Verdict Is In -- Biden is a Lousy Handler of Things

From the New Pravda, ie, all the main stream media platforms, this time from USA Today:

Exclusive: Americans' harsh judgment on Afghanistan costs Biden's approval, down to 41%

After two decades of combat, Americans by more than 2-1 say the war in Afghanistan, launched in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, wasn't worth it. In a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, three of four predict the Taliban-led country will once again become a haven for terrorists targeting the United States.

For President Joe Biden, the cost of the war's chaotic end has been steep. His overall job-approval rating now stands at 41% approve versus 55% who disapprove – a big drop in the closely watched barometer of political health. While he has held the backing of 87% of Democrats, only 32% of independents now say he's doing a good job.

The poll was taken Thursday through Monday, when the nation's headlines were dominated by scenes of desperate families trying to evacuate from the Kabul airport and a surge of COVID-19 cases across the United States.

Half approved of his handling of the pandemic, 39% of his handling of the economy, 26% of his handling of the Afghan withdrawal.


Ah, the American taste for competent "handling" of the nation's health, its economy and its cutting and running from 20 year old wars of choice that accomplish nothing. Yes, the President of the United States is the person who "handles" things that you hear about on the news. Note how shifting the question from what policy is followed to how well the Chief Executive "handles" it banishes the substance of policy from the discussion.

Here, the poll shows that Biden's policy gets support from two thirds of the country, but that is just a quick side note on the way to proving that The People realize what an incompetent boob Biden has been.

The citizenry of the Soviet Union lost all respect for The Truth (pravda) in its last years. People would study the "news" carefully in hopes of figuring out the actual truth behind the obvious lies by reasoning backwards: what are they trying to hide with this particular lie?

Caitlin Johnstone does a truly admirable job at explicating how the propaganda works in the USA -- and therefore how it works in the whole world.

The only significant "fact" in this thumb sucking "journalism" is the polling datum showing that two thirds of the respondents are not jumping on the Save the Afghan Women and Children Bandwagon. The rest is lame propaganda asserting the comforting thought that the USA is the most wonderful country in the history of the world, except for the people who get to be President. Trump? OMG! And Sleepy Joe? He is senile, you know . . . .

Stay tuned, America.

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Is he fully aware of what his handlers and his teleprompter are having him say and do?

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usefewersyllables's picture


Uncle Tapioca can no longer successfully identify his navel with his index finger.

However, there are probably parts of the job that he actually could handle. We need look no further than The Hon. William J. le Petomaine for an example:


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Twice bitten, permanently shy.