My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
You cannot fight someone you have contempt for
From:Constitutional Ex-Crisis
doh1304 Mon, 08/03/2020 - 02:31pm 1 1 Mon, 08/03/2020 - 03:19pm
Don't believe Wall Street
From:Washington simply has no clue how bad it is
doh1304 Wed, 07/29/2020 - 01:09am 1 0
Yes she's desperate
From:Nancy needs money
doh1304 Wed, 07/29/2020 - 12:47am 1 0
Biden is a smokescreen
From:Trump as a Fascist --
doh1304 Fri, 07/24/2020 - 09:37pm 1 0
For a more modern analogy
From:Democrats -- The Grand Inquisitor Party
doh1304 Thu, 07/23/2020 - 12:24pm 1 0
One little disagreeement
From:Biden is the greater evil in this election
doh1304 Fri, 07/17/2020 - 02:02pm 1 2 Sat, 07/18/2020 - 01:36pm
This election will be the end either way
From:Progressives have another good night, this time in Texas
doh1304 Thu, 07/16/2020 - 01:23pm 1 1 Thu, 07/16/2020 - 06:29pm
Nah, it's not like that
From:Progressives have another good night, this time in Texas
doh1304 Thu, 07/16/2020 - 01:07pm 0
No, W was not the worst President
From:Cancel culture and the failure of imagination
doh1304 Wed, 07/08/2020 - 05:44pm 1 0
I totally agree
From:Thoughts on political violence, the 60s and today
doh1304 Wed, 07/01/2020 - 11:48am 1 0
TPTB will try
From:Thoughts on political violence, the 60s and today
doh1304 Wed, 07/01/2020 - 12:08am 1 0
Trump talks big, but Obama delivered.
From: My response to those who say "3rd party can't win, Biden is the lesser evil"; stops trolls DEAD (crosspost from r/WayOfTheBern)
doh1304 Tue, 06/16/2020 - 12:24pm 1 0
Somebody is really missing the point
doh1304 Wed, 06/10/2020 - 08:32pm 1 1 Thu, 06/11/2020 - 05:54am
I see only one hope
From:Algorithmic voters
doh1304 Sun, 06/07/2020 - 07:04pm 1 1 Sun, 06/07/2020 - 07:43pm
It happened in the early 80s
From:Whitewashing the Civil Rights Movement
doh1304 Fri, 06/05/2020 - 11:06pm 1 0
There is a story (Minneapolis, 1870s)
From:The lesson to be learned by this latest police murder.
doh1304 Thu, 06/04/2020 - 09:45pm 1 0
I've still got a theory
From:It's Official, Bernie has gone to the Dark Side
doh1304 Fri, 05/22/2020 - 11:09pm 1 1 Sat, 05/23/2020 - 02:42pm
Flip the Senate?
From:Just a word in --
doh1304 Sun, 05/17/2020 - 10:55am 1 1 Sun, 05/17/2020 - 11:28am
You missed the best punch line in history:
From:The Evening Blues - 5-15-20
doh1304 Fri, 05/15/2020 - 03:54pm 1 1 Fri, 05/15/2020 - 08:04pm
But then there are the "hidden" costs
From:Hot Air
doh1304 Thu, 05/14/2020 - 10:19am 1 2 Fri, 05/15/2020 - 08:27am
I've told this story before
From:It seems that now is a GREAT time to buy stocks
doh1304 Tue, 05/12/2020 - 02:29am 1 0
Why just hotel rooms?
From:Los Angeles Slow On Hotels For Homeless
doh1304 Sun, 05/03/2020 - 01:38pm 1 0
A tell
From:from Jeff Bezos’s Fishwrap News
doh1304 Sun, 05/03/2020 - 01:23pm 10 1 Sun, 05/03/2020 - 05:54pm
There is a recent theory
From:Progressive Democrats progressing but which way?
doh1304 Sat, 04/25/2020 - 11:34am 1 1 Sat, 04/25/2020 - 12:04pm
A couple of points
From:An American Travesty
doh1304 Sat, 04/18/2020 - 06:23pm 1 0
I hold a slightly different opinion
From:#DemExit & #GreenEnter
doh1304 Sat, 04/18/2020 - 04:07pm 1 2 Sat, 04/18/2020 - 06:36pm
The plan is for Biden to resign
From:If the DNC really wanted to win this election
doh1304 Fri, 04/17/2020 - 12:22pm 1 1 Fri, 04/17/2020 - 03:21pm
Don't piss on a corpse until you're sure it's dead
From:Biden is another Rorschach's test
doh1304 Wed, 04/15/2020 - 02:11pm 1 0
I've said this as a joke, but it's true
From:Cash may well become a casualty of the COVID-19 pandemic...
