recognize our commitment in support of the rights of all individuals can cause some to feel uncomfortable.. Again, it's our goal for all members to thrive at the Y, and this is why we will do our best to support each of you while maintaining an environment that reflects the inclusive values we share.
--Dick Malone, YMCA of Metro Chicago
Any patron — regardless of gender identity — can opt to use a single-stall or private area when available. YMCA officials say they're also working to add private spaces to all locations.
With dueling laws and lawsuits in the news, YMCA officials said some members had inquired about their organization's stance on transgender access to public facilities.
The expanded inclusion policy doesn’t give anyone a new opportunity to behave inappropriately.
Employees are directed to refer to patrons by the name and pronoun they desire, regardless of any sex listed on identification. Staff members are being trained on best practices with the help of experts from the LGBTQ nonprofit Center on Halsted and the Gender and Sex Development Program at Lurie Children's Hospital.
Not everyone is happy, of course.
It is appalling that a once-Christian organization like the YMCA has now become so morally bankrupt that it has adopted such a misguided policy. It is clear not only from the Bible but nature itself that there are only two genders – male and female. The secularist rush to discard the binary nature of humanity is proof that the lunatics are in charge of the asylum.
--Ed Vitagliano, executive vice president for the American Family Association
The tragedy of political correctness when it comes to the Obama Administration's attempts to force changes across the country will be experienced by the weakest among us. Already, we are hearing stories of abuse in bathrooms, as women and children are alone in closed locations with those who have the potential to hurt them.
Common sense protections need to stay in place, so that the primary goal of public safety is not lost to the social engineering goals of those who do not care who is hurt by their policies.
--Gary Bauer, American Values
Christians should certainly be compassionate towards those who are confused or otherwise struggling over their sexual or gender identity, but other people have rights too. For example, many parents and many young people prefer that someone born male not be allowed to undress around girls. Why don’t those feelings count?
In June the Chicago City Council guaranteed public access of restrooms based on gender identity.

That is a butter-on-bread statement?
Does YMCA get federal funds?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
IIRC, not directly.
Many Ys (I used to work as an administrator in one) pay for their services via the fees they charge for health memberships, child care and various programs. As 501(c)3s, they also raise philanthropic dollars and apply for grants. Some of these grants are federal, but I don't believe (I could be wrong) that any funding comes directly through the federal budget. (If that's what you mean?)