
Introduction To American Empire Syllabus and Course Outline (Fall 2517)


Cascadian National University. Lecture Hall. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9-10.

Lecturer- Kyou MacDonnell
Home of Lecturer - (Emergency Contacts only, please) Mt. Tabor House, Portland. Stark and 60th. Ring at the front gate and somebody will find me as soon as possible.

How the Average American Imperial lived.

(Cascadian National University Lecture Hall)


Morning again. Hey, great job on the inter-murals last week to all of our students. Great showing by everybody, and I know it's not easy competing against schools where they have entire funding departments dedicated to sports.

Which is a great way to bring the discussion around to some lighter topics.

Our Leadership

Cuomo, Schumer, CNN

Oh yeah it's about the Big Dog..

CUOMO: What Bill Clinton said about Me Too, a lot of controversy. Your take?
SCHUMER: Not getting into that.
CUOMO: Because?
SCHUMER: I think it's irrelevant to what we need to talk about.

Nuff Said

PS Nice chyron: "Democratic Party remains totally united...."

Thursday Open Thread 6-7-2018

Good Morning - I plan on continuing to write on Chinese culture for a few threads. The culture has lasted for several thousand years and has been extensively documented by its citizens. Looking back can teach us, life can be rich and complex without modern conveniences. We just need to have the knowledge of the methods and tools to live a different life style. Suspending judgement on if China is/was a better society than Western provides multiple case studies on development of human civilizations, agriculture and politics.

A modern animation of Along the River During the Qingming Festival painting from the Song Dynasty originally created by Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145 AD) shows a rich urban culture based on trade and small businesses. Multiple versions have been painted in the following centuries showing everyday people and activities,
