We must have a new party.
Submitted by polkageist on Thu, 04/09/2020 - 5:53pmUnsurprisingly, the Democratic Party have cheated us again. They have been doing it ever since they foisted Truman off on us instead of nominating Henry Wallace in 1944:
Unsurprisingly, the Democratic Party have cheated us again. They have been doing it ever since they foisted Truman off on us instead of nominating Henry Wallace in 1944:
The Klinton/oligarch/CIA faction has finally managed to kill its' host as parasites do. This must surely be one of the most unedifying spectacles of modern times, a group of cowardly intriguers so frightened of one 79 yr. old senator from a small state that they were willing to destroy a venerable institution which has been a part of the history of this nation since the early 1800s rather than allow that senator to claim an earned victory in a small state.
I have written in the past, via comments, that if we don't start learning how to prevent the co-option of our movement, we are toast. In addition, we must have a reliable way to get that message out: a vehicle if you will.
All you need do is look at history. TPTB, regardless of party affiliation, seem to always learn from their mistakes because they are greedy sociopaths/psychopaths. Their primary need is to be dominant. Whether it is having more money and/or power than 'name your deity' over those they deem to be less than, we must remember it is their prime motivator.
There's this wonderful children's book called "If..." by Sarah Perry, which has all sorts of zany pictures in it -- if mice were hair, if worms had wheels, if frogs ate rainbows and so on, all around this theme of "if." It's now got a YouTube video of course.
I wrote a diary Saturday discussing a proposal for a new political party.
Published on
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Common Dreams
With No Illusions, Says Climate Leader, Clinton Must Be Elected—Then Fiercely Confronted
The Sensible Futures Party.
Our platform:
1) phase out fossil fuel production according to the general template given here
2) a community garden in every suburb -- use eminent domain to take over vacant lots
3) redirect the military toward climate change mitigation work
Okay--getting crazy for a moment here . . .
Let's organize a new political party right here starting with the people at this site.
We have a bunch of dedicated and intelligent people here, some who might have good organizing abilities. Since we're the ones discussing it, instead of just griping, we're the ones who need to make it happen.
Party Name
I want to approach this from multiple angles, and I do tend to blather on and sometimes bounce around a wee bit but a free form rant style so please try bear with me. (Also, grammar and punctuation Nazi's, I know, I do indeed suck. apologies in advance for any migraines I may cause.)