
Continuing resolution passed;

shutdown averted. The CR passed in the House, all Dems but one and all Rs but about 90 or so hard right grifters.

The one D no vote was someone who voted against because no money for Ukraine, according to the You Tube report from Sagar @ Breaking Points. I want to know that person's name, who thinks Ukraine, across the sea, another continent, is more important than his own fellow citizens. I do hope Justice Dems. can find someone to primary that member.

The Weekly Watch

You Can't Make It Up!

Open Thread Image.jpg

So last week the entire Canadian Parliament rose to their feet with raucous applause for a Nazi SS Veteran. It is indicative of the way in which Russiagate has morphed into Russiahate. The MP's heard "Ukrainian soldier Killed Russians" and jumped to their feet clapping like seals, but somehow they were deaf to the phrase, during WWII when of course Russia was our ally. Then to add fuel to the fire, we had Turdeau first throw the speaker under the bus, before declaring the incident was promoted by Russian propaganda. You really can't make it up. In the scheme of things it was a trivial event, but speaks volumes of the bias and ignorance in the west.


The Kennedy independent thing

Robert Kennedy Jr to run as independent, could complicate Trump, Biden 2024 contest

I'm always amused by mainstream media headlines. "Could complicate Trump, Biden 2024 contest," the headline writer (who is probably not the article writer) said. They all think it's going to be Trump versus Biden, and they position the polls to ask the voters as much. Meanwhile, the shadow government attempts to prosecute Trump, and the Democrats squirm while rumors swirl that a lot of the insiders want to replace Biden with Gavin Newsom. I guess Biden can still read from a TelePrompTer okay, for now. In a year, maybe not.

Album of the Week 9-30-23

Afternoon folks!

This week I have a little less stuff than previous weeks because Youtube's algorithm has decided that it doesn't want me to upload very much - about a third of an album a day now, where previously I could upload a whole album every day pretty much. I had a couple of amusing chats with Youtube's "support" chatbot the second of which I'll embed at the bottom of the post, sadly I discarded the first without saving it.

Anyway, this week we've got Chicago blues piano player Eddie Boyd backed up by Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac to start us off. After that, there's The Paul Butterfield Band's Pigboy Crabshaw album followed by albums by John Mayall, The Elvin Bishop Band and Rita Coolidge for blues-rock content. Then we finish off in the rock vein with albums from Heart and Funkadelic.


Friday Night Photos Woodie Nirvana Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

Last Saturday I went to Moonlight Beach in Encinitas for Wavecrest: The Grand Daddy of all Woodie Meets. If you're into Woodies it was the place to be. Woodie sedans. Woodie wagons. Woodie hotrods. Woodie 4x4s. Even the Brits got into the act with a Morris Minor Woodie. If it was on wheels and had wood on it, it was there.

