My Content

Title and Post date Comments & New Comments Last commenter and time Edit Delete Add comment
Verdict Is In -- Biden is a Lousy Handler of Things
08/24/2021 - 11:18am
2 usefewersyllables
08/25/2021 - 10:14am
Joe McCarthy Vets Jeopardy
08/20/2021 - 4:34pm
3 enhydra lutris
08/21/2021 - 10:51am
Punditry Crisis -- Afghanistan
08/16/2021 - 11:56am
08/17/2021 - 12:22pm
Credibility Gap -- According to Wikipedia
08/11/2021 - 12:08am
14 CB
08/12/2021 - 7:34pm
Which Side Are You On?
07/18/2021 - 12:18pm
14 Fishtroller 02
07/20/2021 - 11:38am
It Ain't Over Until It's Over -- Yogi Berra
06/29/2021 - 9:47am
30 CB
07/01/2021 - 3:37pm
The Continuing Relevance of Goldstein, uh, I mean Trump
06/16/2021 - 4:53pm
5 Nastarana
06/17/2021 - 11:29am
"COVID Vaccine Market"
06/02/2021 - 11:51am
6 Battle of Blair...
06/02/2021 - 10:43pm
And now for something completely different . . . .
06/01/2021 - 12:02pm
45 Creosote.
06/09/2021 - 9:46am
53 Weeks Ago and Nothing Much Has Changed
05/27/2021 - 3:51pm
5 ovals49
05/28/2021 - 6:23am
