
Me, Carrie Ann, Patrick, Andrew, and the homeless woman we got involved with.

The other might my daughter Carrie anf I were on our way to my grandson’s (Andrew) apartment to do some ‘cultural appropriation’ and make tacos. In the parking lot outside his place in the Old Market was this homeless woman crying hysterically asking God what it was that she ever did to anyone that she should deserve being on the street and having most of her possessions stolen. Nobody cared. Nobody stopped to help her. People avoided her like the plague.

Tulsi Gabbard is still fighting to stop war

Few people are hated more by the Democratic establishment than Tulsi Gabbard.
On TOP there have been diaries with titles like:

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has turned into a stooge for Syria's dictator. Who will primary her?
A Real Dem is Running to Replace DINO Tulsi
Tulsi Gabbard: The Curiously Conservative and Nepotistic Network of a Democratic Candidate
Tulsi Gabbard's popularity drops, but guess who's propping her up? Republicans

(No Nobel for Cheetolini): Trump scraps North Korea summit, warns Kim that military ready

I’m laughing over this only because in his mind, the Great Orange Menace probably already had a place picked out where it could be displayed for all the world to see.

Trump scraps North Korea summit, warns Kim that military ready

(Is ‘2525’ here already?) Here’s what can happen when you let Google run your life.

I had to laugh at this article. It is funny in a perverse sort of way. But it shows the dangers of relying on ‘machines’ to do everything for us, even simple tasks that would require the flip of a switch.

Woman says her Amazon device recorded private conversation, sent it out to random contact
