
DIA Docs: West Wants a “Salafist Principality in Eastern Syria”

Just thought people might be interested to see this; especially those of us trying to puzzle out the "why are we allied with, and benefitting al-qaeda types again?" question.

The link: http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/05/dia-docs-west-wants-a-salafist-pr...
(The All-Caps is copied and pasted; and not me yelling)

Why Every Politician Should Listen to our Veterans

I wrote this up in late July last year after a veteran and his wife stopped by our Peace vigil. I mentioned it in a post this weekend and it seem to garner some interest to read more. I did make one mistake this weekend when I said the man had three tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. I had that backwards as you will read in the narrative below. I had previously posted this to a Google group we had for organizing this site, so it may seem familiar to some of you.
