
How The System Actually Works


Some may still think that Israel controls the US, but it's the other way around. Why? Simple. Israel carries out 'Murican imperial interests in the region in exchange for 'aid'. Sure, some Zionist morons might brag about their lobbying the 'Murican gubmint, but they don't have nearly as much power as they claim.

The Weekly Watch

Is This the Moment to Build a Movement?

I think it is time...past time...to unite the fight to end poverty in the world's wealthiest country, address the systemic racism reflected in our immoral prison system and police shootings, stop environmental degradation, and fund these cultural transitions (and restore a sense of humanity) by ending war. These four issues - poverty, racism, ecological destruction, and endless war – are intrinsically bound together. The Poor People's Campaign began forty days of action last Monday. Each week represents a different theme, and there are concurrent actions in thirty capitols.