doh1304 Tue, 04/14/2020 - 11:56pm 1 0
That's how it worked out
From:I disagree that Bernie's run was pointless
doh1304 Thu, 04/09/2020 - 08:22pm 1 0
Everything is going according to plan (I hope I'm right)
From:I disagree that Bernie's run was pointless
doh1304 Thu, 04/09/2020 - 03:22am 1 1 Thu, 04/09/2020 - 01:26pm
I have to wonder
From:Tennova is a Hospital Killer
doh1304 Wed, 04/08/2020 - 05:13pm 1 1 Wed, 04/08/2020 - 07:30pm
I understand the rage but I still have sympathy
From:A Million Strong Army of Volunteers – Wasting on the Sidelines
doh1304 Mon, 04/06/2020 - 12:55pm 1 0
It's not about money
From:The "Bernie Bros" narrative isn't actually about Bernie, or Bros
doh1304 Thu, 04/02/2020 - 12:00pm 1 1 Thu, 04/02/2020 - 04:04pm
I think we are misunderstanding Bernie
From:Sanders: 21st Century Hamlet?
doh1304 Mon, 03/30/2020 - 02:03pm 1 1 Mon, 03/30/2020 - 06:17pm
Sure Schumer put them in
From:Let's discuss what Matt Stoller says about Bernie
doh1304 Sat, 03/28/2020 - 06:53pm 1 1 Sat, 03/28/2020 - 11:58pm
It took me about a minute to see Stoller
From:Let's discuss what Matt Stoller says about Bernie
doh1304 Sat, 03/28/2020 - 01:43pm 1 1 Sat, 03/28/2020 - 01:46pm
I know 1 other possible reason
From:COVID-19 update: the eyes may have it but the nose knows. A hot topic: fever
doh1304 Fri, 03/27/2020 - 03:46am 1 2 Fri, 03/27/2020 - 07:14am
If you mean me I was just being sarcastic
From:After watching a Youtube Video
doh1304 Fri, 03/27/2020 - 01:28am 1 0
Another thing I didn't talk about
From:After watching a Youtube Video
doh1304 Thu, 03/26/2020 - 10:41pm 16 0
A "robust UBI"?
From:We live in a bureaucracy (not capitalism, not democracy)
doh1304 Thu, 03/26/2020 - 12:53pm 1 0
I explained the same thing without complex math
From:03/25 Open Thread: Free Market Capitalism Leads to Oligarchy
doh1304 Wed, 03/25/2020 - 10:57am 1 3 Wed, 03/25/2020 - 07:00pm
Does anybody really think Hillary would have done better?
From:A Note From Kate
doh1304 Mon, 03/23/2020 - 02:14pm 1 1 Mon, 03/23/2020 - 03:19pm
A non conspiracy I sort of believe
From:The Weekly Watch
doh1304 Sun, 03/22/2020 - 09:20am 1 1 Sun, 03/22/2020 - 09:33am
Cliff notes (with caveat)
From:The Corona Pandemic Panic: Is Some Skepticism Warranted?
doh1304 Thu, 03/19/2020 - 11:41pm 1 1 Fri, 03/20/2020 - 09:26am
I said (on JPR)
From:Trump outflanks Democrats ON THE LEFT!
doh1304 Thu, 03/19/2020 - 06:53pm 1 0
We never learn
From:The Corona Pandemic Panic: Is Some Skepticism Warranted?
doh1304 Thu, 03/19/2020 - 01:45pm 1 1 Thu, 03/19/2020 - 06:05pm
From:Many people are making the BernieOrElse pledge Updated
doh1304 Wed, 03/18/2020 - 10:43pm 1 2 Thu, 03/19/2020 - 04:33am
Do not demexit until after your states' primary
From:Many people are making the BernieOrElse pledge Updated
doh1304 Wed, 03/18/2020 - 10:33pm 1 1 Wed, 03/18/2020 - 11:13pm
It was MA this year
From:Biden's "Hallelujah" moment will save the Democratic Party and give a big gift to progressives in the US
doh1304 Mon, 03/16/2020 - 08:53pm 1 0
He won't even remember his name
From:Biden's "Hallelujah" moment will save the Democratic Party and give a big gift to progressives in the US
doh1304 Sun, 03/15/2020 - 10:53pm 1 0
From:From fascism to exterminism
doh1304 Sun, 03/15/2020 - 10:28am 1 2 Sun, 03/15/2020 - 12:39pm
