My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
From:Open Thread WE 6 OCT 21 ~ heavy weather
randtntx Thu, 10/07/2021 - 06:46am 4 0
So we have a problem
From:Today's Dose
randtntx Wed, 10/06/2021 - 08:40am 1 2 Wed, 10/06/2021 - 09:53am
It is interesting and telling
From:The Dose - 5 OCT 21
randtntx Wed, 10/06/2021 - 08:13am 1 0
It is a hit piece
From:The Dose - 5 OCT 21
randtntx Wed, 10/06/2021 - 07:48am 1 0
For many years now
From:The Dose - 5 OCT 21
randtntx Tue, 10/05/2021 - 09:15pm 1 1 Tue, 10/05/2021 - 09:27pm
Here is an interview
From:The Dose - 5 OCT 21
randtntx Tue, 10/05/2021 - 01:35pm 1 2 Tue, 10/05/2021 - 04:56pm
Sounds like
From:10/04 is "Child Health Day" (huh?)
randtntx Tue, 10/05/2021 - 07:23am 1 0
From:10/04 is "Child Health Day" (huh?)
randtntx Tue, 10/05/2021 - 07:14am 1 0
More papers.
From:10/04 is "Child Health Day" (huh?)
randtntx Mon, 10/04/2021 - 07:59am 1 1 Mon, 10/04/2021 - 09:43am
But, but, but the children!
From:10/04 is "Child Health Day" (huh?)
randtntx Mon, 10/04/2021 - 07:51am 1 0
From:10/04 is "Child Health Day" (huh?)
randtntx Mon, 10/04/2021 - 07:38am 1 1 Mon, 10/04/2021 - 08:10am
So, the lunatics
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Mon, 10/04/2021 - 07:21am 1 1 Mon, 10/04/2021 - 11:44am
Thanks Lookout.
From:The Weekly Watch
randtntx Sun, 10/03/2021 - 10:11pm 1 1 Mon, 10/04/2021 - 07:18am
From:The Dose - 10-03-21
randtntx Sun, 10/03/2021 - 09:02pm 1 0
In addition
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sun, 10/03/2021 - 08:48pm 1 1 Mon, 10/04/2021 - 12:04am
That is awesome
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sun, 10/03/2021 - 08:28pm 1 0
Thank you
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sun, 10/03/2021 - 07:15am 1 0
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sun, 10/03/2021 - 07:07am 1 1 Sun, 10/03/2021 - 10:58am
The deal
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sun, 10/03/2021 - 06:49am 1 0
I noticed
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sun, 10/03/2021 - 06:47am 1 0
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sat, 10/02/2021 - 08:39pm 1 1 Sat, 10/02/2021 - 09:41pm
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sat, 10/02/2021 - 08:38pm 1 2 Sun, 10/03/2021 - 10:30am
It's always handy
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sat, 10/02/2021 - 08:27pm 1 0
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sat, 10/02/2021 - 08:05pm 1 0
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sat, 10/02/2021 - 12:49pm 1 2 Sun, 10/03/2021 - 04:37am
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sat, 10/02/2021 - 09:27am 1 0
You could be right
From:The Dose 10-02-2021
randtntx Sat, 10/02/2021 - 09:20am 1 1 Sat, 10/02/2021 - 04:24pm
There are owls
From:Open Thread WE 28 SEP 21 ~ Owls
randtntx Wed, 09/29/2021 - 01:28pm 1 0
That is a perfect fishing tune
From:09/27 is Ancestor Appreciation Day
randtntx Tue, 09/28/2021 - 07:07am 1 0
From:09/27 is Ancestor Appreciation Day
randtntx Mon, 09/27/2021 - 07:00am 1 1 Mon, 09/27/2021 - 09:41am
That's the book
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck
randtntx Mon, 09/27/2021 - 06:07am 1 0
Thanks for the link
From:The Weekly Watch
randtntx Mon, 09/27/2021 - 05:53am 1 0
Either way
From:The Weekly Watch
randtntx Mon, 09/27/2021 - 05:52am 1 0
'Morning L.O.
From:The Weekly Watch
randtntx Sun, 09/26/2021 - 07:35am 1 2 Sun, 09/26/2021 - 10:09am
This summer
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck
randtntx Sat, 09/25/2021 - 08:17am 1 1 Sat, 09/25/2021 - 12:13pm
Good morning soe
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck
randtntx Sat, 09/25/2021 - 07:33am 1 1 Sat, 09/25/2021 - 10:32am
Porky pig
From:Open Thread FR 24 SEP 21 ~ Wild Turkeys
randtntx Fri, 09/24/2021 - 09:07am 1 1 Fri, 09/24/2021 - 10:16am
A tune
From:Open Thread FR 24 SEP 21 ~ Wild Turkeys
randtntx Fri, 09/24/2021 - 09:03am 1 1 Fri, 09/24/2021 - 09:10am
Those Constantonappelites
From:Open Thread FR 24 SEP 21 ~ Wild Turkeys
randtntx Fri, 09/24/2021 - 08:18am 1 1 Fri, 09/24/2021 - 08:49am
'Morning QMS,
From:Open Thread FR 24 SEP 21 ~ Wild Turkeys
randtntx Fri, 09/24/2021 - 07:27am 1 1 Fri, 09/24/2021 - 07:52am
I see
From:The Name of this Site is caucus99percent
randtntx Wed, 09/22/2021 - 07:23am 1 0
Good morning
From:The Name of this Site is caucus99percent
randtntx Tue, 09/21/2021 - 09:14am 1 1 Tue, 09/21/2021 - 04:13pm
Oh wow
From:The Name of this Site is caucus99percent
randtntx Mon, 09/20/2021 - 08:15pm 1 0
How could I forget
From:09/20 is National Gibberish Day
randtntx Mon, 09/20/2021 - 05:09pm 1 1 Mon, 09/20/2021 - 06:35pm
Just in case
From:In Celebration of Leonard Cohen
randtntx Mon, 09/20/2021 - 07:50am 1 0
I first heard
From:In Celebration of Leonard Cohen
randtntx Mon, 09/20/2021 - 07:35am 1 0
I appreciate
From:The Name of this Site is caucus99percent
randtntx Mon, 09/20/2021 - 07:01am 10 0
I'm not bored
From:The Name of this Site is caucus99percent
randtntx Sun, 09/19/2021 - 10:29pm 1 3 Mon, 09/20/2021 - 03:32pm
School sports/athletic scholarships
From:During the FDA meeting: The Risks Far Outweigh The Benefits
randtntx Sun, 09/19/2021 - 03:46pm 1 0
Sounds like the perfect meal
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck
randtntx Sun, 09/19/2021 - 03:37pm 1 0
Great memory that.
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck
randtntx Sun, 09/19/2021 - 03:29pm 1 1 Sun, 09/19/2021 - 04:23pm
You're right
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck
randtntx Sun, 09/19/2021 - 03:03pm 1 0
Tha's funny
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck
randtntx Sun, 09/19/2021 - 08:55am 1 1 Sun, 09/19/2021 - 01:11pm
