
Medical Troglodytes, issue #1: HIV and homophobia

We live in an age of revisionism. The 4th amendment has been shredded by the so-called patriot act and 24/7 surveillance by NSA. The Republican Party, always conservative in the 20th and 21st centuries, is now retrogressive. Climate change is denied despite a ratio of medical citations of 33000:167 pro vs con. For those who like percentages, this is .051% con vs. 99.949% pro climate change.

It takes a certain kind of privilege to not vote for Hillary

This is an argument we're going to hear for the next several weeks or few months as the general election campaign progresses. The implied (or sometimes explicitly stated; see LoF) privilege is that of a white male. Frequently "affluent" or some variation will also be included.

So I've been asked to share this ...

... because I posted a shortish rant to my Facebook page and shit then promptly blew up, lol. I guess I might be outing myself here, but truly, a lot people already know my real name and stuff.

I'm bound to piss off someone with this, but I hope most of you can dig it:


Imma rant now, and rant hard: