
Stealth PTSD (DMW TOP Salvage)

I'm in therapy. It's a great feeling to finally be getting better.

However, there's something I'm finding out that really bugging me. For those who don't know, I'm an Iraq war veteran. I served with the 3d ACR in Iraq during their 07-09 deployment. Which means that I was present during what was later called "The worst of the Sectarian Violence", however you want to make a euphemism of that.

The Lapdogs of Mars (DMW TOP Salvage)

Dear Media,

Shall we start a war? How easily you ask that question.

Do you realize what you are asking? Do you have any idea? No, you do not, because it will not personally affect you. You might get some more ratings out of it. You might get an award for talking about it. You might get paid for your memories of the event that you watched through heavy glass.

Allow me, to explain to you, what you are asking.

Killing MORE people will solve the problem (DMW TOP Salvage)

Yes, please, let's send our soldiers, armed with guns, bombs, knives, and large vehicles that can easily hit a man and keep going.
Clearly when we just gave those things to the people IN the country, well that wasn't good enough.
Nope, WE are the experts when it comes to solving problems. And we solve problems by killing people.

Openly Eccentric - OT 3/20/2016

Well, this has been a crazy week hasn't it? Last week my OT was the first one after a major server upgrade, and now We've got at least 300 new people since then. Welcome, to all! Come and join the Throng, just help with the washing up afterwords.


How Many "Bad Guys" have YOU SHOT? (DMW TOP Salvage)

There’s a pernicious and evil myth going around that simply shooting the “Bad Guys with Guns” will make everything better. It’s the central mythology surrounding our citizens walking around armed, able to buy whatever they want to with regards to lethal killing implements with only a modicum of regulation.

I just want to know one thing from those who spout this drivel.

How many Bad Guys have YOU shot?

Hellraisers Journal: John Sloan & Charles Erskine Scott Wood on "Patriotism" from The Masses

Let those who own the country, who are howling for and profiting
by preparedness, fight to defend their property.
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Saturday December 18, 1916
From The Masses: "Do You Believe in Patriotism?" Part II

In the March issue of The Masses, various Socialist writers responded to the question, "Do you believe in Patriotism?" Yesterday Hellraisers featured the answers to that question from two prominent Socialists women, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Sara Bard Field. Today's edition features the responses of John Sloan and Charles Erskine Scott Wood:

From John Sloan

the masses cover june 1914 ludlow (2).jpg

If I had to love a country I could love no country but this, nor could I find a fitter one to hate.

I put Patriotism with the other isms,-Militarism, Anarchism, Capitalism, Individualism, Socialism, Dogmatism, Catholicism, Protestantism and Rheumatism (I had almost written Catechism), but I am answering your question. I hope that social progress will eliminate all isms-though in the case of Futurism we have a hard one to catch.

Patriotism licks the boot of capitalism and until the earth-worms get the latter's carcass, he will need patriots. As the wage system will never enable the people of any country to consume all their products with a profit to the owning class, foreign markets are a necessity to be fought for. Patriotism is a potent means of providing the fighters. Conscription is another powerful persuader and Our Country has both (see Dick military law passed by congress in 1903 and 1908).

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn & Sara Bard Field on "Patriotism" from The Masses

Let those who own the country, who are howling for and profiting
by preparedness, fight to defend their property.
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Friday March 17, 1916
From The Masses: "Do You Believe in Patriotism?" Part I

In the March issue of The Masses, various Socialist writers respond to the question, "Do you believe in Patriotism?" Today Hellraisers features the answers to that question from two prominent Socialist women, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and Sara Bard Field. Tomorrow's edition will feature the responses of John Sloan and Charles Erskine Scott Wood. K. R. Chamberlin also offers an artistic answer to the question:

Artist K. R. Chamberlain on Patriotism

Patriotism by KR Chamberlain, The Masses, Mar 1916.png
PATRIOTISM by K. R. Chamberlain.
The Editor, the Munition Maker and Investor: "Outrage! American Killed in Mexico! War!"

Soldiers Are Not Assets, War Not A Game

If there's ONE topic that has been treated with a complete lack of respect in this presidential campaign, it's that of war. We have one party who thinks that the solution to political problems is to rain fire from the heavens like an avenging god, and another who thinks the same thing but likes to pretend that it doesn't really count if the body bags aren't on TV.
