
Celebrating the Day of the African Child

"War in our time is always a war against children. And if the children of other countries are to be granted an equal right to life with our own children, then we must use our extraordinary human ingenuity to find nonmilitary solutions for world problems." - Howard Zinn.

The Methare Ghetto Kids dancing in Nairobi

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4CX9P6GQcw ]

Memorial Day misgivings

Today is Memorial Day. This is a day about which many Americans think as the start of summer vacation. Memorial day is the day of the Indianapolis 500 race--rapidly going around in circles to return to the starting point--more about this later. Another notion held by the vast majority of americans, especially those born after the ending of World War 2, is that this is a day on which to spend money on sales, sales, sales. How many citizens remember the true purpose of Memorial Day?

Hellraisers Journal: “The men that fight and the men that fall are the sons of the working class."

Hands 'round the world!
Let the system fall
That covers the earth with dead!
-C. A. Miller

Sunday May 7, 1916
From the International Socialist Review: "Hands 'Round the World"

Robert Minor, Hands Round World, ISR, May 1916.png

Hellraisers Journal: Eugene Debs: "Socialism stands for peace, the peace that comes with justice."

Socialism stands for Peace,
The Peace that comes with Justice
And is crowned with Honor.
-Eugene Victor Debs

Saturday May 6, 1916
Comrade Debs: "Peace With Honor a Fraudulent and Hypocritical Phrase

From the Texas Corsicana Daily Sun of May 4, 1916:

Eugene V Debs, Peace With Honor, Corsicana TX, May 4, 1916.png

War Games For Peace (DMW TOP Salvage)

I think it's time that I come clean on one of my more unusual hobbies, especially for a die-hard anti-war guy.

I play miniatures war games.

Now, that may seem like a contradiction in terms, but when you look at the history of these games, the truth is that it is not quite as bizarre as you might think.

First off, the first true mini war games was designed, published, and played by one of the most anti-war authors of his generation, Herbert George Wells.
