
College Isn't as Left-Wing as It Seems....

I'm in a class called Operational Decision Making (It should actually be called "Towing the Corporate Line"), and I damn near threw my textbook against the wall today. Why? Because if the professor isn't making some wisecrack about Venezuela or Communism, some fresh-faced kid is doing it for him.

Academic Arrogance

Gonna start this one with a little anecdote.

I hate dull books. I honestly don't care if they're "Important" books, or whatever other marketing ploy has been used to sell them, they bore the shit out of me. Mostly because I can guess the plot, in about ten seconds, and it usually conforms to expectations. So with that in mind, I'm not even going to mention the title of the book I had to read. Just imagine the dullest, yet most "Important" book you can picture in your mind.