
Countering #TreasonSummit on Twitter

Seriously, it’s trending !  #TreasonSummit on twitter

Of course it’s treasonous to keep a campaign promise to ‘restore relations with Russia’, or for Putin to say candidly that he’d hoped Trump would win the election…based on that promise.  The transcript of the Press Conference is here, and more later on the breathtaking versions of the #Treason bellicosity, but it was foreordained with the many shouts to the Trump not to make the Summit due to the advancements re: Russiagate, not just the indictment of 12 GRU intelligence assets who’d hacked…the election, but also Two Uses of Russian Novichok™ !.  The second came by way of perfume with pollen on it that will soon prove to have come from a rare Venus flytrap that #Putin has in his conservancy at home.

The Logos of Hecate

When the fruit sits heavy on the vine,
and the creatures begin to take their share
there do you find me, selecting among the berries
those that will bring some small comfort

For when all reason fails and the deductions
Bring no illumination upon the deepening dark
I bear a torch to guide your next footsteps.
A Key to open the doors into the great night.

Open Thread

I have been unable to make my Open Thread publish. And yes, I checked to make sure "Open Thread" is in the tags. It keeps telling me "this node cannot be updated." I then tried re-editing it and setting a different publishing time. Then it told me it was unpublished and would be published on 7/18 at 9:34. Which it now is. I dunno, maybe it will eventually publish.

If it doesn't publish, I'll publish it next week, since it's the next installment in my Outside the Asylum series.

Does Trump know more about this country than you do?

Before you answer think about what your answer will tell about you. He did get to be president didn't he? To do that he had to be free of many of the myths that conventional politics has made part of us.

Let me give an example. On July 4th someone "over there" pointed out the wording in our Declaration of Independence about things like "freedom" and "all men created equal", etc. and that it was written by slave owners and people who would commit genocide.

Crooked Establishment and Corrupt Media Meltdown over Peace Summit


What the Helsenki is going on?

Hysterical howls of hated, vilification, and even demands for removal from office aimed at President Trump by the crooked Neocon-Establishment and their agents within the U.S. Media after he and Vladimir Putin completed a Peace Summit for improving relations and cooperation between the World's two Nuclear Powers.
